What causes valve tapping?
Ways to end valve tapping?
Best PRODUCT to end engine valve tapping?
3 Solutions Shown.
Ours Is The One Right For You.

Valves Contact info: If on a smartphone, to ask a question, or order items listed, by phone, call me at 512 665 3388 ... George

Stopping Engine Valves Tapping. What causes valve tapping?
Ways to end valve tapping?
Best PRODUCT to end engine valve tapping?
3 Solutions Shown.
Ours Is The One Right For You.  

Engine valves tapping is a worry-some car problem Mega Power Valve Treatment will end - avoiding the other way - a costly week in the repair shopEngine valves drawing shows where Mega Power Valve Low-Cost Treatment ends the problem as you drive! Avoids the other solution - a costly week in the repair shop.

Ways to end valve tapping?

1- End Engine Valves Trouble by Decarbonizing Them.  Pour in motor to remove carbon deposits on valves.

Cleaning Valves.

    We start the budget conscious ending of your valves tap tap tap problem with these two  products. Made to Keep Carbon Out of the most touchy and expensive place in the engine to  repair. 

    Simply add Mega Power #15 to your motor oil motors oil  -and #55 to your gas tank o remove carbon causing the tap problem and the tap disappears, to start end tapping.                Order several sets to service all your vehicles to avoid this costly tapping, rough idle causing condition. 

     Each set is $69 - and Free $15 Shipping today, and to your door in 3 days. Comes with directions = but requires no skill to add to the vehicle. Click cart button to begin the way to remove carbon from valves  - yourself! A smart budget protecting way to do so! Click cart button for this item...

Mega Power Engine Carbon Removal kit with Fuel Injector Cleaner. Engine quiet and great power- and better-than-ever fuel economy returns.Mega Power Engine Carbon Removal kit with Fuel Injector Cleaner. Does both in minutes. Add to fuel and oil and in a few minutes driving pure engine quiet and great power- and better-than-ever fuel economy returns.

Do more internal cleaning and you extend the tthe good working state of your motor.

Include our # Two sugesstion: 

   Remove your engine carbon on valves and valve lifters and give your engine a tune up at the same time by using this upgrade kit for cleaning your dirty fuel injectors at the same time!

   There has never been a better and cheaper way- until Mega Power Additive's developed this 2 in one Carbon Removing, Fuel Injector Cleaning Kit.  Made just as easy to  install by adding them to the gas and motor oil and then driving to let them do so. To Do So! 

    Cost of such repair at a car dealer can be $4000. And this product does so for $95 is an equal, and perhaps better repair by its friction modifying effect MC+ ingredient.  It adds and makes its all possible while driving. 

  1. Item one: Cleans the valves and lifters to end the tapping problem.
  2. Item two: Cleans the dirtiest fuel injectors - returning their fuel fogging action again for the right air fuel blend and lowest emissions.  Removes the cause of engine valve tapping. and rough idle.
  3. Item three: Made to get Carbon Out- of race car engines and of the Most Expensive Engines to restore smooth engine operation and avoid repair. Removes the cause of engine valve tapping and rough idle and engine knock.

   The additional ingredients add a 101% impvement effective! Adds the strongest fuel injector cleaning, valve and lifter tap stopping, and carbon removing above the pistons. While costly at the car dealer repair shop its just $95 shipped to your door in 3 days with directions. No tools or skill reguirerd. Driving does the cleaning.

    Simply add ed them listed to your gas tank and your motor oil  - Drive. Carbon disappears, and smooth, quiet engine operation returns as you drive! End tapping this way. 

    Order several sets to service all your vehicles to avoid this costly tapping, and rough idle causing problems. 

   This Mega Power Carbon Removing Adds Fuel Injector Cleaner and is just  $95 - and Free $15 Shipping today, to your door in 3 days. Comes with directions = but requires no skill to add to the vehicle. Click cart button to begin the way to remove carbon from valves  - and clean your fuel injector for great smooth, powerful and quiet engine performance. Done yourself! A smart budget protecting way to do so! Click cart button for this item...

End valves tapping with this Mega Power Valve Tap Treatment

Way 3 : Add protectors to keep Stopping Engine Valves Tapping. What causes 
Ours Is The One Right For You.   away.

  • Remove carbon on valves, to stop tapping.
  • Clean dirty fuel injectors for better fuel economy.
  • Remove sludge from engine, to avoid engine troubles they cause.
  • And add anti-wear to extend your engine life!

 For a great carbon removing service. Do it yourself! 

  • Motor's when new, and every engine and gear part operate trouble-free and quietly because, every surface is clean, smooth, slide freely close together.
  • As acids and friction appear and wear roughen those clean, shinny smooth surfaces, sticky residues collect and your engine 8 to 24 valves bind and are the first to cause trouble - by tapping.
  • This also lowers horsepower output.  
  • While the best fix for ending tapping valves use to be a costly $3000 repair.
  • Chemistry can quiet valves tapping for under $400. 
  • Under $200 if a car pickup engine.
Mega Power stops tapping by ending sludge forming blow-by, and free stuck valves and lifters.

Valves. While some products can remove the sludge, few ever like Mega Power Promise with a refund guarantee to end the cause of sludge and also stop tapping!

With Mega Power the inventor of the treatment; Bud Esterline, did the research on what is now guaranteed to work! You do not have to find and test different products to see which can on your own.

The Mega Power beneficial chemical solution is cheaper than repair and works every time.

Men and women car owners praise its easy install and quick results - so will you. Order Mega Power below at the ordering info. 

About the install. Its easy!

  • 6 items do so - adding 3 in the gas and oil then drive as usual - then a week later, adding the other 3 at an oil change.
  • The problems just goes away.
  • Sold here and shipped to your door in 3 days - so in a couple days the valve and lifter tapping - you have will go away forever! 
  •  The 6 Mega Power ingredients correct the causes of  valve carbonizing  and residue tapping. You'll want Mega Power in your oil and gas to also clean up and tune those engine parts that let combustion sludge up the oil, jams parts and cause the valve sticking and tapping.

Ordering Info:

  • Ship FedEx to your door in 3 days with guarantee, easy-to-follow directions. Free phone help if needed. Now just $99 plus s&h total $107. Click cart button to order.


Stopping their tap making headache! 

Mega Power - More Than A  Bargain...

New! An engine treatment that stops tapping with a $2000 new car dealer service... for under $100.

Contains over $2000 of additives - combined  by the dealer to stop valve tapping. JYou can purchase them here and add as shown to the fuel and oil to stop tapping. Retail price if you can find them:

  1. Oil Side Valve Cleaner.    $69.
  2. Fuel Side Valve Cleaner.  $69.
  3. Combustion Side Valve Carbon Remover $99.
  4. Oil Side Sludge Remover. $49 
  5. Valve Lifter Free Up Cleaner. $69.
  6. Engine Anti-Valve Sticking Treatment $9

Total if bought separately. Total $405. labor up to $2000.

Ordering Now Info:

Ship FedEx to your door in 3 days with guarantee, easy-to-follow directions. Free phone help if needed. Guarantee. Now just $99 plus s&h total $107. Click cart button to order.

Valves: Read more below

Ending the dirty trouble with engine valves .

Did you know?

  • Motor's when new, and every engine and gear part operate trouble-free and quietly because, every surface is clean, smooth, slide freely close together.
  • As acids and friction appear and wear roughen those clean, shinny smooth surfaces, sticky residues collect and your engine 8 to 24 valves bind and are the first to cause trouble - by tapping.
  • This also lowers horsepower output.  
  • While the best fix for ending tapping valves use to be a costly $3000 repair.
  • Chemistry can quiet valves tapping for under $400. 
  • Under $200 if a car pickup engine.
Mega Power's Valves Tapping Treatment.Mega Power's Valves Tapping Treatment.

The solution offered here!

  • It's called Mega Power, and engine stop tap treatment. 
  • 6 items. 3 added to the gas and oil a week apart.
  • The cheapest, fastest, best remedy for fixing your engine tap, and  for its long term quiet operation.  
  • Sold with a 100% money back promise if it takes a repair to fix, if Mega Power fails too.

A won't tap again, ever again promise!  

  1. Now at a combo price under $200
  2. Containing over $300 of products if you find and buy them.

Ship Fedex to your door in 3 days with guarantee, easy-to-follow directions. Free phone help if needed. Now just $99 plus s&h total $107. 

Click cart button to order.

Valves Review

I suppose if you could study the significance of all those arrows in the picture - showing you engine problem:

  • you could say, your engine valve trouble - tapping, rough running, engine stalling.
  • Those causes is comparable to your home's older front door problem over time.
  • The door losses its sealing ability allowing weather and bugs in. Dirty, wear roughen valves and piston rings stick - fail to seal, and allow horsepower to escape. Tapping, blowby, rough idle, and sludge results.
  • That's why even though some web sites claim they found the Best Additives To stop Valve Lifter Tap - not one of those products are sold with a money back guarantee!
  • Ours is! 2 refunds last 267 days. But many thousands satisfied because Mega Power cleans up every part, removes their roughness, smooths the damages, and fills the worn spaces. With what results?

What People Say:

"I'm very pleased we could follow your recommendation to fixed our motor with $100 worth of your suggestions. We were told it would take $3,000 for an overhaul. I'll come back for more to help our other vehicles avoid expensive repairs, too!" MC

What Mechanics Say:

"3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right.
Your method made it shift beautifully. We recommend your products
and your methods to every customer. They are now a good source of 
extra income for us - and our customers respect our expertise even more, when they experience the performance improvements they hoped for. Thanks again. " DF Mechanic

Most important are these facts:
The products and methods recommended for your fix, are special conditioners with anti-wear qualities that clean and smooth rough, fast wearing pistons, bearings, gears, valve assemblies - promoting additional years of dependability.

....Ships, brand new vehicles on the assembly line, race vehicles, even top car-makers recommend or use these – because they work well, work permanently, and consistently. 

HOW you, your family & vehicles benefit. Here’s the run-down. 

Its the same for engine valves and their faltering, after lots of miles and wear, working in your engines toughest environment 3 deteriorated sealing conditions need fixed by repair or by chemical cleaning, or by both. They are:

 America's Expert on engine additives,

I'll show you the best, cheapest, and easiest fix to end the 6 valve problem causes, permanently - yourself!

Valves are like doors mean and start testing additives, or inventing additives to see which correct the causes of the arrows meanings, you would know how to solve most engine problems, and be one smart car buff.

That's what Mega Power Engine Valve Tap Treatment maker Bub Esterline did!

I learned a lot from Him about valve tap problems and his Mega Power solution.

The following is how to install their engine treatment I teach mechanics to use to free sticky tapping valves and lifters. Stop their tapping.  Doing so just makes the engine instantly run quiet!

I think that's why your're here. Read this to understand what each product does to stop what causes valve tapping. Order the product to end your valves problem Afterwards, below.

Mega Power Engine Valve Tap Treatment Shown here, stops taping in 10 minutes or so.Mega Power Engine Valve Tap Treatment Shown here, stops taping in 10 minutes or so.
  1. On the far left is metal feeder bottle to feed one of the ingredients into the motor a mechanic would need, for this service, but my way avoids its need in the instructions you get. It speeds up the process for them. $125 Not needed.
  2. Far left black bottle is our oil side valve lifter and valve stem residue remover to quirt tapping. See stem notation in picture. $49
  3. Yellow bottle next to black bottle is our combustion carbon remover the valve head T in the combustion area picture part, and piston ring cleaner. To stop combustion escape - the main cause of sludge caused tapping. $49
  4. You drive with the above in the fuel and oil and usually quiets the tap. A week later do an oil change like this: Add the yellow bottle in the next carton to the oil 10 minutes before your oil change. Like install at home, drive from to the quick lube for oil change. $49
  5. Red bottle is our fuel injector cleaner and resin remover. An assist product to the item above to end tapping causes. $49
  6. To the new oil add the 2 black bottles on the far right to the new oil. They continue the healing, combustion escape process - down arrows, power recovery process, and fill worn spaces for a no tapping sound quietness. $98
  7. Enjoy a quiet valve operating engine you now know is well protected and won't tap again, ever!  About $300... However...
  8. Now all at a combo price, but offer may end.

Total for all about $300 plus $50 install tips and phone help. Included all free.

Ship FedEx to your door in 3 days for the beginning of your valve and lifter ending problem. Now just $99 plus s&h  total $107. 

End your motor's valve-tap tap tap noise, even rough idle - also a dirty-valve-problem, and restore your motor's quiet operation with a powerful, new, motor-valve treatment from Mega Power.

Mega power is a developer of new, Hi-tech ways to prevent, an end engine transmission radiator and steering troubles. Those that develop from wear, residues, and time. For the car owner this is good news.

Your car's try troubled area where Mega Power quiets the tap.

This picture shows the location in your engine where the troubles occur. A place where even synthetic oil can't go to or do. That is the area of your motor's tapping, or knocking problem. That is where Mega Power goes to remove the dirty hangup that binds and slows movement of those parts -that create spaces that bang upon closing, making the noise.

Avoids thousands in repair expense.

Mechanics, and car dealers charge up to $3,500 for repair of this problem. If a mechanic is trained in Mega Power usage, the charge is between $250 and $450. If you can add gas and oil to your motor, install the product for under $100 - yourself. It's easy to do.

Tens of thousands of motorist have already done so. Mega Power makes a professional job of it, easy. Order now! In a few days, you will have Mega Power at your door with easy to follow instructions - and a quiet motor soon thereafter. Directions, and easy-to-read product markings show where to install and when. No special skill needed!

This Mega Power method ends your problem by neutralizing acids, residues, healing damaged surfaces, filling worn areas - which frees up binding, and closes the space causing noise. It is cheaper faster and does so as you drive!

You may decide its a better choice to use Mega Power to clean and free and protect all your cars, not just this one. This will keep all of them in normal quiet operation for many years to come! There are 6 items in the treatment. 3 for top motor valves cleaning, and 3 for the bottom oiling and valve-oiled parts.  Just to the fuel and oil and drive.

Order Mega Power here...

Mega Power  is a DIY product that returns the strong quiet operation of your motor. Nothing to take apart. Just add as shown. Driving does the actual fix to forever end the problem!

Ordering Info

Mega Power Engine Treatment is a 6 item product. Comes with easy to install instructions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Ship to your door in about 3 days. Just $85 plus $14 s&h = $99 + tax 8 =$107 total. Buy now, get our $49 Transmission protector for free. Offer subject to change without notice. Click cart button now! Just $107 total. $49 Bonus Free!

Clean and protect  both of your car motors. Order 2 Treatments.  12 items. Regular price $190. Just $147 for both of your cars. Includes shipping. Save $43 while this special runs.

The protection package for the whole vehicle.

Usually, your cars dirty fluids are replaced every 2 to 4 years. Changing the fluids adds new fluids to old residues left behind during the drain. With this special, you get more than a fluid replacement. You have cleaning and protecting treatments along with new fluid [fluids you purchase locally] in a package.

Why not do a complete car service: Each includes pre-cleaners, conditioners, friction modifiers, an protectors that fill worn areas

  • 1-Mega Power Engine Treatment, $90.
  • 1-Transmission Treatment $75.
  • 1-Power Steering Treatment $65
  • 1-Radiator Treatment $65
  • 1-All purpose spray lube $12 ...Total $315
  • 5 treatments to do the required fluid exchange services for one vehicle just $195. Savings of $120.
  • Stock up at this savings and protect all your vehicles.

The tap cause. 

The tap occurs in your engine's because dirty, lazy movement on different internal parts. This creates a space on valve-parts, allowing moving parts to close that space during movement. This smacks the valves with a hammer-like blow producing with rotation the tap tap tap noise and engine power disturbance - which Mega Power corrects as a permanent fix. 

  • Those and other product benefits gained are helping motorist avoid the common need for costly engine repair as the remedy. 
  • Mega Power usage is easy, although the internal action is complex. Driving does the actual fix.

However, other vehicle owners  know they have failed parts and need repair. They use Mega Power as a pre-cleaner and worn part conditioner prior to repair. This saves or salvages those many still-good parts and avoids up to $1000 cost when of dirty parts and bad parts are commonly replaced.

replacement typical to such repairs.

  • Pre-cleaning, and conditioning restores  the parts left untouched during repair and returns the cars back with Many car owners  resulting in their quiet, like-new operation again. This is chemistry at its finest helping you maintain their cars trucks tractors motorcycles  

As a mechanic, me and most mechanic's tell car owners with an engine tapping problem they need a $2000+ engine repair, called a "valve job," to end the problem.

"Not so," says this mechanic , george christ - who discovered a chemical treatment product with deep penetrating characteristics that end the problem as you drive! This is because the problem is residue related, and now new types of cleaners can remove those residues, ending their tap caused hangup.  This avoids the repair need!

Using 6 items from Mega Power, 3 to clean the top of the motor, 3 more during an oil change a week later gets the valves to working quietly again. Nothing to take a apart! This treatment gets in there and fixes the problem  - ending the cause of the tap while you drive!

"I've seen the noise end after the treatment is installed on some motors in as little as 10 minutes," says george, and many car owners who tried it. Although, it can take a week on some cars.

Please note:

Valves let fuel in and exhaust out [ see above picture ]of the combustion chamber. That hot dirty environment is what causes rough idle, mysterious stalling, and that dreadful tapping when dirty.

Of course, you want the best, cheapest remedy! Its Mega Power. A treatment in stalled in thousands of motors to end those problems. However, other additive products are sold for this problem, but few work, and most are harmful. I'll show those to stay away from below!

This picture shows the Mega Power product that cleans and frees those dirty engine parts to end the tap. 

Mega Power's Valves Tapping Treatment.Mega Power's Valves Tapping Treatment.

Most additives are solvents. Solvents cause more valves damage than good!

Mega Power is a problem-solving chemical, not a solvent, and Mega Power has MC+ lubricating ingredients that make the big freeing quieting difference  in results. Its chemical features work perfectly with conditioners and friction-freeing agents to return a quietness to engine operation - you may have thought was worn away."

Mega Power's engine valve treatment works in 99 out of 100 cars! When that one car comes along and it can't quiet the tap, a mechanical problem is indicated. Yet, the owner is assured the products claim of running performance improvement as a noticeable and more zippy performance will appear.

The guarantee is money back, if the tap does not go away. Just send the repair bill in for a full refund. Many car owners feel the improvement in better performance satisfies them - also giving proof a real fix is needed. And that is worth its cost!

"It works on every car nicely" says george, "except for those cars sold cheap at a wholesale car auctions. I guess those cars may have a busted part and actually need repair. They were sold off cheap to let the next guy fix it.  Some additives and flushes are sold to rinse out the motor in hopes of doing the fix. However.

Mega Power's super cleaning, penetrating power will go where oil, even synthetic oil can't go - to the trouble spot and remove by dissolving carbon that causes the blocking or jamming problem. If this sounds like your problem, you may want to consider Mega Power. Its a lot cheaper than actual repair.

And if your car is one it can't help - it helps every car otherwise run much better, just send a copy of the repair bill to george, and he'll refund every dime you spent  for the product! 2 refunds last 267 days. 

Of course, actual repair is good, of course! The mechanic finds and replaces dozens of your noisy $20 to $40 valve and lifter parts, plus machine shop engine "head work." This is the reason that ties up the car for 7 to 10 days, and runs up the bill to $3000 to $5000. 

A better choice is to use Mega Power clean and free those parts and return them to their normal quiet operation. This ends your problem faster and is a lot cheaper! Order Mega Power here...

Mega Power returns the strong quiet operation of your motor for about $250, if installed by a Mega Power tune and repair Retailer Mechanic.

Mega Power is just under $100 if ordered on line below. Its an easy install any man or women car owner can do. And in both cases, driving does the actual fix to forever end the problem!

Ordering Info

Mega Power Engine Treatment is a 6 item product. Comes with easy to install instructions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Ship to your door in about 3 days. Just$107 total.

Clean and protect both of your car motors. Order 2 Treatments.  12 items. Regular price $190. Just $147 for both of your cars. Includes shipping. Save $43 while this special runs.

Clean and protect  both of your car motors. 

Clean and protect  both of your car motors. Order 2 Treatments.  12 items. Regular price $190. Just $147 for both of your cars. Includes shipping. Save $43 while this special runs.

How Mega Power's Valves Tapping Treatment  Stops Tapping.How Mega Power's Valves Tapping Treatment Stops Tapping.
Mega Power's Valves Tapping Treatment.Mega Power's Valves Tapping Treatment.

To order by phone, or have a question answered, call me... george, at 512 665 3388. Day or evening.

WOW! A complete car internal cleaning service:

Mega Power Engine $90, Transmission $75, Radiator $65, Power Steering system service $65: totals $310, and equals a car dealer price of nearly $500. Now with shipping included, with directions, phone help, and guarantee included for just $195 total. 15 items total.

You are getting the 5 required treatment services for one vehicle just $195. Save $125 while our special runs as described... No limit. Order now while this special is still on.

To order by phone, or have a question answered, call me... george, at 512 665 3388. Day or evening.

The mechanic's method of ending tap compared to ours. Most mechanic's want you to pay for a $2000 engine overhaul and replace dozens of $20 to $40 parts and charge a couple days of hand cleaning and machining expense as the fix. That's good - I done lots of those repairs.

OK! so far. Lets talk about the tap source and then the tap cause and our fix.

    As residues and friction grow in engines and transmissions some efficiency is lost and horsepower side tracked. Dirty valves and fuel systems cause combustion to burn incompletely. Pistons rings let blowby escape and grud up you oil. This causes V's and adjusters to create a space - you hear as a tap tap tap as your motor runs!

    The help Mega Power gives is cleaning where oil can't go and conditioning to free, clean, condition, and quiet your problem.

    The install is easy in the gas oil and air intake. Order now! End the tap!

    Mega Power includes 6 items as a treatment needed. 3 are for top motor cleaning and freeing, and 3 for the bottom oiling side to end its cause of the tap.

Order this Mega Power Valve Cleaning Treatment today. Have a quiet and smooth motor tomorrow! Avoid a big repair hit to your budget, too

Other things you should know about how Mega Power protects all your cars and motor valves

Among other harm, improper combustion gums up piston rings allowing a blocking action to more combustion and raw gas to slip by the piston and mix with your motor oil.

That is not good - but not noticeable at first until a cob of residue sticks your adjusters, or sticks your fuel or exhaust valves.

That sticky, dirty condition eventually builds and causes a space to occur with the adjuster, and with each engine revolution you hear this rap tap tap - that even synthetic oil cannot remove.

The mechanics way to end the tap.

    Is to replace most of your engine parts for up to a $2000 cat.

    Our method using Mega Power, goes to several sources of your tap tap tap problem - and cleans and frees them. It's because residues have blocked open one of your "adjusters" and it collapsed making a space causing the tap.

    And by cleaning "fuel and exhaust valve-parts, and all other valves in the system" that have become dirty and sluggish, and slow closing - the closing of that space and tap sound as parts slam together ends. however,

    So slow, that they open a lag space between the parts that make them open and close. Closing the space causes the bang you hear as the tap.

    As shown in the picture: Pay close attention to the 2 up-side-down "T's." Those "T's" are your dirty, sluggish noise makers! They cause your motor tap noise.

    As you read on, I'll show you how to install Mega Power's Engine Valve Treatment, and use my secret to chemically stop your tap. This advantage will avoid a costly $2500 engine fix for you.

    You'll Like Mega Power and may become a believer in its protective and wear and residue problem-solving advantages. Just like many of us car buffs who don't know a radiator cap from a gas cap. Yet, we install Mega Power in everything mechanical we own - because, what quiets your tap also restores a like-new power and dependability to your car again. With Mega Power you gain 2 advantages in one great product!

    Each time you change oil only the watery thin, dirty oil drains out...

    A sticky engine film remains behind coating every part. Now, you would expect fresh good oil to remove that film - but it can't!

    Eventually, enough dirty motor, and transmission residues, for that matter, collects as a tar-like goo on every part.

    On your valve stems - which slide up and down 50 time a minute in a tight bore slot, that sticky goo binds and slows the closing valve movement in a sluggish way - When that happens...

    A space appears. As related parts separate and then return on their up down cycle, a tap like a hammer blow sound occurs.

    That goo not even the best oil can remove! Goo causes your engine tap. In transmissions, the same goo causes jerky or rough shifts, hang ups, and slippage.

    Mega Power Engine Valve Treatment ends your engine tap by its cleaning method and power.

    Now, notice in this video how well Mega Power protects your motor with anti-wear. with their new Mega Power ingredient called MC+.
    Our review - shows you, and mechanics how to install and order Mega Power, to end those engine problems

    Read the following, then order Mega Power below. End the tap and the anxiety it gives you - thanks to this new product.

    We chose Mega Power because it is the only product to clean and condition and protect your entire motor. That is something, which popular solvent-based part store additives do not provide.

    Order this Mega Power Total  Cleaning Treatment today. 

    A complete car service: Mega Power Engine $90, Transmission $75, Radiator $65, Power Steering system service $65 totals $310, and equals a car dealer price of nearly $500. Now with shipping included, with directions, phone help, and guarantee included for just $195 total. 15 items total. You are getting the 5 required treatment services for one vehicle just $195. Save $125 while our special runs as described... No limit. Order now while this special is still on.

    To order by phone, or have a question answered, call me... george, at 512 665 3388. Day or evening.

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