Why valve lifters tap.  Best Remedies.

Why valve lifters tap. Your engine problem? End tapping quickly and economically with Mega Power Engine Treatment.Why valve lifters tap. Your engine problem? End tapping quickly and economically with Mega Power Engine Treatment.

Why valve lifters tap. 

Contact Info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed, call me...george at 512 665 3388

How-lifter tapping happens?

      Valves and lifters get lazy from dirty operation - even with synthetic motor oils. This dirty condition lowers their adjustment space pushing valves open - that's their #1 Job. #2 job is keeping contact spaces at zero for strong power and best fuel economy, and longest engine life.  See picture.

    This space  - see X on pictures, is why Why valve lifters tap, and results when oil pressure making the lifter adjust-outward to close wear spaces is blocked off by sludge.  - Then, the lifter adjuster drops  - like a tire with a hole in it, a space appears, and now it bangs closing the space against the valve each engine rotation. Tap tap tap sounds are made. That's not good, of course - and your Why valve lifters tap. 

More....  Why valve lifters tap?

     Now, you know dirty conditions is causing your tap! 3 ways to end the tap. Which is best for you?

The best way to service your engine so lifters work quietly again.

       Other than a $3000 plus total engine repair - which replaces every one of your 8 to 24 lifters? 

       Some try part store additives, but I've found - they are called quick flushes.  Additives with solvents that have survived from model T days. Made to soften sludge for easy removal just before and engine is taken apart. Now profitably sold for engine tap and sludge problems. A 3 to 5 minuter use of the cleaner is added to the motor oil, and then a rinse occurs and all loosen sludge is drained out, and fresh oil added. This seldom works and has other dangers.

      A new additive just for valve lifter tap works well and uses a slower safe cleaning process - sold by Meg Power - the brand we promote for it 100% lifter tap ending feature.

     The benefit is, while made for mechanic to use, anyone can install the product in the gas and oil and avoid the $200 mechanic labor to install the product.

     A week later the oil is replaced and more of the additive lifter quieting additive in the Mega Power Treatment are added to the fresh oil. This is a permanent fix - if touch ups are added at 6000 mile future oil changes. Its a lot cheaper than a new engine as a remedy. the above Mega Power Valve Treatment is the only product to clean and free valves and lifters - 

     That's why Mega Power ends the Why valve lifters tap problem helping the lifter adjuster parts close the space again, ending its tap problem. Of course the whole engine benefits from this service.

      Ingredients are unique, the method of install is easy, and driving does the actual fix. Sometime in minutes - up to a day or so of driving. 2 refunds last 267 days testify to its success rate.10 of thousands in engines, today! Why valve lifters tap is now well under stood. and so is the Mega Power remedy. 

The  install: MP Engine Valve Treatment, 2 easy steps:

  1. Step One: Add 2 items shown, to the gas tank and motor oil. Drive for a week to let them free and clean troublesome parts.
  2. Step Two: Add Item 3 to fresh motor oil, after an oil  change a week later. 

Conclusion: Those 2 steps show Why valve lifters tap, and how to easily stop tapping.

      By Repair  as the Why valve lifters tap and how to stop them expense for the fix run over $2500.

      Install the Mega Power Valve Treatment method: $250 if a mechanic sells the service. About $100 if you install it. Its easy to install, and both men and women vehicles gain the quieting results.

      Is it for you? Sure! Its a frugal way to protect your budget and gain years more life from your cars.

Order Now!  This also includes our daily specials here.

Ordering info.

  • Order one Mega Power Valve Lifter Noise Treatment.  Includes 3 items shown. With easy-to-follow directions. Phone help if needed- a free $50 value. Satisfaction Guarantee. Includes fuel system,  combustion, oil system stop valve lifter tap aid. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days.   O...ur bonus
  • Bonus: simple-install Combustion Area Engine Cleaner $28, included free for a limited time. A dealership service item they charge up to $400 for installing. Included with usage info with the 3 valve lifter noise ending treatment shown delivery info. Click cart button to order. Extra bonus... Order now... bonus...
  • 3 Item Engine Valve Treatment, plus Combustion Area Engine Cleaner $28 free, and our best engine valve cleaner conditioner  - not shown, a Double Bonus extra at $26 for free this week - while supplies set aside exist!  Order now! Just $80, plus $15 s&h= $95 total. +Tax 8. Total  5 items =$103 total. Save $26

Why valve lifters tap.  Best Remedies. Is there one for your engine?

Shown above. I call it an engine revitalizing treatment, from Mega Power. An inventor of automotive and heavy equipment engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problem-solvers with similar revitalizing characteristics for those components!

Special MC+ protectors keep tap and other related performance problems they end from returning.

Its 95% success rate - not 2% like other products make this a perfect fix! Easy to use. Quick results assured!

Engine tapping noise this is best remedy around for the job, and for preventing other troubles older engines have. - no kidding! I use it in all my vehicles, and sold it to thousands of car equipment boat owners who quieted their valves tap with it just as easily.

This Mega Power treatment turns back the clock on age, on miles and ends their age, wear related conditions! The reason for its use in good running vehicles to keep them that way.

  • The items made of a number of different ingredients work as you drive...
  • They crawl to troublesome areas where oil can't go! There, a specialized cleaning, healing, smoothing of stuck lifter parts  stops tapping!
  • Those specialized cleaning, healing, smoothing advantages release and free and close the noisy valve lifter gap. Those gap-closing action ENDS, STOPS the tap and restores quiet operation to your motor. That is what you need right now!
  • Order this Mega Power Brand valve lifter noise ending product below - to ennd your tap.
  • And check out our engine protecting FREE bonus, in the ordering section there, so you can properly fix this problem permanently - our better way!
  • And remember, I'm also here to help you. I'm a mechanic, and America's Car Care Expert in these matters!  Book mark this site for future reference

What do engine valve lifters do? 

  • Your motor's 8 to 24 valves and valve lifter adjusters, are part of the motors fuel, exhaust breathing system. 
  • They work in hot dirty conditions where motor oil can't do them any good. Over time oil delivery to this part fails, causing tapping. You would think synthetic oil prevents such, but it doesn't.
  • As oil blockage to the lifter wear-take-up adjuster makes it collapse, a space on them appears that NOW closes with a bang, producing your tap tap tap sound that worries you.  That's not good for your motor, of course.

The Old Way To End this Motor Problem:

  • Traditionally, dismantling the motor to replace the lifters at a $2000 to $5000 expense, is still the way most mechanics do the fix. Its like going in for heart surgery when alternatives like aspirin works just as well. 
  • Part store additives are sold to end valve lifter noise - but has negative press from engine damage they cause. Stay away from those products. 

Science and chemistry's remedy...

  • Mega Power Chemistry to the rescue. Mega Power field tested a number of ingredients they found superior to see which reverses the cause of this dirty tap condition, to get oil flowing to end the valve lifter noise problem. This is that formula...
  • Mega Power is a Valve Lifter Noise Treatment that cleans, frees, clears to get oil flow again.  
  • And with special lube conditioners, gets the noisy adjuster moving outward again, closing the gap, ending the tapping problem. Is that what you want to happen?

There are 2 simple steps for the product install and ordering info

  • You follow 2 easy steps, and there is nothing to dismantle. Just add the products as shown. Driving does the fix. Some times instantly. Other times in a few days.
  • A few repair shops install the Mega Power Treatment for about $250 to $400, but most oppose its usage. However...
  •  Its easy to install Mega Power yourself for under $100. Does this method interest you and deserve a try?
  • The valve lifter noise ending treatment is delivered to your door in about 3 days with easy-to-follow directions, phone help, a guarantee. 
  • Men and women vehicle owners find it easy to end valve lifter noise problems and tapping this way.

Order Now!  This also includes our daily specials here.

Ordering info.

  • Order one Mega Power Valve Lifter Noise Treatment.  Includes 3 items shown. With easy-to-follow directions. Phone help if needed- a free $50 value. Satisfaction Guarantee. Includes fuel system,  combustion, oil system cleaners needed to stop valve lifter tap. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days.   
  • Bonus: simple-install Combustion Area Engine Cleaner $28, included free for a limited time. A dealership service item they charge up to $400 for installing. Included with usage info with the 3 valve lifter noise ending treatment shown delivery info. Click cart button to order.
  • 3 Item Engine Valve Treatment, plus Bonus $26 item  free. Just $80, plus $15 s&h= $95 total. +Tax 8. Total  4 items =$103 total. Save $28.

End Why valve lifters tap. 

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