How you solve problems determines how your life turns out!
This is the story of two families, and their different problem solving methods. Both start Life in the same way. But end up quite differently. Both have the same education and similar job opportunities. Neither has misfortune, nor extra luck. But, one ends up in life enjoying the good life. The other, scaping by from payday to payday.
What made the difference?
The Two Families Find Entirely Different Ways To Solve Automotive Problems.
The Better Results Difference?
If you're like me, when you hear a story like that, you wonder: what made the difference between those two familes? We all know stories like this, and we all have evidence demonstrating it isn't always raw talent or intelligence or even perseverance or dedication. It isn't that one person has “a burning desire” and the other doesn't.
The different outcome of the two families - the Jones family and the Smith Families show how car care education differences can change your life for the better or worst. For example..
The one family, we will call The Jones Family, follows the traditional methods to buy new cars every so many years. A second or 3rd car in the family are usualy passdowns to other family members. When abig repair problem indicates one of the vehicles going to have more trouble. It's sold off and replaced. A new car for mom or dad is purchased. 1/3rd of their income, about $15,000 to $20,000 yearly is spent for such new transportation expense. It is their way over a lifetime, that funnels them into a work, to pay bills philosophy.
The Smith Family follows our method of vehicle problem preventing philosophy.
Its education offers the means to use a brand of additives called Mega Power providing the way to cut in half those lifetime car repair and replacment expenses.
Put the pencil to the auto-tune-up-and-repair-options benefits.
Put the pencil to it. The Smith's our care and repair methods can avoid a $40,000 debt every decade by our products problem-ending, problem-avoiding, and its anti-wear features that slams the brakes on wear-out speed. Is what they want to do? That savings can put them ito a better neighborhood, pay for education lowering what they have to borrow for it, and help them to be more chaitable, yet, travel at will.
Take a few hours like the Smith Family to understand our method. It promotes products to overcome the weakness in car care the car makers promote.
Our method initiates a deeper problem removing, wear and tear lowering advantage. It shows how to remove harmful negatives the best oils oils, oil changes, and component servicing ignores.
//////////////It usage avoids tens of thousands of dollars common wear and tear problems in the following ways:
The method removes negatives accumulating that remain inside the component that cause the cars early common years and decades early failure.
Having a method to slow wear to a crawl.
The difference in life and how its lived and enjoyed is huge because of this difference in the way each look at their vehicles.
The Jones family vehicles need common engine and gear repairs, and car juggling, and possiblity of missing work are upsetting. Its heavy debt fear income loss will cause them to get way behind on their bills. A second job among them keeps them afloat. They work, pay bills, work.
While the Jones Family has a normal life of debt. Forced to buy new cars every few years because they just don't hold up. And work to pay debt on cars needed.
The Smith family continues to enjoy great cars. In all respects to jobs and education are similar driving patterens, the Smith Family enjoy a relatively good life because their vehicles never seem to quit running. They atribute it to the method of car care. It removes the negatives accumulating the Jones Family allow to remain, that cause the cars early common years and decades early failure. Life of debt for new ones the Smith Family found a way to bypass.
Knowledge has power to protect.
The difference lies in this: What each person knows about car care problems and wear avoiding solutions contains the difference is in being stagnate, or continuously controlling the means to let wear grow. And pay it cost to just let it go.
And that is why I'm encouraging you to service all your vehicles bumper-to-bumper with the method ... to let you know I'm here to explain the method and profit off it.
I want you to test the method at my expense! Service your best car with it bumper to bumper. Its made easy as 1, 2, 3.
If it fails too and 30, 60, 90 days down in time feel it did no such things, call me and I'll refund every dime you paid back on-the-spot.
Introducing our method Service Treatments.
All you need to rid your vehicle of its wear and operation problems. Have an amazingly simple way to return good vehicle operation and trouble free operation to them by means of our the following additive treatments.
These are our auto tune up and repair avoiding options .. Try them yourself and pocket the savings all your life like we do. Learn about the only product to so so.
Save yourself thousands in car tune up, engine, transmission, radiator, steering, or a/c problem ending and their repair avoidance.
Learn about them in the following ways.
Each explains their install.
Call me if on a cell phone for easy ordering.
To ask me for advice on what treatment your problem needs, call me. For fleet and repair shop inventory refills. And for our FREE marketing program to help your repair shop fame and income grow 512 665 3388
The how too...
Click on links and menu buttons for specific problem solvers.
Start the Expense Avoidance with Mega Power's Engine Treatment
It run down : It ends internal engine problems - so costly to fix by repair, with its cleaners and MC+ anti-wear Conditioners.
Unique cleaners that frees and cleans commonly dirty operating engine parts. Layers itself on worn cylinder walls to fill wear gaps, blocking oil's escape and burning away.
An inexpensive Treatment to keep vehicles going. Puts off overhaul as the solution. Adds more lubricity to each surface helping engine's spin easier, run stronger, yet amazingly stop oil burning, valve tapping, even combustion blowby, and seal leaks.
Ordering Menu:
For cars -
Tune up and fuel injection kit for cars.
Engine Service and problem solving kit for cars.
See menu buttons for the following problems:
Transmission Service and problem solving kit for cars.
Transmission 4x4, Front/Rear Differential Service. Problem Solving.
Power Steering Service and problem solving kit for cars.
A/C Service and problem solving kit for cars.
For Diesels -
See menu buttons for the following problems:
Tune up and fuel injection kit for cars.
Engine Service and problem solving kit for cars.
Transmission Service and problem solving kit for cars.
Transmission 4x4, Front/Rear Differential Service. Problem Solving.
Power Steering Service and problem solving kit for cars.
A/C Service and problem solving kit for cars.
Engine Kit for Diesels and equipment
One treatment treat 6 quarts motor oil capacity engines. Large oil capacity ratio : One - treatment car/pickup motor oil to control oil burning in diesel engines.
Bonus item: One Bonus MP Brand Fuel Treatment. Add to the gas for power boost tune up. Removes carbon as it cleans dirty fuel injectors. Saving fuel, too!
Older this set for an outrageously great way to stop any from burning oil. With this bonus, Load up on them. Have a few handy for the future. Add some to autie's, and grandma's cars so their ride runs great, too. What a thoughtful gift. Never such a deal again, either.
Keeps newer engines clean and protected. Does not void the warranty.
Gives older engine the boost to keep going strong. Order plenty. Getting harder to find. Avoids repairs as they become costlier.
End engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems with additives. Not just any additive, but with a brand that figured out what turns the cars mileage back reverse the problem causes.
Your auto tune up and repair options- here.
Index1: Contact info: To ask a question, order items listed by phone, call me... george, at 512 665 3388.
One additive companyImagine pouring additives into your engine transmission radiator and, and in minutes see its problem just go away. Millions have done so!
Dear car and equipment owner:
This is not a dream!
They work like this...
If you can reverse a cars internal, trouble-causing dirty, friction loaded conditions. Its always what's upsetting the engine or component operation in some way. That is now done chemically - and the vehicle problems ends and returns to normal. It's a process millions depend on.
By adding cleaning, freeing, smoothing, lubing and anti-wear additives into your engine or car, dieselrig, equipment troubling component, and drive. Internal forces in minutes starts ending its problem. It just go'es away.
Sure, sometimes a friend or friendly mechanic helps in the install if its not your thing - but the problem always goes away.doing so. No skill needed? Here's how the brand that ends problems called Mega Power Additives, chemically does so...
Locally - look for repair shops with banners advertising
We END vehicle problems out of a can less expensively
or no charge for trying. *
* Repair shops who want to locally promote this profitable way to attract customers can see how the program works and its simple setup, by calling me. Setup runs about $500 and our restocking feature keeps you from running out products every month. Can include all the other profesional additives in the strongest concentrations you need. Cost to install is Double product cost. Takes 15 minutes. Customer returns for an oil changs a week later to complete the service. Local ads and house to house direct mail, and local email advertising promotes the program, besides the 2 by 8 banner. included.
Back to the help given here you can order.
Otherwise I'll send them to you in a couple days with directions and free phone help - from our online ordering page your problem is covered. Or call me if youare not that computer savy.
Mega Power Additives do what you thought oil was supposed to do - but can't.
Every mechanic knows, overtime sludge and friction is the problem. He must replace those problem causing wear-roughen dirty parts for new, to end the cars problem. That's costly, of couse. However, what if you could correct those problems chemically, and way cheaper Include all the other professional additives ?
That's is what that additive discovery does. By soaking into the metal where oil can't go, it uses heat from friction to soften the brittle, roughen surface. Future contact now has surface smoothing back out - like when it was new, lowering the friction cause, which also releases sludges, tar-like, problem-causing stangle hold - reversing, ending the problem. It's secret! Make it your problem solving secret, too!
The Guarantee!...
By choosing to reversed your car or diesel problems to end them in that way, a repair need is avoided. Something you though oil was suppose to do, but now see, it can't.
Get a racecar tune up, for free, besides.
Horsepower that is consumed by friction and binding makes the car seem older, and lowers horsepower output to the wheels. By doing the Mega Power Treatment, about 10% to 20% of the horsepower that use to be absorbed, but now can now go to the wheels again - giving you a tune up like, tire spining, racy feel. And also the race teams discovery to endurance for evry component you want to have less friction and sludge in. .
It's $200 for cars. $400 for diesel trucks and large equipment problem solving and servicing.
Unlike other brands, you have in the Mega Power Brand the the fix and rejuvanation from its problems. Prevention and cure.
Mega Power drain out years of muck from the component treated - and revitalizing appear.
That same day, you will experience a sudden zip, power, and quiet, newlike operation just from that one component service. More if you mega Power them all.
For the first time you now can fix an y problem chemically.
Keep every component's life going as long as you want.
- No matter the age, size, brand, mileage.
If important to you... consider...
Consider what you could be missing - not using Mega Power:
Gives a bigger engine feel by sending ending horsepower taken from going to the wheels to overide the problem Ending the problmsends again to the wheels.
Missing out on reducing friction and losing its 20 to 40 more miles distance on each weeks tank of fuel.
Missing out on a proven way to prevent wear problems that now premturely causes engine and gear problems.
Wear out your vehicle so you must spend $20000 to $100,000 expense for not having our mega Power Care and repair option system of car care.
Be dollar wise and give each of your components the fluid and friction and and sludge removal service it needs.
You can do them or start then and have a quick lube finish them.
I'm here to guide you eavh way.
See the end of this problem that very day!
Today modified to help :
Mechanics to increase their repair performance value,
Be a repair shop value customers return for,
Lower lifetime equipment expense - which becomes profit,
Help race car owners wanting more winning endurance,
Care for RV, Boat, motorcyle owners to keep their troubles away:
For the car buff, and man and women looking for an alternative.
Sent to your door in 3 days with problem ending, easy to install directions and what will happen as you drive tips.
The educational option here is about that additive discovery techy side.
The idea?
Solving the molecular level of problems to end them with additives.
The way to reverse wear and tear operating problems.
Aborts the problem by chemical means.
Each fix uses that 80 year old race team discovery to end performance problems caused by sludge and friction, by driving,
Keep removing sludge and friction to prevent future problem occurance.
Today's costly to own vehicles are bought to make our lives easier.
When it has an operating problem, it solution should be easier, too! It is!
However, its hidden by those who profit off the sale of parts and replacements - years to soon.
This is the method of care making its problem solving easier.
And its works on bumper to bumper problems avoiding the need for the alternative - costly repairing.
Millions of car, truck, equipment owners have found a raceteam's fix-on-the-fly, engine-fix discovery - that easiesst solution.
I'll explain it as we go along.
On the page you go to - I'll explain the fix using a brand of additives having that benefit.
- millions have installed these products to end their vehicle operating problems. That's why its not a dream idea anymore.
So can you
- and I've made it easy as the country's expert in this care and problem ending method.
I'll show you what to use and install - to end your vehicle perfomance or mechanical problem like millions now are doing.
You don't have to be an engineer or even a mechanic to understand the techy side - but baislcally it works like this.
For car engine problems solving, click this.
For Solving Transmission Troubles, click this.
For Solving Radiator Cooling System Problems, click this.
For Solving Steering System Problems, click this.
For Solving Fuel Injector Cleaning and Tune Up Problems, click this.
For Diesel Blow by, Oil Burning Solutions, click this.
Look for link buttons on the sides that may have your problem.
Each option feature includes ready-to-install problem-end Feature. Adds Long-term normalcy. Avoids their heavy repair expense-drains on your finances. Gives men and women vehicle owners the try-it-yourself knowledge to boost your self-reliance.
Read how easy auto tune up and repair option additives are to use. Just add and drive. Find your additive solution here at:
Index1: Contact info: To ask a question, order items listed by phone, call me... george, at 512 665 3388.
New ways to end car and diesel problems lower cost, add endurance
Dear car and equipment owner looking for care and repair help.
These are the current best tune up, and repair avoiding options.
Unlike additives made to just clean fuel injectors, and rinse out your engine - nor super-costly synthetic oils and fluids, not capable of getting to the heart of your cars problem.. Nor are they gooey liquids to slim up your engine, nor fill your engine part surfaces with micro fine glass, or Teflon powders.
They are all gimmicks to get your dollars. These additives describe unlike them, to end your problem are:
Of course, products like that are more costly.
So is coal after pressures and heat turn coal into a diamond.
It is those features that gave those race car owners the winning edge - and endurance - and it still is the way millions end of their bumper to bumper wear and tear performance and operating problems.
If such a way seems absurd, read a few pages to see what's is said and proof offered. A 90 day no-risk offered is open to all regardless of the brand, size, age, mileage, or hours or internal problem - of course, if its busted, other sites provide actual repair help and parts.
Any time you want a good quick way to perk up the old bucket of bolts, and save a buck or two doing so. This is my method I was taught and teach repair shops who want.
Hi, I'm george christ. I'm a different kind of mechanic. ....All my life I've fix cars with additives. Today's newest additives solve more problems than ever before. But be careful..
While the same additives now sold in part stores were like those of model A days - they were not good them - worst now on computerized vehicles.
And you may know, online additives don't work any better for the same reasons, Those ingredients can't get to the hearth of internal problems.
These are those additives proven by street usafe to end most any internal problem.
As cars and heavy equipment are made better - with Hi-Tech features, additives have keep up with newer problems. However...
How do you know the good additives from the rip-offs?
....That's what I wondered, too! Research from two of the many additive companies are producing additives with a new twist have to end dozens of expensive to repair problems. They copied what works, and developed new fixes for those problems. How do they fix? By reversing the cause. Of course, thy can't fix what's broken, but that happens rarely. Troubles mostly are internal...
What are the car killers anyway?
Usually, sludge, sticky tar-like varnish, carbon buildup, and horsepower eating wear-roughen surfaces cause the problem. So, any additive that feature those removing ingredients will end your problem. I figured out that recipe! Those are my auto tune up and repair avoiding options.
What I figured out to end over 400 automotive problems with and promote:
The one company sells direct to mechanics. The other is Mega Power; I'm their expert on what additives end what problem to make it easy to end your car/equipment problem.
What to learn while at auto-tune-up-and-repair-options. com
If Your interested in ending your own vehicles operating problems, this page and web site gives you the education about them and their install How Too. Be your own shade-tree vehicle operating problem solver this way. .
Mega Power additives - a company specializing in such research develop treatments are helping repair shops and vehicle owners, equipment owners, and mechanics keep even well-worn cars and diesels going with their problem-solving features. explains - How To install these new options to end your automotive problems - and provides the specific fix products needed.
What you will learn:
Taking the time to learn is made easier here - and faster, cheaper, and better for ending your complex, and costlier to repair performance and mechanical problems.
Now you have several options at auto tune up and repair options:
Auto tune up and repair-avoiding additives from Mega Power, invented and packaged by Mega Power offer better ways to keep anything mechanical going stronger, longer, trouble-free!
The old repair way verses this new option way :
The debate about auto tune up and repair avoiding additives.
There's a debate raging among some mechanics and car buffs about the merits of using additives versus doing a repair. Over the past few years, the multi-item additive treatment approach has been gaining converts. However, it’s important to understand the “best” care and "fix" approach to ending car or diesel problems is this: The one-additive-fits-all ills compared to multi-item package treatments, the car and diesel owner must consider the pros and cons of each to find the right balance between the two options.
Let’s take a look at the fundamentals of both one-item-additive compared to multi-additives strategies and discuss how your can determine the best approach for your problem solving.
What Do Single Reach Additives Do?
Single problem additives ie: Those having one of these features:
What Do MEGA POWER'S Broad Reach Additives Do?
A broad-reach group of additives as a treatment suggests that since there are more than one problem, and these may be the cause of the final problem, these need to be address to end the problem.
The multi-additive idea are targeted to:
The multi-items idea runs counter to the notion that all you need is a single additive - and you can see why when comparing the additive we favor - compared to other additives having single purpose features.
You will see in the chart the features of Mega Power's brand of multi-item treatments are guaranteed to end your car problem compared to a one item Treatments -offering no such features. Our suggestions for multi-problem solving for engine, transmission, radiator, and steering solutions are below.
To tune away diesel Performance, and Mechanical problems! Bring back your vehicles driving dependability - Instantly!
You will, like me - will be amazed at the auto tune up and repair options and their instant, automotive problem-ending results! Any car, diesel, heavy equipment, RV, boat, or motorcycle internal caused problem> Guaranteed!
Gain that power by this introduction to the 5 Mega Power Service Treatments that Tune Away a vehicle's performance, or mechanical problem! Quite a statement - but true because they reverse the problem causes, so the problem goes away!
The Mega Power Engine Treatments That Do So..
Any vehicle problem is expensive to end by repair. While repair is customary, its worth knowing our Mega Power Additive Treatment for trucks - shown above, will end their operating problems by reversing the trouble cause. The benefit is, Mega Power averts the repair need often for years. Think of the good that can do your budget!and its expense!
Mega Power tunes away engine problems. Their tune away friction feature makes for ngreat vehicle problem solving.. They avoid their costly repair! They are also what you need to service the engine with to promote you rigs and heavy equipment long, trouble-free life afterwards. A double benefit made by ordering this engine treatment today! For diesel engine click this.
The easy way to end your present, internal trouble - automotive problem - yourself!
Ordering Mega Power means, you can have the same servicing product to end - or prevent problems. That a value you need to gain If so, read on
Find the hottest, newest engine, transmission, radiator, steering problem solving, long life preserving options in these links:
For car engine problems solving, click this.
For Solving Transmission Troubles, click this.
For Solving Radiator Cooling System Problems, click this.
For Solving Steering System Problems, click this.
No one likes engine trouble. It upsets our lives. It wrecks our budgets. However, at some point engine friction, sticky residues, and wear causes engines to have oil consumption problems.
Sludge buildup, blow-by, chokes down its power. Valve tapping noise can sound like someone left a wrench inside bouncing around.
Such characteristics cause horsepower absorption. Sucks power away. Remedies...
Any problem is expensive to end by repair. While repair is customary, chemical additives can end such troubles. Additives avert the repair need by reversing the trouble. Additives can do that. New types of additive features make for near instant recovery. Benefits include avoiding a costly expense, and gaining long-term normalcy. Read more. Order products you need. Find your solution here at:
..index1 end.
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