Best Engine Oil Stop Leak
Now Ends Its Cause Too.

Best Engine oil stop leak contact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items shown, call me... george at 512 665 3388

Mega Powers'Engine Stop Leak works on 4 places leak occurs. Extra items clean crankcase vent, while ending crankcase combustion pressures for the best way to stop oil leaks.Mega Powers Best Engine Stop Leak works on 4 places where leaks are stopped. 1-Crankcase Seal. 2- Manifold Seal. 3- Front/Rear Crank Seal. 4- Valve Seals. Freeing sticky Piston Rings Ends acidic gasses causing High Crankcase pressures making for leaks. The extra no other stop leak offers for true sealing benefits.

 Stop Your Engine Oil Leak With The Mega Power Brand Stop Leak.>

  For those who want more value, this Treatment, Now Ends Its Cause, Too. 

  Have them at your door in 3 days to do so. Ends oil leaks. Stops the cause

Why select Mega Powers Best Engine Oil Stop Leak? ENDS THE CAUSE<TOO!

   Besides stopping your cars messy oil leak. Your engine is bathe in Love with these 5 other Mega Powers Engine Care Products for a service to help your engine keep other leaks from occurring. Maintains your cars healthy state continuously. Each adding to stopping the causes leaks. Added to gas tank and motor oil.  Included:

  1. Fuel Injector Cleaner.  $49
  2. Combustion Carbon Remover.  $49
  3. Piston Ring Cleaner. $49
  4. Engine Sludge Remover. $49
  5. Engine Rubbing Surface MC+ Smoother and Lube. $49
  6. Overnight Mega Powers Engine Seal Stop Leak. $49

   The extras at no lower cheaper prices  for true premium engine oil stop leak benefits. Not just Mega Powers Best. "The World's Best"

  Order now And all 6 for $100 end the leak overnite! And do your motor proud cleaning it up ready for the work ahead. Powerful and leak free Guaranteed!

Order one or more Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatments from these specials below...

$1400 if a mechanic replaces the seals.

With Mega Power. It does so for $100.

Order: Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatment. 6 items as shown. For cars, pick ups. 

Why select the Best Engine Oil Stop Leak?

Includes easy to follow instructions. Phone help. Guarantee. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Just $85+ $14 s&h= $99 total.

Protect your car Transmission Bonus: FREE!

Also includes our MP Transmission Stop Leak $39. Free for a limited time if you order now. Click cart button for this today's bonus, also.

Best Engine Oil Stop Leaks #2 On the list.

Other engine oil stop leak tips and deals.
Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak 12oz.

xTo stop an engine oil seal leak add this item Mega Power Engine Stop Leak,to the motors oil. Takes a day. About $20 shipped to your door in 3 days.xTo stop an engine oil seal leak add this item Mega Power Engine Stop Leak,to the motors oil. Takes a day. About $20 shipped to your door in 3 days.
Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak. Shipped to your door in 3 days. Total with shipping $20. Click cart button for shipping address.
Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak stops them by going to the arrow location to end compression escape - and at seals and gaskets to end oil leaks.Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak stops them by going to the arrow location to end compression escape - and at seals and gaskets to end oil leaks.

    Protect both vehicle engines ordering two treatments.
Two MP Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatments for both your vehicles. Perfect to prevent problems in your good car engine too. 14 items total. $135+ $14 s&h = $149 total. Save $48 on 2 engine sets for 2 motors. Limited time offer.

Mega Power's new patented engine oil stop leak treatment Contact Info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order items me at 512 665 3388Mega Power's new patented engine oil stop leak treatment Contact Info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order items me at 512 665 3388
Mega Power Brand Engine Oil Stop Leak offers stopping the leak cause feature, now!Mega Power Brand Engine Oil Stop Leak offers stopping the leak cause feature, now!

Fleet and auto repair shops see our 6 sets at bottom of page

From Mega Power -an engine oil stop leak treatment  stops leaks using MC+ and other ingredients, overnight. No filler. No solvents like other stop leaks have. 

  • Mega Power expands and conditions to stop O rings, oil pan gasket, head gasket, crank and shaft seal drips. Does not swell them -which weakens them. Guaranteed!
  • 6 items make up the stop as a treatment which also stops compression blowby - the one cause of the leak by increasing crankcase pressures from negative to positive 5 to 10 lbs. Negative pressures are normal. Positive pressures increase chance of leaks.
  • Acids shrink the rubber in seals making them leak. And Mega Power by neutralizing acids ends the problem giving the seal and gasket a slight controlled expansion to stop their leaking. Then healing, smoothing, and filling acid pitted surfaces. for a second power preserving boost. 

The usual way to stop and oil leak is by adding a part store engine oil stop leak. They contain a solvent that swells leaking seals to stop the drip. Those type additives are known to produce harmful, wear-increasing side effects and weaken the seals in today's hi-tech motors.

A new engine oil stop leak and conditioner - from Mega Power stops your seal & gasket leaks without causing them to swell like all other stop leaks do - using solvents. Swelling deteriorates seals and gaskets.

Instead, Mega Power conditioners revitalizes your motors seals and gaskets elasticity - - elasticity is the rubbery expansive nature that gives your motor - and transmission seals their ability to push against the oppsite surface - their sealing ability.

Mega Power found that combuston "blowby and acids" take away seal elasticity, shrinking them such, oil seeps pass the seals and gaskets and drips on your driveway. Mega Power stops the seal leak overnight.

And the Mega Power Stop Leak Treatment contains conditioners end the 2 causes of seal and gasket leaks - ending excessive combustion blowby, and neutralizing acidic conditions - both causes of seal and gasket shrinkage and oil leaks.

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

One Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatment. 6 items as shown. Excludes metal feeder bottle - not needed. Easy to follow instructions. Phone help. Guarantee. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Just $85+ $14 s&H= $99 total. Bonus MP Transmission stop leak preventer $39, Free while supplies last. Included Free.

Protect both vehicles and save even more!

Two MP Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatments for both your vehicles. Perfect to prevent problems in your good car. 14 items total. $135+ $14 s&h= $149 total. Save $48 on 2 engine sets for 2 motors. Limited time offer.

Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatment contains conditioners end the 2 causes of seal and gasket leaks 

This new stop leak chemistry is an engine anti-wear. This help from Mega Power, also gives your motor drip free results - and what seems like an enduring tune up - customers, tell us, that last for years!

What customers say about this new engine oil stop leak

  • "On my year old Ford diesel pick up - the treatment stop the oil seal leak; the dealer couldn't!"
  • "Stop my oil leak in about a day of driving. No more oil plotches on my driveway to track into the house."
  • 98 Honda owner - "no longer burns or loses 2 quarts of oil between oil changes. The mechanic said, "$2000 would fix it." Mega Power stopped the leak and restored its power in less than 24 hours - and its been running great since then - for less than a $100, not $2000"
  • "Stop my valve lifter tap in minutes when a synthetic oil change couldn't."
  • "I bought my Chevy Astro Cargo Van with 124,400 miles on it. Your oil change treatment ended its sluggish ways, a rough idle, oil leak, and it quit using 2 to 3 quarts of oil between oil changes. I thought it was worn out! I thought a new motor was needed!"
  • "I'm happy your product gave my motor a new lease on life again. Thanks for introducing me to a great product. I'm now installing the Treatment in all my vehicles. I recommend it to anyone." GC
  • "I tried your Treatment. Within a mile or so, it started to run as smooth and strong as ever. I thought it was worn out! Well, it is, but this gave it new life, it seems. Thanks for introducing a great product." TE
  • Made to prevent and add engine oil stop leak and engine anti-wear for years longer trouble-free engine life, too....

The cause of oil leak problems.

Because your motor works in a very acidic condition - those acids causes seals and gaskets to shrink and leak oil. Acids eat away the smooth surfaces of your pistons, bearings, valves, and gears. If not removed they go on to cut in half your remaining engine life.

Acids come from sulfur in fuel and oil - which form acids with Hi-temperatures and moisture in your motors combustion process.

Sulfur is supposed to be removed during refining but cannot entirely be removed. Engines using propane do not have this problem and their motors are relatively free of acids - and they enjoy a leak-free longer life. So, oil makers add alkaline to oil to slow acid formation. However...

As your motor -and transmission age, they tend to run hotter, dirtier, and accumulate harmful acidic residues.

Residues collect of your motors piston rings and valves. Sticky fuel intake and exhaust valves reduce full combustion and this lowers your motor horse power by as much as 10%. Sticky piston rings causes them to fail to flex outward to seal combustion above your piston. Escaping pass sticky piston rings combustion - with its acid nature mixes in with the motor oil below. We call that "blowby."

There in the oil, circulating for thousands of miles, acids attack and etch away the factory smooth surfaces of your pistons, bearings, valve stems, and gears - causing their surfaces to wear faster. More friction and resistance occurs absorbing power that use to go to the wheels. Mega Power stops those problems!

Acids seep into seals and gaskets causing their polymers to shrink - permitting oil to now leak out. Mega Power ends leak problems.

So, you have several problems harmful to your car's or truck's life. All of those conditions causes you to feel you motor is wearing out faster. It is! The remedy....

Mega Power research developed a treatment found to stop seal and gasket leaks and end all three of your engine and transmission leak-caused problems - not just stop engine seal leaks. While an engine repair and overhaul to correct such problems run $3000, you can install Mega Power easily, yourself. Cost is $65 plus shipping. Order Mega Power now - get on down the road of life in a better running, leak free car.

Engine oil stop leak from Mega Power. Since so much of Mega Power's benefits helps your motor to actually stop the cause of your engine oil leak - and the leak, and also end what is shortening your future motor life, Mega Power's Engine Oil Stop Leak is really a good choice for your motors years longer life too - wouldn't you say?

That is a much better option for most car owners, of course, and is the cheapest best way to end your leak problem - besides a $3000 engine overhaul - which hands cleans every part, and replaces rings and valves and gaskets and seals, in the process.

Mega Power's new product Engine Oil Stop leak, shown below, will neutralize acids in seals and gaskets. A conditioner relaxes the rubbery stiffness - allowing the seal and gasket to expand back to its original shape, stopping the leak.

Mega Power's engine oil stop leak neutralizes your motor and fuel acids, cleans and frees your dirty, sticky rings and valves - as a power restoring extra benefit stop leak aid.

Mega Power MC+ metal conditioners also heals and smooths your acid roughen piston, bearings, valve stems, and gear surfaces - changing them from rough to smooth again. This advantage stops the loss of horsepower from abrasion and friction. That lost power is freed and now goes on to speed you faster down the road.

Those are the tune-up-like-improvements gained as you stop your engine oil leak with Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak.

Order Mega Power for all your vehicles and enjoy better running, zippier performing vehicles, years pass what others enjoy, while stopping and preventing engine oil leaks and their aging power decline negatives.

Your motor really needs this product. It crying-for-help... Order the Product now!

I'm here to walk you or your mechanic thru the simple installation by phone if needed. Directions provided make it easy to install.

Order one or more treatments from these specials below...

One Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatment. 6 items as shown. Excludes metal feeder bottle - not needed. Easy to follow instructions. Phone help. Guarantee. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx. Just $85+ $14 s&H= $99 total. Bonus MP Transmission stop leak preventer $39, Free while supplies last. Included Free.

Protect both vehicles and save even more!

Two MP Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatments for both your vehicles. Perfect to prevent problems in your good car. 14 items total. $135+ $14 s&h= $149 total. Save $48 on 2 engine sets for 2 motors. Limited time offer.

Order 6 MP Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatments for the next 6 cars needing such.    36 items. $300+ $15 s&h+ $315 total. $50 each. Markup profit $180. Fleet care and auto repair resale directly from your inventory.

Save More! Protect both your motor and transmission too:

Order a Treatment for your motor $99, and a similar Treatment made up of 3 products - The Mega Power Transmission Service #TS3 $75, for the transmission, you want to protect: Just $125 for both sets, plus $15s&p= $140 total. [Regular price for both $174] Save $40.

Engine oil stop leak help.

Call me to ask a question or to order at 1 512 665

Shipped Fedex or USPS with 3 day delivery to your door. Say, "You want to order the Mega Power Engine Oil Stop Leak Treatment Special."

Visa M/C. Comes with easy to follow instructions, guarantee. My personal help by phone. I'm a mechanic.

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