Ending Valve Lifter Tap Make Easy and Cheap.
Helping Car Owner's Roll down life's Hi-way
Quietly, Again ...Saving a bundle of cash doing so.

What you should know... products that end valve lifter tapping.

  • Most additives don't end tapping. They lack the ingredients we have to end valve lifter tap. 
  • Taking engines apart, we tested and discovered what worked, beef them up as potent as possible, and package them as a valve lifter tap eliminator.
  • Usage makes it easier, cheaper, and faster, offering quiet operation in as little as 10 minutes! 

This picture shows engine valves and their lifters that let fuel in and exhaust out of your motor. A cam and valve-lifter-wear-adjuster pushes them open, allows closing. Tap occurs when one of 3 negatives happen. 

Valve lifter tap contact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, or order products listed, call me at 512 665 3388 ...George. Online ordering below.

How new products are helping car owners with a tap tap tap engine problem end it with a new invention - shown above.

If you are troubled by a sudden appearing engine noise or tap tap tap sound, and wonder what to do about it, this review introduces a new product that may be just what will end your engine tapping for good!

Why it should worry you!

Solutions to consider.

The hammering tapping sound that suddenly shows up from your motor is a most distressing engine sound. Your first thought is toend it as quick as possible.

You may have discovered its expensive to do so. You wonder. Are ther other options as a fix not as expensive?

This is it!

What causes tapping?

Any one of your motor's 8 to 32 valves - or their adjusters called lifters when gummed up can cause tapping. Tapping is a pounding noise because residues in one of several ways is bogging down their movement.

Help is here!

When that happens a space appears and tapping occurs.

Solutions have been really costly - from $about $3000 to $6000.

Now, Chemistry has found a solution - our review of the product with the solution.

Operating properly valves and their lifters keep you motor running quiet and powerful.

Sad news from your mechanic.

Sad news from your mechanic reaffirms your opinion, that tapping is  a serious problem. Not surprising, their repair estimates run in the $2000 to $5000 rage for replacing them by repair.

Using additives. This reviews those additives and their install procedure you can install that ends the tapping in the best and cheapest way.

Can this lesson on the problem help you?

This Mega Power Treatment ends valve lifter tap.

Ordering the Mega Power 6 item Valve Lifter Tap Treatment details: 

  • Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment comes with 6 items as shown: just $75 plus $15s&h= total $90. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions in 3 days, phone help is free if needed, and money back guarantee if not satisfied. Order by clicking the cart button.

End all causes of engine tap and enjoy a quiet running engine - with Mega Power in your engine.

Care Care Tip: Takes care of your whole engine, not just its valves and lifters.

Here's how to: Mega Power offers, and you can order here today, similar wear and residue advantages for your transmission steering and radiator,  and engine if all treated. No other product says, its that universal or as protective. But our Mega Power products are. 

Our fall winter specials for total care servicing.

  1. Those all can be purchase here as a total car care set, at reduced price of $200.
  2. Regular price about $300 for engine transmission radiator and steering service treatments [up to $1000 at the New Car Dealer service department]. Or just the engine treatment about $100. All Do-it-yourself easy. Each treatment helps you! So does one for tap ending
  3. They are all easily install to remove dirty fluid completely during  fluid replacement schedules. Mega Power exceeds every car equipment makers fluid change warranty requirement. OK to do so during warranty care, and after, for the every 2 year fluid, coolant replacement need. Motor oil is replaced twice a year.  

How to Ends valve lifter tap product quiet valve tapping without repair. No special skill needed. Ends its worry. Saves engine. Avoid financial repair debt.

If you read ideas in Forums about ways to end this problem, many suggestions are weird. For example, they say do things like...

    Try adding beer to your motor.

    Add transmission fluid to your motor.

    Rinse it out with diesel fuel.

    With Non-detergent oil.

    With Hi-detergent oil.

    With engine flushes.

    With Marvel Mystery Oil.

    And of course, The Mega Power Valve Treatment reviewed and sold here.

Mega Power is what we found works every time, is safe, proven by research and street testing to end valve lifter tap. 

First of all what are valve lifters?

  • They are thumb-size adjusters made to close wear spaces on       your motors fastest wearing parts - its 8 to 24 intake and exhaust valves. 
  • Engine oil under pressure is responsible for keeping the adjusters pressurized  to take up wear slack automatically - to keep engine power high, operation quiet.
  • A tapping sound occurs when sludge blocks oil delivery to the adjuster part, or holds the secondary valve open - either problem causes the adjuster to collapse creating a space. 
  • With each rotation of the engine the lifter closes the space with a  banging you hear as tapping.

           Those are the causes of why your engine taps.

Two ways  to end valve lifter tap.

  1. Have a mechanic take apart your motor and replace the valves and lifters. Takes a week to 10 days and cost upwards of $3500.
  2. Mega Power is what we found works every time, is safe, proven by research and street testing to end valve lifter tap.
  3. Cost is $250 if a mechanic installs Mega Power. Under $100 if you do so. It's easy to install and nothing to take a part. Driving does the actual fix.
  4. Order Mega Power below! Your engine and your budget needs its help!

Mega Power works because it has the 6 ingredients found to go where oil can't having a crawling penetration that can also  dissolve sludge.

Creating a clean condition allowing oil to pump up  oil delivery again to the collapse lifer - closes the gap and returns the quiet function again.

Of course as these valve lifter tapping parts hammer the valve it opens with each tap tap tap, most certainly other parts are weaken and can fail. Our remedy ends both problems for you - as you drive.

Order the Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment now. In a few days enjoy the quiet performance that worry's you for not having it now!

Easy to order, easier to install. Nothing to take apart. Just add an drive as shown. Driving ends your tap. Order at cart button.!

  • Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment comes with 6 items as shown: just $75 plus $15s&h= total $90. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions in 3 days, phone help is free if needed, and money back guarantee if not satisfied. Order by clicking the cart button.

Our fall winter specials for total care servicing.

  1. Those all can be purchase here as a total car care set, at reduced price of $200.
  2. Regular price about $300 for engine transmission radiator and steering service treatments [up to $1000 at the New Car Dealer service department]. Or just the engine treatment about $100. All Do-it-yourself easy. Each treatment helps you! So does one for tap ending
  3. They are all easily install to remove dirty fluid completely during  fluid replacement schedules. Mega Power exceeds every car equipment makers fluid change warranty requirement. OK to do so during warranty care, and after, for the every 2 year fluid, coolant replacement need. Motor oil is replaced twice a year.  

More about valve lifter tap 

    Lifters have a pencil-eraser size piston in them and motor oil pressure pushes that little piston outward - to take up wear slack valves have, to keep your motor running quiet.

    When oil breakdown residues block oil to these adjusters, the piston drops - like a flat tire - creating a space and your tap.  

    The same problem occurs in transmissions. Sticky shift valves causes rough shifts that can be quite damaging. A similar Mega Power product ends and prevents rough shifts. 

    Part store additives use solvent cleaners. Solvent clean well but complaints about their valve lifter tap ability  have been negative. 

Here's How to easily end your noise problem with Mega Power

Mega Power Valve lifter tap treatment comes with 6 items needed.  

Directions:  add 3 items listed to the gas and motor oil and drive.

In a week do an oil change using the 3 remaining products.

That ends the tap!

Mega Power requires driving to use the motors heat and pressure and this heat pressure advantage forces Mega Power to go where oil can't go. This action cleans and frees your valve lifters of the residues and friction that make it tap - ending the tap.

While I'm explaining a complex Mega Power action in your motor in simple terms,  by comparison to engine flushes, engine flushes only do a 2 minute rinse in your motor as a longer time in your motor or transmission often causes engine  transmission failure!

What our customers say:

Customers tell us.  "Mega Power amazingly ended my valve lifter tap. After a few days of driving, it seem to restored my engine's strong quiet performance again!  the tap went away! Thanks for a great invention." JN


So many are so pleased with Mega Power, we decided to offer it on a 100% satisfaction guarantee basis for those who may feel it will not work for their problem. This lets them try Mega Power out to test our claim for themselves! Please note: 2 refunds asked for last 267 days.

Ordering the Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment

Easy to order, easier to install. Nothing to take apart. Just add an drive as shown. Driving ends your tap. Order now!

  • Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment comes with 6 items as shown: just $75 plus $15s&h= total $90. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions in 3 days, phone help is free if needed, and money back guarantee if not satisfied. Order by clicking the cart button.

Order Mega Power Valve Treatment to protect both your cars

  • Order Two Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatments. 12 items as shown: just $130 plus $15s&h= total $145. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions, $25 phone help free if needed, and guarantee.
  • Order our Mega Power Transmission Treatment. TS3 This protects, avoids, and ends rough shifting and fluid leak. 3 items included: System Flush, Friction Modifier, and Fluid Conditioner. Works in transmission like the Motor Treatment works in motors to heal, protect, end shift valve wear and residue problems. Simple install. Nothing to take apart. Driving does the actual fix.
  • Order One Mega Power Transmission Treatment 3 items, $60 plus $15s&h= $75 total - and One Engine Valve Treatment for your motor.  9 items total. Both treatments just $125 including shipping. Save $25 Order now one or more sets as needed. Special subject to end without notice.

Craig called me to try Mega Power on his engine tap.

Craig was wondering why his Chevy engine with 92,000 miles had a engine tapping sound. That's not good, of course.

What I told him to do is below. And these are the facts:

  • He takes good care of it. I believe him.
  • He changes his oil like most of us, on 3000 miles intervals, and uses Mobil One - which I use, also.
  • His mechanic said the fix cost over $2000!
  • To avoid that expense end his valve worry, he tried several popular part store valve lifter additives to try and stop the tap - that did not work!
  • Craig says, after Googling  "valve lifter tap problem," he found our site - auto-tune up-and repair-options.com  like you did, read the story and ordered our Mega Power Valve Treatment. Mega Power "quieted his tap in a couple hours driving" -  for under $100, he says.

Imagine how happy you will be quieting your engine noise with Mega Power, like Craig, and thousands of others  - who followed Craig's valve tune-up choice.

What you know...about ending valve lifter tap

    Valve lifters help push valves open. They have a pencil-eraser size piston in them and motor oil pressure push that little piston outward - to take up wear slack and keep your motor running quiet.

    When oil breakdown residues block oil to these adjusters, the piston drops - like a flat tire - creating a space and your tap.  

    In transmissions, sticky shift valves causes rough shifts that are quite damaging that our remedy also ends for you.

Here's what to do to easily end your noise problem

 Our Mega Power ends or avoids shift problems and engine valve lifter tap for you  - fast - easily. 

Easy to order, easier to install. Nothing to take apart. Just add an drive. Driving ends your tap. Ordering info given below.

Ordering the Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment

Order your Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment. 6 items as shown: just $75 plus $15s&h= total $90. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions in 3 days, $25 phone help free, and money back guarantee if not satisfied.

Order Mega Power Valve Treatment to protect both cars

    Order Two Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatments. 12 items as shown: just $130 plus $15s&h= total $145. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions, $25 phone help free if needed, and guarantee.

 If any case, if you have a valve lifter tap problem, like Craig did, the following tips will show you how to end the tap problem for good, with a unique product from Mega Power. Order Mega Power below. Get on down the road quiet as a church mouse, again - and avoid an expensive repair our way.

Here are the 3 causes of tapping and our super fast problem ender - mention on this other web site.

  1. Tapping problems starts with super hot combustion escaping pass your motor's dirty, lazy piston rings - which should be blocking that escape. These hot gasses - us mechanics call  "blowby," mixes-in with your motors oil and degrades it as your drive. Sludge results, like lemon juice curdles milk;  blocks  oil delivery to the lifter. It then collapses like air going out of your tire. creating a space - and the tap with each engine rotation.
  2. Those dirty residues stick more of your pistons rings and valves - of which our product cleans and frees, to end the cause of the tap problem for you.
  3. Some of that sticky oil lubes your motor's valve stems. There, like hot tar, makes the valve close lazily - creating the space and upon each motor rotation causes the tap.
  4. Those 3 dirty conditions are what  the product we recommend, from Mega Power, ends, adding to dependability advantages to your motor no other product offers.

    Enjoy this products tap ending fix - using a simple 2 step method adding 3 items to the gas and oil and 3 more a week later at an oil change.that always works - guaranteed! Try it and see for yourself! Picture below.

    Easy to order, easier to install. Nothing to take apart. Just add an drive. Driving ends your tap. Ordering info given below.

    Ordering the Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment

    Order one Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment. 6 items as shown: just $75 plus $15s&h= total $90. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions, $25 phone help free if needed, and guarantee.

Order Mega Power Valve Treatment f to protect both cars

    Order Two Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatments. 12 items as shown: just $130 plus $15s&h= total $145. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions, $25 phone help free if needed, and guarantee.

I'll cover the Mega Power hydraulic valve lifter remedy, here.

To learn how Mega Power ends "blowby"  go to this sticky valve help web page.

Both pages will have the products and tips you need along with ordering info.

Techie info, if you go for such...

What you should know about engine valve lifter tap problems

    Hydraulic lifters operate like a hydraulic jack you might use to jack-up your car to change a tire.

    To begin, you raise up the pump cylinder by forcing oil against it - by raising and lowering the jack handle.

    After a few pumps the jack piston contacts the car body and starts lifting the car. I say that so you understand how you motor's valves lifters causes the tap sound.

With your motors hydraulic valve lifters

    There is one thumb-size lifter - a miniature jack, for each of your engines 8 to 24 valves that let in fuel and exhaust out.

    To raise and close your motor' valves - so gas gets to the pistons, and exhaust is expelled, a rotating cam and lifter pushes open those valves.

    Each valve lifter has a little piston inside it - tiny, compared to the car jack's cylinder-piston, but performing the same purpose.

    The valve lifter's-piston is raised up to contact your motors valve stem by oil pressure from your motor's oil pump - supplying oil under pressure, just as your arm did to raise the jack cylinder to touch the body of the car.

    Oil pressure keeps the lifter piston up in contact with the valve and the motor quiet. And a tiny valve in the lifter closes to keep the oil there.

So what causes the tap?

    In your grandfathers day, before hydraulic lifters were put in engines, engine valves had to be adjusted by a mechanic every couple years as part of a $100 to $400 tune up.

    Now, the hydraulic valve lifter automatically does the adjustment by the little piston inside it, as you drive.

    The little-lifter's-piston moves by oil pressure so its always in contact with the bottom of the valve stem - instead of the mechanic doing so, from time to time.

    The tap problems begins.... with

1800 degree hot combustion blow-by - the trouble maker

    Combustion always slips pass each of your pistons 3 blow-by blocking bracelet-like rings. More C starts slipping pass your piston rings as hot residues make the piston rings sticky and sluggish.

    Included with those hot gases are: acids, carbon, water, and un-burn gas - and we give all that the name: Combustion blowby.

    Blow-by mixing in with your oil is like good kids letting bad kids play with them. Ain't good, of course. That is why I listed blow-by as the cause of your motors valve lifter tap.

Gooey, sticky globs of sludge formation

    Like sour curdled lumps in old, sour milk. Those sticky oil globs get into oil passage ways and lifters and blocks the oil's delivery. With out oil pressure...

    The little piston collapses and a space opens between it and the valve.

    Now as the cam rotates, the lifter smacks the bottom of the valve like a hammer, causing the tap tap tap sound. That is your valve lifter tap problem saying, "Do something!" You do!

    You change oil and maybe add additives - to no avail.

    The next step is to follow your mechanic's suggestion to pull apart and clean your motor to end the valve lifter tap problem. Replacing each of the valve lifters and putting the engine back together - for about $2000, is one way to end the tap problem.

Mega Power invents a product and method to avoid this costly valve lifter tap repair need, end the cause of your problem, and quiet the tapping sound.

    Mega Power found it took 6 ingredients to end the tap, stop excessive blow-by, and give the motor a boost of new quiet power.

    Mega Power - listed below, ends blow-by and the valve tap - For under $100 - not $2000. Works on transmission sticky valves to end rough shifting, too. More on this below.

    End the tap yourself. Ordering info below.

How to end valve lifter tap product from Mega Power.How to end valve lifter tap product from Mega Power.

Lifters are pressure fed to move outward to reduce wear gaps by your motor's  oil an oil pump. When oil residues, too thick to drain out when your oil is replaced - block oil delivery - these adjusters - called "lifters" collapses.... producing a space causing.... your tap tap tap, as your internal parts rotate. This is not good of course!

If you've visited a mechanic, I know his suggestion is to take your motor apart, clean most every part, and replace your many "valve lifters,"  the "cause of you tap. I know  - I'm a mechanic. Following his advice means ..

A week without your car while its overhauled for one thing. Minus $2000 or $3000 to pay for the fix - to get back on the road again. Both painful prospects. Why not consider other options...

A new option to end your motor noise

What you should know about newer ways of ending your engine valve lifter tap.

Here's my take on a better alternative as your option -

While typical part store additives have been harmful as well as helpful...

I'm explaining this option, not just as a mechanic... who helps my customers make a best choice for them, but also as a many-vehicle-owner, who wants to end - and maybe avoid the very same tap problem, too! So, consider this idea.... you will find most mechanics do not understand...

Since dirty-engine-conditions, an growing-amounts-of-friction are prime causes of engine noise and it lowers-horsepower,  why not consider a product that ends valve lifter tap by ending residue an friction that causes it!

If you look at your motor and car care in a holistic way  which is our way, an do so to end your valve lifter tap negative, you end this problem and prevent future engine, an for that matter - transmission future troubles, too  if you treat it also the same way - - [since rough shifting is a dirty valve and friction caused problem, too] ?

Here's the point...

Because residues and friction are the primary causes of your motors distressing noise - like a hole in your tire causes it to go flat. You patch the leak to avoid buying a costly new tire. Why not chemically clean tan free your lifters an valves to do the same, an avoid engine part replacement? 

So, Here is my suggestion that has a 99 out of 100 success rate. Why not install Mega Power's Valve Treatment to clean your motor internally, free, smooth and lube those dirty valve lifter parts - so oil again flows to operate them properly - to end your tap?  Shown here!

While many additive products clean, most are harmful.  None are considered "safe because they use solvents - which also strip the motor of its lube film.

Mega Power is a chemical cleaning anti-wear which lubricates  even when oil cannot - not a solvent.

Mega Power is an easy to install valve lifter, an valve freeing product  anyone can install. And driving does the fix to quickly quiet your engines harmful tap, knocking noises - when nothing else can - except costly repair.  Mega Power's 6 ingredients...

Mega Power's success is because its 6 ingredients is what has been found to clean, free, and condition your dirty motor valves, an get oilo to them again. And by ending its friction caused condition you have all the ways possible to pump-up your valve lifters - ending your tap problem. Directions:

Just add to the gas an oil and drive - that's it! Doing that returns your motors original zip and long-wearing conditions - as well. An does so regardless of age or mileage.

If on a smartphone, to ask a question, or order products listed, call me at 512 665 3388 ...George. Online ordering below.

Choices to end valve lifter tap

If I, or a mechanic who believes in this product installs it, our charge is about $250. Under $100 if ordered online below, with tips for you to  install this product  yourself.  Engine overhaul - the other choice is - $2000+. 

You don't have to replace noisy lifters to end valve lifter tap with Mega Power.

Here's how  Mega Power works that makes it so successful, and how to install Mega Power to end your engine problem yourself. Order Mega Power for all your cars now!  Get both your cars going down the road of life - ending the tap, avoiding other problems, and saving your cars and your money!

Ordering the Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment

    Order one Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment. 6 items as shown: just $75 plus $15s&h= total $90. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions, $25 phone help free if needed, and guarantee.

Order Two MP Treatments to protect both of your cars: 12 items.
$130 plus $15s&h= total $145. Save $35.

Order our Mega Power Transmission Treatment. TS3 This protects, avoids, and ends rough shifting and fluid leak. 3 items included: System Flush, Friction Modifier, and Fluid Conditioner. Works in transmission like the Motor Treatment works in motors to heal, protect, end wear and residue problems. Simple install. Nothing to take apart. Driving does the actual fix.


Order One Mega Power Transmission Treatment. 3 items
$60 plus $15s&h= $75 total - and
Order One Treatment for your motor.  9 items. Both treatments just $125 including shipping. Save $25

How do valve lifters work?

    Valve lifters - depend on oil pressure to push the adjuster part in them outward to maintain constant contact with your engine valves. This adjusting action takes up wear slack to keep your motor operating at peak efficiency and quietness.

    This automatic-adjustment keeps your motor operating quietly and at peak efficiency.

What causes the tap problem in my car?

    If you think back when your car was new.

    Your car's original quietness and power was because every part was clean, shinny smooth, and close-fitting. This includes your pistons, bearings, valves, their valve adjusters, and such.

    In time sticky residues collect and remain behind on your valves each time you change your dirty oil. 

    As residues collect they eventually block oil to your motor's rings, valves, and their adjusters.

    When residues block oil to your lifters the adjuster part drops like a tire with a hole in it and collapses.  This drop creates a space and the tap sound occurs as the parts close the gap and smack into each other.

    That's no good of course.

    If your motor had a valve sticking and causes a rough idle -   the same Mega Power remedy ends both conditions for you.

The common remedy for car owners is to have your engine repaired at a $2000+ cost.

    The mechanic tells you, he will purchase new valves and lifters numbering 8 to 16 total at about $15 apiece, running up your bill. Then add to that machine shop work needed to recondition the top part your motor valves themselves for about $400, and add a set of gaskets at about $200 - and with 5 to 10 days time without your car - its ready to go. Now, minus $2000 - you're back on the road quiet again.

How Mega Power chemistry is ending valve lifter tap

By the way did you know...

    Your transmission shift valves, when they become sticky causes rough shifting. That rough shift can become a $2500 fix at most transmission shops. Mega Power prevents - or ends rough shift by its cleaning, freeing, smoothing and conditioning ingredients - Mega Power is not just for engine protection. Anyhow...

    Your good cars, and their engine and transmission, and your budget will benefit from the same Mega Power advantages this noisy engine benefits from. This same Mega Power Treatment meets and exceeds the standard transmission cleaning service the dealer charges over $150 for. 

    Order Mega Power now and get both your cars going down the road of life - ending the tap, and saving your car and your money!

    You don't have to replace noisy lifters to end valve lifter tap with Mega Power.

Ordering the Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment info

    The Mega Power Valve Motor Valve Treatment. 6 items as shown: just $75 plus $15s&h= total $90. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions, $25 phone help free if needed, and guarantee.

Order Two MP Treatments to protect both of your cars: 12 items.
$130 plus $15s&h= total $145. Save $35.

Order our Mega Power Transmission Treatment. TS3 This protects, avoids, and ends rough shifting and fluid leak. 3 items included: System Flush, Friction Modifier, and Fluid Conditioner. Works in transmission like the Motor Treatment works in motors to heal, protect, end wear and residue problems. Simple install. Nothing to take apart. Driving does the actual fix.


Order One Mega Power Transmission Treatment. 3 items
$60 plus $15s&h= $75 total - and
Order One Treatment for your motor.  9 items. Both treatments just $125 including shipping. Save $25

To order by phone, or have a question answered, call me day or evening at 512 665 3388 ... George - that's what I'm here for!

Did you know

As friction, and sticky residues  cause oil blockage, valves and their lifters  - become sluggish causing a space to appear. With each engine rotation - the space causes the tap tap tap you hear.

You now have 2 ways to end your motor valve lifter tap
As a mechanic, if you accept my overhaul idea, to restore your motor quietness,
I'll remove and hand clean or replace dozens of dirty parts to rid your motor of residues causing your valve lifter tap.

If you try our Mega Power remedy. It is cheaper. $250 if I install it for you. Under $100 if you do it yourself!

Valve Lifter Tap Treatment Remedy

How Mega Power problem-solving products end the tap

Mega Power is added to the gas tank and oil to remove problem-causing residues and reflow oil to your adjusters. This unique cleaning ability will end your valve and lifter tap.

Mega Power does so because it contains what I call Hi-tech anti-wear, problem-solving chemistry no other product has!

Hi-tech, because of its ability to go where oil, even synthetic oil cannot go - to the trouble spot, there to clean and free the adjuster. This cleaning advantage - allows oil to again pumped up the adjuster and operate in your motor quietly again - without need of actual replacement!

Mega Power is a 6 item product easily installed in 2 steps. 3 items clean the top of your dirty engine parts, and 3 clean the bottom parts during an oil change for a quiet powerful motor operation again.

That is the Mega Power way to stop your worry about your motor noise. And, Mega Power cost under $100, not $2000!

That is your problem and the kind of help your motor needs to run quietly again.

By the way, inside your transmission there are shift valves.

Your transmission gets dirty

Mega Power Valve Treatment install Directions.

Mega Power's  uses 3 items to clean the top of your motor via the gas tank and engine oil compartment.

And 3 different items are repeated during an oil change. Driving does the actual quieting. Nothing to take a apart.

Valve Lifter Tap Treatment

Ordering the Mega Power Valve Lifter Tap Treatment info

    The Mega Power Valve Motor Valve Treatment. 6 items as shown: just $75 plus $15s&h= total $90. Shipped FedEx to your door with instructions, $25 phone help free if needed, and guarantee.

See online purchasing buttons above for Valve Lifter Tap Treatment purchase.

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