New: Transmission Additive from Mega Power Ends Rough Shift Leak and Slip Problems

Transmission Additive: Contact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order this product, call me at 512 665 3388... george

   Transmission shift problems are worrisome! Here is a new, amazing way from Mega Power to end your transmission problem - and save yourself a kings ransom doing so. Solving a problem that usually requires a costly overhaul, but actually avoids it. Using an ingenious, Hi-tech chemistry formula - making many car and equipment owners very happy.  Is that the help you're after? Read on...

Mega Power Transmission Additive

The Mega Power Transmission Treatment

Shown here, for ending rough shift and leak problems.

The Rough shift Slipping Treatment is shown below.

    Both work to fix the transmission problem avoiding a costly repair. Doing so after you add to the fluid their new, Hi-Tech ingredients. Just add and drive. Your fix occurs as you drive!

    How can that be?
    MP RS3 is the name I give this problem solving treatment. It contains the 3 most powerful found ingredients that reverse negative conditions back to normal - ending the running, shift, slip, leak, problem.

    Powerful combination does the fix!
    Starting with :    
  • 2 chemical cleaners.
  • Continuing with a friction modifier and an     
  • Oil fluid conditioning ingredient  -
  • You just add and drive to do the fix. That's it!

Ordering info. Order Now!

One Mega Power Transmission Treatment, includes Stop Leak. Includes 3 items shown in the first picture. Ship to your door by FedEx in about 2-3 days. includes easy-to-follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Just $60 plus $15s&h= $75 total.

Harmful additives - to watch out for - avoid.

    Please note: Other brands use solvents as their major, but harmful ingredient - solvents. They fail to end shifting problems, slipping, and seal leaks safely.

    Solvent based transmission additives do not contain any ingredients to stop rough shift, slippage and leaks - as it extends the life of your transmission like the MC+ in Mega Power does.

    The Mega Power Transmission Treatment contains no solvents! It is a 3 item Treatment like no other!
    Mega Power cleans, frees, smooth's, and fills problem-causing worn areas, to end rough shift, slipping, and to protect the gears, bearings, bands, and clutches with anti-wear, to end your problem and extend the life of your transmission. 

    As you may already know, its expensive to fix your transmission, ranging from $1500 to clean the valve body to $4000 for an overhaul.

    These Mega Power Transmission Additive Treatments avoid the repair need! Order below.

This product - Mega Power Transmission Additives does so for under $100. And, it works the same way to help ailing motors run as good as near-new again, as it does for your transmission.

Restoring your transmission back to normal - is the real anti-wear, repair-avoiding feature you're investing in.


  1. Add the Mega Power Transmission Additive I marked "T1" - the MP Cleaner, to your transmission fluid, via the dip stick fill tube.
  2. Run the motor or drive the car for 5 minutes, then remove the fluid and replace with new. Next, add Mega Power Transmission Additives I marked "T2" and "T3" to the new fluid. Driving within a day ends the problem.

Ordering info. Order Now!

One Mega Power Transmission Treatment, includes Stop Leak. Includes 3 items shown in the first picture. Ship to your door by FedEx in about 2-3 days. includes easy-to-follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Just $60 plus $15s&h= $75 total.

One Mega Power Transmission Treatment for Rough Shift, Slippage Includes 3 items show in the second picture. Ship to your door by FedEx in about 2-3 days. include easy-to-follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Just $60 plus $15s&h= $75 total.

Order 2 Mega Power Transmission Treatments Protect both cars. Includes 6 items shown. Just $120 plus $15 s&H=$135 total. Save $30.

Order a MP Transmission Treatment $75, and a MP Engine Treatment $95. Protect your engine too!  9 items. Total $170. Now just $150 shipped to your door. Save $20.

What you will experience.

    You will suddenly find yourself enjoying a new-like zippy car again - and for years to come! That is why I say to give both engine and transmission components a like-new MP revitalization.

    Mega Power restores lost power - friction and residues makes you think its worn away, its not!  Friction and residues removed the Mega Power way slam the breaks on your cars rapid wear out. This advantage provides years more trouble-free service.

    So, you have a choice: just the transmission - or engine and transmission protection. What ever...

    You will be glad you did - like thousands of us MP Products users are, and for years to come! A wise investment.

Order a MP Transmission Treatment $75, and a MP Engine Treatment $95. Protect your engine too!  9 items. Total $170. Now just $150 shipped to your door. Save $20.

Six MP Transmission Treatments RS3 for 6 cars, 18 items. For fleet service, or auto repair shop resale. $240+$20s&h= $260 Total shipped to your door or business.

2-4 day delivery time. Same guarantee. Click here to read what Mega Power does for your motor.

The MP Transmission Additive Treatment and Mega Power Engine Treatment pay for themselves over and over. That is my experience, too, as I see my neighbors, who use other methods and products in their cars have to fix or replace them do to wear out, whiles mined just keep running just fine! I figure my Mega Power way is working a lot better than theirs!

Why a 3 product treatment?

    3 - because those 3 and the directions has been found to end problems nothing else can!

    The 3 transmission additive ingredients clean, condition, and friction modify to end rough shifting, shudder, slip, and leaks.

    The 3 ingredients work together to slow down the rate of wear to a crawl, and this will add years more driving dependability to you car.

The Mega Power Transmission Additive Treatment #TS3

    Cleans The shift valves by removing gummy fluid from oil breakdown residue. One of 3 ways this treatment helps transmission shift smoother, faster. Another is fluid conditioning...

    Conditions and strengthens both the fluid by stabilizing against shear, heat thinning, and acid build up. This stops acid damage, the 2nd and 3rd biggest transmission problem. Acids cause seals to shrink and leak, and rough shift. Those problems end in a day or so.

    Adds MC+ anti-friction wear, heat-reducing advantage to your transmission - of which, even the best fluid cannot provide. [I wonder why?] Added to reclaimed fluid to restore its chemical-protecting quality level. Exceeds the highest specs of all car makers, including Mecedes Benz.

    Mega Power's MC+ Friction Modifying ingredients - reduces friction wear, and hot spots, and keeps wear-increasing high fluid temperatures at their lowest. Some report a 40 degree temperature drop. The #1 cause of millions of transmission repairs last year was friction heat. MC+ Friction Modifying ingredients - demo link 

    Mega Power Transmission Additive Treatment #RS3 ends those problems fast and permanently!

More about the Mega Power 3 Part Treatment

    I rank it as the best problem-solving products made.

    This transmission additive is primarily sold as a service protecting ingredient when changing the fluid for warranty covered cars and trucks. However, its nature is such, well protecting the way it does, it just so happens to end problems older, out of warranty vehicles experience. A clever invention!

    I've sold many thousands of these treatments and used them personally in over 20 of my old cars, trucks and equipment - and you have my word for it! If not, a refund is what you will get!

    They work - just one refund requested - that success is why we give you a money-back guarantee on each treatment. It is what your car needs! If not - your money refunded.

    Protects and improves shifting smoothness and stops leaks - or prevents those problems in newer cars, trucks, and heavy equipment.

Order a transmission additive treatment now

    Get on down the road of life again. Call in your order, now! Shipped Fedex to your door, with easy to follow instructions

One Mega Power Transmission Treatment for Rough Shift, Slippage Includes 3 items show in the second picture. Ship to your door by FedEx in about 2-3 days. include easy-to-follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee. Just $60 plus $15s&h= $75 total.

Order a MP Transmission Treatment $75, and a MP Engine Treatment $95. Protect your engine too!  9 items. Total $170. Now just $150 shipped to your door. Save $20.

The Mega Power Transmission Additive.

    You will suddenly find yourself enjoying a new-like zippy car again - and for years to come! That is why I say to give both components like new MP protection.

    Mega Power restores their lost power - makes you think its worn awqay, its not! And, you slam the breaks on your cars rapid wear out. This advantage provides years more troublefree service.

    Doing so avoids AVOIDABLE WEAR problems. That is why and how Mega Power Transmission and Engine Additive extends your car life! Reduces costly repair expense. You are paying for Mega power Benefits - Why not enjoy them. Order Mega Power Today - and begin doing so!

    You will be glad you did - like thousands of us MP Products users are, for years to come! A wise investment.

    Order both: A MP Engine and a MP Transmission Treatment.

    Order a MP Transmission Treatment $75, and a MP Engine Treatment $95. Protect your engine too!  9 items. Total $170. Now just $150 shipped to your door. Save $20.

Six MP Transmission Treatments for 6 cars, 18 items. Fleet service, or auto repair resale. $240+$20s&h= $260 Total shipped to your door or business.

2-4 day delivery time. Same guarantee. Email: Prompt replies always.
Mail: Include your problem, product wanted, delivery info,
phone #. Checks/MoneyOrder OK. Mail your order request to:

George Christ. Mega Power.
210 Durango Street.
San Marcos, Texas 78666

Is Mega Power transmission additive a fluid converter? Yes!

    I also rank this Mega Power Transmission Additive Treatment as the best transmission fluid converter treatment in the market place - with no equal, to reduce slippage, stop rough shifting, leaks. What is a ATF Fluid Converter?

    A "fluid converter" modifies and upgrades automatic transmission fluid [ATF] - substitute the word "modifies," to: makes any AT Fluid; cheap, regular, or recycled ATF Fluid, meet every car makers fluid specs.

    The Problem: Auto transmission fluid is a couple dollars cheaper per quart in price if the bottler omits a "fluid converter chemical package" from his product. So...

    Several brands of additives are sold to add to AT Fluid to bring the fluid up to specs.

    Mega Power Transmission Additive is so much better - and has MC+ friction modifiers in it - it is a bit pricey for - and why most transmission shops use a cheaper quality additive, with less advantages, and not Mega Power, just to make a bit more profit. Make sense to you?

    So, you have this Review to educate yourself and decide what is best for your cars. And, here is something about harmful transmission additives you should avoid.

Read - what never to use in your transmission Harmful additives.

How does the friction reducing and wear reducing part work?

    Mega Power works to reduce friction and hot spots on any surface - not just transmissions by preventing acid pitting and by metal conditioning. These two advantages reduces transmission friction - Demo, its excessive friction drag, and slows rapid wear to a crawl on your transmission's moving parts - ending those causes of rough shifting.

    A cooling factor - heavy load temperature drops as much as 40 degrees, its 1 of 4 protecting qualities and that extends transmission smooth shifting, and leak-free life, for years more dependable service.

    Those who pull trailers need Mega Power!

The Mega Power Demo -Click link below.

    Mega Powers friction-modifying is the only surface-reducing ingredient that lowers internal temperatures to normal - by eliminating its source, wear roughen surfaces. Even when towing; your transmission will run cool - a Mega Power exclusive.

    How does Mega Power MC+ Work to Protect My Car? I've even had great results using Mega Power Transmission Additive Treatment in

    Hydraulic systems - like in fork lifts, tractors, and ditch diggers. Even in machine shop lathes. Call me for this help at - 512 665 3388

    More on Why it Works.

    The cleaning portion helps increase pump pressure and the anti-wear conditioner reduces friction. This overcomes wear factors that slows hydraulic ram movement.

    What One Mechanic said:

  • "3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right. We tried your Mega Power and it ended the problem. We install it on every repair to avoid such hassles. Not made to fix mistakes. This mechanic does what I do as a mechanic.

  • Then, we tried your method. Your Mega Power Product and method made it shift beautifully. They consistently work well.

  • Because of this, we now recommend your products and your methods to every customer. Our customers respect this special expertise.

  • Thanks for introducing us to Mega Power Additives. They give us a new source of good extra income - an a great reputation for making cars and trucks really run great again!".... ....... Thanks again." DF Mechanic

How to install Mega Power. Product directions.

    One of yellow items is a flush cleaner. You add it to your old fluid 5 minutes before you have your fluid replaced. That process frees and cleans valve body, clutches, pistons, and such, problem areas.

    The other two items are added to the new fluid. Driving makes the products end your problem in a few miles - which is always amazing to me - and my customers.

    These 3 products are what always solves transmission problems nothing else can!

    Suddenly find yourself enjoying the secret to restoring a new-like zippy car again! Gives both components like new protection, restore their lost power, you slam the breaks on rapid wear out. Provides years more troublefree service. Doing so avoids AVOIDABLE WEAR problems. Extends your car life! Reduces costly repair expense.

    You will be glad you did - like thousands of us MP Products users are, for years to come! A wise investment.

One, MP Transmission Treatment 3 items. $60+ $15s&h= $75.

Order a MP Transmission Treatment $75, and a MP Engine Treatment $95. Protect your engine too!  9 items. Total $170. Now just $150 shipped to your door. Save $20.

Six MP Transmission Treatments for 6 cars, 18 items. Fleet service, or auto repair resale. $240+$20s&h= $260 Total shipped to your door or business.

2-4 day delivery time. Same guarantee.Customers of both tell us they're getting 25 to 40 more miles on each fill up. This fuel savings is one more way Mega Power pays for itself, over and over. That is my experience, too!

To order by mail, or phone, have a question, call or email me. .. george at 1 512 665 3388

Email: Prompt replies always.
USMail: Include your problem, product wanted, delivery address, phone info. Any Question/ Or to order. Checks OK. Mail order request to:
George Christ. Mega Power.
210 Durango Street.
San Marcos, Texas 78666


Mega Power Transmission Additive Treatment. Stops rough shift. Cools. Conditions fluid against sludge, acid. Friction modifies with MC+. Anti-wear. Prevents leaks. Lowers temperature when towing.

Works in any transmission and Power Steering System with a problem. Works with any fluid. Results occur within a few miles of driving. Sold to do as advertised or your money back!

Transmission Additive, More on this product...

Mega Power for large Diesel Truck, and Equipment

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