Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment 101.
Gives older vehicles years more life...

Mega Powers' Worn Motor Treatment 101  with 6 conditioners revives older engines and keeps them going when its important to do so economicallyMega Powers' Worn Motor Treatment 101 with 6 conditioners revives older engines and keeps them going when its important to do so economically
Mega Powers' Worn Motor Treatment 101 for diesels have 6 conditioners to revive older engines. Keeps them going when its important to do so economicallyMega Powers' Worn Motor Treatment 101 for diesels have 6 conditioners to revive older engines. Keeps them going when its important to do so economically

Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment 101 Contact Info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed, call at 512 665 3388  Email

Help for older vehicle engines.

    The above 2, Mega Power Worn Motor Treatments 101 [ Left for cars. Right  for big diesels are helping car and equipment owners with older vehicles gain an enjoyable, economical rejuvenating feature to keep their older - and good, newer engines - going great even though older ones may require an expensive $4000 to $7000 overhaul. Engine protectors to put off overhaul!

    What it does:

    This is now easily possible, even for older worn motors, during an oil change, with the above Mega Power Brand engine products. The products, unlike other additives that just rinse the motor, Mega Pow er provides each part surface a cleaning, freeing, smoothing, worn space filling, making it possible to chemically return a new-like operation! Chemistry at its best at a reasonable price, too!

    What engine trouble it ends.

    Mega Power's Treatments is a pour-in-n-drive worn motor treatment 101. The 101 designation gives you the basics of how it revitalizes older, poor running, and worn engines. Solving their common oil burning, compression blowby, sludge troubles, valve sticking, seal leaks and  lousy fuel economy.

    The install.

    Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment 101 has 2 steps. 3 Products are added to the fuel and motor oil - twice. A week apart to do their revitalizing. An oil change is required after step one.  Inside, the product features work as you drive! They provide cleaning, freeing, coating, and conditioning to overcome worn characteristics.  The only product to do so wherever fuel, air, combustion, exhaust, and oiling goes. The conditioning; stops oil burning, stops exhaust smoke by cleaning fuel injectors and combustion carbon causes, stops compression blowby - freeing sticky piston rings, stops valve tapping, and  stops oil leaks - any, or all if a problem. Why not have engine re-conditioning to provide you years of renewed, new-like dependability? And think of savings of thousands of dollars of overhaul expense right now, to keep you on the road, and afloat financially:


    Is that what you are after?  Purchase the 6 items making it possible now to start enjoying these Mega Power Brand engine revitalizing product benefits. Tens of thousands of satisfied customers.
    Ordering Mega Powers' Worn Motor Treatment 101 for Cars and Pickups:

    To have Mega Powers' Worn Motor Treatment 101 sent to you - Click cart button below! Get on down the road of life with strong dependable performance back inside any engine - Guaranteed. Refundable if not satisfied with results. Price sure to double in coming months. Your engine and your budget needs this product now!

    Just $95+ $15 s&h= $110 total. Includes 6 products shown. Includes simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. 

    Its usage raises compression, reduces blowby, and gives the general impression of tightening up the engine - which it does chemically. Full horsepower, zip, and pull performance equals the former like new condition.

    Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Click cart button to order...

    Ordering Mega Powers' Worn Motor Treatment  101 for Diesel Engines:

    To have Mega Powers' Worn Motor Treatment 101 for your Worn engine revitalization sent to you - Click cart button below! Get on down the road of life with strong dependable performance back inside any engine - Guaranteed. Refundable if not satisfied with results. Price sure to double in coming months. Your engine and your budget needs this product now!

    Just $400 + $40 s+h = $440 total. For thousands of dollars overhaul expenses avoidance. 6 products shown. Includes simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee.  My experience and customers tell us...

    Its usage raises compression, reduces blowby, and gives the general impression of tightening up the engine - which it does chemically. For a like new condition.

    Phone help. Have your diesels running great in 3 days. FedEx delivery. Click cart button to order...

    Buy two treatments protect both vehicle engines 2 car / pickup engines. $149 total while sale is on. Reg $220. Save $80 today!

    Its usage raises compression, reduces blowby, and gives the general impression of tightening up the engine - which it does chemically. Full horsepower, zip, and pull performance equals the former like new condition.

    Mega Power features, unlike oil or fuel additives, and even the best oils that have limited power, Mega Power goes where oil cannot to reverse wear and varnish problems - common conditions in a worn engine. 

    Were you to follow their engine and fuel travels you would be in for two wild rides:

    1. First through the fuel system where moisture is made burnable, fuel injectors are cleaned so they fog the fuel for better combustion, ending their wet spray. Combustion is more effective -and give a further push downward on the piston for a longer crankshaft spin - resulting in more power at the wheels. As more air surrounds fuel molecules - making for a clean burn - ending black exhaust smoke. Combustion also ignites cleaners to blast away carbon deposits from piston tops, and valve heads and spark plugs. Cleaners are force around the top piston ring, washing away their sticky bind - allowing their expansion, and combustion blocking effect to start again, as a higher horsepower making effect.

    2. As Mega Power is poured into the oil it crawls tho where oil can't to free binging and stuck lifters causing tapping. Conditioners go on to smooth wear roughen surfaces to act as  friction reducers. Conditioners fill worn spaces so the motor again operates quieter for a like-new  operation - but by chemical means. That is the worn motor treatments 101 lesson.

    Last for years with a simple touch up product that pays for itself over and over!

Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 101 is a customer pleasing, customer loyalty building skill that also can double a mechanic's profit and income.

Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment 101 Contact Info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order  items listed, call at 512 66 3388  Email

Ordering Info

    Mega Power  comes as a whole vehicle treatment with 15 items in 12oz bottles for cars, motorcycles, pickups. The 15 items cover the 6 needed for the motor $95, 3 needed for the radiator $75, 2 needed for the steering $75 and 3 needed for the transmission $90. 1 for differential gears $20 or drive axles. Total $365. Now just $200. Sa

Worn motor treatment 101. 

The old way repair option

When replacing worn parts with new ones, and returning the car to the owner, you are only returning the car back to the way it was before the part failure.  Yet... wear and tear performance declined negatives are ignored. why?

Why was not the years of residue, friction, an their horsepower reducing effects, that reduce up to 20% of the original new performance the vehicle  originally had restored.

The answer is this: Us mechanics are only trained to replace worn or defective parts.

The new, auto tune up and repair options:

Worn motor treatment 101

This Worn motor treatment 101 picture introduces to mechanics what a new breed of Hi-tech anti-wear chemistry from Mega Power can do - during any tune and repair - to clean performance-deterring parts of a motor. The service includes and then adds friction reducing smoothing as a friction modifier. An adds  anti-wear to fill worn spaces - This results in a like-new burst of power and performance.  Considered as the inside half of a good tune an repair.

The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment f101 frees up by cleaning and smoothing, and by coating worn motor parts to quickly revive its normally though-loss, power.

In doing so, Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 101 ends your motor oil burning, Tap noise, Oil leaks and slams the breaks on wear out - providing additional years of dependable, like- new again power - for years more great service - before overhaul is or replacement is needed.

Worn motor treatment 101 shown here. Of what Mega Power can't return to normal in rare situations, it holds the problem at that stage - preventing further deterioration sometimes for years.

Worn motor treatment 101 is a help to many car owners who often would trade off their cars soon after - producing profit for a competitor - to your loss. Mega Power keeps that customer coming back for Mega Power to keep his car going, putting money into your pocket - not another's.

For mechanics: In all the ways to increase your extra income, the belief in Mega Power worn motor treatment 101 method explained here and shown above, and its promotion is the one sure way to build more loyal customers and make 10 times more income from the sale of additives in the next 12 months than you made in the last 12 years!

The worn motor treatment 101 idea is easy to understand.

If you believe  in replacing broken or worn outs parts in the engine transmission radiator and a/c systems to help the customers car run  well again - and make your income off that idea -

Doesn't it make sense to clean up and free the remaining pistons bearings valves and gears -and sensor and the fuel, combustion, emission, and oiling systems and heal the damage that acids and wear causes that deter full horsepower development, and steal the power that use to go to he wheels - and thereby restore the cars best performing stance - than let it go out the door at less than what its full potential could be.

Worn motor treatment 101: think about it!

Customers come to you to fix their car. Why not fix it all the way chemically so it starts easier, idles smoother, has more zip going up hills, and stay that way twice as long as any other method of care.

The customer will buy all that from someone - usually the car dealer and you lose 100% of any income - to your family's hurt, while you help the car dealer live luxuriously.

Worn motor treatment 101 teaches you what you need to know to put thousands more in your pocket each month.

Worn motor treatment 101.
How do you sell Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment?

While what you learn at worn motor treatment-101 is technical - to sell Mega Powers worn motor treatment-101 is simple. Just add it to every component repair estimate as part of what fixes the car right. 

The install portions takes 5 minutes and makes 1.2 hours labor - and covers 6 separate services amounting to over $600 in car dealer labor -but they only do have what you do for the car and the customer.

At least $100 profit and the $90 product cost means you should charge the customer $190 to $390 for the service involved. That money you need to earn extra each week and Worn motor treatment 101 does it for you!

Worn motor treatment 101.         How do you install Mega Power?

    Mega Power is a pour-in-n-drive worn motor treatment 101. 3 items are to clean the top of your motor. Drive for a week with them working inside. A week later do an oil change using the other 3 items.

    Mega Power's cleaning, coating, and conditioning effect stops oil burning, valve tap, and leaks for years of renewed, new-like dependability. It goes where oil cannot and "fixes the problem in one of 3 ways." Explained in detail on other pages: see links below.

    So effective we give it a guarantee. It pleases or its free!

Introducing: The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 101

    Rebuilds compression.
    Stops oil burning, leak, tap, smoking, in worn motors in minutes. Restores power in doing so. Last for years with a simple touch up product that pays for itself over and over!

    The Details.

    Wouldn't it be nice - to

    Have a good fairy - like in the story Cinderella, wave her magic wand over your old, tired oil burning pumpkin, and suddenly have it quit burning oil, start quicker, run smoother, quieter, and with like-new power again?

    She's not available

    But a company called Mega Power is. Mega Power has something just as effective for such motors. It's called... The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment -Shown here.

    The product's maker - Mega Power

    Is a leader in the development of over 50 problem-solving additive formula's for automotive and industrial performance restoring and enhancement.

    Mega Power customer's include car makers, huge ship owners, equipment owners, mechanics, and just plain car owners - all looking for a product to solve wear and performance problems caused by high mileage, friction, and residues.

    The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 101

    Mega Power comes with simple instructions anyone can follow, that gets immediate results that surprises every user of the product.

    Our customer's claim - and so do I, that you can produce almost the same performance improvement results chemically with Mega Power worn motor treatment 101 as an expensive overhaul - but for a fraction of that price!

    In a moment you will see why the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment  101 is the only known product to rebuild compression and stop oil burning, smoking, oil leaks, power loss, and valve tap in worn motors in minutes. Something only a costly $2500 motor overhaul could also do.

    Will it work for your motor?

    Yes, as long as no internal parts are broken - but miles, age, and wear do not deter the desired results.

    If your car sounds like this product is what it needs, order this product today! It is well worth using to regain the like-new performance conditions your motor use to have. It avoids the costlier repair alternative.

    Works equally well in newer vehicles to extend their life, avoid avoidable internal problems.

    To have this Worn Motor Treatment 101 sent to you - Order now! get on down the road of life with dependability and performance back on your side.

    Just $75+ $15s&h= $90 total. Includes 6 products shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by Fedex.

    Buy two treatments for 2 cars. $140 total, Save $40.

    Order by check, MO, to address below.

    George Christ
    Factory Distributor. Tech Trainer.
    210 Durango Street. San Marcos Texas 78666
    Call to ask a question or purchase at 512 665 3388

    Phone, mail order, or Online ordering is OK.

    Let me show you how the Worn Motor Treatment 101 brings back years more serviceable usage out of your motor for you.

    The problem area inside your motor.

    Notice in the picture, the arrows pointing to

    1. "Worn" pistons
    2. "Sticky" piston rings
    3. Worn valve "stems"

    Those 3 worn areas, worn valve stems, sticky piston rings, and the worn away surfaces around them allow engine oil from those areas to be sucked in - as the piston goes downward pulling in gas to burn.

    As the piston comes up to compress that mixture a spark ignites the gas and oil mixture. That is how your motor burns a quart or more of oil. It is burned and sent out the exhaust pipe as smoke.

    Those 3 area problems are what the Worn Motor Treatment fixes.

    More trouble occurs with blow-by: Blow-by - which is 2000 degree combustion now flows pass sticky piston rings, and mixes with your motors oils.

    Blow-by contain acids which sludge's your clean oil, and heat, shrink seals - causing oil leaks. Mega Power ends both problems - and lowers oil burning and loss down to almost zero.

    The normal way to fix worn motor problems

    Mega Power is a pour-in-n-drive worn motor treatment 101. 3 items are to clean the top of your motor. Drive for a week with them working inside. A week later do an oil change using the other 3 items.

    Mega Power's cleaning, coating, and conditioning effect stops oil burning, valve tap, and leaks for years of renewed, new-like dependability. It goes where oil cannot and "fixes the problem in one of 3 ways." Explained in detail on other pages: see links below.

    So effective we give it a 3 month guarantee. It pleases or its free!

    Introducing: The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment

    Rebuilds compression.
    Stops oil burning, leak, tap, smoking, in worn motors in minutes. Restores power in doing so. Last for years with a simple touch up product that pays for itself over and over!

    The Details.

    Wouldn't it be nice - to

    Have a good fairy - like in the story Cinderella, wave her magic wand over your old, tired oil burning pumpkin, and suddenly have it quit burning oil, start quicker, run smoother, quieter, and with like-new power again?

    She's not available

    But a company called Mega Power is. Mega Power has something just as effective for such motors. It's called... The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment -Shown here.

    The product's maker - Mega Power

    Is a leader in the development of over 50 problem-solving additive formula's for automotive and industrial performance restoring and enhancement.

    Mega Power customer's include car makers, huge ship owners, equipment owners, mechanics, and just plain car owners - all looking for a product to solve wear and performance problems caused by high mileage, friction, and residues.

    The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 101 1

    Mega Power comes with simple instructions anyone can follow, that gets immediate results that surprises every user of the product.

    Our customer's claim - and so do I, that you can produce almost the same performance improvement results chemically with Mega Power as an expensive overhaul - but for a fraction of that price!

    In a moment you will see why the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment 101 is the only known product to rebuild compression and stop oil burning, smoking, oil leaks, power loss, and valve tap in worn motors in minutes. Something only a costly $2500 motor overhaul could also do.

    Will it work for your motor?

    Yes, as long as no internal parts are broken - but miles, age, and wear do not deter the desired results.

    If your car sounds like this product is what it needs, order this product today! It is well worth using to regain the like-new performance conditions your motor use to have. It avoids the costlier repair alternative.

    Works equally well in newer vehicles to extend their life, avoid avoidable internal problems.

    To have this Worn Motor Treatment 101 sent to you - Order now! get on down the road of life with dependability and performance back on your side.

    Just $75+ $15s&h= $90 total. Includes 6 products shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by Fedex.

    Buy two treatments for 2 cars. $140 total, Save $40.

    Order by check, MO, to address below.

    George Christ
    Factory Distributor. Tech Trainer.
    210 Durango Street. San Marcos Texas 78666
    Call to ask a question or purchase at 512 665 3388

    Phone, mail order, or Online ordering is OK.

    Let me show you how the Worn Motor Treatment brings back years more serviceable usage out of your motor for you.

    My way - what I want you to order, uses Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment to solve those problems and to avoid that expense - for a couple years.

    There is more that Mega Power does for your motor than this fix.

    Lets go back to the piston in the picture.

    As it moved downward and sucked in a bit of oil, there is a bit less space for gas in the mix. This is one of 3 reasons why less power is developed.

    Follow me as I uncover the others - all of which, Mega Power ends for you.

    That is the main causes of oil burning, oil consumption, loss of power.

    But there are secondary causes you want to end if you knew about them, Right? Sure! And Mega Power can do so. That is what I w ant you to appreciate - that Mega Power is so much better.

    The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment  101 ends 3 other causes of power loss and wear speed-up for you.

    I'll explain as you read along.

    The arrows show you where Mega Power cleans and layers itself in those 3 areas to end the problem.

    Customers tell us

    Mega Power ended their motor problem in just a few miles of driving. And so will you.
  • Just add the treatment to your motor as directed and drive. Driving does the fix. No wrenches or repair skill needed.

  • The 6 products do the job when nothing else will.

  • A ingredient called MC+ friction modifies. This restores power lost do to friction. Imagine how lowering the high amounts of friction helps you going up and down hills. What is more, smoother surfaces keeps the oil film complete, instead of being ripped apart as worn rougher surfaces do a lot of. The surface smoothing action is a remarkable double benefit to insure longer wearing life for your older motor - and is a benefit even brand new engines and transmissions can enjoy [if you want anti-wear protection working in their motors], as well as when later-on in life, when their rubbing surfaces wear and become ragged.

  • Mega Power does not stop with that benefit as its oil reducing advantage. Next, a co-polymer fills worn spaces. This chemical acts like a motor overhaul - chemically.

  • Now all this seals-off and ends the oil burning, tap, and lost of power problem and brings back what you thought was lost. Pistons, bearings, valves, lifters and gears now can slide on these protective and slippery clean ingredients - instead of metal-to-metal.

  • As you can see, these ingredients provide a wealth of help deep inside to handle such a complex task - and only a $3000 motor overhaul is better.

    Do you think your motor deserves this treatment? I think so!

    The products work thru the gas and oil to clean injectors, combustion area, valves, piston rings, lifters, and catalytic converter.

  • This combination has proven to be the only way to restore an older vehicle's power, performance, and dependability.

  • Compared it cost of under$100 to spending $2000 to triple that for an engine overhaul. Mega Power engine care is not expensive. It is the only fix known to help extend years of additional, good life to thousands of older, even hi-mileage motors.... It's a true bargain - even if it cost twice that!
  • My experience

    Mega Power's capability to rejuvenate has help me keep more than a dozen of my older cars going strong.

    I have gained years more driving dependability compared to hearing how others have had expensive overhauls, or had to go in debt for a new car, because they follow the common method of car care.

    By following Mega Power's Worn motor Treatment method, I can look back and see that it has helps me avoid tens of thousands of dollars of auto repair and replacement expense.

    That product expense-avoiding advantage has helped many of us divert that money to other family needs - a wiser use of our hard-earned income.

    In doing so

    Mega Power has keep much more of my hard-earned money in my pocket. For the good of my family, rather that pay for the lavish, jet-set lifestyles of wealthy car makers, and parts producing moguls. They rather have you wear out your cars and fix them every couple years, instead of not! Or, go in debt for new - for their benefit, not yours, every few years.

    What would it mean for your finances, if you had to spend $2000 for overhaul or serious engine work, but, you could get more than adequately by for less than $100? Would that be important to you? I think so! That is what I love about Mega Power!

    How the Worn Motor Treatment is Installed

    3 of the products are installed to restore power by cleaning and freeing sticky, poor-sealing piston rings and sticky, slow-closing valves - eliminating the need to take the motor apart to do so.

    That is top-side cleaning. This ends over a dozen performance problems

    The following week, the other 3 products are installed to free and clean the oil side below; each piston, cylinder, bearing, valve, and gear.

    Then the process adds a slippery co-polymer anti-wear coating.

    These advantages end performances problems and restores smooth running power and quietness to the motor. [A similar treatment does the same for the transmission, power steering, and air conditioner wear problems].

    This is how this product restores a cars power, performance - in minutes.

    You can't help but love this car care invention!

    This is what you need for your family cars!

    Wouldn't it be nice to suddenly

    Hear their motors running smooth and quiet again? Wouldn't it be nice to crank the started and hear it roar into power like its former self? What would it mean to your finances to spend $100 for what $2000 does?

    This reduces the full charge of gas needed - and is one reason why your motor feels like its worn out. It can't get the full charge of gas it once use too. Why it burns more oil.

As the piston starts upward

    Compressing the gas for combustion, the same cause of getting oil mixed into the gas charge now squeezes it back out pass the weak piston rings, into the oil. This "blow-by" of gas weakens the oils lubricity - and increases the speed up of wear.

    Did you know that?

    One more worn problem area...

    As sticky valves close - slower than normal, the piston squeezes some of the fuel back out. See those two-way arrows curved around the valve head?

    Those double-ended arrows indicate some of the fuel just sucked-in by the downward stroke of your piston is being pushed back out pass the sticky valve - which should be closed - but is not.

    That is the condition dirty motors and dirty valves have that causes rough idle, mysterious stalling, loss of power, back fire, sticky exhaust, lousy fuel economy.

    - and makes you think your motor is older than it is. Makes us mechanics $2000 overhauling you motor to clean it and get it running good again.

    Now your option is to add Mega Power to your motor to make it run strong again for under $100 - not $2000.

Now your watch your motor at work - with Mega Power inside.

    Mega Power's two step procedure cleans and frees sticky pistons, piston rings, sticky, slow-closing valves, and end valve lifter tap - in just minutes after you add it to your motor. They contain the strongest ever invented.

    Now, as the piston pushes upward and compresses the fuel, the clean, fast closing action of your valves will seal the fuel in ready for compression.

    Got that? It is important to for smooth performance and power.

    With the spark plug spark occurs now with a full charge of gas - the combustion force sends the piston downward with much more force, and 10 minutes later like new zip and power returns again - doing so on a bit less fuel...

    That is why you need the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment. Don't wait until your motor breaks and then wish you had tried it.

    Call me and order this product now. It will be the best method ever to save your cars, your money, and get back that zip you paid so much for.

Why your motor is not acting sluggish like before. Why?

    your combustion was cheated out of a full charge of gas - partly because dirty valves and rings and wear and excessive friction did not seal properly, leaked out, limited the power.

    Mega Power cleaning, freeing, sealing and coating ingredients sealed the explosion in - sealed the oil out! This is what ends why your oil is so black - and so soon, between oil changes.

So........What happened so far?

    All those conditions that rob your motor of its full power, consumed more oil, wasted fuel, causes leaks, creates conditions for faster wear, and more friction, and steals years of life away from your engines and transmissions - disappeared.

    You, now unknowingly, press the gas pedal and your car goes much faster. You back-off on the gas pedal for the right speed - and start going 20 30 40 more miles between fill up - because of all this improvement.

    Before, you wondered when your motor will force its hand. When it will require a $2000 plus overhaul or a $500 new car payment - as the remedy. Poor mileage eats your lunch money.

Now, reverse all that with this Worn Motor Treatment! What happens then?

    Your motor runs great again. That is what happens when you switch to the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment.

    Like playing a country western song backwards. You get the problem fixed, and great power and performance returns.

Now let Review...

Lets install the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment.

    6 sub-systems are cleaned - not just injectors - wherever gas, air, combustion, oil and exhaust goes.

    Then, special chemistry - MC+, smooths wear-roughen pistons, bearings, valves and gears. With cleaning and friction drag removed - parts are clean, smooth, move freely - like when near new. the power-loss they use to cause is gone!

    There is more! A smooth, protective co-polymer fills worn spaces - closing the wear gaps, to keep power in.

    Now as combustion occurs, full power is again developed. The car cranks faster, starts easier, runs smoother, has the get-up-and-go of like when new. Internal conditions are chemically made so they perform like near new, again!

Can you see why so many people love this Worn Motor Treatment?

Ordering information

Sold direct. Not sold in parts stores. That is because it needs a good bit of explanation to show it worth.

Your guarantee! Free if not satisfied - should this not work as described.

This Worn Motor Treatment works so well; Please note: No refunds asked for in the last 267 days..

I'm here to help you get the product and install it by phone.

    It's like adding gas and oil. It's easy to install. I help people by phone - live, as they install it - to give them confidence - as most are not mechanics. That is my Job - to help you. I am a mechanic. I'm here for you!

    "Mega Power has helped our cars run great again!"

    Now it time for you to help your motor by doing the same!

    To have this Worn Motor Treatment sent to you - Order today!

    To have this Worn Motor Treatment sent to you - Order today!

    Just $75+ $15s&h= $90 total. Includes 6 products shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by Fedex.

    Buy six treatments for 6 cars. $360 total, including shipping, for 36 items     Bonus: get our all purpose lube and nut-buster spray. A $12.95 value, Free! 37 items, $360 total. Save $75. provides you with a return of $1200 or more from a $360 investment.

    Order by check, MO, to address below.

    George Christ
    Factory Distributor. Tech Trainer.
    210 Durango Street. San Marcos Texas 78666
    Call to ask a question or purchase at 512 665 3388

    Phone, 512 665 3388. By mail order, Send check. Online ordering Click cart buttons. Secure.

  • Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment, is a one-of-a-kind problem-solving product. Sold in thousands of auto repair and lube business - but still not enough. More profitable products are pushed - for the store owners good, not the customer.

  • Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment is used by motorists in tens of thousands of motors. The Worn Motor Treatment is a tribute to the genius inventor Bud Esterline, whose chemistry does what you thought good oil was suppose to do, but can't!

  • Ask your mechanic or oil changer to order this product for you - or buy it here, and have them perform the simple installation when your oil is changed. [They may charge you $20 to do so. That's a fair price]. I'm George Christ. Product adviser. Distributor

  • They, or you can call me for this help anytime. 512 665 3388

  • This site provides technical information about specific wear and tear, and performance decline problems. Those, all cars and equipment have, from when new to the time they're junked - that Mega Power Chemistry Products prevent or remove.
  • Buy this Worn Motor Treatment 101 with confidence. All Mega Power Products do as advertised or your money cheerfully refunded.

Our privacy policy

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