6 new DIY engine sludge removing products to end your car's older engine problem

Here are 6 new engine sludge removing products to end your car's older engine residue buildup problem - in minutes, and 9 out of 10 times, avoids a repair need.

For the last 100 years, us mechanics have removed sludge buildup in our customers engines by taking the valve and engine pan covers off, to expose the gooey problem, and remove it by hand cleaning.

While hand cleaning of your motor helps, hand cleaning cannot end power decline friction, and sticky residues on your motor's rings and valves from getting worst - your real sludge-making problem.

Until recently,  to restore your motor's power required a $3000 more-or-less engine overhaul - where every part is hand-cleaned or replaced with new ones. Now, new chemistry comes to your rescue...

New engine sludge removing products

While hand cleaning of your motor is good

It does not restore compression, nor restore power, nor reduce blowby, nor stop valve lifter tapping, nor prevent your motor from getting worst. As this picture shows of your hidden engine doerty rings and valves.

  • For those benefits, you choice would have to be a new $5000 motor, or $3000 motor overhaul. Or....
  • You may want to try the new sludge removing products from Mega Power - They are products you can order online.
  • Made to be, both your DIY maintenance for both engine sludge removing, and for providing the advantages ingredients for chemically restoring your motor's strong running ability - explained here! A better tune up and repair option - of course

Introducing Mega Power Slude Removing products

Something new. Something better

  • While part store flushes, and quick lube flushe products mostly use solvent-based ingredients flushes, in use for the last 60 years to remove sludge - those traditional engine flush additives have provent harmful to today's type motors. You may have heard such negative reports.
  • Mega Power's sludge remover additives avoids solvents, and use instead, new chemical anti-wear cleaners - which work as you drive - to clean. This avoids the much more expensive engine hand cleaning ordeal - and offers stop leak and oil consumption and power restoring benefits.

Sludge removing: Old way, vs new way

Comparison of what a mechanic will do compared to Mega Power's sludge removing methods:

What the mechanic does. The old way

The mechanic will first removes your motor's top cover - called the valve cover. This exposes a thick layer of tarry muck - blacker than any winter moonless night.  Which is removed this way...

Some rags and cardboard is place to catch that goo as a blower hose blast it away from all the exposed parts. That cover is replaced...

How you remove sludge with Mega Power

You order, then receive the sludge removing products shipped to you in a couple days with instructions.

The Mega Power Treatment contains 6 items. 6, because that is what works! Here is how to install them to clean your motor internally.

You'll find, that I have numbered each item on their cap from #1 to 6, to make it simple to follow my directions. Which are....

  1. Add the item to your gas tank I marked #1 on the cap - the fuel and injector system cleaner.
  2. Add item I marked #2 - Emission system, Piston ring, and Valve stem cleaner, to your motor oil.
  3. Item #3 is a booster cleaner fed into the engine air intake to remove carbon and free your pistons compression rings. All 3 products end up in the combustion process. The benefit....?

Mega Power engine sludge removing products cleans your motor's Top combustion area as you drive

As this Mega Power process starts the removing of sludge, you're also cleaning your motor's combustion area pistons, and your piston compression rings. This unsticks them, and allows your piston rings to flex outward again, blocking combustion escape - called blowby.

Right now, Blowby - the mechanics term for combustion loss - interpret that to mean why your motor power is declining, is slipping pass your pistons, to mix into your oil - this is creating your sludge problem - Mega Power ends for you!

Shown in the picture above by arrows pointing down pass the engine piston.

Mega Power's Engine sludge removing product removes sludge from the lower part of your motor ending your engine blowby - along with help from items #5 and #6, explained below.  Thise better, new ways to remove your engine sludge, stop future sludge formation.And restores your motor's lost power.

While Mega Power cleans as your drive, the mechanic takes the lower cover of your motor to clean that area of your sludge.

Engine Sludge Removal Product When removing the engine pan

Method Two follows The steps 1, 2, and 3 above.

  • In this procedure, you add productg #4 to the motor, run the motor for ten minutes, and drain the motor's old oil out.
  • Remove the motor pan, clean it, and clean or replace the oil pump pick up screen.
  • Check oil pump for wear, replace if in doubt. 
  • Re-assemble what you removed. Put a new gasket on the pan and re-install the pan cover.  Pan bolts are tighnten to 15 lbs - which is a little past snug - but not so much as to squash the gasket flat.
  • Replace the motor oil filter. Add new 20w-40 motor oil to proper level. Add products #5 and #6 to the new oil.
  • Start the motor. check for and correct any leaks. Drive as normal. The sludge removal process is done. Drive as usual.
  • Power and great performance will return in a few miles.

More info about the specific engine sludge removing product cleaning and their contribution to the sludge removal process.

Order Mega Power now! Get on down the road of life happier, cleaner, again!

Ordering: The Mega Power Motor Cleaning Treatment Product

  • Includes 6 items shown in ABOVE picture, for the 2 step cleaning, protecting features you need.
  • Includes easy-to-follow directions, Product Guarantee, my personal phone help if needed. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.
  • Mega Power includes the 6 items shown in the picture. 3 products clean the top inside of your motor. 3 products clean the bottom, oiling side. Driving does the work. Just pour-in and drive. Nothing to take apart!

Ordering info: Engine sludge removal product

  • One, Mega Power Engine Cleaning Treatment: $65 plus $15s&h= $80 total.
  • Two, Mega Power Engine Cleaning Treatments: For 2 cars: 12 items. $120 total. Plus $15s&h= $135 total. Save $25.
  • Six Treatments for 6 motors: 36 items. $300 total. Plus $20s&h= $320 total. 6 Pak for fleet, lube, and auto repair shop pricing. Add $50 to $150 labor as service charge, or included as part of the customer car, tune up or repair.
  • One, Mega Power Transmission Treatment #TS3 3 items needed.
    $60 plus $15s&h= $75 total.
  • Order a Combo-Pak: A Mega Power Motor, and Transmission Cleaning Treatment: Clean and protect both components for a healthier, longer lasting, smoother shifting car. Two treatments.

    Total of 9 items: shipped to your door as listed above:
    Just $100 for both products, plus $15s&h= $125 total. Save $30.
  • 2 Combo Paks for 2 cars: just $200 -includes shipping. Save $50.
  • Six MP Treatments for 6 motors and 6 transmissions: 72 items. $500 total. Plus $40s&h= $540 total.

    6 Pak for fleet, lube, and auto repair shop Resell. Tip. Add $50 to $150 labor, as service charge, or include item in "parts list," of the customer tune up or repair.

To ask a question, or to order Mega Power, call me day or evening at 512 665 3388 ... george.

  • Email order OK: megapower@grandecom.net

            Or Mail to george christ. Address:
    210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666 [Include check/MO. Your contact info. Specific problem and product wanted. And any question.

Review: Mega Power Engine sludge removing product tips for mechanics

Please notice! See those one-way, down pointing arrows beside the piston - that's Blowby - your engine sludge maker. And a key factor to what Mega Power cleaning stops in your engine.

By cleaning and your freeing those sticky piston rings, you restore their ability to flex in and out to block your combustion escape -stopping loss of power - and the prime cause of your sludge problem.

As Mega Power continues cleaning..,

Mega Power cleans your valves in 2 areas.

  1.  The "head"  of the valves has a flat top part that looks like a letter "T" which is exposed to combustion.
  2. The valve stem - both shown in the picture. Another area the mechanics method does not get to.

Valve cleaning allows valves to seal properly and maintain your motors full combustion and horsepower producing ways.

When dirty lazy, valves close slower - allowing combustion and fuel to escape - a power losing factor. and create a space you hear as tapping noise

With Mega Power ring and valve cleaning - you will immediately feel as "your car seems to have more zip!" Customers always tell us.

This following details how Mega Power cleans rings, valves and cleans your motor while doing so.

<B>Mega Power Engine sludge removal method <ul></B>

Goes down to the "micro level" - where residue problems perform their dirty deed. That level of cleaning is the major improvement not possible before.

        The simple 2 step cleaning process, while different than other ngine sludge removal methods, is more effective - safe, and motor running improvement results are "astounding" - customers report. They say....

        "Astounding, has been my cleaning experience on at least 5 sludge-up motors - which, after using this product, saved me from tearing them down - to clean them. </ul><B>

We are recommending this Engine sludge removal product to get your car running great again!<ul>

<li>Compare</B> commonly sold flush products to this new product.<B>

Common additive cleaning products</B> - both engine and transmission flushes, are <i>solvent-based. </i><B>

<li>Solvent-based flush products</B> are <B>not good</B> for today's engines. Here is why...

<li>Solvent based flushes clean too good! They stripped away sludge, along with your motor lube-oil-film - that separates your motors moving pistons, bearings, and such from opposing surfaces. That is not desirable at all!

<li>And... What ever solvent cleaners remove, just drops away into other places in your motor. That is not desirable at all!

<li>You want to clean your pistons, bearings, gears, and such - but, not removed the lube film from between them.<B></ul>

Removing that oil lube film has always been the problem with flush products - like those sold in parts stores and quick lubes. <ul>


<li>Why add products that create more friction? </B> Friction hampers free movement of your motors pistons, bearings, valves and gears. That is not good, of course.

<li>You want less friction, not more!

<li>Friction already increases anyhow! And, friction-roughen surfaces wear-out faster. And...

<li>More friction absorbs or consumes motor horsepower. horsepower that use to speed you down the road faster. wear-roughen surfaces provides a foothold for sludge to stick too. Also, a problem causer.<B>

<li>A new  Engine sludge removal product, made by Mega Power,</B> an engine, and transmission flush, and an anti-wear product maker, has found a way to safely end those negative conditions in your car.<B>

<li>Mega Power does so</B> - by cleaning, and healing wear roughen surfaces, and by adding MC+ conditioners to fill annd cover worn areas of your motor.

<li> That is how Mega Power restores your  motor, and transmission to their former, like-near-new performance, as well.<B></li></ul>

This new "chemical engine flush" is a motor treatment"</B> <ul>

Mega Power does a more-thorough job of cleaning your motor - and also <u>ends wear increasing problems sludge and friction causes,</u> not possible before! <B>

Mega Power offers </B>you the best and safest cleaning process and<i> adds friction-reducing benefits [needed, but missing until now], other brands do not have.</i></ul><B>

Mega Power Cleaning Treatment<ul>

The above, Mega Power ingredients </B>- the Cleaning Treatment Product, will safely clean 5 other, critical areas of your motor that need cleaning, besides removing sludge buildup.<B>

Metal container </B>shown, sold for product install of Mega Power, by mechanics. Not Required for one time usage. Price:$125.<B>

As you can see</B> Mega Power is more than just a rinse.<B>

This Mega Power method avoids</B> those negatives part-store and quick-lube engine flush type products have. <B></ul>

Please Note.</B> See: Common solvent  link…

Mega Power Cleaning Treatment<ul>

The above, Mega Power ingredients </B>- the Cleaning Treatment Product, will safely clean 5 other, critical areas of your motor that need cleaning, besides removing sludge buildup.<B>

Metal container </B>shown, sold for product install of Mega Power, by mechanics. Not Required for one time usage. Price:$125.<B>

As you can see</B> Mega Power is more than just a rinse.<B>

This Mega Power method avoids</B> those negatives part-store and quick-lube engine flush type products have. <B></ul>

Please Note.</B> See: Common solvent

<B>The picture above shows:

Where Mega Power cleans </B><i>six critical motor areas:</i><ol>

<li>The fuel system
<li>The fuel intake, idling, air intake, combustion area, upper piston rings, spark plug, valves, sensors
<li>The emission, tune up, and catalytic exhaust breathing system<li>The motor's oiling system
<li>The engine's self-adjusting valve lifters
<li>The intake and exhaust valve stems, oil pump pressure valve, and lower piston rings.</li></ol><B>

What Mega Power removes <ul>

Is held in suspension, and removed during oil change.

Cleaning </B>is only 1/3 of what Mega Power will continue to do to get your motor clean and running great again!<B>

Simple to use.

Just install the </B>Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment - the Flush Product's name, in your motor in 2 easy steps. It's easy to use.<B> Then....

Driving a bit, and an oil change does the fix!

You can </B>do the easy install yourself.

<B> Or, start the treatment, </B>and have your quick lube do the oil change, to complete the 2nd steps.</ul><B>

In this way...<br>

Mega Power avoids </B>the the negative problems other sludge-removing products have, which are:<ol>

<li>Other brands do not clean all of the motor.
<li>Other brands loosen sludge from one area and <br>deposit it elsewhere. Sometimes plugging up the oiling system.
<li>Other brands strip the oil away from between pistons bearings valves and gears, and this creates more friction. </li></ol><B>That is no good at all! On the other hand....<br>

Mega Power reduces friction as it cleans your motor.</B><ul>

That advantage adds a superior motor-cleaning, and protecting advantage.

Mega Power exceeds the oil change service and protection recommendations of all car makers.<B></ul>

Engine sludge removal Tips, Cleaning and Prevention.....

Follow these 2 simple, engine sludge removal and motor cleaning steps:</B><br>

<B>Simple Sludge Removing Directions<ol>

<li>Add the red product to the gas. <br>
 Add the black product to the oil.<br>
 Add the yellow product to the air <br>
 intake as shown. Drive as usual for a week. <br>
This step starts the cleaning process.<br><br>
<li>In a week, just before an oil change, add the second yellow product to the motor oil.<br> Run motor for 10 minutes. This liquefies and removes whatever was cleaned during the week before. Now, perform regular oil and filter change. <br><br>The oil will drain out much thicker, instead of watery,<br> as is normally the case. <br><br>Add the 2 remaining products to the new oil. <br>The cleaning process is now done. <BR><BR>Drive with a clean, zippy, smooth-running motor again. Drive PROTECTED FROM SLUDGE AND WEAR DAMAGE. Be happy you did it right!</il></ol><B>

Order now! Get on down the road of life happier, again!

Ordering: The Mega Power Motor Cleaning Treatment Product<ul>

Includes 6 items </B>shown in ABOVE picture, for the 2 step cleaning, protecting features you need.

Includes easy-to-follow directions, Product Guarantee, my personal phone help if needed. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.<B>

Mega Power includes</B> the 6 items shown in the picture. 3 products clean the top inside of your motor. 3 products clean the bottom, oiling side. Driving does the work. Just pour-in and drive. Nothing to take apart!</ul><B>

Ordering info:<ul>

One, Mega Power Engine Cleaning Treatment: </B>Called: the MP Worn Motor Treatment<br>$65 plus $15s&h= $80 total.<br>

Two, Mega Power Engine Cleaning Treatments: For 2 cars: 12 items.<br> $120 total. Plus $15s&h= $135 total. Save $25.<br>

Six Treatments for 6 motors: 36 items. <br>$300 total. Plus $20s&h= $320 total. 6 Pak for fleet, lube, and auto repair shop pricing. <i>Add $50 to $150 labor as service charge, or included as part of the customer car, tune up or repair.</i><br>

One, Mega Power Transmission Treatment #TS3 3 items needed. <br>
$60 plus $15s&h= $75 total.<br><B>

Order a Combo-Pak:</B> A Mega Power Motor, and Transmission Cleaning Treatment: Clean and protect both components for a healthier, longer lasting, smoother shifting car. Two treatments. <B>

Total of 9 items:</B> shipped to your door as listed above: <br>
Just $100 for both products, plus $15s&h= $125 total. Save $30.<br><B>

2 Combo Paks </B>for 2 cars: just $200 -includes shipping. Save $50.<br> <B>

Six Treatments </B>for 6 motors and 6 transmissions: 72 items. <br>$500 total. Plus $40s&h= $540 total. <B>

6 Pak for</B> fleet, lube, and auto repair shop Resell. Tip. Add $50 to $150 labor, as service charge, or include item in "parts list," of the customer tune up or repair.<br></ul><B>

        To ask a question, or to order Mega Power, call me day or evening at 512 665 3388 ... george.<br><ul>

        Email order OK: megapower@grandecom.net

        Or Mail to george christ. Address:<br>
210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666 </B>[Include check/MO. Your contact info. Specific problem and product wanted. And any question.]</ul><B>

Let me illustrate your motor's gooey problem</B><ul>

As sludge forms in your engine, sticking of your motors rings and valves occur - This causes several problems: For example...

<B> Now, imagine the hottest day ever.

Imagine having to walk </B>a block in that heat in a thick, gooey, sticking black tar-like muck, for two grueling blocks. There, to collect water in a leaky pale to bring back to your dying-of-thirst family.<B>

Each grueling step is a fight.

As one foot sinks</B> into the mire, sulfurous fumes are released. Your breathing becomes cramped, eyes and nose dripping with salty sweat that burns your eyes and throat. As you try to lift one foot, slimy tar-like muck resist your efforts. Step after step is a fight.<B>

Now going back, </B>the weight of the full pail of water is tearing at your tired, sore and worn joints. Your shoulder can hardly stand the pain. You go on, others are depending on you.<B>

Now, my friend, is </B>what your motor and transmission goes through, as its your dirty, sticky rotating, pushing, pulling, pistons, bearings, valves, and gears struggle to do your bidding. <B>

Add to that </B>the unseen and growing amounts of friction that grind like bones that have lost their slick smooth coating.<B>

Imagine your motor working under those conditions - because it is!</ul><B>

That is why</B>  Mega Power is needed to end those conditions and prevent them from showing up - ever!<ul>

Order Mega Power now, by calling 512 665 3388 ...george.

Those are the conditions sludge causes, and Mega Power ends.

Sludge is creating </B>one or more power-declining, performance upsetting problems your motor is now experiencing. <B>

Problems like...

Rough idle,</B> low compression, blowby, oil burning, loss of power, lousy mileage, and leaks appear. Rough shifting, slow shift, or transmission slippage - are all children on sludge and friction.<B>

Did you know....

Sludge and friction problems, if allowed to run their course, </B>  require a $2500 plus motor overhaul - or a new $20,000+ car or truck and 5 or 6 years of monthly payments.

Mega Power is a very good way to get rid of those problems - or at the least, push them off into the future, to take care of then.<B></ul>

More sludge removal educational tips

Watch out for these harmful sludge removers<ul>

Part store </B>and quick lube flushes </B>contain solvents as their cleaning ingredient. <B>

Solvent based additives- flushes and stop leaks,</B> destroy your oils ability to lube - as they clean. That increases the rate of wear out and friction. Though they are good cleaners, they release sludge from one area and move it to another. <B>

You may have heard </B>of engines and transmissions being ruined by such solvent-based flush products. That is 50 year old care technology harmful to today's motor vehicles.</ul><B>

A safe sludge removal and friction-removing cleaner to end your problem for under $100.<ul>

Mega Power, </B>a leading developer of anti-wear fuel and oil additives. Their special Hi-tech cleaners remove sludge safely.
By itself, the product is among the best motor care product ever invented. <B>

With anti-wear,</B> friction modifiers, and protective coatings added, to fill worn spaces, and provide slippery movement - you have a great invention working to protect your cares and equipment. That is what we call, Mega Power. <B>

Mega Power is </B>the product you need. Order now and have it in about 3 days. needed for your cars health and trouble-free longevity.</ul><B>

This engine sludge removal review<ul>

This web page </B>deals with sludge removal products and steps to end the problem sludge and friction creates. Other pages explains what works, and what does not to end your problem.<B>

Learn more...

The buttons on the left and links in the review provide more education. On each page...

To help you,</B> you will see what causes your problem and what product ends your problem  - and is guaranteed to please, as the best solution to end your problem. <B>

Doing so our way </B>add years more trouble-free motor transmission driving dependability. That is what customers tell us. That is my experience, with over 30 older vehicles, having ended the above mentioned problems.</ul><B>

Lets start at the problem sludge and friction causes, and your remedy<ul>

Each time you change your oil </B>a dirty, sticky residue too thick to drain out is left behind. The oil change did not do what you thought it was doing.<B>

Add to that</B> your motors sub-systems, some added to every motor to recycle and end smog pollution - adds to your engine troubles. Called Emission Controls....<B>

They are the car makers way</B> to meet laws to reduce your engines air and smog polluting aspects. They are rarely cleaned, and being dirty, contribute to your tune up, engine wear-out, and performance problems.<B></ul>

A simple 2-step sludge removing method - that works<ul>

And, this method cleans 6 of your motors sub-systems - not just one. Does so safely, easily, and automatically, as-you-drive.

For sludge removal tip </B>and to protect your <i>transmission, see link listed below</i>.<B></ul>

The two highly effective cleaning steps <ol>

<li> 3 Products in Step 1 Clean:</B>><ul>

<li>The entire fuel system
<li>Your air intake, combustion area pistons, rings and valves
<li>The Smog recycling and catalytic exhaust system</ul><B>

<li> 3 Products in Step 2 Clean the bottom, oiling side of your motor - including:</B><ul>

<li>Cleans the oil pump and oiling system passageways
<li>Cleans and frees your valves and valve lifters
<li>Provides "Friction Reducing with MC+
<li>Mega Power adds a protective coating over worn surfaces. An anti-wear advantage.</li></ol><B>

Cleaning, friction reducing, and anti-wear</B> cover the top and bottom of your motor's problem causing areas.<br>

We like Mega Power Sludge Removing Product</B> because they contain no solvents..link Mega Power holds in suspension for filtering or drain-out what it removes. This is your best, most beneficial sludge removing method. Besides cleaning, Mega Power F M MC+.
Ordering info:<ul>

Mega Power includes</B> the 6 items, as shown in the picture, and the 2 step cleaning method. 3 products clean the top inside of your motor. 3 products clean the bottom, oiling side. Driving does the work. Just pour-in and drive. Nothing to take apart!<B>

Comes with </B>easy-to-follow directions, product guarantee, personal phone help if needed. Shipped FedEx to your door in about 3 days.<B>

One Mega Power Cleaning Treatment:<br></B>
$65 plus $15s&h= $80 total.<br><B>

Two Treatments for 2 cars:</B><br>
$60 each, $120 total. Plus $15s&h= $135 total.<br><B>

Six Treatments for 6 motors:</B> <br>
$50 each, $300 total. Plus $20s&h= $320 total.<B><br>

Order a Combo-Pak: </B>A Mega Power Motor, and Transmission Cleaning Treatment and Protector: </B>Clean and protect both of your cars components for a healthier, longer lasting car. Combo pak includes...<br><B>

Total of 9 items: </B>shipped to your door as listed above: <br>
Just $100 for both products, plus $15s&h= $125 total. Save $30.<br><B>

Double your order for 2 cars: </B>just $200 - includes shipping. Save $70.<br> </ul><B>

        To ask a question or to order Mega Power, call me day or evening at 512 665 3388 ... george.<br>

        Email order OK: megapower@grandecom.net
        Or Mail to george christ. Address: 210 Durango Street. San Marcos, Texas 78666 [ Include check/MO. Your contact info. Specific problem and product needed.]</ul>

Let me illustrate</B>

The problem a dirty motor causes: The issues this product solves

What you should know<ul>

You car starts out clean, but as sludge forms</B> in your motor and transmission, heat glues some of that sludge to your pistons, bearings, valves, gears and such, power cannot fully develop. - but problems like oil burning and valve tap do. And...

Performance problems develop. Add to those negatives growing amounts of friction drag - which - takes power to overcome, that use to speed you down the road.

Those dirty conditions and that friction affects 6 sub-systems and causes or contributes to motor or transmission problem.

This web site deals with each problem individually and explains how the product for ending that problems works.</ul><B>

Common sludge removal problems that Mega Power ends<ul>

If sludge comes lose</B> and plugs up your motors oil passage ways,  it will starve the valve-lifters and bearings of oil.

At sludge begins to choke your oil supply off your motor will run and begin to sound like and old sewing machine.

It may begin to burn oil, develop a tapping sound, idle rough, and lose a bit of power.

When the bearing and crank surfaces become starved for oil and a space opens up, raw metal-to-metal grinding of the bearing and crankshaft occur. In a short time a deeper, more pronounced knock will come and go, as your motor speed and load changes.

A new motor is needed at this point to end your sludge caused problem. Not an engine sludge removal product.</ul><B>

To ask a question or order this product, call me, ...george at 512 665 3388. More, engine sludge removal.

The links at the bottom of this page direct you to the particular problems sludge causes - and their remedy.

Before your motor sludge problem goes that far.</B><ul>

You can pay a mechanic to clean it out. He will dismantle the motor and remove the upper section to clean and do a valve job, and remove the engine pan to replace the crankshaft, bearings, oil pump, and related parts.

That dismantling exposes the top and bottom guts of your motor where the sludge collects – like a finger-thick, black, mucky goo over every part.

Cost $1500 to $4000 parts and labor.</ul><B>


You know you have signs of a sludge problem. End them our way

Did you know...<ul>

When one or more</B> of your motors six sub-systems becomes dirty, engine combustion performance suffers, more blowby occurs, and oil breakdown results.<B>

Blowby creates </B>higher amounts of carbon sticking and gooey sludge formation. Blow-by is your engines real enemy. As sludge forms...<b>

You begin to feel</b> the negative effects of sludge and carbon as it deters the function of your motors 6 sub-systems. At start up, at idle speeds, and as you go down the road, the look of your dirty oil, smoke in the exhaust, noise, lousy fuel economy.

Sludge removal help

<b>A mechanic may break</b> the bad news to you that your motor is gunked up [covered with sludge] inside. He may suggest its remedy to be to tear it apart and hand clean it. <B>

The high cost involved </B>can be $2000 up. Is that OK! Sure! But you may want to try the new, better, and cheaper options I can give you - listed in the links below.</ul><B>

The engine sludge removal links explain <ul>

Show </B>the ingredients in the Mega Power Brand - How our recommended internal engine cleaning method safely removes sludge and carbon - as it conditions and adds anti-wear benefits to your motor at the same time. 

That is a great advantage for your motor and promotes its stronger, longer running ability.</ul>

<b>Many Sludge Removal Tips<ul>

After 30 + years</b> in the auto service, repair, and tech training field, I've seen every method for an flush procedure tried - and only this one that works amazing well.

<b> I'll show you what that method is in a moment. First....

Here's what you should know about sludge removal .</ul></b>

<b>Sludge problems </B>are caused by many conditions.

Here are a few and the remedy for cleaning your dirty engine - safely, so it runs even better!
City driving causes twice as much sludge formation as highway driving. So, use synthetic oil to keep your motor clean.</li><br><li>
Lousy engine design is a problem every car manufacturers has. Pity you, if you have that one. You need the Mega Power Engine Service Flush Treatment every 6000 miles - or take your chances.
An internal anti-freeze coolant leak causes oil breakdown as does piston blow by - which mixes in with your oil and turns it into muck - That "muck" [sludge] settles out as a goo on every moving part  - when present engine life will end shortly.</li><br><li>Age and or mileage.</li></ol>
<b>Whatever the cause, the end result is this:</b><ul>Your oil turned back into the way it was when they pumped it out of the earth. Yucky!

Just like the sticky muck you seen on TV wash-up on the Gulf of Mexico beeches from that oil well screw-up, recently.

In your motor, its ruining you motor faster than ever. Get it out of there! I explained how, and its easy to do!  <B>

Call now, and in a few days, you will have the job done, and your motor running great again. Call 512 665 3388</B> ... george
Anyhow... <ul>

If you think about it....</B> every time you change your oil,</b> only the thin watery oil drains out. A film of thicker, sticky, acid-loaded stuff remains inside - and sooner or later, problems occur. You may know....

<b>Not all flushes are safe,</b> but they all clean - more or less as needed.  However....

<b>Any flush that contains, or is a solvent flush additive, is not safe to use in your motor!</b>

<b>That includes</b> most of brands  link …engine flushes sold
 in part stores and those sold at most quick lubes. <br><br>

Engine sludge removal. The two safe ways to flush and protect your engine.   

This link show what our good sludge removing products do to help your motor. How it will safely clean and protect your motor,  too!

Safe sludge removal engine cleaning methods

The Mega Power sludge removal method cleans safely because they contain special chemical cleaners and also anti-friction ingredient to prevent damage as the the entire system is purged of sludge. That is what ends your problem.

The Mega Power ingredient called MC+. MC+ also restores near-new performance - as well. This process of sludge removal and problem-ending helps avoid or put-off repair, maybe for years. I like that advantage, it worked many times for me!

I use Mega Power in all my vehicles  as part of my oil change procedure. It's easy to notice Mega Power helps vehicles and equipment run stronger. They continue to out-perform others - years past what other methods of care other people prefer. That is amazing - and you will see the same results!

That is as hard as I can promote sludge removal from what I know.

All the sludge removal tips and products suggested are</b> what I teach mechanics to use - that work! They are beneficial and safe! The Products are all guaranteed and no charge if not satisfied.

So give me a call and I'll have you using them like and expert in no time! 512 665 3388 ... george. 

This Demo shows friction wear ending ingredients.

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