Why Mega Power Additives?
Takes you out of the additive business and put you in the car repair business
Gets you out of the BG ripoff and puts you and your business in the in the spot light
Four chemical tool secrets we'll show just 5 tune repair shop owners that will build a $100 a day more profitable business for them, and a better financial life.

Why Mega Power Additives?

Suppose this happened to you everyday?

Solves the problem of telling the world what business you're in.

Does so by 

taking you out of the additive business and puts you in the profitable car repair business.

...puts you, and your business in the public's spot light, not BG, or an oil brand.

Does so with Four chemical tool secrets that can build a $100 a day or more profitable into your business for you,

To use to give you a growing financial life for you and your family sacrificed so much for,

starting in just 30 days

Four chemical tool secrets we'll show just 5 tune repair shop owners that will build a $100 a day more profitable business for them, and a better financial life.

Are they driving right by your shop

Building your Business Expertise. Your Income. Your Life

Mega Power Additives Chemical tools to recover lost horsepower and performance tune repair parts can't recover.Mega Power Additives Chemical tools to recover lost horsepower and performance tune repair parts can't recover.

oduct Features. Ordering Info.

Mega Power Products 
George Christ  
1 512 665 3388

Why Mega Power Additives?

Build your Business Expertise. Builds Your Income. Your Life

Why Mega Power Additives.

MEGA POWER and the Company Behind the Products

Why Mega Power Additives are needed by you? Answer.

This opportunity will send you down a better financial road of life, not possible with other methods.  Our unique additive features, advantages, and their marketing advantages make it possible. 

  • With them and success principles to follow we introduce to you, you will have new tune repair expertise that can grow your income by hundreds, even thousands of dollars every month.

Why Mega Power Additives are needed by your customers?  Answer.

  • Even though an engine or transmission is tuned, repaired, or serviced, the internal parts still will be lowering the vehicles horsepower by 10 to 20 %.
  • *art of that 10 to 20 % of horsepower lost is by absorption from dirty, wear roughen surfaces.
  • By using Mega Power in the service, tune up, or repair process, Mega Power restores that 10 to 20 % of horsepower lost by  dirty, wear roughen surfaces.
  • Vehicles so serviced will have a sudden tire spinning racy power customers noticed your new expertise provided. 
  • Customer want the extra ordinary. This is A TOOL TO GIVE THEM SUCH.

Cars - like people, depend on many things to operate properly.

  • As for the oils and fuels in our cars, they can only do so much good to protect our cars from the effects of friction, time, and wear.
  • When a wear and tear problem affects driving performance, its distracting, increases anxiety about what it means, it speeds up wear out. This can turn into and expensive repair. 

So, ending the wear and tear problem affects becomes the goal.

  • What makes Mega Power additives superior? 
  • Why Mega Power Additives?
  • The difference is ability to clean where other brands cannot.
  • Mega POWER ingredients to end problems not possible before. 
  • For example...MC , Mega Power's unique metal conditioner helps reduce friction, heat, and wear, while protecting against rust and corrosion.
  • Mega Power Additives offers protection against acids.
  • They smooth and fill worn spaces on moving parts.
  • A uniqueness that makes our ingredients great for universal application: ie: engines, transmissions, differentials, heavy equipment, or anything that moves.
  • "When oil and fuel fail, performance drops, wear increases, fuel is wasted, and the car, truck, tractor, or equipment just will not run at their best! 
  • I liken or compared the situation to a human illness. 
  • For your car, Mega Power helps cure, fix, and restore our cars health, dependability, and longest possible, trouble-free life.
  • Your cars once clean, shinny, smooth, close-fitting, and freely moving pistons, bearings, valves, gears are dirty, their surfaces have wear roughen. 
  • Increased friction drag, fuel waste, less power, and performance problems result. It is a faster ride to wear out.

How Why Mega Power Additives Helps 

  • This stage of wear calls for Mega Power's powerful cleaning aids to free, smooth, heal, coat, protect, and end the problem.
  • Mega Power does that to keep you going on-down the road, but does so with anti-wear to make sure that is possible.
  • You can install the products yourself. They are packages as treatment to solve specific problems. 
  • Mega Power treatments work quickly and results are as advertised are guaranteed. 
  • That is our confidence in Mega Power.

Why Mega Power Additives: Lost Performance Recovery

  • Now you have a product line that works where oil and store-bought additives cannot reach - to end the 7 most common problems every vehicle experiences.
  • Get all the power lost - back, to speed you down the hi-way, with like-new zip, on less fuel.
  • With Mega Power additives, you have a simple, inexpensive way to prevent or end negative conditions in your new, and older, and worn cars, trucks, RVs, marine, industrial machines, and heavy equipment experience.
  • Another very important difference is me- George Christ, America's Problem-solving Additive Expert.
  • I train mechanics and tune techs in the use of Mega Power, as the other half - the inside half of a good tune up and quality-care repair. Mega Power brings back the power.
  • And I can help you personally solve all your cars and equipment wear problems. Perhaps gain years-more service from them, too! Here are two ways.
  • Talk directly to me, by calling 1 512 665 3388.

Order The Complete Set of Mega Power Product:

  • Radiator, Engine, Transmission, Fuel, A/C, fuel as your tune up products for just $200 - Save $35.00, along with easy-to-follow instructions. 
  • Order call 1 512 665 3388. Receive our #120 $15 16oz Penetrating Spray; Free, with any order,
  • When you order online. Offer ends 12/31/19.

Product Advantage Details.

  • Mega Power additives are formulated to fortify, protect and maximize life of engines, transmissions, differentials, heavy equipment, or anything that moves. 
  • "The Proof is in the Performance." 
  • To assure you of quality our products have been tested and approved by many national chains such as Jiffy Lube Association of Franchisees, Midas International, Meineke, Tuffy/CarX and others throughout the years.

Why The Mega Power Additives Company. 

  • Since 1984, Mega Power has manufactured and supplied top-of-the-line vehicle care and maintenance products to its customers worldwide. 
  • Mega Power's phenomenal growth now spans five continents. Following the purchase of the company by CAM2 International, LLC in July of 2007, Mega Power has enjoyed steady growth. From its International Headquarters in Oldsmar, FL. 
  • Mega Power's research and development team delivers state-of-the-art technology to our customers. 
  • This provides our distributors and their customers - the products needed to keep today's cars not just running - but running better than before.
  • Mega Power and its worldwide distribution network provides personal training and education classes, in-store demonstrations, service literature, marketing and sales help literature, how-to manuals and a toll-free tech line.(for North America).
  • Mega Power blends and packages more than 35 additive & lubricant products including automotive and industrial lubricants and specialty fluids. 
  • Mega Power is exported into virtually every industrialized country in the world.
  • Mega Power additive bottles are color coded by application for public appeal. Red for those that go into the fuel. Yellow for cleaners. Black for those added to oils and lube fluids. Blue for radiator.
  • Our products have been tested and approved by many many in the service and repair business, and national chains, such as Jiffy Lube Association of Franchisees, Midas International, Meineke, Tuffy/CarX and others throughout the years.

What Why Mega Power Additives do best for you:

  • We introduce to you new tune repair expertise that can grow your income by hundreds, even thousands of dollars every month.
  • This opportunity will send you down a better financial road of life, not possible with other additives.

We help you achieve recognition as a supplier of Quality Lubricants, Specialty Products and related Services.

Leading in Income Growing Strategy

Mega Power is committed to providing you with better, quality products, and services; to help you satisfy your customers,  produce tens of thousands of dollars extra income, doing so, not possible in any other way. 

We improve our products through testing, research, and actual in-the-field testing to insure you and your customers have the fastest acting, often unique, no one else can match.Our employees are vital to the success of our business. They are empowered to actively participate in our quality improvement processes. Our Lubricants Executive Team regularly reviews and monitors our Quality Policy, Objectives, and Progress.
With Mega Power Additive Products and this strong marketing combination, you have A TOTAL PROGRAM to build your future successfully with.Business Opportunities as a Distributor

What we offer

  • Since 1984, Mega Power has provided a superior performance line of automotive additives, lubricants, preventative maintenance programs and service equipment to the Automotive, Marine and Industrial markets through a Distributor network.

The Marketplace

  • The market potential for our additive products is virtually unlimited. Automotive additive sales in the auto lube, tune, and repair retail sector - our market, approached nearly $1 Billion, with a growth potential of $72.6 Billion.Our market position, as a quality product manufacturer, allows our distributors to earn healthy profit margins. We currently have new territories with explosive growth potentials. See if one is open near you!

A Mega Power Business Oppoertunity

The minimum initial investment for a Mega Power business opportunity is a modest ($16,000 to $25,000) and is comprised of start-up inventory and equipment – no franchise fees. We provide the training necessary for you to learn the industry and successfully launch your new business.

To learn how to use Mega Power Products for your shop, fleet service, or personal use, call me now George Christ 1 512 665 3388 today! Email your interest to: megapower@grandecom.net

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