Why Synthetic Motor Oil Can't Prevent Engine Problems. What Can?

 Synthetic Motor Oil Contact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed by phone, call me... george, at 512 665 3388 

    ? Why is my engine having an internal operating problem? I use synthetic oil?

    Answer : All oils, even synthetic,:

  • Allow wear and sludge to develop. 
  • While having more cleaners, 
  • And cold, and hot-flow features, 
  • Synthetic oil turns into sludge 
  • Fail in engines extremely high temperatures. 
  • Sludge will bake on moving engine parts, 
  • Bock oil flow at the end of passageway delivery. 
  • Between oil changes heat, acids, sludge breakdown all oils.
  • Those negatives cause engine wear and operating problems.

     What you can do about operating problems.

     You can - just as in choosing synthetic oil with its better features for lubrication and protection over regular motor oil features, at oil change intervals, you can  choose additives to do what you thought synthetic motor oils were suppose to do!

     The best additives :

  • Use the engine's heat to clean problem-causing residues on each engine part. 
  • Use the engines raw friction to condition the surfaces faces again.
  • Add acid pitting healing  features.
  • Provide acid neutralizing features.
  • Fill worn surfaces. 
  • Use those features synthetic motor oil does not have to end engine problems.
  • End problems in other components.

     How I Can Help you With Your Engine Problem Solving Solution.

      Two companies have the research to develop formulas with those features. Their rigorous testing refines the best problem solving features. They are :

  1. The Mega Power Additive Brand, and 
  2. Justice Brothers Additive Brand. 

      I favor Mega Power as they allow me to :

  • Package additive treatments and label then in 6 service kits.
  • This efficiently and economically you the best additives for each components problem - 
  • In 12 oz for small engines or other components.
  • Gallons for 3 to 10 gallon motor oil capacity  engines and gears.
  • While gaining the anti-wear and problem avoiding features synthetic motor oil can't provide. 
  • Follow the Site Menu Buttons and likes to see what's available for your car and diesel problems.

       I've made it easy to use the right additives for any internal problem by packaging 6 treatments for each vehicle component anyone can use

     Sold directly to auto repair shops, fleet equipment owners and to the public directly. 

     Mechanics and fleet owners who buy  for inventory and resell are offered a lower price to profit off the investment

     For new and older vehicles:

     In order vehicles the Mega Power Motor Oil  and Component Fluid Change Treatments will end wear caused, power and performance problems. In new engines, and components so serviced, release horsepower absorbed. Those features synthetic motor oil cannot provide.

     In new vehicles the Mega Power Motor Oil  and Component Fluid Change Treatments Change Treatment, installed with synthetic oil, makes engines, and components so serviced, run like a bigger engine would, yet give you 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tank of fuel.

An improvement than synthetic oil does not provide. Order the Mega Power Motor Oil Change Treatment today!

Is that a benefit you’re looking for?

This is not some high-priced ad agency hype. Nor is it a new synthetic motor oil! It is a new anti-wear problem-solving chemistry. It is made to add to your engines and transmissions oils to help you gain years more service from your cars, before engine overhaul or car replacement is needed. Is that what you’re after? For both new, but especially older cars trucks and heavy equipment. For engines and transmissions and other components.

What customers tell us - they say, "this Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment" does more for their older, even worn motors than couldn’t use synthetic oil - nor stop oil leaks or end oil burning, reduce friction, nor restore power, unless Mega Power was added.  As this Mega Power Ingredient MC+ demo illustrates.  Pictured below.

Mega Power cleans:

  • the upper motor fuel injector, idle, air intake, combustion, valve, and catalytic converter - 
  • as well as your lower piston rings, valves lifters, and oiling system - as you drive. 
  • Then adds a long wearing protective anti-wear to every part! 
  • Restoring years more dependable service to your vehicles.

Shown in the picture for mechanics; the Mega Power Product Feeder Cleaning Tool - 

  • Bought by mechanics to remove carbon and sludge from the intake and combustion area of the engine.
  • Mechanics: order this long lasting tool below. 
  • This Mega Power tool - feeds Mega Power Injector and carbon removing cleaner in the tune up process.
  • Cleaner cleans fuel injectors, emission smog system, to restore lost power. 
  • Lets mechanics service that part of a customers car engine with Mega Power Carbon Removing Cleaner.

I'll show you how to do the same professional service cleaning of your motor - any motor and get  the same exact professional results with Mega Power in just 15 minutes, like they do - and for $200 less labor expense.

Mega Power is a great car care motor invention - as you can see from what customers say about it. Those comments are not the exceptions, but, are typical product user experience.
Mike says his motor went from sounding like terrible rock music off key, to having his motor sound like beautiful music, after installing Mega Power.

Review: Mega Power restores motor performance better than synthetic motor oil for out of warranty motors

In as little as 10 minutes the Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment ends  an older motor’s wear caused power and performance problems and quickly returns a like-near-new power to any motor! Order your  motor treatment below.

Mega Power is a great car care motor invention - as you can see from what customers say about it. Their comments are not the exceptions, but, are typical product user experience. For example...

Mike says his motor went from sounding like terrible rock music off key, to having his motor sound like beautiful music, after installing Mega Power. You will too!

Mega Power’s Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment. Product ingredients:  MC+

Mega Power uses 6 ingredients. 3 are installed for top motor cleaning. That includes the fuel tank, filter fuel injectors, intake idle vale combustion piston and valves and catalytic mufflers. Something just adding synthetic oil cannot do.

Those 3 products  working with the other 3 in the lower part of your motor, stops top of your motor valve tap, and frees sticky piston rings. Ending oil burning, and blowby - all power declining negatives.

The 3 other ingredients in the #2 box above, using MC+ - a metal conditioner, and a protective coating, cleans and smooths ou your pistons bearings valves and gear surfaces. Working where ever gas, air combustion, exhaust and oil travels removing your motors power robbing condittions. That's good!

Besides removing metal-to-metal friction. penetrating ingredients free sticky rings valves - all without the need to tear your motor apart; the usual $3000 remedy. Something no synthetic motor oil can do.

Installing Mega Power is easy. Directions are simple.   JUst add the treatment in two steps a week a part. the second step is during your oil change. a week later.  Major improvement begins with Step One ending  problems motioned above end. After the oil change, driving restores any remaining missing power. Use with any synthetic or regular motor oils.

Motor Overhaul. Instead of the Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment

Mega Power puts off overhaul need for several years. Overhaul is better, of course but run over $3000 and 2 weeks time without your car. Now for under $100 - and 15 minutes time, you can get years more car service from your older motor - and transmission - if you install it there, and keep your car or equipment engine and transmission running great again, and your budget intack. Yes, works in transmissions, stick shift and 4x4 gears, and industrial equipment of any size, too.

The Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment.

<p>The Picture shows the Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment.</B> It includes 6 items - because that is what restores power and dependability to older and worn motors. It is not in any synthetic motor oil.

<p>Oil change oils have not changed much in 100 years</b> - until Mega Power came along to improve any motor oil. Mega Power developed special chemistry to add to the oil and gas. </p>

<p>No other product needed. Driving does the actual work avoiding the need for their fix by repair - or its free!</p><b></ul>

Mega Power does what synthetic motor oil cannot- for Worn Motors!</b><ul>

By adding the Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment to your oil change you breath new life into - and again pull out of your motor, power, performance, and lasting dependability it had when near new - but wear and miles took it away.

As long as no actual part is broken or worn out completely, all this is certain.

Without Mega Power, wear-out continues at a faster pace. Lousy fuel economy continues, the Worn Motor runs less than ideal, you may suspect it could breakdown sooner than you expected. It may.

The Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Treatment uses special chemistry to help cars and equipment run better, and longer - by ending performance wear problems oil cannot in our cars, trucks, RV's, and motorized equipment.

Using Mega Power, wear-out goes from a faster pace - to a crawl. Lousy fuel economy  changes to getting <i>20 to 40 more miles on each fill up. Synthetic motor oils won't do that because they keep things clean - but cannoty clean engine parts or reduce metal-on-metal friction as Mega Power does.

Instead of the motor running less than ideal, it will again <i>start faster, idle smoother when cold, have more power taking off at red lites.

It will run that way for years</i> - instead of giving you the anxiety that it may breakdown sooner than you expected.

I love this Worn Motor Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment invention for all those reasons! Tens of thousands of car and equipment owners do to! I think you will, also. Try it and see. If ever dissatisfied - I'll refund the motor you spent to try it. I know this is what you need!

Cleaning benefits synthetic motor oil do not have.</b><ul>

Cleaning and anti-wear advantages end avoidable problems by ending the cause of the problem - if its from friction, sticky residues binding a motor function, or wear. Just add and drive. Mega Power does the fix. </ul><b>

When left dirty</B><ul>

Those motor conditions cut your engine life in half and fill two football stadium size areas of air with pollutants every day. Dash check-engine codes will not be triggered until that section fails completely. Mega Power extends the time before that happens, often by years.</ul><b>

Motor systems that cut motor life in half if not cleaned.</b><ul>

Your cars smog-reducing sub-system is an engineering marvel that have made for smaller motors, yet producing more power, more fuel efficient, and self tuning. Cleaning of them is required  to have your motor operate at its best.

That is one of the 4 functions that occur as you install the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment - not possible with a regular oil change.</ul><b>

When your Worn Motor and some of its smog reducing devices become dirty</b><ul>

Problems develop deterring the motors running and limiting or reducing its full power development at that given moment.

More serious, if left dirty, they produce new performance problems, and cut the remaining engine life in half. Synthetic motor oils do nothing about hat - but Mega Power does.

The Mega Power Oil Change Treatment ends those problems and doubles or triples the remaining engine and transmission life.

You need this product. Order this product now! See ordering details below.</ul><b>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;">Mega Power's Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment - Pictured above</B></span><ul>

Is a product anyone can use to protect, prevent, and correct problems newer, and older, even worn motors all experience.

Order a Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment for your car - one for all your cars! Get on down the road for many more years of happy, and trouble-free driving! This is the best way anyone knows of to protect your car investment!

Of course, parts re-builders and new car manufacturers wish you wouldn't - and just stick to synthetic motor oil. They want you to spends thousands for their benefit - not help you avoid that repair,  or costly replacement expense.
A money-back guarantee assures you of no loss, if this is not what you need.
Order by phone! Includes my personal help anytime, if needed. Here's how...</ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment ordering, Shipping, Guarantee Information</B></span><ul>

Guarantee. Your money refunded if not delighted. 90 day period. No refunds requested - last 267 days.

One Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment.</B><br> Includes the 6 items needed for the treatment. Instructions. Personal help during installation. Guarantee.  Price. $65+ $15s&h= $80 total.

If you read this far and  think synthetic motor oil is not what you want. Insread, you want to try this product, say you read the story and it offers a $10 discount if I ask for it. You pay $70 - not $80.  Get $30 off two treatments.  $130 total for 2 Treatments.  Ask for it, OK?

<B>If you have a question, or want to place an order, Call me day or evening. ... george, by calling me at 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!<br><br>

<B>Order Two Treatments </B>to protect 2 cars.<br>
Just $60 each plus 15s&h= $135 total. Save $25.

<B>Order a Mega Power Transmission Treatment RS3 </B>also.<br> Protect the integrity of your transmission - and for smoother shifting. Includes a cleaner flush, a conditioner, and protector/problem-solver.<br><b>Just: </B>$50+ $15s&h= $65 total.

<B>Order both </B>Engine and Transmission Treatment for one car.  Same guarantee. Both delivered to you for $115 total. Save $25 on shipping. [Engine and Transmission Treatment shipped to you. $115 total].

<B>Order now</B> by calling - Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!

<B>Double above order for two cars. $200 total. </B>Free shipping. Save $80 - get this bonus.  Our $12 Mega Power Lube and Penetrating spray for Free - Lubes, frees, stops anything squeaking, stuck, frozen. For home, shop, vehicle use. Mention this page. Offer Limited. [4 treatments + bonus spray lube shipped to you. $200 total].

<B>Fleet, Lube and Tune, Parts store, and Auto Repair owners.</B><br>6 MP Worn Motor Treatments for 6 cars. Free shipping. $300 total. $50 per kit. . Free s&h until 6/30/11 br>Visa M/C </ul>

Use two Treatments for large 5 to 8 gallon motor oil diesel truck engines. A similar treatment works just as well to end        automatic transmission problems. Specific, if stick-shift transmission for its treatment. Shipped USPS or Fedex.

<B>Order now, by calling anytime. Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!</B>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;">Order by phone.</B></span>  Call if you have a question or concern about your cars and equipment problem. Call me, George. At 1-512 665-3388

Synthetic motor oil won't clean your motor

Mega Power made it easy for anyone to clean their motor</b><ul>

Its 6 sub-systems, which includes</b><ol>
<li>the emission system</li>
<li>The fuel system</li>
<li>The air intake system</li>
<li>The combustion system</li>
<li>The oiling system, and </li>
<li>The emissions system</li></ol>

Ending any wear, residue, and related performance issues. Thereby restoring the motor to near perefect operation during the oil change.</ul><b>

Those negative conditions corrected, are</b><ul>

<li>Ends excessive friction that saps away power</li>
<li>Closes wear gaps that causes oil burning </li>
<li>Removes sticky residues that bind or deter movement</li>
<li>Removes sticky residues that deter combustion <li>
<li> cleans emission system so they drop lowest possible.</li> <li>clean the oiling system rings, valves, lifters</li></ul><b>

When dirty, those conditions</b><ul>

Cause tapping noise, rough idle, stalling, oil burning, lousy fuel economy, and loss of power. You would think its telling you its worn out! Your motor is not worn out, yet even with synthetic motor oil does nothing for those conditions.

An oil change does not clean the dirty affected areas. Nor does it end those problems - even if synthetic oil is used.

The other way is to clean your motor and those sub-system parts is by a $3000 motor overhaul. But few do so as it's expensive.

You usually wait until the car is not drivable, then have a mechanic tear into your motor and clean it.

Cost is between $1500 and $3000 to do so - as you may already been told. If you did so, the car runs better afterward, but never perfect.

So Mega Power researched, tested, and invented the way to do so as part of an upgrade oil change. But for around $150 - not $2000.

Mechanics and quick lubes will be trained in this service over the coming years, but car owners can order the products and do it themselves. It is a simple process to do, and many have. They knwo synthetic motor oils and Mega Power.

This is how Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment gets your car running good as new again for $150 plus an oil $32 change - if done by a mechanic. Half that, if you do it yourself. If they are a trained Mega Power Installer....

So, once a year say, "I want a Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change, Please." If your local lube guy, or mechanic does not sell Mega Power, Order it here, on line.

It is easy to install following simple instructions - listed below. An included with your order.

Some lube and auto repair shops have a promotion. “Make it today, and get our Mega Power $12.50 All Purpose Penetrating Lube for free!” Online, you can get one for $6.95 with your order. Ask for it please. Frees anything squeaky, stuck, rusted, or needs a good lube.

Your cars need Mega Power protection. Mega Power is the strongest engine cleaning treatment made. It has 6 cleaners for 6 motor areas – not just one. No concentration in any other brand exceeds Mega Power strength. Get it working for you!
And we are often $20 to $75 cheaper in price than copycat, weaker products like BG!

And, only Mega Power reduces actual friction. Not synthetic motor oil.

BG, like some additives, depend on keeping things clean as a way to reduce friction. That's good! But BG cleans no better than Mega Power - and Mega Power reduces friction, TOO! BG does not clean the catalytic converter - another big smog reducing advantage the Mega Power purchaser enjoys.

About Friction: Mega Power reduces friction to the lowest levels possible. This friction-reducing and problem-solving advantage is a power improving benefit the Mega Power car and equipment owner enjoys. Power is King!

One other Mega Power advantage is its MC+ which fills worn areas of your motor and transmission. Filling worn motor part surfaces with MC+ brings back a motors smoother, quieter running. And, the transmission’s smoother shifting, and cooler running, for additional years longer dependability – a great product usage benefit.

Mega Power does complex things. You add it and drive. Driving does the fix. Not any synthetic motor oil.

Mega Power treats motors to a new, instantly stronger running life. It does so becauses it cleans, frees, coats, and protects every part in 6 sub sections of your motor.

    The "Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment" uses an easy-to-follow 2 step process. It works by adding 3 ingredients before, and 3 after your regular oil change. An odd idea, but it works well!

    This Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment and driving a bit restores power and performance to any older, even worn out motors are greatly helped. Even motors with a problem needing repair <i>"seem to run better,"</i> customers tell us.</ul><B>

The benefits are achieved</B><ul>

By "cleaning and conditioning" every dirty, sticky internal part, the results helping your motor is immediately and permanent. See "metal conditioning" item, below.

    This improvement, which most people can see and hear working, keeps the motor running as if in a near-newer condition.

My own usage, in 6 older cars and work trucks is amazing, in that those vehicles run up and down the freeway full speed, day after day, year in, year out - and you would have thought different about them - and not did that, were it not for Mega Power.

Will it work in your case? That depends. 99 out of 100 people swear by it. Give it a try. Ordering info below.

    Mega Power helps motors run-out-of-warranty and older, worn, motors - and transmissions to end wear and performance  and run like near-new again. </ul><B>

    Compared to a future $3000 plus motor overhaul</B><ul>

You can't compared a re-built motor to this.... however,,,

The Mega Power Oil Change Treatment provides performance and dependability advantages for under $100 - a budget-minded car owner may desire, that suits them for a year or two, as a practical alternative to spending $3000.

That is the option we have for you with the addition to your motor of our new anti-wear chemistry, called - the "Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment."</ul><B>

Every motor eventually wears out - and fails.

However, Mega Power....<ul> </B>

Discovered an upgrade motor oil change procedure using 6 ingredients that pushes a worn motor's fate off into the future. This, it does by getting the motor to run <u>as if it were not not worn out! Something synthetic motor oil cannot do!

Would this advantage help your motor's present conditioned?</u>!<B>

Mega Power's new chemistry ends</B> a motors wear, and Hi-mileage problems, and restores its motors former, better operating power.<B>

Just add</B> Mega Power to your oil change procedure. Explained below.<B></ul>

What you will notice - compared to synthetic motor oil.<ul>

You will notice</B> Mega Power chemically reduuces oil burning, and ends those negative conditions like sticky valves, that now causes power decline problems.<B>

Then too, wear reduces </B>your motors full power development – increases friction, waste a gallon or more of fuel each fill up, and speeds up wear-out.</ul><B>

Mega Power ends each of those negative conditions.<ul>

That is what</B> makes possible so you have a smoother running motor, more power for hill climbing, passing slower cars, and to go faster. <B>

Mega Power is not</B> a fuel octane, or citane booster.

Mega Power contains </B>the only known combination of ingredients that help older motors and transmission regain their former, like new power and performance - an anti-wear to extend your cars - truck tractor, RV's restored life, for years on end.

Explained in detail below.</ul><B>

The Mega Power Oil Change<ul>

The Mega Power Treatment </B>restores your older motor to a previously better, stronger operating condition, and then keeps it that way, years past what any other method of care can provide.<B></ul>

Mega Power is much more effective than any synthetic oil.<ul>

Synthtic oil</B> is way to thin for worn, lose pistons and bearings.  You may have heard how its cleaning efficentcy has been know to plugged up the motor's oiling passaways - much like those engine flushes aqnd stop leaks they sell in parts stores and quick lubes.</B>

Did you know </B>Mega Power helps your motor, transmission, cooling system, and other components to change from running as if old, and worn, to running like near new again.</ul><B>

By reducing <ul>Metal grinding friction,</B> more power is released, and is one way fuel waste is reduced.<B>

By cleaning </B>sticky piston rings, bearings valves, lifters, gears, and such, then adding two slippery protectors you will enjoy a renewed love for your cars restored performance.<B>

These advantages pay</B> for themselves in many ways and can prevent a $3000+ repair that is now avoidable. Mega Power prevents a harmful hit to the family budget – until you decide to change cars.<B>

Read on about</B> these beneficial advantages to revitalize your older motor. Not synthetic motor oil.

Order Mega Power and try it yourself.</B> Thousands of satisfied users of the product were glad they did!<B>

Mega Power is a Do-it-yourself product,</B> and is easy to install.  Nothing to take apart. Restored performance occurs as you drive, and can last for years, with an inexpensive product touch up, during future oil changes.<B>

For those reasons, Mega Power is an option many have chosen.</ul>

How Mega Power helps your worn motor run good as almost new again<ul>

The Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change</B> - actual directions below.<B>

Starts</B> the ending of your motors performance problems and starts restoring of like-new power with the use of what's called, special anti-wear cleaners. <B>

These remove </B>the build-up of your motors power-robbing and problem-causing conditions affecting rings, valves, valve lifters, and oil pump. With those negative accumalations bogging your power down, you feel like your motor is worn out - when its not!<B>

That type cleaning </B>is what the mechanic charges a lot to do by hand - Mega Power can now do.<B>

Mega Power</B> cleaning even opens clogged passagways to the valve lifters - your motors Hi-tech automatic valve adjusters. Lifters collaspe when oil-starved - the cause of valve tapping, if you heard that sound from your engine. Now, you know about a product that stops the tap.<B>

Two more unique cleaning areas</B> include freeing your motors sticky <B>valve stems and piston rings.</B> Sticky piston rings and valves causes up to 15% less power development - explained on another page. <B>

Mega Power's ability </B>to clean and free your motors sticky valves stems - and eliminate excessive power robbing friction is its secret to restore a like-near-new performance from your car, again. Let me expalin....<B>

Piston rings - when sticking,</B> lose their expandable wiping action, and like worn windshield wipers, allow oil to get pass them - into the upper piston combustion area. Mega Power frees the lower piston rings from the oil side, and the top "compression ring" from top side motor cleaning.

Those are of 2 of the 4 ways Mega Power restores power, and ends oil burning, lost of power, tap, and bluiest exhaust smoke. </ul><B>

While Cleaning frees sticky piston rings and valves:<ul>

Other ingredients are restoring </B>what you thought was <B>worn-away power.</B> Here is how so...

Worn areas -</B> usually roughen up from years of contact, are cleaned, then smoothed, and finally sealed with a slippery, protective coating.
That is the restoring process the Mega Power motor oil change  no other product has or can provide!

Those steps, what I call chemical revitalizing, is what overcomes your wear and worn motor problems.

The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment is what your car needs!

Why not order Mega Power today to get your motor running great again. Is'nt this what you're after? If so, read on...</ul>


Because of all those</B> anti-wear and restoring advantages, Mega Power ends the problems wear causes, and slams the breaks on the rapid rate of wear out.</ul><B>

Mega Power's new friction reduction and protective coatings MC+<ul>

Is a valuable </B>feature you should want for your new and older cars and machines if you want to avoid avoidable wear out, and extend their lives years beyond the average.

<B>So, you can see</B> how Mega Powers special revitalizing ingredients can also slow your motor's wear-out rate down. It is this feature that just so happens to extend the remaing life of your motor for many more years of good service - customers report. <B> </ul>

Those combined Mega Power Treatment advantages</B></ul> is how anyone can restore great running performance to a motor showing age and Hi-mileage problems. No wrenches, nothing to take apart!<B>$3000 engine overhaul.

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Ordering, Shipping, Guarantee Information</span><ul>

To order Mega Power for your car, call me at 512 665 3388</B><br>

Our Guarantee. Your money refunded</B>if not delighted after a 90 day period. Two refunds requested - last 267 days. <br>

Shipped to your door in about 3 days by Fedex.</ul>

One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment.</B><ul> Includes the 6 items needed for the treatment. Instructions. Guarantee. <br> Price. $65+ $15s&h= $80 total. Shipped to your door.</ul>

<B>The patented feeder bottle</B> is made for long term daily use.<br><ul>
Price: $125 Free shipping. Not needed except by mechanics who do save a little time using this feeded. It can be rented for a week for $25. A $100 charge if you want to keep it, or if not returned in the allowed time. Made for rugged daily use by mechanics.

<B>Order now</B> by calling - Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!

<B>Order Two Worn Motor Treatments </B>to protect 2 cars.<br> Just $65 each, and just $15s&h for both. $145 total. Save $30.</ul>

Order a <B>Mega Power Transmission Treatment RS3 </B>also.<ul> Protect the integrity of your transmission - and for smoother shifting, stops leaks. Includes a cleaner flush, a conditioner, and protector/problem-solver.<br><b>Just: </B>$60+ $15s&h= $75 total.

<B>Order both </B>Engine and Transmission Treatment for one car.  Same guarantee. Both delivered to you for $125 total. Save $30. [Engine and Transmission Treatment shipped to you. $125 total].

<B>Double above order for two cars. Just $200 total. </B>Free shipping. Save $50 - and get the following bonus.  </ul><B>

Bonus: </B><ul>

Order 2 treatments for 2 cars, receive our $12 Mega Power Lube and Penetrating spray-for Free. this lube frees anything stuck, rusted, or squeaking. For home, shop, and vehicle use. Mention this page. Offer Limited. [2 treatments + bonus spray lube shipped to you. Please ask for this special].

<B>Order now</B> by calling me, george - Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!</B></ul>

<B>Fleet, Lube and Tune, Parts store, and Auto Repair owners.<ul></B><br>Order 6 MP Worn Motor Treatments for 6 cars. Free shipping. $300 total.
$50 per kit.  Free s&h until 12/31/12 br>Visa M/C </ul><B>

Use two Treatment for large diesel truck engines and their automatic transmissions. </B> Specify, if stick-shift transmission for its product treatment. Shipped USPS or Fedex.<ul>

<B>Order now</B> by calling - Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!</ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;">Order by phone.</B></span>  Call if you have a question or concern about your cars and equipment problem. Call me, George Christ. Factory Direct Distributor. At 1-512 665-3388

Mega Power provides the same revitalizing advantage for your transmission and other componnents - wherever added.

Now, as a mechainic, I know </B>a motor overhaul is the real answer. I’m not saying this is a cure-all - its not! It does  help even worn motors go years longer before overhaul became neccesary! That it does very well. Is this a benefit you are after?<B>

I'm sure you know you may need </B>a tune up to replace defective spark plugs; perhaps a sensor gone bad, or whatever. That helps get external bad items out of the way.<B>

Mega Power takes care of</B> the worn problem inside. That is what Mega Power does for you. Make sense to you?</ul><B>

What this Treatment ends</B> is internal residue and friction based problems<ul><B>

Those that deter</B> power, cause performance problems, waste oil and gas - and makes you feel an overhaul is needed. Overcoming those negatives will put-off overhaul for years.<B>

    Ninety-nine</B> car owners out of 100 are satisfied with this product!<B>

One reason why</B> Mega Power is so effective is that - it makes oil stronger - to resist burning.<B>

And it goes</B> where you thought oil should go but does not - into the every piston, bearing, valve, and gear surface to clean, free and smooth their worn areas. <B>

And then apply</B> a filler coating to build up their worn away areas.  As you can see, that is a good invention to rid your motor of internal residue and friction based problems!</ul><B>

Friction reducing as a power improving aid<ul>

When oil is </B>squeezed out, moving parts touch and grind, with a bit of friction which robs power that should be driving your car or truck forward. <B>

Instead, this type friction</B> lowers your forward speed.<B>

This metal-to-metal friction</B> removes a bit of metal and speeds-up wear out. Mega Power reverses this negative for you. <B>

For this reason Mega Power is </B>added to new and rebuilt motor and transmissions - where tight fitting pistons, bearings, valves, gears, and such tightness causes more friction. <b>

Therefore, whatever wear is prevented,</b> by adding Mega Power to a new and newer vehicle, that is what gives your vehicles and equipment that many more years of its brand new zip, and trouble-free life. <b></ul>


Add cleaning to the friction modifying benefit </B>and advantagesand you help older, worn vehicles do the same - if you add it before a part wears thru and breaks. <B></ul>

Add two more protective coatings<ul>

The cleaning,</B> smoothing, healing, and protective coatings adds more wear-avoiding and just so happens to end many performance problems older engines and transmissions have. <B>

That is all good,</B> of course. Mega Power's ability to soak-in and lubricate when oil allows metal-to-metal contact provides a form of friction-eliminating lube. This prevents the - grinding effect of DEEEEEmo

<B>You gain </B>of six forms of protection. Mega Power uniquely provides your engine, transmission and - wherever you add it, complete protection you can feel. It is a great anti-wear - able to help older vehicles, too.<B>

This form </B>of Mega Power worn motor protection allows oil to catch up, and continue lubricating your pistons, bearings, valves, gears, pumps, and such. That is one way Mega Power promotes longer life to the component its added to.<B>

Because Mega Powers </B>has 6 protectors working, Mega Power just so happens to end older car problems like <ul>

<br><B>In as little as 10 minutes </B>Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment ends those problems and quickly returns a like-near-new power to any motor! This is not some high-priced ad agency hype. <B>

No! Its what customers </B>tell us - because nothing else is like the Worn Motor Treatment. As this demo illustrates about one of

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>What people say about it:</b></span><ul><li>
"Surprisingly, your Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment <u>restored my 1995 Honda's power problem</u> by adding the products to those areas you said too - not just in the gas for fuel injectors," Navaren, an Engineer from Chicago, says. </li><br><li> "The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment <u>ended my engine noise and tapping</u>, in just a few minutes, following the steps you said to follow. I think the cleaning and treatment restored full oil circulation again. The oil pressure gauge needle use to drop at idle, It stays up at normal all the time, now." says DT, from California. </li><br><li> "The Toyota Dealer tuned my near new Toyota SUV 3 times for nearly $900, and could not end its rough idle problem. I found your web site, and decided to order two of your transmission, and two of your worn motor treatments, as they sounded like what my wife and my cars really needed.

<li><u>Minutes after </u>I installed the Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment - as you said too, and drove my car around the block, <u>my motor smooth right out, and the stalling problem went away</u>. Thanks for the tips and product introduction." Roosevelt, in Dallas.</li><br><li>" "My 2 quarts of burning oil problem between oil changes ended after I installed your Mega Power Treatment. My mechanic said, 'it needed an $2,400 overhaul.' This product avoided a costly repair. Glad I discovered it on your web site. Thanks." Don, in Virginia.</li></ul>

The Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment is what I promise will work for your car too!

      This report details what the product - the Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment does to end your motors wear and performance problem.

      It explains how nothing else comes anywhere close to the products ingredients to end its wear problem right before your eyes, nor can keep your cars and trucks rolling down the road trouble free as can Mega Power.</ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Why do we use six different products when others use one?</B></span> <ul>

Because that is what it takes to work on 6 areas of your motor - not just the oil, like old fashion products do.

By the way, some additives use harmful ingredients like

You may know that old fashion products like Valvoline, BG, Lucas, and Restore - and those sold in parts stores, can't do the job Mega Power does.

Order the Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment today. Have a great, problem-free running car tomorrow - like many thousands of us smart car and equipment owners already enjoy! Ordering info below.</ul>

I've tested them all! Here is the list of what Mega Power has to do the job quickly and permanently.

<ol><li>An Oiling and Hydraulic Lifter System Cleaner </li><li>

</li><li> A Worn Motor Coating to fill worn areas </li></ol>
<B>It is this chemical combination - we found, that working together, does the following to end your motor problem</B>:<ul>Clean, seal, smooth, free, and coat your pistons, bearings, valves and gears. This total action eliminates what causes motor problems. Avoids, or puts-off a costly future repair.</ul><B>

Save </B>your worn motor and your budget. Try Mega Power and avoid a $3000 engine overhaul.

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Ordering, Shipping, Guarantee Information</span><ul>

To order Mega Power for your car, call me at 512 665 3388

Our Guarantee.

Your money refunded</B>if not delighted after a 90 day period. No refunds requested - last 267 days.

Shipped to your door in about 4 days by Fedex.</ul>

One Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment.</B><ul> Includes the 6 items needed for the treatment. Instructions. Guarantee. <br> Price. $60+ $15s&h= $75 total. Shipped to your door.</ul>

<B>The patented feeder bottle</B> is made for long term daily use.<br><ul>
Price: $125 Free shipping. It can be rented for a week for $25. A $100 charge if you want to keep it, or if not returned in the allowed time. Made for rugged daily use by mechanics.

<B>Order now</B> by calling - Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!

<B>Order Two Worn Motor Treatments </B>to protect 2 cars.<br> Just $60 each, and just $15s&h for both. $135 total. Save $15.</ul>

Order a <B>Mega Power Transmission Treatment RS3 </B>also.<ul> Protect the integrity of your transmission - and for smoother shifting, stops leaks. Includes a cleaner flush, a conditioner, and protector/problem-solver.<br><b>Just: </B>$50+ $15s&h= $65 total.

<B>Order both </B>Engine and Transmission Treatment for one car.  Same guarantee. Both delivered to you for $125 total. Save $15 on shipping. [Engine and Transmission Treatment shipped to you. $125 total].

<B>Double above order for two cars. Just $200 total. </B>Free shipping. Save $50 - and get the following bonus.  </ul><B>

Bonus: </B><ul>

Order 2 treatments for 2 cars, receive our $12 Mega Power Lube and Penetrating spray-for Free. this lube frees anything stuck, rusted, or squeaking. For home, shop, and vehicle use. Mention this page. Offer Limited. [2 treatments + bonus spray lube shipped to you. Please ask for this special].

<B>Order now</B> by calling - Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!</B></ul>

<B>Fleet, Lube and Tune, Parts store, and Auto Repair owners.<ul></B><br>Order 6 MP Worn Motor Treatments for 6 cars. Free shipping. $300 total.
$50 per kit.  Free s&h until 12/31/10 br>Visa M/C </ul><B>

Use two Treatment for large diesel truck engines and their automatic transmissions. </B> Specify, if stick-shift transmission for its product treatment. Shipped USPS or Fedex.<ul>

<B>Order now</B> by calling - Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!</ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;">Order by phone.</B></span>  Call if you have a question or concern about your cars and equipment problem. Call me, George Christ. Factory Direct Distributor. At 1-512 665-3388

<B>What other say about the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment</B><ul>

"I mostly work on Mercedes and BMW's. </B>I install and thought Amway was good for these and my cars, It is. But, Mega Power solves friction and wear problems Amway can't - in areas where Amway can't go, like cleaning the motors Emission system, cleaning power deterring, sticky pistons rings, and slow-closing valve problems. And by reducing the friction drag piston and bearing wear causes.

Most everyone knows motors get that way over time. They just live with it - or trade the car, truck, or RV off for new - and let someone else worry about it.

This treatment - as part of whatever the customers car tune or repair needs are, end its hidden power-loss and wear problems.

Customers are amazed at how good my repairs and tune ups are - since I started using your Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment in every car I work on. "ET, Mechanic. Houston.

Also, from Houston. Gary, owner of Gary's Engine Machining and Engine Rebuilding, - who does rebuilding for Houston area automotive, industrial, and marine  engine shops, companies, and individuals, says...."

For many years, Mega Power has been the assembly-lube for all our engine rebuilds. It smooths the friction break-in process almost instantly, and ends the #1 caused of common engine rebuild failure problems.

I make sure my customers keep Mega Power in their new rebuild at oil changes, to keep the performance up. Mega Power is my secret for great long-term, engine overhaul performance success. My customers agree. And many buy Mega Power from me for all their other cars, diesel trucks, and such - to help them run better, and longer." Gary.

"My leak stopped in two days, No more oily drips on my driveway to track into my house. and my older Chevy Malibu runs like it has a new motor. I thought it was worn out!" BT.

"I'm going 20 to 40 miles further between fill ups on the same trips to work and back." Bob. Good Fuel Economy returns as a result.  "No More Smelly, Smokey Exhaust."</ul><B>

I know of no other way to gain these advantages for under $100 - other than by a $2000 to $5000 motor overhaul.</B><ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>This treatment </B></span>may help you end certain wear problems in your car; and doing so, can provide years more great service from your car, too! </ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Me, many mechanics, and many thousands of car owners </B></span>are benefiting from this “wonderful overhaul kit in a can." The MP Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment advantage includes:

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Stopping Oil Consumption the 3 ways it needs too</b></span><ol><li>Expanding leaky seals & gaskets.</li><li>Freeing sticky pistons rings to limit oil bypass.</li><li>Blocking oils escape into the combustion area <br>by reducing cylinder wall wear gaps.</li></ol>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Restoring performance, or worn-away power, with Mega Power help:</B></span><ol><li>

Mega Power's cleaning, freeing, smoothing, and coating, of worn pistons, bearings, valves, and gears is remarkable!

The improvement is similar to replacing worn parts with clean, new, freely moving parts - thus ending some problem. Of course, no costly new parts are installed.</li><li>

Cleaning of the fuel system. fuel injectors, combustion area, and wherever fuel, air, oil, and exhaust go is one part of its secret. </li><li>

The other is Mega Power's ability to "smooth wear-roughen surfaces" that create more friction. Growing amounts of friction over time consume engine horsepower.  Power that should go to make the car go, say 65 miles or 70 miles an hour speed, but now slows it to 65, or 60 mph. To go the needed higher speed you press the gas pedal down a bit - and keep others cars and diesel trucks from running over you. Right! And you do not pay attention to the gradual change.

In that way, those negative conditions cause you to burn more fuel. When the conditions blossoms into a problem you can feel or hear, more fuel is consumed to keep your speed up, and lousier fuel economy follows. Dirty buildup and friction got-cha! The problem....</li><li>

Most other brands just clean - and not that well, anyhow. They use harmful solvents to clean - but solvent additives destroys oils lubricity. Destroying lubricity is not good! 

Others use oil-thickening goo, as their problem solver for your motor. However, motors need very-liquid lubricating requirements - not oil-thickening goo!</li><li>

Mega Powers Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment Remedy...

Cleaning, freeing, smoothing, and coating of worn pistons, bearings, valves, gears, and sub-systems, wherever fuel, air, combustion, exhaust and oiling goes - is the remedy.

This method safely ends performance, power loss, and other such problems cause by added friction drag, sticking and binding, wear, age, and mileage.

When ended, the results is what "makes you go faster, and you have to back-off on the gas pedal." Reversing these conditions chemically ends the problems mentioned. </li><li>

These advantages; cleaning, freeing, smoothing, and coating worn pistons, bearings, valves, gears, and other components result  bringing back former power and smooth operation.</li><li>

The driver will feel a return to a smooth, powerful, problem-free performance that will last many years. Who cannot be delighted each day they drive their car cared for in this way.</li></ol>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Compared to overhaul cost, </B></span> this product is not that pricey, at $75... <ul>And, its guaranteed of satisfaction or your money back, comes with the product!

This product is easy to install by any one - not just a tech or mechanic. Simple to follow instructions come with every treatment.

That's a lot cheaper than the $2000 to $5000 some of us mechanic's charge to overhaul our customers motor - prior to this invention.  A mechanic charges about $150 to perform this Mega Power service.</ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Mega Power's Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment - Pictured above</B></span> is a product anyone can use to protect, prevent, and correct problems newer, and older, even worn motors all experience.

Order a Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment for your car - all your cars! Get on down the  road for many more years of happy,and trouble-free driving, again! This is the best way anyone knows of to protect your car investment!

Of course, parts re-builders and new car manufacturers wish you wouldn't. They want you to spends thousands for their benefit - not help you avoid that repair,  or costly replacement expense.

Get your Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment. Order now!

A money-back guarantee assures you of no loss, if this is not what you need.

Order this great invention to keep your cars rolling down the road trouble free - and less expensively! Includes my personal help anytime, if needed. Here's how...</ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment ordering, Shipping, Guarantee Information</span><ul>


Your money refunded if not delighted. 90 day period. No refunds requested - last 267 days.

One Mega Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment.</B><br> Includes the 6 items needed for the treatment. Instructions. Personal help during installation. Guarantee.  Price. $65+ $15s&h= $80 total.

<B>If you have a question, or want to place an order, Call me day or evening. ... george, by calling me at 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!

<B>Order Two Worn Motor Oil Change Treatments</B>to protect 2 cars.<br> Just $60 each, and just $15s&h for both. $135 total. Save $25.

<B>Order a Mega Power Transmission Treatment RS3 </B>also.<br> Protect the integrity of your transmission - and for smoother shifting. Includes a cleaner flush, a conditioner, and protector/problem-solver.<br><b>Just: </B>$50+ $15s&h= $65 total.

<B>Order both </B>Engine and Transmission Treatment for one car.  Same guarantee. Both delivered to you for $115 total. Save $25 on shipping. [Engine and Transmission Treatment shipped to you. $115 total].

<B>Order now</B> by calling - Call 1 512 665 3388.
 Get on down the road humming again!

<B>Double above order for two cars. $200 total. </B>Free shipping. Save $80 - get this bonus.  Our $12 Mega Power Lube and Penetrating spray for Free - Lubes, frees, stops anything squeaking, stuck, frozen. For home, shop, vehicle use. Mention this page. Offer Limited. [4 treatments + bonus spray lube shipped to you. $200 total].

<B>Fleet, Lube and Tune, Parts store, and Auto Repair owners.</B><br>6 Worn Motor Oil Change Treatments for 6 cars. Free shipping. $300 total.
$50 per kit. . Free s&h until 6/30/11 br>Visa M/C </ul>

Use two Treatments for large 5 to 8 gallon motor oil diesel truck engines. A similar treatment works just as well to end        automatic transmission problems. Specific, if stick-shift transmission for its treatment. Shipped USPS or Fedex.

<B>Order a Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment now, by calling 1 512 665 3388. Get on down the road of life again!</B>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;">Order by phone.</B></span>  Call if you have a question or concern about your cars and equipment Worn Motor problem. Call me, George. At 1-512 665-3388

<B>What other say about the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment
b>Ordering and Shipping Information</B>

One Mega Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment<ul>Includes the 6 items  needed for the treatment. Instructions. Guarantee. My personal help.<br>Price. $60+ $15s&h= $75 total. </ul><B>Order Two Treatments, </B>to protect 2 cars.<br> Just $60 each, and Free shipping. $120 total. Save $30.</ul>

<B>Order the Mega Power Transmission Treatment RS3, too,</B> to protect the integrity of your transmission - and for smoother shifting. Includes cleaner flush, conditioner, and protector problem-solving items.<br><b>Cost: </B>$40+ $15s&h= $55 total. Order both Engine and Transmission Treatments. Save $25. Same guarantee. Both delivered to you for $115 total.

<B>Fleet and auto repair owners.</B>Order 6 Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment for 6 cars. Use two Treatment for Big rigs. Savings with order of 6 = $90.</B></span><br>
$50 per kit. $300 total. Free s&h until 6/30/11 br>Visa M/C </ul>

<B>Order now, get on down the road humming again!

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;">Order by phone.</B></span>  Call if you have a question about your cars and equipment problem. Call me, George. At 1-512 665-3388

<B> Review

Now, I’m not saying this is a cure-all - Its not!</B><ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>You may need a tune up </B></span>to replace defective spark plugs; perhaps a sensor gone bad, or whatever. That helps get the spark right again and is needed.

What this Treatment <u>ends are internal residue and friction based problems</u> cover on this page that deter full power development - one of 4 ways your motor losses power and you think it might be worn out - not so.<ol><li>

As new, shinny pistons, bearings valves and gears rub and wear, more friction develop - and this slow down the road speed from say 70mph to 65, or 60.

<li>To go the higher speed you feed the motor more fuel to overcome the greater amounts of friction drag cause performance problems, waste oil and gas.

<li>Dirty combustion, air intake, fuel system, and catalytic converters - when dirty take a combined slow the fuel air flow  and blending - for a bit less power development.

<li>Coatings smoothing cleaning and freeing help maximun power to develop and go to speed up you road speed from 6065 to 70 - on a bit less gas. A great invention to help your car last longer, run better.</ol><B>

Ending these deterring negatives is what Mega Power does to help you put-off overhaul for years.</B>

Ninety car owners out of 100 ends are satisfied with this product!</ul>

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>If not, we refund the cost </B></span>to vehicle owners who realize - after some months time, only actual overhaul is what's needed. <ul>

We get those customers back buying Mega Power because of its many advantages to keep their cars going strong. This cushions our loss - and often times picks-up new word-of-mouth customers for us.

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>So, you are welcome to try Mega Power at no risk </b></span>to see if it is the solution to your problem or not. Just tell us, if not, and we gladly refund your cost. No refunds asked for last 267 days.

<span style="color: #8B0000 ;"><B>I guess you notice the above picture has 6 items. Just add </B></span>the 3 listed products marked, "Before" - before, and the 3 marked  "After," after your oil change. Drive. Works in minutes amazingly. Includes easy to follow instructions - and my personal by-phone help, if needed.... george Call anytime: 1 512 665 3388</ul>

The Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment Refresher. One, MP Motor Oil Change Refresher #MPES3   $35+ $15s&h= $50.  Order two or more treatments, $35 each, and Free shipping. Save $30. Use the Refresher, during each future oil change interval, to keep the treatment refreshed.

Order by phone. Call if you have a question about your cars and equipment problem. Call me, George. At 1-512 665-3388

Why do we use six different products when others use one? Products like Valvoline, BG, Lucas, and Restore just can't or don't have what it takes to do the total job - like Mega Power does. I've tested them all! Here is the list of our six products:

An Oiling and Hydraulic Lifter System Cleaner. Oil and Friction Modifiers. A Fuel System Cleaner. A Fuel Injector Cleaner.
An Emission, Combustion System Cleaner. A Coating to fill worn areas.  It is this chemical combination we found, working together, does the following Cleans, seals, and coats pistons, bearings, valves and gears. To restore worn-away surfaces. Again produce the power it lost.

That cleans improperly fogging fuel injectors, end misfiring spark plugs, certain sensors, touchy, power-robbing emission recirculating valves. Ending fuel wasting problems.

And heals those worn, roughen, fast wearing surfaces that absorb the motors power, instead of sending it to turn the wheels. 

And finally, fills  the worn-away areas so pistons, bearings, valves, and gears are tight-fitting again - one more  compression, combustion, and vacuum boosting advantage that restores worn away power and performance.

That is how new power re-appears, go to the gears and wheels - not spent on overcoming friction.  

It takes 6 different products</B></span> in the Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment to end the causes of excessive friction drag, problems, and rapid wear-out. Much like taking several prescriptions can keep you healthy, end certain plaguing problems you have. And Mega Power happens to be the only company with them all.

Recommended for motors 4 years old and older. Even worn out motors.
For details on products for new cars and trucks, click the New Car Button, on the left.

Other Features of the MP Worn Motor, Oil Change Treatment

Stretches oil change intervals to from 3000 to 6000

Mega Power's New Worn Motor, Oil Change Treatment main benefit gives high-mileage, worn motors, years of new life. Don't just change your dirty oil! This method replaces dirty oil for new, and revitalizes your motor, too!

My story.

"By using the this "Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment"</B> each oil change, my oil stays healthy way pass 6000 miles. A simple test you do shows this, and when its time to change - nearly always after 6000 miles.

"This 'treatment' is my secret car saver.Ten of my - over 200,000 mile driven vehicles still run great, even though, well-worn. One, a 1990 Astro van, now with 278,456 miles - is used every day; hauling a ton of these products around to garages who promote them. This is very in-expensive car care, I'd say." GC

The Mega Power, Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment is a Two Stage Product

Stage one </B>is applied to the top of the motor, using 3 different products - one for the fuel tank, one for oil, and one for spraying the throttle plate, or as a vacuum feed into the motor. I show you how.

The second stage is installed during an oil change a week after the above service - and has 3 parts, and goes like this: Add the "special cleaner," to dirty oil 5 minutes before changing the old oil. Two. Add the two different "oil" and "engine conditioners,"  on top on the new oil. Your are done installing the product. The motor will start and run and perform like it did when running its best. That is my promise and guarantee of what you will gain from this great invention.

Tip. Redo the step two - not step one, at each oil change to renew the effect - for years more of great service out of your vehicle.

The Worn Motor Treatment addresses the whole engine problem. The improvement is noticed immediately. Results last one year. Use the MP ES3 Kit to refresh and maintain the improvement. Doubles the time between oil change intervals from 3000 miles to 6000. Oil test verifies.  Sold Money Back, if not as advertised.

Order Now! Call and say you want a MP Worn Oil Change Treatment.  Call 1-512 665-3388
One complete, Worn Motor Treatment

Includes: 6 products. Instructions. Guarantee.  Price. $60+ $15s&h. Total $75. Order two or more treatments, for other motors you want to protect. Just $60 each, and Free shipping. Save $30.

Save more! Order 6 kits for 6 cars. Save $90
$50 per kit. $300 total. Free s&h until 6/30/13 Visa M/C Sorry. Or... Call in your order.
Call me at 512 665 3388 if you have a question or to oder Mega Power.

The Older Motor Refresher.   One, MP Motor Oil Change Refresher #MPES3 $35+ $15s&h= $50. Order two or more treatments, $35 each, and Free shipping. Save $3  Use the Refresher, during each future oil change interval, to keep the treatment refreshed. 
Mega-Power Worn Motor Oil Change Treatment. Order now by phone - for faster delivery. Call if you have a question about your cars and equipment problem. Call me, George. At 1-512 665-3388

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With this opportunity, you can be your own boss, enjoy a flexible schedule, and have an unlimited income potential. Work from home on your schedule. There is also a no need for any investment to get started option.

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