Stopping engine noise. Your motors noise, even valve noise, no match for this engine-quieting 3-way-working product.

Wear, residues, and worn parts cause engine noise.

When it affects your motors performance, you may fear it could be serious. It is!

Ping noise is not covered in this report. Valves noise is, as its a common problem. Ping is rare as a car problem....

You'll be introduced to a new product that can now quiet your engine valve noise, avoiding the need for repair. This ends your problem, and your worry about it.

When your think "motor wear," your mind may think costly overhaul, or even a new car possibility, as a remedy.

Those are not the only options, not anymore, thanks to new Hi-tech chemistry that quiets any wear and residue related motor noise - the two most common noises. Motors start out new being quiet. In time they become noisy. Chemistry can now restore the near original quiet for you. That is the good news.

After taking apart dozens of engines and inspecting their many parts, you almost cannot tell where the noise problem is.

The reason is because.... the parts that causes the noise, your engine valves; your motor has 2 or 3 valves for each cylinder, has a noise-reducing device that hides the problem.

This noise reducing, thum-size device - is in between your motors cam and the valve. There is one such for every valve. This device is an automatic adjuster made to take up wear spaces, to keep your motor quiet and working efficiently.

Over time, those valve adjusters- nicknamed, "valve lifters," cannot adjust outward to eliminate wear spaces, due to a ring of varnish accumulation blocking it outward adjusting movement.

Failing to adjust, your many valves begin to sound like a sewing machine gone berserk. Additives are sold to remove varnish...

Part store, and quick lube additives containing solvents and used as an engine flush, and also thick, surpy-like additives have been tried as a remedy for stopping engine noise. Solvent flushes, and oil thickeners are causing engines harmful, negative problem, so avoid those. New products avoid their negatives and get the job done in a better way.

The usual fix is when a mechanic removes the top half of your engine, dismantles your many valves, cleans and machines them like new again, and replaces your many lifters, re-assembles your motor, and collects $2000 or more.

That is the way a mechanic goes about stopping engine noise.

Here is a completely different, new method to stopping your engine noise, invented by Mega Power, who figured out how to remove that varnish on your lifters when no one else could.

Their Hi-tech cleaning method frees the adjuster, allowing your adjusters to again continue to move outward, taking up any wear space - stopping engine noise. Your motor will suddenly run quiet - at less than $100 cost, not $2000.

How Mega Power quiets your motor.

Mega Power is a treatment using 6 different items, because that is what works.

Directions to install Mega Power is simple, and we'll show you what each item does - and how to use this product to end your motor noise.

Because engine noise can be caused by "stuck lifter adjusters," and also from sticky varnish accumalations in the bore your valves slide up and down in, Mega Power, the product we promote, cleans and frees both areas stopping your engine noise.

Varnish stickiness in the valve bore slows the snappy closing speed of your valves - and a space will open up causing noise.

That noise can be a tap, tap, tap, or a sewing machine kinda noise.

The third way Mega Power quiets, stopping engine noise, is by cleaning the dirty piston rings. When dirty, piston rings - 3 on each piston, lose their outward flexing nature. When this happens, several negatives develop:

  1. Combustion will slip pass the piston and mix with your oil creating sludge. Dried sludge turns into varnish. Guess what's jamming your valve lifter adjusters? Mega Power cleans and frees your dirty piston rings ending that source of your noise.
  2. Your oil pump has a valve that also gets sticky and lowers oil pressure. Lifters need 40lbs oil to make them move in the adjusting phase. Mega Power cleans the pick-up oil screen that sends oil to the pump, cleans the oil pump valve increase proper oil pressure to every part - including the lifter.
  3. Mega Power contains MC+. MC+ contains friction and wear reducers, which are acid neutralizers - as acids are the second fastest cause of engine wear. And MC+ includes a co-polymer. MC+ will layer itself over your worn pistons, bearings, valves, and gears - This cushioning is the 3rd way Mega Power works stopping engine noise.

Order Mega Power now! Your motor needs Mega Power to return it qiet running ways. Save your motor from going down the road of wear-out as fast. Avoid a now avoidable engine valve repair as the costlier remedy.

Your motor needs Mega Power both to prevent wear caused noise, and prevent it in good motors, to prevent that stage of wear from occurring. That is a great advantage for your motor and your budget.

Mega Power is a 6 item product and 3 items go in to the top of the motor to free and clean piston rings and valve stems and their bore. 3 items go into the oil a week later, during an oil change, to clean the lifters and apply MC+ friction wear reducing and protective noise-reducing coatings to every motor part.

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

One MP Engine Treatment. 6 items $ 65+ $15s&H= $80 total.

Two Treatments 2 cars 12 items $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $35.

Six Treatments 36 items $300+ $15s&h+ $315 total. Save $180.

Save $30. Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order a Treatment of the 6 items shown, for your motor $65, and a similar Treatment - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 $50, for the transmission you want to protect: Both, just $110, plus $15s&p= $125 total.

[Regular price for both $140] Save $30. Specify this combo pak - if you want this motor and transmission combo protection product.

Have a question about stopping engine noise, or to order Mega Power, call me at 1 512 665 3388

Shipped Fedex or USPS with 4 day delivery to your door. Say, "You want to order the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment." Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

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