Great Motor Problem Help Product

Ends oil burning, exhaust smoke, tapping, and lousy fuel economy.

Motor Problem Help. Best Tips and Products Online.

Motor trouble offer little warning of eminent failure. Additives Like Mega Power helps with recovery.Motor trouble offer little warning of eminent failure. Additives Like Mega Power helps with recovery.

    Men and women find the Mega Power Engine Treatment  motor problem help the best way to end motor problems like:

    Oil burning, exhaust smoke, engine valve tapping, Blow-by, and lousy fuel economy.

    Recovery is aided by Mega Power's ability to clean, condition, and friction modify each troublesome part, ending the problem they cause you. Is that what you want? Read on...

    Since oil burning, exhaust smoke, engine valve tapping, Blow-by, and lousy fuel economy are residue caused troubles, this new approach to ending them with I call problem-solving additives is making many car owners happy. And you're next!

    Unlike thick honey like oil additives - why put a gooey additive in an already gooey motor.

    And unlike engine flushes sold to remove sludge - which clean to well, even stripping the lube film away from moving engine parts in the cleaning process. That creates friction and more trouble down the road.

    Mega Power is neither gooey, nor a friction-causing engine flush.

    In stead Mega Power uses 6 types of Hi-tech chemistry with superior cleaning, freeing power, an a super lubricant called MC+ to clean and free dirty binding troublesome parts, and enhance movement - returning what wear and tear took away.

    Is that the motor problem help you want?

    With promise to get to the root of your motors internal problem, results will add several more years dependable service - to your out-of-warranty cars.

    I'm a every day Mega Power user, and that claim and similar ones from many satisfied users of Mega Power's Engine Treatment agree, it true!

    Install Method.

    This "engine treatment" is a 2 step, top and bottom motor conditioning aid. Helps even your older, worn Hi-mileage motor, if you're looking for a cheap way to keep them and equipment running.

    Mega Power?

    Yes, I know you're weary of part store and quick lube additives containing solvents and sticky, honey-like ingredients.... Well, this product is nothing like those!

    This is the point! If you feel sticky residues are causing your problems and a bit of wear - you are right! And that is exactly what this product goes after and removes.

    Cleaning includes freeing of sticky piston rings, valves and valve lifters - all big trouble makers when dirty, then something called friction modifying continues with conditioning...

    Wear and friction is robbing your motor of power - isn't it? Its causing your oil loss and noise, isn't it? With an ingredient called MC+ Mega Power corrects all that! Think about it!

    For the motor problem help you need, just add, then drive. Driving does the fix.

How Mega Power works: Mega Power uses 4 cleaners and MC+ anti-wear, adding a co-polymer to fill worn spaces.

    Of course, a $3000+ motor overhaul is what is traditional as the fix, and car owners are amazed that Mega Power can do almost as good for under $100 cost!

    That is the motor problem help you need in this car and all your cars. If it does half of what people say, its a marvelous product to help your cars and your budget - wouldn't you say?

Mega Power Engine Treatment ends wear and teat problems and promises a quick recovery.Mega Power Engine Treatment ends wear and teat problems and promises a quick recovery.

Order Mega Power now! Get it in your cars. Get on down the road of life faster, smoother, less expensively.

Mega Power is easy to install. Nothing to take a part. Just add as shown to the gas and oil. Driving does the actual needed conditioning.

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

    One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 6 items as shown
    Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic. $65+ $15 s&H= $80 total

Two Treatments 12 items. $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $35

Six Treatments $300+ $15 s&h+ $315 total. Save $180

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order One Motor Treatment of the 6 items, for your motor $65, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 -3 items: $60+ $15 s&h=$75, for your transmission you want to protect: 9 items, just $110, plus $15 s&p= $125 total. Specify this WMTE&T combo pak 9 items - if you want the motor and transmission combo protection.

Order Two Combo Sets for two car engines and transmissions, 18 items, just $200 plus $15 s&h= $215 total. Save $65

Motor problem help. Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

    Order by mail: include check or money order made payable to
    George Christ Mega Power: Address: Mega Power. 210 Durango St. San Marcos, Tx 78666

    Email question, motor problem help needed, or place an order to:

    Shipped FedEx in 3 days to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

Mega Power ends wear and mileage problems by going to where oil and weaker products can't. Mega Power cleans and frees sticky piston rings and valves, and by ending friction that steals power away from the wheels.

What customers say

  • "On my Year Old Ford diesel pick up - the treatment stop the oil seal leak; the dealer couldn't!"

  • 98 Honda owner - "no longer burns 2 quarts of oil between oil changes. The mechanic said a $2000 piston rings job would fix it. Mega Power ended its oil burning in less than 30 minutes - and its been running great since then - for less than a $100, not $2000"

  • "Stop my valve lifter tap in minutes when a synthetic oil change couldn't."

  • "I bought my Chevy Astro Cargo Van with 124,400 miles on it. Your oil change treatment ended its sluggish ways, a rough idle, and it quit burning 2 to 3 quarts of oil between oil changes. I thought it was worn out! I thought a new motor was needed!"

  • "I'm happy your product gave my motor a new lease on life again. Thanks for introducing me to a great product. I'm now installing the Treatment in all my vehicles. I recommend it to anyone." GC

  • "I tried your Treatment. Within a mile or so, it started to run as smooth and strong as ever. I thought it was worn out! Well, it is, but this gave it new life, it seems." TE

  • "Hot or cold, my 99 Chevy once again starts up fast. It runs smooth again, the tap is gone, and has the more power. You were right! It was a sticky valve problem and you product end it."

  • "Your Mega Power Treatment picked up a good 40 more miles driving distance between fill ups. It stop the nasty drip on my drive."

Directions: You install Mega Power in two steps

  1. Add items number #1, 2, and 3 to the gas tank, oil, and air intake as shown. Drive for a week to let those cleaners clean, free and end your problem.
  2. Step two: Add item #4, 5, and 6 as shown during an oil change for a protective coating and friction wear reducing. That completes the treatment and problem-solving. That's it. Driving does the fix. It ends the problems listed above.

Mega Power is made to prevent such problems when added to your oils and fluids. But, it just so happens... Mega Power ends them with out triple strength product, too....

What I call the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment.

The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment works especially well to end wear and mileage problems that come along after a car or diesel truck has a few years usage. It is the motor problem help they need!

    In the past, such wear problems have cause me the worry of what could be! One thing that could be was, a motor breakdown along the road, family in the car, and a $2000 to $3000 plus repair or overhaul expense.

Mega Power Engine Treatment ends wear and teat problems and promises a quick recovery.Mega Power Engine Treatment ends wear and teat problems and promises a quick recovery.

The way... power is restored. End of above problems

    Mega Power is an engine/transmission treatment with cleaning ingredients called conditioners and friction modifiers and co-polymers. These research found ends performance problems and also restores like-new power, even in worn motors.

    Because of it's special chemical chemistry, Mega Power does a complete internal cleaning and freeing of dirty sticky piston rings and valves and valve lifters - ending blowby and tapping, and, not being a solvent or detergent, is not affected negatively by high temperatures as they are.

    Mega Power friction modifiers smooth worn and wear roughen piston, bearing, and gear surfaces, smoothing them - much like they were when near new. Smoothness reduces friction and slows the rate of wear out.

    Your motors worn-away surface are then coated with a co-polymer, which, on cylinder wall stops the flow of excess combustion loss - known as blowby, and reduces oil burning, by closing the space so oil can't get sucked into the combustion areas.

    That is one Hi-tech from of motor problem help your car needs!

Usually, new parts - during a overhaul restores motor power.

    Think, for a moment what Mega Power is doing in a complex way, by its simple install method, helping your motor run great again. Let me illustrate...

    Think stick of dynamite blowing open a safe. That is somewhat the equivalent - under controlled conditions, occurring as combustion occurs hundreds of times a minute to speed you down the road.

    Some combustion - even in new cars and equipment motors, escapes pass the pistons - that results in a loss of some power. Age, wear, and sticky functioning piston rings allow more to escape - and less combustion available to push the piston down as far, or as hard.

    This coating, MC+, and other ingredients are now available to clean free, coat, and bring back, as it were, what use to require a $3000 motor overhaul, but under $100 cost.

    That is the motor problem help you need in your cars. If it does half of what people say, Its a marvelous product to help your cars and your budget - wouldn't you say?

    Order Mega Power now! Get it in your cars. Get on down the road of life faster, smoother, less expensively.

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

    One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 6 items as shown
    Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic. $65+ $15 s&H= $80 total

Two Treatments 12 items. $120+ $15 s&h= $135 total. Save $35

Six Treatments $300+ $15 s&h+ $315 total. Save $180

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order One Motor Treatment of the 6 items, for your motor $65, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 -3 items: $60+ $15s&h=$75, for your transmission you want to protect: 9 items, just $110, plus $15s&p= $125 total. Specify this WMTE&T combo pak 9 items - if you want the motor and transmission combo protection.

Order Two Combo Sets for two car engines and transmissions, 18 items, just $200 plus $15s&h= $215 total. Save $65

Motor problem help. Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

    Order by mail: include check or money order made payable to
    George Christ Mega Power: Address: Mega Power. 210 Durango St. San Marcos, Tx 78666

    Email question, motor problem help needed, or place an order to:

    Shipped FedEx in 3 days to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

Shown here the Mega Power Transmission Treatment - with the same advantages, but made to help end transmission problems and to extend transmission life. This product is made as a service flush - for use at drain intervals, and as a problem solver for out of warranty transmissions. Services Power Steering units also. Services Hydraulic Power Take-off units, too.

Mega Power Transmission Treatment ends wear and teat problems promising a smooth shift againMega Power Transmission Treatment ends wear and teat problems promising a smooth shift again

More: motor problem help product info

    Ends Oil Leaks in two areas.

    1. Stops your oil seepage to the combustion to end oil burning.
    2. Conditions seals and gaskets, giving them a control expansion to stops fluid leaks.

    How Mega Power reduces friction

    Friction in older motors accumulate and grow. Mega Power includes MC+ to reduced friction - a power improving, wear reducing aid - along with powerful valve cleaners. Mega Power restores 10% to 15% of a motor power loss -which is felt as "more zip," as you drive up and down hills. A wear reducing advantage.

    Mega Power help includes valve cleaning

    Valves control power. When dirty, they get lazy and close slower. This reduces the amount of fuel the piston sucks in each time. Less fuel, and you feel a power drop. It can cause stalling at idle.

    That valve problem makes you feel your motor is wearing out! Not so! By cleaning your motor valve heads, the valve stems, and their valve lifter Mega Power quiets tapping, and ends that cause of rough idle and mysterious engine stalling.

    Reducing friction helps your motor run smooth, and stronger, and MC+ protective coating on every part quiets your motor - even if it sounded like your mothers sewing machine gone buzerk!

    Great motor problem help from Mega Power

    Its new chemistry science for better internal, older motor and transmission care. Better upgrade maintenance to extend a new vehicles trouble-free life - from a company called Mega Power.

    Order Mega Power for all your cars. You will be on to something your whole family will soon benefit from.

    Made for mechanics. Easy for you to install

    Helps any motor run smooth, strong, and quiet - even if they sounded like a sewing machine gone buzzer!

    Its the science of new chemistry for better internal motor and transmission care, and as a upgrade maintenance way to extends a vehicles trouble-free life, from a company called Mega Power.

    Made for mechanics to expand their customer pleasing expertise

    To sell as a service, this helps your customers cars and equipment run better, extends the years until overhaul time - or replacement time, and provides you service and repair work you would lose, if the customer trades them off for new!

    I've seen mechanics use this product with great success in hundreds of motors. And earn tens of thousands of extra dollars income - they never could otherwise. I'm one of those mechanic's too.

    Please note: I've seen a few mechanics add this product to known "broken motors" to show it dose not work. It can't fix what's broken - the mechanic does that because he thinks this product is taking food off his table - not so!.

    When it is added as the way to cleaned and cut friction so the motor runs good as new - $80 product billing. $50 install labor on each job, the mechanic earns $70 more income. And there is a good chance the customer will want the transmission and radiator service - if you use our educational program for your customers.

    We are not saying it does. Mechanics re saying so.

    If your motor runs OK, but is showing its age, lost it zip, burns oil, sound like a hammer is bouncing around inside - "valve tapping, but not actually in the failed mode - yet....

    You will want to order this product to help your car run great again, too. Sold mostly online.

Even Car makers have added it to brand new cars on the assembly line - on occasion.

    Some motor and transmission re-builders also use Mega Power to end their rebuilt components wear-in process much sooner. This extra advantage extends the components life.

    The motor problem help Mega Power ends.

    In new and rebuilt, or overhauled motors and transmissions, their very close fitting pistons, bearings, valves, gears, and such go through a wear-in process called seating. If this wear-in smoothing process does end the motor and transmission wear-out rate doubles. The reason for new car warranties.

    Mega Power's MC+ is one of two known friction modifiers found to properly end the wear-in process and maintain the resulting pistons, bearings, valves, and gear surface smoothness. Mega Power's MC+ ingredient induces smoothness and this extends the trouble-free life cycle of the treated vehicle many years beyond the average. Included in all Mega Power Products to be added to oils and lube fluids.

For older, worn motors

    It ends oil burning, tapping, leaks, rough idle, and power decline. Helps worn motors run as good as when near new again.

    I seen it work in hundreds of such motors ending oil burning, tapping, leaks, rough idle, and other such problems - even over-the-road and giant earth-hauling rigs. And my own fleet of vehicles, too!

    The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment - below.

Why six products? Because that is what works.

Your motor really needs this product. It crying-for-help... Order the Product now!

I'm here to walk you or your mechanic thru the simple installation by phone.

Order Mega Power now! Get it in your cars. Get on down the road of life faster, smoother, less expensively.

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

    One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 6 items as shown
    Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic. $65+ $15 s&H= $80 total

Two Treatments 12 items. $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $35

Six Treatments $300+ $15s&h+ $315 total. Save $180

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order One Motor Treatment of the 6 items, for your motor $65, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 -3 items: $60+ $15 s&h=$75, for your transmission you want to protect: 9 items, just $110, plus $15 s&p= $125 total. Specify this WMTE&T combo pak 9 items - if you want the motor and transmission combo protection.

Order Two Combo Sets for two car engines and transmissions, 18 items, just $200 plus $15 s&h= $215 total. Save $65

Motor problem help. Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

    Order by mail: include check or money order made payable to
    George Christ Mega Power: Address: Mega Power. 210 Durango St. San Marcos, tx 78666

    Email question or order to:

    Shipped FedEx in 3 days to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

Shown here the Mega Power Transmission Treatment - with the same advantages, but made to help end transmission problems and to extend transmission life. This product is made as a service flush - for use at drain intervals, and as a problem solver for out of warranty transmissions. Services Power Steering units also. Services Hydraulic Power Take-off units, too.

The good news for me, and you, and thousands of others with older motor troubles is this...

Mega Power will end those motor problems. What is Mega Power? This option introduces new chemistry.

    Gives needed help to worm, older, high mileage motors. Help they need to keep going - to end age, wear, high mileage problems - in a way less costly $2000 plus overhaul or costlier car replacement.

    Mega Power leads the way in this motor problem help field.

    The down side? None! You add a little touch up additive at future oil changes. Like taking vitamins or medicine to keep healthy.

    I feel this idea is much like new medicines that helps us older folks live longer, have more active lives. So too, a new bred of additive treatments are helping cars in a similar way - they may contain motor problem help solving your problem as well.

What you need to know about this motor problem help product.

This review and product recommendation

    Is so you can end your cars internal wear and performance problem - even if you don't know a gas cap from a radiator cap.

    Inside, the product ingredients travel to the root of your wear, age, and hi-mileage causing problems. Driving does the actual fix a few miles afterward and ends your motor problem.

    Driving sends the product deep inside to penetrate where your motor oil can't go. That is where the problem is. No tools needed.

    Mega Power is easy to use, as thousands of car, truck, RV, and even heavy equipment owners with older, worn motors testify.

    Mega Power Products success rate is such the product is sold with a Money-Back Guaranty: Its what your motor needs - or your money refunded. No refunds requested last 267 days.

Introducing the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment

Mega Power Engine Treatment Conditioning is what older motors need to keep goingMega Power Engine Treatment Conditioning is what older motors need to keep going

What people say after using the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment for their motor problem help wear, age problem.

  • "On my year old Ford diesel pick up - the treatment stop the oil seal leak; the dealer couldn't!"

  • 98 Honda owner - "no longer burns 2 quarts of oil between oil changes. The mechanic said a $2000 would fix it. Mega Power restored it power in less than 30 minutes - and its been running great since then - for less than a $100, not $2000"

  • "Stop my valve lifter tap in minutes when a synthetic oil change couldn't."

  • "I bought my Chevy Astro Cargo Van with 124,400 miles on it. Your oil change treatment ended its sluggish ways, a rough idle, and it quit burning 2 to 3 quarts of oil between oil changes. I thought it was worn out! I thought a new motor was needed!"

  • "I'm happy your product gave my motor a new lease on life again. Thanks for introducing me to a great product. I'm now installing the Treatment in all my vehicles. I recommend it to anyone." GC

  • "I tried your Treatment. Within a mile or so, it started to run as smooth and strong as ever. I thought it was worn out! Well, it is, but this gave it new life, it seems." TE

  • "Hot or cold, my 99 Chevy once again starts up fast. It runs smooth again, the tap is gone, and has the more power. You were right! It was a sticky valve problem and you product end it."

  • "Your Mega Power Treatment picked up a good 40 more miles driving distance between fill ups. It stop the nasty drip on my drive."

You get the idea. You can see, the Mega Power motor problem help product is for you. Order it today! Drive worry free about your motor, for lots of tomorrows.

How to install Mega Power to end your motor problem

  • As you can see in the picture, there are 6 different products that make up the treatment - because that is what works.

  • 3 of the items - marked for easy identification, work to clean and free your top of the motor sub-system parts where ever gas, fuel, air, combustion, and exhaust go.

  • 3 work in the bottom side to clean, free, smooth, and protect the bottom side - where oil goes, and cannot go. On your pistons, rings, bearings, valves, lifters, seals, and gaskets - to end your problem.

Why six products? Because that is what works.

    A simple refresher - 3 of the products of the 6, installed at future 6000 miles oil changes - the recommended interval, can keep the benefits going for years and years - for just penny's a day!

This is what your motor really needs, right?

So, if your motor problem is crying-for-help...

    And this sounds helpful. I'm here to walk you or your mechanic thru the simple installation by phone.

Order Mega Power now! Get it in your cars. Get on down the road of life faster, smoother, less expensively.

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

    One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 6 items as shown
    Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic. $65+ $15 s&H= $80 total

Two Treatments 12 items. $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $35

Six Treatments $300+ $15s&h+ $315 total. Save $180

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order One Motor Treatment of the 6 items, for your motor $65, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 -3 items: $60+ $15 s&h=$75, for your transmission you want to protect: 9 items, just $110, plus $15 s&p= $125 total. Specify this WMTE&T combo pak 9 items - if you want the motor and transmission combo protection.

Order Two Combo Sets for two car engines and transmissions, 18 items, just $200 plus $15 s&h= $215 total. Save $65

Motor problem help. Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

    Order by mail: include check or money order made payable to
    George Christ Mega Power: Address: Mega Power. 210 Durango St. San Marcos, tx 78666

    Email question or order to:

    Shipped Fedex in 3 days to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

Picture below The Mega Power Transmission Service Treatment #TS3... Click picture for details.

Why Mega Power is the best for your motor problem help?

Mega Power is:

    A complex, problem-solving, anti-wear set of 6 products that work together as one.

    3 if for automatic transmission. Both types are called, Treatments. A Treatment does more, provides more ways to end motor and transmission wear, performance, shift, and leak problems.

    Both motor problem help products come with a money-back, if not as advertised.

    This is not a repackage. Invented by Bud Esterline from Mega Power, one of two of America's vehicle additive formula inventors.

Why his 6....?

    That is what works! Together, they make older cars and trucks a joy to drive - again!

    They are installed in brand-new vehicles, RV's, and heavy equipment.

    In new motors, Mega Power prevents a devastating, premature engine destruction problem caused by friction in tight, close fitting pistons, bearings, and gears, called metal migration - the fastest, most devastating cause of engine failure.

    In older worn motors, the same motor problems occur as residues stick and bind moving parts - causing wear, performance decline, power-loss, and noise, like tapping and rough idle problems.

    This product ends those conditions, ends performance decline problems, tap, rough idle, oil burning, and leak problems, and restores the near new power again - chemically.

Keep in mind these points about good motor problem help.

  • Performance decline problems, tap, rough idle, oil burning, and leak problems are conditions compounded by wear, age, and Hi-mileage.

  • Mega Power effectiveness to end your motor problem is due to 4 special cleaners. These penetrate and clean where oil cannot go. And, two friction modifiers. inside...

  • This 6 Treatment product is what frees sticky piston rings, valves, fuel injectors, emission, and combustion systems - ending one causes for motor problems

  • Mega Power works due to its ability to change wear-worn and roughen pistons, bearing, valves and gears to "smooth." This ends friction drag - the other cause of loss of power.

  • Next, the treatment adds a co-polymer to coat and fill worn space - tightening up the motor. This makes motors run quiet again, increasing compression, and creating a slippery surface so moving parts slide easier.

  • Now, once-lost power is passed on to the wheels and speeds you down the road faster - like it use to. That is good motor problem help.

  • It feels almost like a new power returns. These advantages given to your motor is what will revitalize your older, even worn motor, end its wear and performance problems

This is the point of this review and why you should order this product today, and begin to enjoy its advantages in your vehicles!

More motor problem help...

More motor problem help
More to help transmissions, too!

Mega Power's popularity

    Is because it just so happens to ALSO stop the above listed Motor problems - in older, worn engines and transmissions. Those soon to be in need of a $2000 plus "overhaul."

    A few paragraphs down, You can read about my description of how this Treatment turns an older, even worn engine around, end motor problems, have your motor run great again..

My personal guarantee... and ordering info

    The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment is so effective I stand behind it with a 6 month guarantee of satisfaction.

    That is the confidence i have from personal experience and customer feedback. That says a lot about the product.

    You read what people say, and this supports my confidence about this products ability to get you running great down the road again. No refunds ask for the last 257 days.

Trying Mega Power in your motor risk-free,

    Is an ideal way to end the anxiety your motor problem is causing you. You have nothing to lose. Risk free! That is good motor problem help!

    That's how I introduced my remedies and have people try them.

That is how

    tens of thousands of car and equipment owners - learned my new, better way to solve and prevent Motor problems, before they get to the breaking point.

    This is what you need for before your motor problem takes a $2000 to $5000 expense for its remedy - instead of less than a hundred dollars.

Ordering info Order Mega Power now! Get it in your cars. Get on down the road of life faster, smoother, less expensively.

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

    One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 6 items as shown
    Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic. $65+ $15 s&H= $80 total

Two Treatments 12 items. $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $35

Six Treatments $300+ $15s&h+ $315 total. Save $180

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order One Motor Treatment of the 6 items, for your motor $65, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 -3 items: $60+ $15 s&h=$75, for your transmission you want to protect: 9 items, just $110, plus $15 s&p= $125 total. Specify this WMTE&T combo pak 9 items - if you want the motor and transmission combo protection.

Order Two Combo Sets for two car engines and transmissions, 18 items, just $200 plus $15s&h= $215 total. Save $65

Motor problem help. Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665 3388

    Order by mail: include check or money order made payable to
    George Christ Mega Power: Address: Mega Power. 210 Durango St. San Marcos, Tx 78666

    Email question or order to:

    Shipped FedEx in 3 days to your door. Say, "You want to order the Worn Motor Treatment." Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

Shown here the Mega Power Transmission Treatment - with the same advantages, but made to help end transmission problems and to extend transmission life. This product is made as a service flush - for use at drain intervals, and as a problem solver for out of warranty transmissions. Services Power Steering units also. Services Hydraulic Power Take-off units, too. More about using Mega Power to end not only motor problems, but also problems in other components. Power train anti-wear products, tips.

Who Am I? I'm George Christ. They call me The Car Doctor because I prescribe additives like medicine to cure sick vehicles.

    I have 30 years direct motor problem help experience testing and using additives to solve wear an residue caused problems. That is the motor problem help I give you.

George Christ: My Bio Page

End Motor problem help.

Factory Distributor and Trainer for Mega Power Products.
210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666

Now is the time to order this product. Enjoy your car again. End avoidable problems like so many have.

Call or email if you need specific help on your engine or power train problem. Email: Call 1 512 665 3388

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Like this idea?  And We are looking for a reps across noth america and in your area who can see the possiblity of those income making ways. 

That's the life we have and enjoy. Learn about its freedom. Its unlimited income potential. Enjoy the satisfaction no regular job offers - you are the Boss. A no investment ever entry, too. Not like most endeavors. And you would be helping the financial quality of many - your clients doing the same by means of our products. 

Inquire Now by reading this report to learn how to get started.

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