Tune Up 
 Small Engine
Oil Additives.

"The best small engine tune up oil additives.""The best small engine tune up oil additives."

Small engine oil additives contact info: Ordering by smart phone, to ask a question, inventory refill - call me... george, at 512 665 3388 Online ordering below.

Solving small engine fuel and sludge problems.

     A new breed of small engine oil additives - from Mega Power shown above, is producing a new way to work out fuel flow and engine sludge problems. A complete cleaning and recondioning easily returns full power to the engine.  The main jet in the carb shuld be cleaned by hand. And a new spark plug added after the conbustion area carbon is removed. Steps below.

Directions for small engine tune up and clean out:

     Add the red bottle MP Fuel System Cleaner to the fuel tank and black MP Engine Tune Up Cleaner to the engine motor oil. Start motor. While running, drizzle the yellow MP Combustion and Valve Clener into the carburetor throat as its running. The motor will slow down. After it picks speed back up add a drizle more. Repeat 3 to 5 times. Gives an instant tune up for another year of service. operating response. Repeat at winter storage.

 "I've found the treatment works on cars and diesels small size engines."

" I've been installing the MP this 3 item Treatment in my 2 cars and diesel for years. Usually when changing the oil. I believe the treatment has added years more life to them. They always start and run as if new." GC

Product Features.

Mega Power uses a time-proven cleaners, anti-wear, and friction eliminating tune up ingredients they call MC+. In one easy to add package it may be the ideal small engine oil additive for a tune up where storage, or dirty internal conditions cause a start run problem.


Each one or more sets. 3 items to a set are just $39 plus $15 s&h = $54 total. 3 days to your door. Order Now! 

Order 2 sets, small engine oil additives - save $25. Just $80 for two sets for 2 engines 
Click cart button for this special. Keep a set handy for other engines - including your vehicles to keep them cleam and running gret. 

These new multi-tasking, problem-solvers, are guaranteed to get your small engine running grea. They have the following advantages.

From the oil side:

  • Mega Power's MC+ anti-wear ingredients - commonly called friction modifiers, have proven to be among the few ingredients invented to stop not just friction, but also metal migration. 
  • The fusion of two surfaces from friction are smooth out so piston bearing and gear surfaces rub friction free again - an aid for quicker starts and long hard usage gains.

From the fuel side: 

  • Mega Power, compared to Sea foam  which struggles with water in the fuel, while Mega Power picks it up and burns as a carbon blaster in the combustion area, for easier starting and full horsepower making under all loads.
  • On the way to the combustion area Mega Power removes hard vanish buildup in the carburetor jets, and then removes scum in the intake tube buring it awy so fuel and combuston does not run over rich. or easier one pull starting again. 
  • Conditioners prevent rust in the tank and removes acids in the fuel so fuel does not dry up in the carb fuel circuits. Another gain for easier starting when an engine sits for a while.

MC+ Conditioners in Mega Power:

  • Mc+ conditioners in Mega Power provides years-back near new-like performance. This is done chemically by neutralizing acids, healing acid and friction abrasion, and  cleaning and freeing sticky piston rings and valves.
  • MC+ ends excessive blowby, compression loss, and recovers less than full horsepower development - you will have a revitalized motor - and transmission - if you Mega Power both.

Other points:

Research has known dirty films and friction negatives are common small engine, and all engine negatives you would want to keep removing once a year.

  • Quality you can see. While you may find those highly advertised, and sold in big box and part stores additives contained wear-increasing solvents, oils with useless Teflon type particles, or  oil thickeners.that had only have a minor sludge dissolving tendencies, these Mega Power additives are reall of the strongest strength. 
  • Mega Power's as a problem solver.  Mega Power ends valve tapping, oil burning, blowby, compression loss, power loss, and such in cars and heavy equipment - in small engines. Make then your tune up restoring tool to keep equipment rolling strong. 

Yes, Mega Power performance problem solving, works equally well as the strongest, fastest acting, full strength, small engine oil additives you can use to end the likes of the above problems.

Rebulding engines. Many mechanics see metal migration as the transfer of metal to a crank or shaft surface. On piston skirts, and dull scruffiness on valve stems and gear surfaces, are removed with this service. 

Not understanding this harmful metal-transfer significance caused by friction - is a main reason why problems appear.  

TIP: During repairs and overhauls mechanics  should make use of Mega Power MC+ metal conditioners adding a bottle to the oil to prevent metal migration and its engine failure result.

Nor do customers have help to gain more productive power output, that last over a much greater amount of years when Mega Power is not installed. Auto tune up and repair options.com is helping to spread that knowledge.

Those mechanics that learn about small engine oil additives made by Mega Power seem to have a consistent clientele whose word of mouth keeps them in business profitably over many years. Customers know the difference once they are introduced to those with Mega Power expertise.

I'll help you find what you need. Contact info below. Call me

More Mega Power Product Benefits

Metal migration is your motors fastest, most destructive type of friction - and to your engine and transmission. It occurs normally in small areas under full load conditions such as at beginning of gear shifts that exert to get you moving , straining where you can't pickup spped going up hills loaded, when engine and transmississions and differential are under full exertion and producing excessively hot, or overheated conditions.

If left to its own, acids, combustion blowby, and friction speed up wear out of your equipment motors and transmission by 50% - taking away years of good usage away form you.

A $500 to $3000 engine and transmission overhaul is the usual remedy.

Mega Power, by comparison gets those years back and gets you motor and gears to operate as if always near new-like in perfomance by nutralizing acids, healing acid and friction abrasion, and increasing power output. By cleaning and freeing sticky piston rings and valves and thereby ending excessive blowby, compression loss, and less than full horsepower development - you will have a revitalized motor - and transmission - if you Mega Power both for under $200.

Metal migration is a negative wear condition Mega Power stops and then prevents - by a form of surface healing that again allows a like-new spin, push, pull, and slide condition to reappear.

Mega Power is a method of care where the product is simply added in small amounts to the fuels, coolants, oils, and oil fluids. Improvement occurs in minutes - last with occasional small touch-up amounts at fluid and oil changes. Sent to your door by Fedex in 3 days with simple to follow directions, phone help if needed, and money back guarantee.

Contact and ordering info

To have a question answered, or to order Mega Power small engine oil additives, packaged as a problem-solving, or problem-preventing treatment, for your particular need, call or email me. ....george call me at  512 665 3388

Checkout these small engine oil additives.

A Mega Power Small Engine Oil Additive Treatment includes 6 items. Price is $65 plus $15s&h= $80 total. Each treatment will treat 2 small motors 3 quart oil capacity each, or any car or truck motor.

2 Mega Power Small Engine Oil Additive Treatments for 2 motors, includes 12 items. Price is $115+$15s&h= $130 total. Save $30.

6 Mega Power Small Engine Oil Additive Treatments for 6 motors, includes 36 items. Price is $240+$15s&h= $255 total. Save $150. Resell or fleet usage. Mechanics Labor $25 per application.

For stick shift transmissions - any type fluid To one gallon of fluid add 1- 12oz Mega Power Transmission Oil Conditioner. $15 plus $5s&h= $20 total. Gallon $$40+$10s&h=$50 total. 6= $200 total.

6 - 12oz Mega Power Transmission Oil Conditioners. $12ec plus $5s&h= $77 total. Same price for MP ATF or Hydraulic Conditioners.

1 -12oz Mega Power Gas or Diesel Fuel Conditioner.

Treats 12 gallons fuel to clean carburetors or injectors. Add monthly to each fillup to keep motor starting, running and idling with low low emissions and keeps combustion areas and rings and valves lubed and clean. Great fuel storage conditioners - neutralizes acids and removes water from bottom of tank. Keeps fuel frest 6 months.

Price for one 12 oz $15 plus $5 s&h= $20 total. 6 pak $12 each plus $5 s&h= $77 total.

Gallon $40+$10 s&h=$50 total. 6= $200 total. Save $100.

512 665 3388  ....george

Email megapower@gmail.com

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