New! A radiator coolant leak product that stops any leak fast - without sawdust eggs or particles!

Have a coolant leak? Bummer deal! Contact Info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed, call me... george at 512 665 3388

You'll like Mega Power's Radiator Treatment, because

    Mega Power will end your anti-freeze drip or anti-freeze loss fast, and protect your motor from overheating, ending your worry of it, doing so!

Radiator Coolant Stop Leak Treatment from Mega Power. 3 item treatment - add - leak stops - amazing.Radiator Coolant Stop Leak Treatment from Mega Power. 3 item treatment - add - leak stops - amazing.

Yes, its different - 3 item stop leak to stop acid damage, remove acidic scum, and keep all types of leaks away! Just add works rapidly - to your advantage - 

    Mega Power looks clear with no grit like other products have. Yet, it stops leaks in an amazing way. Like blood!

    Mega Power contains no strings, fibers, or copper dust - like common part store leak stopping products contain - and which users of such products complain about. 

    Most of those part store products work, but its grit often block tinny passageways entry points in the radiator tubes blocking coolant flow, and causes overheating problems. Not Mega Power...

    Mega Power contains no grit! And its cleaner open those clogged tube openings as it neutralizes acids, the cause of leaks.

    As Mega Power's Stop Leak hits air, the air crystallizes the stop leak - like air does a cut on your skin - and stops your coolant leak - where ever it may be!

    Even stops head gasket and manifold gaskets leaks - for a fraction of the cost of other brands. And no clogging - guaranteed!

    Other coolant leak advantages with Mega Power

    Acids causes leaks by eating thru weak spots. So Mega power neutralizes acidity preventing future problems.

    Rust and air causes cooling problems. Mega Power removes the air chemically. The result is a cooler running motor and transmission.

    Delivered to your door in 3 days - not sold in part stores! With easy to install directions - phone help if needed, guarantee, and then, no more leaks!

    Order below..

    Those advantages are what stops your leak and protects your motor, and why we call this product, the Mega Power's Stop Leak Treatment. Its more than a stop leak - its a cooling system treatment.

    If you read this far, you must need Mega Power. Order Mega Power and its engine and transmission treatment for total leak and wear stopping protection, for the most important and expensive parts of your cars, below.

    While all stop leak brands stop leaks, they have a short life span of 3 to 7 days. Mega Power last as a stop leak for years.

Mega Power's Stop Leak Treatment

While all coolant leak brands stop leaks, some have a short life span of 3 to 7 days. Mega Power stops the leak permanently!

    All that in Mega Power works great to stop your leaks, too!

Ordering info

    Radiator coolant leak treatment ordering details:

    1- One Mega Power Stop Leak Treatment Includes 3 items as shown. Just $40+ $15s&h= $55 total. Comes by FedEx in 3 days, with easy to follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee.

2- Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatment for two cars. 6 items. Just $80+ $15 s&h= $95 total. Save $15.

6- Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatments for six cars. 18 items. Just $150+ $25 s&h= $175 total. Save $155.

Order the complete Mega Power Car Service for your radiator, motor, and transmission for just $165+$15s&h= $180 total. Save $45. 12 items.

Order by phone or call to ask a question.

For more information, help with your problem, and for ordering:
Call me anytime. 1 512 665 3388 ... george

Directions using the Mega Power Stop Leak Treatment

    Step One. Add the cleaner to the coolant. Remove enough so the cleaner can be poured into the radiator. Run or drive for 10 minutes. then, drain out old coolant.

    Step Two. Add the 2 remaining items show and add anti-freeze and water as directed on the coolant label. Top off after system is hot. Leak will stop shortly thereafter.

Included with Mega Power Stop Leak are Radiator Cool. Mega Power Radiator Cool removes free oxygen allowing more molecules to pack together.

Mega Power is meant to be in your radiator before the leak.

    Your cooling systems service product recommended at 50,000 mile intervals as a stop leak preventer.

    Did you know anti-freeze, when over 4 years old, turns acidic. So...

    Included in the Mega Power Stop Leak Treatment is a cleaner and acid neutralizer, a fluid Anti-rust and coolant conditioner, and Radiator Cool to end your coolant leak, and prevent future leaks and damage. That is what you need also!  

    Mega Power Cool in that advantage, draws more heat faster away from the combustion area of your motor - where heat of over 1000 degrees triples the speed of engine piston and engine valve wear out - compared to lower, cooler running areas of your motor.

Mega Power Cool helps the coolant pull away MUCH MORE HEAT - MAYBE UP TO 20%, and transfer that heat tot he out side air.

Now you know about radiator coolant leak causes

Those are the causes of radiator coolant leaks and new remedies to end them. Order our recommended Mega Power Below. Stop the leak. Add much more protection your motor and radiator needs.... and your budget needs. Here's why....

    Radiator coolant leak - where its not wanted. The right way to stop it!

    A hole - in the radiator, a gasket, a hose usually caused by the acid-eating nature of coolants.

    While coolants seldom loses their anti-freeze protecting ability, decay of metals [rust] combined with coolant breakdown turns coolant acidic in most vehicles by about their 4th birthday - some vehicles in 2 years. Sooner or later a hole develops.

    Just changing fluids - the common practice, does not remove the acidic nature of coolant. Special cleaners that stop leaks and neutralize acidity is what you need - shown below.

    The common remedy. Adding a stop leak, made up of fibers or pellets, is the usual stop leak remedy. However, fibrous stop leaks often stop up the radiator tiny cooling tubes and can increase overheating. The product we recommend stop leaks without the need for fibers.

Coolant leak, anti-freeze stop leak remedy

A New, Safer Stop Leak Remedy from Mega Power

    The Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatment is a 3 part product to stop your leak. Mega Power works like blood, on a cut. When exposed to air, it coagulates, stopping your leak.

As you can see, the advantages....

    Ordering info

    Radiator coolant leak treatment ordering details:

    1- One Mega Power Stop Leak Treatment Includes 3 items as shown. Just $40+ $15s&h= $55 total. Comes by FedEx in 3 days, with easy to follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee.

2- Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatment for two cars. 6 items. Just $80+ $15 s&h= $95 total. Save $15.

6- Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatments for six cars. 18 items. Just $150+ $25 s&h= $175 total. Save $155.

Order the complete Mega Power Car Service for your radiator, motor, and transmission for just $165+$15s&h= $180 total. Save $45. 12 items.

Order by phone or call to ask a question.

For more information, help with your problem, and for ordering:
Call me anytime. 1 512 665 3388 ... george

A treatment takes care of more than one problem. Mega Power stop leak begins by cleaning, neutralizing acids and removing your cooling system acids and sludge. And stops the leak in the process.

Mega Power's other ingredients increases the stop leak action and adds acid-fighting protection. That is the protection you need.

Extra cooling efficiency. Mega Power Stop Leak ingredients works to draws heat away from your motor's combustion area faster and transfers it to the out side 10 to 15% faster. Mega Power does so by packing more coolant molecules together per square inch - taking away the space between them. This advantage reduces the motor's and transmission's heat-sink load.

Indirectly, this helps extend year's-longer engine running dependability and life by its extra cooling efficiency. By the body of the motor and transmission being just 10% cooler, oil film strength remains high, preventing less oil breakdown and metal to metal friction contact. You need Mega Power in your motor, radiator, and transmission for total longer life protection.

Product ordering info below.


Safety tips: If your car is overheating.

Never take the radiator cap off

    If the radiator and motor is hot? The coolant is under 15 pounds pressure, regulated at the radiator cap. Taking the cap off for inspection when hot will cause the coolant to violently expand and blow up in your face, like a bomb. It takes an hour to cool down. So, be careful.

    Let the first mechanic you come to - check your radiator out.

Here is why the anti-freeze when hot shoots out when the cap is removed.

    The radiator caps job is that of a pressure control relief valve. When the coolant gets hot and expands, it overcomes the relief valve in the cap and escapes into a tank. It stays there temporarily.

    A test mechanics do on radiator caps is to check it pressure relief point and it suction return point, and its gasket. All 3 must be just so. Anyhow....

    When your car sits for 4 or 5 hours and the motor coolant cools down, it shrinks. A suction now occurs in the system and opens a valve pulling the coolant it pushed out, back in. Self-filling. Automatic.

    As heat transfers into the coolant the coolant expands creating pressure the cap limits the pressure to 15lbs. 15 lbs pressure kicks the boiling point of the coolant from 212 degrees to 250 - and this seems to be ideal for cooling without overheating.

Danger! Boiling Hot!

    If you take the radiator cap off when the motor is hot the coolant just explodes and gushes out - at 250 degrees. The boiling hot coolant will peel the skin off your arms, face and chest - as many persons have discovered. Never take the cap off when the motor is hot! Warned all about  hot coolant harm!

What causes leaks?

Over time, radiator coolant ages - As it does it goes bad by turning acidic. The acid part eats holes in metal or thru gaskets and the coolant, always under pressure, is forced out the hole, like a hole in a tire does the air the tire contains. Overheating then occurs.

So, does that tell you anything about what causes leaks - and why the Mega Power Treatment removes your systems acids? Of course, servicing all your cars radiators, is a lot cheaper than one overheating experience.

How can I stop the leak?

  • The location will tell you the answer.
  • Sometimes a stop leak product is all you need.
  • Some times it takes $1,500 to have a leaking manifold gasket replaced.
  • Sometimes its a $150 water pump that needs replacement.
  • Sometimes a new $200+ radiator core is the answer.

Mega Power ends hole and gasket leaks, and lowers hot-running, overheating problems.

  • The Mega Power Radiator Service Treatment #RS3. Pictured below.
  • If you feel your system needs flushing [it does if over 5 years old], this product cleans, stops leaks, prevents leaks, and increases the cooling heat transfer speed dramatically. 
  •  A stop leak product just stops leaks - by comparison. A 3rd product, not shown, is included to make a complete cooling system service.
Radiator coolant stop leak treatment

Radiator coolant leak treatment ordering info
A New, Safer Stop Leak Remedy from Mega Power

    The Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatment is a 3 part product to stop your leak. Mega Power works like blood, on a cut. When exposed to air, it coagulates, stopping your leak.

Ordering info

Radiator coolant leak treatment ordering details:

1- One Mega Power Stop Leak Treatment Includes 3 items as shown. Just $40+ $15s&h= $55 total. Comes by FedEx in 3 days, with easy to follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee.

2- Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatment for two cars. 6 items. Just $80+ $15 s&h= $95 total. Save $15.

6- Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatments for six cars. 18 items. Just $150+ $25 s&h= $175 total. Save $155.

Order the complete Mega Power Car Service for your radiator, motor, and transmission for just $165+$15s&h= $180 total. Save $45. 12 items.

Order by phone or call to ask a question.

For more information, help with your problem, ordering:
Call me anytime. 1 512 665 3388 ... george

What you should know about coolant system checks.

Detecting hidden leaks. Radiator Coolant System Checking

A special radiator coolant leak check, hand pump

    The mechanic fits over where the radiator cap is removed pumps up the coolant with 20 lbs pressure. The leak will show up, and then advice given.

    a GOOD Tip:

    Spend $150 to replace all your radiator hoses every 5 years and have the system flushed out and neutralized. That avoids two problems and causes of leaks.

    Why change hoses? Because they crack on the inside and sometimes a pin hole will leak out the coolant and overheat the motoe -without you knowing it.

    The outside of hoses always looks brand new. A pinhole leak from such a crack will empty the motor of coolant in 15 miles. Ever see a car on the side of the road with the hood up and steaming? Family standing around, amazed. Trucks zooming by within inches of the stalled vehicle?

    Replacing coolant

    Anti-freeze is always mixed - you always mix it with water, half and half, to make it freeze resistant. Don't know why - never heard.

    Anti-rust additive.

    There is no such thing!

    Mega Power has a Stop Leak #6, a product called Radiator Cool #7, and a System Flush #8. Each of these neutralize acids - which stops rust formation as well, as the main product feature item.

    Never seen a parts store radiator product offer to neutralize acids. Maybe, because they are all 50 year old brands, and not that hi-tech. You can learn more about Mega Power Radiator Products here.

    Service your radiator system by flushing it out and replacing the coolant every four years. Cost about $75 -$100. Its a good idea to change all the hoses at that time - and get a discount on labor.

    Coolant leak and other stop leak products we recommend...

    This site, besides offering coolant leak tips, has over 100 problem-solving additives and treatments. Look around, learn a bit, try our products. They are unique! The proof is in the performance... George Christ. Mega Power Product Distributor

    Info... Help and ordering number. 512 665 3388

    Radiator coolant leak and servicing.

    A New, Safer Stop Leak Remedy from Mega Power

      The Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatment is a 3 part product to stop your leak. Mega Power works like blood, on a cut. When exposed to air, it coagulates, stopping your leak.

    Ordering info

Radiator coolant leak treatment ordering details:

1- One Mega Power Stop Leak Treatment Includes 3 items as shown. Just $40+ $15s&h= $55 total. Comes by FedEx in 3 days, with easy to follow directions, phone help if needed, guarantee.

2- Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatment for two cars. 6 items. Just $80+ $15 s&h= $95 total. Save $15.

6- Mega Power Radiator Stop Leak Treatments for six cars. 18 items. Just $150+ $25 s&h= $175 total. Save $155.

Order the complete Mega Power Car Service for your radiator, motor, and transmission for just $165+$15s&h= $180 total. Save $45. 12 items.

Order by phone or call to ask a question.

For more information, help with your problem, ordering:
Call me anytime. 1 512 665 3388 ... george

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