Engine tune up tips: Contact info: To ask a question, on a smartphone, to order products listed, call me at 512 665 3388 ...george,
Why this method?
Mega Power Engine Treatment was selected for its strength to clean deep-inside motor and trouble-causing dirty parts. Those parts where new part replacement parts offer no benefit. This picture points out the Mega Power Tune and Clean advantages - not provided with just a tune up. Which do you prefer? Injector cleaning like every other product only can do? Or every dirty part cleaned the Mega Power way. So effective its results are on every treatment package!
This Engine tune up method is the only one known to clean, free, and condition every part - from:
The amazing results provide added zip, performance, engine quietness, results also adding 20 to 40 more miles distance to each tank of fuel.
For less than the dealer price for cleaning injectors, - $125 to $275. This - add to the gas and oil treatment cleans every part - for just near $100. Whereas, just replacing tune up parts and fuel injector cleaning misses all these Mega Power advantages.
The problem this engine tune up method ends for you.
"As you may know, in the course of time sludge buildup in the form of acidic residues stick your motor's 8 to 24 engine valves, and fuel injectors, and dozens of other critical parts - that is causing your performance problem - that just injector cleaning cannot reach. Order Now! In a few days have your car running good as new again with Mega Power help! Order Now!
Order now! Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatment contains:
Ordering Info
One Mega Power Tune Up Treatment 6 items shown
Comes with easy-to-follow directions, my phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped Fedex to your door in about 3 days.
Just $95 plus $15s&h= $110 total.
Motor problem info you need to know.
Motors need special, more potent cleaners when cranking, starting, engine miss, rough idle, power loss, and lousy mileage problems appear.
To help you get your car back to your cars former, great running condition we have that product. We are introducing to you what will! What will is needed because the conventional products mechanics use is 30 years old. Not good enough for today's high tech cars!
New engine tune up, miss, rough idle ending product
What will this New Mega Power Engine Tune Up Service Do?
This Mega Power engine cleaning and power restoring, Do-it-yourself product can easily be installed by mechanics and anyone - really for professional results!
After the install to tune up your own cars - you will be proud of the professional results - and no mechanic can do any better!
That is what I want you to use. The best part is instant Engine tune up results, and these results pays for Mega Power in several ways described below...
The install is easy. Nothing to take apart. Just add to the gas tank and motor oil. Driving produces the results claimed - or your money back! 2 refunds last 267 days. Order now! Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatment contains:
Ordering Info
One Mega Power Tune Up Treatment 6 items shown
Comes with easy-to-follow directions, my phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped Fedex to your door in about 3 days.
Just $95 plus $15s&h= $110 total.
Service both cars Save more. Protect both cars! 2 treatements 12 items Just $150 plus $15s&h= $165 total. Save $55. The fuel you'll save will pay for this purchase - but longer life is a second benefit gained.
Shop and Fleet: Stock up. 6 Treatments 36 items, for fleet service, or auto garage resale. Just $330 plus $30s&h= $360 total. Save $135. Shop Labor for installation add $50 to $175 for 6 System Engine Cleaning Service.
Please note:
I found in 9 out 0f 10 cars the following does the fix - and if not, the offending parts show up like a bad $20 bill! The mechanic can then locate and replace the bad item and get you running great again. That's what your car and your budget needs! Here's why I say so...
Engine tune up Problems Solved with Mega Power
More and stronger Mega Power help is needed.
Once you install Mega Power's Tune Up Treatment it makes possible a return to a great, smooth performing car - just replacing parts can't provide.
Hidden Engine tune up problems You Can Now End Yourself include
We like Mega Power's Tune Up Product for those reasons - and this one, too! You will, too!
Engine tune up, miss, rough idle ending method.
Mega Power restores your motor's former, near-new engine performance - then keeps it going in your car for years, while doing so! How so....?
This is because Mega Power cleans and frees dirty power-robbing piston rings, engine valves, and other dirty internal parts. And because its anti-wear ingredients end 4
friction-caused engine power robbers.
Please note: The Mega Power Tune up Treatment is easy to install, works fast, and made for even a non-mechanic to easily install to correct his tune up problem. and do so in less that 15 minutes time.
Piston rings: As your motors piston rings become sticky - these expandable bracelet-like devices wrapping you motor's pistons, fail to keep your motors 1800 degree combustion above the piston and away from oil below. When dirty...
They let more combustion blowby escape down into your motor oil. Not good of course. Your motor loses a bit of your motor's power as that happens. This makes your engine sludge collect faster - which circulates with your oil. Eventually, sludge sticks your motors 8 to 24 engine valves, and creating your rough idle and stalling problems.
Those start valve caused performance decline problems - Mega Power ends.
Sticky valves: Like a leaky front door in a blowing storm
Ordering Mega Power Engine tune up, miss, rough idle tune Products
Your sticky, slow-closing valves allows combustion to escape back out where the fuel just came in from - See picture, and it ignites your incoming gas before it goes into your piston area.
That's no good, and each time it happens, it means the next charge of fuel is already burnt, so it can't produce power - and you feel that negative as an engine miss, rough idle, and if it happens enough, a lousy mileage problem.
Is that some of Engine tune up, miss, rough idle tune problem? If not, it soon will be if cleaning is not performed. Your motor's hidden area causing tune up problems is shown here.
Engine tune up, miss, rough idle and re-tune products
Usually, you do a tune up - It's still not really rigth. And the mechanic says,"you need a Valve Job" - at $2000, to get your motor up to speed again. A valve job is where us mechanic's take apart the top half of your motor and hand clean every valve part. Of course, there is always more that's needed - once you get looking around, a lot more parts seem needed.
However, many car owners find Mega Power Engine tune up product is what is needed!
Engine tune up tips, new tuning options mechanics don't know about, you can easily use to end your tune up problem. Order now! Have it FedEx to your door in about 3 days, with easy to install instructions, phone help if needed, a satisfaction guarantee.
However, mechanics and car owners are finding Mega Power can end the motor's problems by the Mega Power method of cleaning and freeing their motors dirty piston rings and valves. Removing of problem causing residues - and of excessive friction, as the remedy works 95 times out of 100. Mega Power is what you need, now, to avoid a "valve repair!"
The install is easy. Nothing to take apart. Just add to the gas tank and motor oil. Driving produces the results claimed - or your money back! 2 refunds last 267 days. Order now! Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatment contains:
Ordering Info
One Mega Power Tune Up Treatment 6 items shown
Comes with easy-to-follow directions, my phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped Fedex to your door in about 3 days.
Just $95 plus $15s&h= $110 total.
Shopping Cart to place your order
Service both cars Save more. Protect both cars! 2 treatements 12 items Just $150 plus $15s&h= $165 total. Save $55. The fuel you'll save will pay for this purchase - but longer life is a second benefit gained.
Shop and Fleet: Order 6 Treatments 36 items, for fleet service, or auto garage resale. Just $330 plus $30s&h= $360 total. Save $135. Shop Labor for installation add $50 to $175 for 6 System Engine Cleaning Service.
To order by phone or ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388 ... george
More hidden problems removed by Mega Power
Besides losing power-producing combustion, slipping pass your lazy piston rings and leaky valves, you have more friction - Friction and sticky residues make cranking and running a bit harder, and creates engine miss, rough idle, and lousy mileage, as you can see....
Of course your spark plugs need replacement when older and maybe them and a faulty sensor or two make the need for a tune up posible.
However, we're finding fewer motors responding to a good tune up if dirty internal pistons, bearings valves, and gears are labored-down with friction and sticky residues. A special kind of cleaning is needed. And I'll show you how to do that cleaning as good as any pro!
The hidden Engine tune up, miss, rough idle problem You Can Now End Yourself
Piston rings are expandable bracelet-like devices set in slots in your motors pistons. Their purpose is to keep 1800 degree combustion above the piston and oil below it.
Over time, piston rings lose their flexibility allowing more combustion to escape into your motor's oil. This is one way a bit of your motor's power is lost. With wear, growing amounts of friction resistance consumes a little more power.
Combustion contaminated oil makes sludge - sticks and slows the movement of your 8 to 24 engine valves. This upsets proper combustion and causes your tune up problem.
With combustion loss, sticky valves, and more friction - all that creates slower starting, engine miss, rough idle, lousy mileage, and power loss. As you can see....
External parts like spark plugs and such cannot correct those internal conditions. What will?
A new engine tune up product from Mega Power ends those starting, power loss, engine miss, idle, and lousy mileage problems a regular tune up cannot.
Mega Power, although complex in what it does to retune your motor, is made simple for anyone to to install in two easy steps.
Mega Power Product Directions are simple
This Mega Power method is helping new and older worn cars and equipmemt run restore their smoothness and power.
Order Mega Power for all your cars - and enjoy a new way to maybe put off a costly valve repair for years, while using new chemical technology to maintain its like-new dependibility.
Ordering Mega Power Engine Tune up Info
Ordering Info
One Mega Power Tune Up Treatment 6 items shown
Comes with easy-to-follow directions, my phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped Fedex to your door in about 3 days.
Just $95 plus $15s&h= $110 total.
Service both cars Save more. Protect both cars! 2 treatements 12 items Just $150 plus $15s&h= $165 total. Save $55. The fuel you'll save will pay for this purchase - but longer life is a second benefit gained.
Shop and Fleet: Order 6 Treatments 36 items, for fleet service, or auto garage resale. Just $330 plus $30s&h= $360 total. Save $135. Shop Labor for installation add $50 to $175 for 6 System Engine Cleaning Service.
To order by phone or ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388 ... george
................................................................ What you should know about new products to end your performance problem. Our tune up review.
For 50 years a tune up involves
Spark plugs, wires, spark coils, and tune-assist sensors are external ignition parts that go bad. Their failure deter the smooth running of your motor.
Those external items, when that fail, in today's Hi-tech cars also causes slower starting, engine miss and rough idle, lousy mileage, and power loss.
And so do these internal negatives...
Sludge, friction, and acids are internal negatives that disrupt the smooth running of your car. Sludge, friction, and acids cause the following negatives:
Low oil pressure, sticky valves, collapsed valve lifters, sticky piston rings, dirty combustion area, dirty air and fuel intake, idling valve adjuster, and a dirty emission system - and anyone of those, or all of them collectively, are causes of a tune up performance problem.
Most car and equipment owners live with such conditions until a $2500 overhaul is needed to end them.
How new chemical products from Mega Power chemically clean, condition, smooth, coat and protect internal motor parts to end your tune up problem.
Mega Power avoids an expensive, take-your-motor-apart motor cleaning - usually referred to as a $2000 "valve job," by us mechanics.
This review is a Do-it-yourself easy way to end those conditions chemically using the Mega Power Tune Up Treatment.
Mega Power does so for under $100. I'll show you how...
After reading this review you see what your motor problem is, how to end it yourself, and order Mega Power to clean and end your motors dirty, problem-causing conditions.
You will again start enjoying the pleasure of a motor that runs as if new, because it has its excess friction removed, and the parts in your motors 6 sub-systems are again clean and operating smoothly again.
Though the product is complex in its action and coverage, the install is simple. Driving does the actual fix.
There is one more point about Mega Power's advantages.
Compared to part store and quick lube tune up additives, Mega Power is a completely different and much-improved product over those quick lube and part store products.
For example:
Common tune type additives contain solvents to do their cleaning; or a surpy, thick detergent to clean
Solvent type additives do clean, but also strip your motor's lube oil film off the surfaces of your pistons bearings and gears. Of course, that is no good - and part store and quick lube flush products ruin many engines for that reason.
Detergents cleaners - the older types, like BG, leave a gummy residue behind. That restarts the dirty residue recoating again. Most BG users need BG once a month - for that reason. If they want to have their motor run good.
Solvent type cleaners and detergent type cleaners like BG also lack important friction reducing ingredients like MC+ that Mega Power contains.
So, those products only get part of the internal job done - while Mega Power gets it all!
And its those extra advantages that will restore your motors original great performance - and add years more great driving dependability to your cars, not possible in any other way.
This review shows you how to install those products to end your cars wear and performance problems and make your car and equipment run better than ever.
Since 6 motor sub-systems are involved
Those 6 are cleaned.
This review explains what's in each system that causes your problem, and the exact product needed to properly clean then, to restored your motors like new performance again.
Today's Engine tune up tips and tuning options
A tune up may require a sensor, spark plugs, or other electronic part - as well a internal cleaning.
Few mechanics are schooled in the use of additives as the proper inside half of what makes a complete tune up - as older brands of additives are often harmful. As new additives capabilities are discovered, that aspect of education is expanding.
9 times out of ten, the tune up problems described here is why your car still runs bad - and this review shows you how to correct. The reason why...
You know your car needs this product. Order Mega Power now!
Ordering Engine tune up products Info
One Mega Power Tune Up Treatment 6 items shown
Comes with easy-to-follow directions, my phone help if needed, guarantee. Shipped Fedex to your door in about 3 days.
Just $65 plus $15s&h= $80 total
For two car motors 12 items
Just $120 plus $15s&h= $135 total. Save $25
Order 6 Treatments 36 items, for fleet or auto garage to resale. Just $330 plus $30s&h= $360 total. Save $100. Shop Labor for installation $25 to $75.
To order or ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388 ... george
About: your car's tune up computer
This device tunes your motor as you drive. For example...
One reading the computer gets is an engine vacuum reading.
Why engine vacuum is an important engine tune up consideration
Vacuum refers to the pistons suction strength - which should be around 21 or more inches of vacuum - on a scale of one to 25. The higher the better. The computer is designed to work in that range.
Vacuum is highest when new. Drops as dirty conditions stick piston rings and valves, and more friction takes over.
As engine vacuum is lost - your tune up problems occur because they are beyond the scope of computer adjustments to correct..
How Mega Power restores top engine vacuum and tunes your motor in the process
With combustion occurs to power your car a dirty film coats your motors pistons and valves. Each piston has 3 bracelet-like metal rings of steel which fit loosely in groves made for them on each piston.
Pistons rings are C shaped and want to always expand outward to rub the cylinder wall. This is meant to keep combustion from slipping pass the pistons and keep oil from being sucked up into the combustion cycle.
When sticky combustion and motor oil residues prevent ring expansion several problems occur making the motor run poorly.
Sticky piston ring and valves cause problems and power loss
One problem sticky piston rings causes is to allow motor oil to slip pass those sticky piston rings and mix with the fuel being sucked in.
Combustion fumes also easily escape and mix with your motor's oil.
Your motors valves also become sticky and they sluggishly take longer to close than normal.
That means a gap remains such while still closing and allows combustion - which should be pushing your piston down, to escape back into the next income fuel mix, while some escapes into the motor's oil the other way.
Those negative conditions lower full power development and will drop vacuum to 20 inches or 19. Wear spaces develop and more escape lowers power and vacuum to maybe 16 inches suction.
Other dirty internal parts also become sluggish causing rough idle, engine miss, stalling, valve tap, and more you press the gas pedal down more to feed more fuel into the mix to produce more power - to replace what is constantly being lost.
Engine tune up residue problems and friction wear problems.
Read what just one of the Engine tune up products I recommended did for this engine.