The right car care philosophy.

Why I depend on Automotive Additives.  How one brand is giving me and my family and many a better life!

Why I Like them so much I made a life of promoting them.

I depend on Maga Power Automotive Additives and so will you once you learn their amazing car endurance secret.  How one brand is giving me and my family a better life!Bud Easterlin and his Maga Power Automotive Additive Researchers produce great bumper-to-bumper problem solvers. And I'm here to explain how easy they are to do so. Have your car back on the road trouble free in no time - End its worry. Have more cash left in your pocket. Give it a try...>

Automotive Problem-Ending Additives

  • You will love Maga Powers Automotive Additives once you learn how to apply their amazing car engine problem-ending secret.  
  • I'll show you. 
  • Does what repair does by cleaning to end internal troubles. 
  • Avoids that expense doing it cheaper while you drive! 
  • Cheaper and Guaranteed, too!  

    Unique in this way no other can be... They are Making My Life. My Customers Life, and Those Using Them - Better!

    Many avoid thousands in repair cost avoidance, if installed before complete failure. Give these automotive problem ending additives a try and see for yourself why millions use them.

    Use the menu links tofind your problems solution or csll me for it. Contasct info call me 24/7 -Shipped to your door with directions a kid can even follow. ...goerge - 512 665 3388

Mega Power's problem-solving treatment and test

Doug's story - and his older motor problem solution

Our three best sellers

Mega Power Brans Additives Make my Vehicles run smoother. Ends Dirty Engine Problems No Other Way Possible.

It wasn't long after starting to use the Mega Power Brand of Additives in my older vehicles and then in my customers vehicles did I realized this about them. They not only have the best way to add what helps sick and good vehicles run good as new in an ongoing way. Their usage adds life improving, financial benefits to my life! Maybe, yours too!It wasn't long after starting to use the Mega Power Brand of Additives in my older vehicles and then in my customers vehicles did I realized this about them. They not only have the best way to add what helps sick cars heal faster with better performance. They also help good vehicles run good as new in an ongoing way. Their usage adds life improving, financial benefits to my life! Maybe, yours too!

Ask any Mechanic about Additives? Most say, "No good!"

   Most don't want to know - because it will lower their income making ability - not so, If you follow my system -Thousands of repair shops do!

   They profit with more business. Here's why you should, also.

   Today's vehicles suffer from buckets of sludge left inside the motor - , after years of oil changes.

   They cause your problem. Like your fingers getting a blister from unprotected rubbing = so too your engine parts binding from sludge - and this additives Tip corrects the problem to end it.  

   The following method uses additives to removes the muck  - returning the vehicles new like performance. 

   Any mechanic will tell you it can't be [possible - but it is].

   So - if your car, truck, tractor rig, dozer, RV, boat, motorcycle, and machine operates badly. My additives will correct the problem...

   Did I say they come with a 60 free return if they don't! Give me a call if not and I'll credit you cc every dime on the spot. 

   And did I tell you no one has for the last 267 days?

Why the USUAL repair method is costly. 

   It's well known engine parts inside seldom go bad. They just become dirty and wear roughen. And that condition upsets the engines performance much like congested lungs upsets your breating lowering your performance.

   Same thing with cars, too!  But, gor 100 years replacing those bad operating parts with new ones was the only solution - then came along Mega Powers Additive Problem-Ending Technology that cleans them up as you drive. 

Finding The Additives Solution.

    Several men have worked on additives to end the problem. Bud Easterline, and The Justice Brothers improved on Carl Wynns formulasction as an engine and transmission problem solver - the original discoverer of friction reduction.

    Why I like Mega Power Additives?

What is in Mega Power you claim is better for my car?

How do your radiator stop leaks and cool work?

How do your automotive motor treatments work?

What do you suggest to flush my motor with?

What's good for my transmission problem?

What's good for older, worn motors?

What is a Mega Power Tune Up?

How do you stop valve tap?

They taught me the additives solution and its should be your solution. Why?

I like them all and used them. They all promote among the best additives variation "formulas' for correcting hundreds of automotive problems.

I like Bud Easterline's Mega Power Additives ideas to provide a total kit  solution to problem ending. In the kit--- you have a

  1. Problem Ending Ingredients.
  2. And cleaners removing the cause.
  3. And conditionserr to heal.
  4. They provide a worry free solution that makes your life better!

This web site, reveal their secrets and usage tips to help you do so with Mega Power Brand of Additives Benefits:

  • My Offer-
  • Not just a good WAY to end your automotive dirty operating problems.
  • Nor Just hope for a low-cost solution.
  • They are that solution!

Well thought out to heal the damage and end the problem.

  • Their MC+ ingredients -[their trade secrets ingredients -but shown in the MSDS reports ], offer a bumper-to-bumper service solution thatclean and heal to end wear problems.
  • The same kit of additives, I call the solution, offering - coverage for all 5 of your vehicles components problems, serviced by them. 
  • In good cars and in good components provide a total car care additives solution.

And that is why they should be your additives solutons.

From the first 5 menutes  time gives you a better life - by removing wear and tear negatives :

  • Stops the wear causes of what eats up tens of thousands of dollars good internal material-  needlessly.
  • Cause those sudden unexpected problems. 
  • Wears away decades of life before your cars and diesel equipment warranty runs out - to pay for when they pop up. 

Your additives solution right now is...

  • Joining the millions who depend on and love Mega Power Brand Additives.
  • Their usage for every extra protection situation, explained here at
  • You can have a better life learning about their unique features.
  • Doing so as you read over my recipes of them to end your vehicles problem. 

Review. Why Mega Power should be in all your cars

One company, Mega Power, researched and formulated this better way to correct dozens of problems. Watch this demo...

Mega Power's problem-solving treatment and test

Doug's story - and his older motor problem solution

Our three best sellers

Solving and preventing problems at the same time. 

  • Their number one function.
  • A problem with varnish.
  • Sludge which contain varnish causes friction and performance  problems.
  • Friction absorbs horsepower away from the wheels, and speeds up wear-out.
  • Special additives removes those problems.
  • The brand we chose, Mega Power, removes the sludge on critical parts removing their power killing negatives all other sludge remover cannot!
  • Mega Power contains anti-wear and performance increasing ingredients - not just cleaners like all other sludge removers.  
  • Those are important differences if you chose our sludge removal method that will benefit you desire to restore your cars performance - yourself, at the lowest cost, in one day, you can use all your life. That's our option for you! 

So, what's needed is:

  1. A product that removed those sticky, power robing  varnish costing on your pistons, bearings, valves, gears, sensors, and such that cause your car problem.
  2. this must include varnish and carbon from the top side of the motor also, wherever air/fuel and exhaust go - the second place  performance and wear problems are created..

That would be the best way - the right way to solve your engine, transmission, power steering, A/C wear problem.

That's the way our auto tune up and repair options work to help you gain more from your repair dollar. Our way for you is better for you for those reasons!

    Why I like Mega Power Additives?

What is in Mega Power you claim is better for my car?

How do your radiator stop leaks and cool work?

How do your automotive motor treatments work?

What do you suggest to flush my motor with?

What's good for my transmission problem?

What's good for older, worn motors?

What is a Mega Power Tune Up?

How do you stop valve tap?

Stay away from these products

What you should know first about additives

This is how I separated good brands from bad, harmful.

  1. I read a scope pattern hooked up to a vehicle's sensors and readouts. Their readings show the present state of each of the vehicle's systems. And before and after repair results.
  2. If any additive makes an improvement it shows up by an improvement in the scope pattern. Graph readout. Numbers improvement. 
  3. Some additives can improve them. However...
  4. But on the road, there is really never an eye opening, jaw dropping improvement like Mega Power Additives  [ in my recipe ] produces. 

That is because of the: The proof is in the performance."

  • specific cleaning, 
  • Freeing and smoothing,
  • and lubrication enhancement 
  • that cuts actual friction Mega Power Treatment enbue.
  • And for the Mega Power Additives moto is: The proof is in the performance."
  1. never improves them except if you use our mega Power  ones. 

  2.  show improvement. Like doctors use in the operating room when checking a scope for a heart attack patient -but for cars.
  3. On the road, next check. You do a road acceleration test in the car before and after a product is added to the oil, gas, transmission to see if actual improvement is noticeable.
  4. I do a vacuum test to see if it raises engine vacuum. Raising vacuum several inches is a good additives response to help the engine. 
  5. Did it end the performance problem.
  6. I do a friction test to see if it has anti-friction benefits.
  7. In my father and grandfather days additives were mostly solvents. That was OK then - to de-sludge grimy, oil blocking residues just before an engine is torn apart for overhaul.
  8.  Blocking the oil pick-up tube - a common problem back then, starved the engine of oil. That problem still causes of 9 out of 10 engine failures.
  9. Solvent based products will block oil delivery with sludge. 
  10. Those sludge removers still sold in part stores to clean the inside of engines and transmissions. Solvent oil additives are harmful and never good!
  11. Quick lubes and part stores still sell solvent-based products as problem-solvers, by the boatloads to unsuspecting vehicle owners.
  12. Stay away from part store, discount store, and quick lube additive pitches - as they promote solvent-based products, with huge profit margins in them! And - Profit - not your problem, is their motive.
  13. Solvents work by dissolving oil and grease. Solvents DESTROY oils lubricity in-the-process!
  14. Solvents destroy motors and transmissions every day as they fix the sticky problem the vehicle owner wants to end.

Stay away from solvent-based products. To do so, read the label. Don't buy those with "solvent-" ingredients in the product.

Mega Power OIL Treatments do not use solvents.

Review. What should you look for in a product?

Today's vehicles do not have buckets of sludge inside the motor as a problem-causing condition. Instead, they have:

  • A problem with varnish.
  • A film of tar-like varnish causes friction and performance  problems.
  • Friction absorbs power away from the wheels, and speeds up wear-out.

So, what's needed is:

  1. A product that removed those sticky, power robing  varnish costing on your pistons, bearings, valves, gears, sensors, and such that cause your car problem.
  2. this must include varnish and carbon from the top side of the motor also, wherever air/fuel and exhaust go - the second place  performance and wear problems are created..

That would be the best way - the right way to solve your engine, transmission, power steering, A/C wear problem. That way is even better!

    Why I like Mega Power Additives?

What is in Mega Power you claim is better for my car?

How do your radiator stop leaks and cool work?

How do your automotive motor treatments work?

What do you suggest to flush my motor with?

What's good for my transmission problem?

What's good for older, worn motors?

What is a Mega Power Tune Up?

How do you stop valve tap?

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