Getting To The Root Of Your Vehicles Problems Is What You Learn Here

  3 Jun 2024 - 

About this website: Who its not for.

   This is not for those wanting a quick Auto Tune Up And Repair Option Magic Pill --- but for those wanting a unique, better quality "maintenance" education that teaches them about products to get to the root of vehicle problems to stop them. One that, each time its installed can return the veicles 5 components back to their new-like stiochiometric state, which slams the brakes of their harm-causing problems. 

That is what fixes and ends problems this option's sites education is all about.

Getting to the root cause to end vehicle problems.

You can do so by replacing the troublesome pistons, bearings, valves, gears and such, but to do so without replacing them by getting to the root of the problem with just a few chemicals out of their millions and understanding how they happen to do so on a microscopic level - by changing pistons . bearings, valves, gear and the component state of being from friction roughen, dirty, binding, to clean, smooth operating - like the state when new. That is our auto tuneup and repair avoiding options here. 

The Pearl of Great Worth you find here.

The idea to "prevent" and also "end" operaing and even mechanical problems by an actual change to a former, good-running state is done by a not nesscesarily a somewhat propiatary secret but difficult if not impossible among the millions of chemicals to find, --- but if you found them you have those few chemicals among millions, along with needed helper additives - in whats now packaged here as those auto tune away and problem-ending corrective treatments on these pages. 

The option is made easy at  our auto tune up and repair avoidng options web pages. Read them over the next few days to get the feel of how to use them to your car and diesel care advantages.

Any additive if its a true additive should offer some needed benenfit. Lets say it "slams the brakes on a vehicles premature wearout as well as end the problems." Our Mega Power Choice of additives changes friction and acid roughen surfaces that become a foothold for varnish and carbon to clean, smooth friction and binding free surfaces. Imagine that helping your vehicles. But if not...

Among new vehicles and rebuilt engines and transmissions, and in time there is aways a growing high amount of friction and varnish that upset the weakest parts and causing operating problems. 

Even though brand new vehicles having the best oils and even zink with excellent lubrication values, they cannot withstand the forces driving and operating thrust against the opposite surface.

Nor the acidics developed from combustion and oil breakdown pitting the surfaces. Small and unassuming at first, , ATF fluids And anti-freeze is helpless to prevent the acid formation and contact friction - from pressures so immense, the raw contact melts - welds the touching surfaces togethee. Then  movement breaks apart and such scouring the future go arounds becomes your problem making source  - from way back in the earlier miles of the vehicles. 

Finding a solution:

company called Mega Power those secrets and their bumper-to-bumper coverage should be highly prized and used as recommended if you want protection from such wear  where friction and binding and dirty conditions are the cause.  

THeir products sold here in a complete service kit offers the internal CONDITIONS to return the earlier smooth clean binding free conditions. Their treatments we sell here and invented and produced by Bub Esterling and His Mega Power Additive Reasearch Teams are packaged for ending those wear, friction, binding problems having conditioning to push wear effect decades into the future.  

In effect they removes the weakest system parts causing problems, and conditions them away or tunes them away, while conditioning PROTECTS to avoid those problems now in the making.

Have No Worry, Little Lady! I'm here to help you solve your vehicle problem cheaper, faster, and with better results!

        Auto tune up and repair options Contact Info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, talk to a mechanic, order items listed --call or email me... megapower@grandecom,net.   Or call me right now. Free Advice on this. george at 512 665 3388

Top performing pages from Google This Week.

Page Clicks on product for:

       End sticky-valves                  51

       End motor-blowby                46

       DIY clean fuel-injectors.      42

       No bad reviews. 

    Why this way to end your:

  • Engine Trouble. 
  • Transmission Trouble.
  • Radiator Cooling Trouble.
  • Power Steering Trouble. .
  • A/C cooling Trouble.

    Trouble in 95 out of 100 Cars Trucks Heavy Equipment  - not caused by a broken internal parts is caused by:

  1. Acidity is the hidden #1 cause of all internal troubles.
  2. High temperatures are the second cause.s
  3. Those negatives result in oil or fluid breakdown.
  4. Friction then increases the prepmsture failure.
  5. Or residues bind and take out weakest operating rings and valves seals  and such. causing your problem.
  6. Some form of operating or performances problem them begins.

     The real solution?

     The real solution is a service with products that end the problem. That is what I call my auto-tune-up-and-

     The best care and repair many have found is the Mega Power Care and Repair Additive Treatments.

     This is so because they found the only way known -besides  - and avoiding costly repair is to formulate a ongoing type of care that ends those caused kinds of problems.

     Remove those causes and therefore, protects  the component or all components so serviced with a Mega Power Treatment  from other troubles in the making.

     So this requires a new method of care where you service components with Mega Power when their dirty fluid change out time occurs.

     If that's not to your liking - shop elsewhere for your magic pill!

    How do I know such things?

   I'm george christ: I call myself the cardoctor2.

   A different type of mechanic  I don't just replace the troublesome parts --- I service my customers cars and trucks like I service my own - with the Mega Power inclusion as the service or repair.

   Because I found and believe in the other way to take care of ending vehicle wear and tear problems - they avoid the usual repair - or put it off for years!

    I'm a mechanic with problem-solving, problem preventing additives expertise - here to help you avoid repair or cut its cost in half or less!

    How you benefit!

   You will see my income making life and love is teaching mechanics and individuals How to use Mega Power Brand Additives to solve and prevent your wear and residue auto tune up and repair problems.

    I believe they should be your first option - hopefully avoiding their more expensive repair as the option. Result?

   To end up giving you the method to a more powerful, smoother, quieter - trouble-free solution problem end, then trouble-free cars, diesel rigs, tractors, RV's, motorcycle, boat your own expert auto tune up and repair avoiding option.

   You now can end any worn causing problem. End easily any fuel, engine, transmission, radiator, power steering, power take-off component problem - and return it to normal with additives - instead of by repair.

    You have me - an expert to end your hassle finding a complete answer to what fix you car needs. I know that headache!

   Honest options on your vehicle problem...Right? Sure! 

   You want something simple, but powerful to help you.. Your don't have time to fool around, either.

   Me too!

   That's why in search I've found the only 2 additives companies that have a true fix out of a can!

   An my love is from their product results - which I package 6 sets - one for each component - so you can end every car component problems additives can end, so you will benefit.

You will be Amazed at their Problem-Solving, Importance to avoid mechanical problems chemically.

You gain My Additive Specific Recipe.

You will see how your problem ends in minutes!

Think it won't work?

Once you learn their secret I'll show you - on the page your engine, fuel injector, transmission, radiator, steering problem is covered, you will want to try it in everything... Because it increases operating advantages within minutes in brand new cars and heavy equipment. And  even older vehicles - having problems.

You Gain Driving Pleasures Now Lost - You Paid Good Money For.

You will find they keep away normal wear and dirty conditions, while adding anti-wear friction and acid damage protection long term benefits!  Their features also provide forever-zippy-operation, 20 to 40 more miles distance on each tank of fuel, providing a cut in half car/equipment per mile lifetime cost expense.

Cost Savings: For pennies of the factory way of care cost, your switching to our  auto tune up and repair option method of care and repair can free up tens of thousands of dollars normal care/repair expense. This value makes that money available for other business and family matters. Is that what you want? Read on for the How to... I also supply additives wholesale for retail level usage worldwide.

How To Solve A Wear, Residue/Sludge Operating Problem With Additives.

Follow my directions on the page your problem is covered. They will put off and avoid for many more years the costly, and upsetting premature wear and tear, performance loss, and operating trouble your vehicle or heavy equipment have - following the Car Manufactures minimum specs.

Customers tell me my auto tune up and repair options has help them avoid repair, see their vehicles operate twice as long as others repair-free while others they know have engine and gear repairs using the factory minimum specs.

You can gain those same advantages when including the treatment additives specified.

You can gain more benefits when they are part of your oil changes every 6 months, and included when servicing your transmission radiator cooling system, power take offs and power steering every 4 Years. I'll show you what to do, and provide what you need product wise.

Review: Me and my auto tune up and repair options offer remature wear out, avoidable operating problems, and the new powerful zip, fuel economy and trouble-free operation  of new equipment/ vehicle their costly replacement or repair occurs as the clean smooth to acid pitted, residue coated

What's the secret to all this to help you? The secret is in my advice to use specific additives to end your cars problem by their changing their dirty, wear-roughen, acid etched, bog-down, trouble-causing pistons bearings valves gears and seal surfaces back to smooth, shinny clean and working flawlessly again - like when new! What's that knowledge worth to you?  

What happens after the install? The component so treated will operate over the years trouble-free again.

What about part store additives and those sold online? None of them, and  part store additives work to improve the care and repair anti-wear and recovery I promise. 

improving the dependability of cars trucks tractors RV's boat motorcycle and machine    changing the world one drop at a time.

Why I Do For You. . . .I empower you and your loved ones with auto tune up and repair Do-it-yourself-options for a better life!

What you should know:  

  • First of all .. 95 out of 100 internal engine transmission radiator problems will end with a problem-solving tune up of the component instead of a repair of it?
  • Tune up implies the chemical removal of the problem rather than a rinse out of dirty fluids. That is a key difference and this site is all about showing you that difference.. 

While tune up as a fix is perhaps a new idea to you, us car buffs/shade tree mechanics have been ending our, and our customers car/diesel problems that way for over 50 years!

  • Several companies have such additives - just this site features those products and its HOW TO education - and I'm its teacher!
  • I'll show you the faster cheaper better How to in 10 minutes or less reading!


  • That education auto tune up and repair option saves you time.
  • No hidden charges! No contracts to sign!
  • Keeps hundreds - often thousands of Dollars in your pocket - not in others!
  • Faster - Because it works in as little as 10 minutes!
  • Better because its anti-wear makes the vehicle operate as if new!    

 So effective, it comes with a satisfaction guarantee. 

You can be assured of not losing a penny if my auto tune up and repair option fails to satisfy your purpose for them. Its a  fix-method with a "tune up" that does the repair! That is your auto tune up and repair option here!

   Solves Problems like these perhaps?     

Click if your car truck problem :

  •    Remove engine sludge.
  •    My engine is tapping.
  •    My engine has blowby.
  •    My engine burns oil.
  •    Engine idles poorly
  •    Lousy mileage, no power.
  • No need to take anything apart to end the problem! 

         Auto tune up and repair option is a add and drive remedy. Driving caused the problem  - this reverse the problem to end it!

        The fix uses problem-solving chemistry, and your vehicles worst conditions to reverse the problem they cause - ending the problem!

        Let's get started!

          What you should know!

        Our additive is a simple treatment doing a most complex fix!  During the treatment the complexity zero's into the trouble area. There, the process cleans, conditions, and friction modify's. Then fills worn spaces. Internal trouble-causing parts return to normal. This is the smart way to end every internal internal problem known!

        When it won't work and yet it works to end the problem.

        Of course, if its busted, you have to get that taken care of---

        If you did the treatment first the bad part shows up as every other part returns to normal!. Most people are savvy enough to do the treatment first - finding this reduces the amount of parts needing replaced. 

        This chemical auto tune up and repair has many options to keep your vehicles on the road and out of repairs shops as they age. 

         Why my auto tune up and repair option can prevents - end problems!

         Once you get the sequence, ie: clean, free, condition, fill - you will used the clean, free, condition, fill  sequence to prevent troubles when doing an oil or fluid change. Simple directions easy for the do-it -your selfer  servicing of each component with the clean, free, condition, fill  treatment -

         You right now may want this auto tune up service  - I call it that, to end your fuel, engine transmission radiator cooling system power steering problem chemically by again doing the clean, free, condition, fill treatment I'll show you to use. 

        With your Auto Tune Up And Repair Option You Can end The Problem And Return Your Car to Normal.

        I'm not the inventor - just the Country's Expert explaining How this option works and providing the recipe for the fix. 

        You Will Then Believe It's Cheaper. Faster. And Better Than Any Other Car Care and Problem Solving Invention Ever Invented! 

         Bud Esterline did their INVENTION. I SET UP THEIR EASY USAGE FOR YOU!

        You have me George Christ, the Country's Expert in Auto Repair and Care Problem Solving to help you! This page shows the option for your vehicle problem and page to go to.

        What people say...  

    Jerry, a fleet of trucks owner says....

        “The mechanic at Caterpillar was absolutely blown away when he seen the improvement your Mega Power’s Worn Engine Service Treatment had on my older diesel engine - my daily user.

          He was amazed because.... the last time he seen my truck it had a heavy blowby, exhaust smoke, and an oil burning problem. He instantly concluded, I overhauled the engine to end those problems - not use your engine treatment additive to fix its problem.

         I’m amazed that over the months, your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments ended problems that use to require costly downtime an expensive repairs for me.

         Over 12 months, after seeing it solve that cat engine serious problem, I have now serviced every component on each car and truck the way you showed me to do. Since them, normal troubles with them just stopped! 

         Your unusual repair avoiding method using additives as the fixer has reduced my repair expenses and made my trucking fright bids more competitive, and more profitable. Thanks again for showing me them!

          I appreciate your help and products fix capabilities I’ve not seen with other additives.” Jerry. Springfield, Oho is a proven tune and repair method anyone can use to end vehicle problems like the following.

    1. Remove engine sludge.
    2. My engine is tapping.
    3. My engine has blowby.
    4. My engine burns oil.
    5. Engine idles poorly
    6. Lousy mileage, no power.

    Shortcuts : to solving other ENGINE problems

     1- Why is my engine full of sludge?

       Engine sludge occurs when  your 6 engine systems and needs cleaning. They upset your engines stoi-chio-metrics - [ideal operating conditions] which creates sludge in the oil.

      It is a major job to correct an usually requires a new engine However...

        You may want to learn of my DIY shortcut to remove sludge. It really works because, it chemically cleans those 6 "negative" systems - as it removes sludge over a weeks time.

     You can remove engine sludge.  More...

     It removes dirty conditions upsetting your engines stoi-chio-metrics - which creates sludge. My tips to removes sludge and resets its ideal sludge avoiding  operation.  More...

    2- Why is my motor making this horrible tapping noise?

       Your engine valves and valve adjusters are having a two dirty operating problem which creates a space and the tapping. While costly to repair, there are less costly service products to end the problem. More...

    3- My engine has Blowby! Is there a cheap way to fix it?

        Yes! Many car and diesel owners follow my blowby treatment recipe to END blowby. ...continue >>>>>


     Engine Blowby. Continued...

       Just follow my oil change recipe at each oil change.  And  - between oil changes. It is guaranteed to please.  More...

    Did you know?      6  Tran

    4- How do you stop engines from burning oil?

      Stopping an older engine oil burning is now easier and cheaper to do! 

         While a $4000 engine overhaul is one way, here's my shortcut you can use and its good for every engine to keep them from doing so.! 

        You will be satisfied with results, and still have $4000!  You will see what it  requires and why its the care for all my engines - especially when they consume motor oil!  More...

    5- Auto engine tune up Fountain-of-Youth Hacks.       

       Once you try this service hack, you will know how to service every car component. Its the same one to solve a rough idle, stalling, lousy mileage problem - Doing so, you will have discovered what us car buffs call, the fountain of youth service for older cars and trucks!  More...

    6- I answer questions by phone if you need that help -- for free!

    I'm your Expert on these Options. Call me now at 512 665 3388 I'll help you end the problem!

    More care and repair alternatives:

         When new, the car maker paid for serious repairs. They wanted you to do all the servicing they recommended to avoid those repairs. Car makers frowned at skipping services. If they find you at fault, you pay for the repair. However..

         It’s a different ball game when the new vehicle warranty ends.

         The car truck owner pays for all repairs after the warranty ends. Even those that could be avoided.

          Keep in mind, that after the warranty period ends, servicing is more important to your avoiding trouble, and if you follow the same oil change and fluid change out you did when new, those services will nickel and dime you to death. 

          After reading this website, you’ll know how to get the right additives — the additives that w’ll end your engine problem and improve your vehicle's longer life. That is your auto tune up and repair option shown here.

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    Drop this message code below into your blog. or a Forum, like your Facebook, instagram account. To do so, Click on the HTML link code below. Copy and paste this code in your blog where you like. It shows this web page as a link back to it.  And thanks for passing it along. george...