sludge removal methods.
3 ways to end this engine killing problem.

Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover. Gets it clean. Keeps it clean!Mega Power Engine Sludge Remover Method. Gets it clean. Keeps it clean!

Contact Info: If on a smart phone, to ask a question, or to order products listed. Call me at 512 665 3388 ...If you have a sludge problem in heavy equipment go here.

3 other than by repair, engine sludge removing methods. 

  1. Engine fast flush by solvents. Sold in quarts mostly, in  parts stores and many quick lubes. Not safe.
  2. Engine flush using detergents. Sold in quarts mostly, in  parts stores and many quick lubes. Not effective.
  3. Chemical engine sludge remover with lube boosters, cleaners, and conditioners. Sold online and called, the Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment. Pictured here... Excellent.
the Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment.The Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment. An excellent engine sludge removing method.The Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment. An excellent engine sludge removing method.

You will like the Mega Power Sludge Removal Method because:

  • It offers the ideal cleaning option. 
  • Its a chemical engine sludge remover. Meaning it cleans better. And won't let sludge resettle.
  • It has  long term cleaning boosters.
  • It has  anti-wear cleaning conditioners.
  • Its easy to use. Driving aids the best results.
  • Guarantees a satisfactory result.


There are 2 steps:

  1. Add 3 items shown to the fuel tank and motor oil. Drive for a week. Then do step 2.
  2. Add item #4 to the motor oil and idle or run motor for 5 minutes. Change oil and filter. To the new oil add items 5, and 6. That does the job and vehicle runs great!

We want you to select our Mega Power method as offers the ideal option. Our specials...

Cost. Cost is reasonable. About $250 if a mechanic installs the service. Under $100 if you do it - its easy to do. Yet, it gives professional just-as-good results, cheaper.

What is included?

     6 items as the Mega Power Engine Sludge  Remover Treatment. Easy to follow directions. Phone help free if needed. Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Just $99 -total - free shipping special. 

Click cart button to purchase.

Parts store and quick lube engine flush additive remedies.

  1. Parts stores and quick lubes may suggest additives called engine flushes, as a cleaning option. Such products can only stay in your engine for a minute or so, then must be removed. Complaint: worsen rather than helps, because:
  • They clean too good! 
  • They move sludge around in the process and this can block oil delivery to critical engine parts needing oil. 
  • This cleaning method cause more engine damage.
  • That's their pro's and con's.

What Mechanics suggest.

  2. Mechanics suggest a new engine. $4,500.

  • A complete tear down, clean up,  and rebuild is just as expensive - but not as good.
  •  The price is good! It's also very costly - over $3000.

What we suggest.

  3. If the engine is running OK, some motorists look to other methods as an expense reducer. They may feel other methods will work. Google offers ads and sites that offer such help.

Contact Info: If on a smart phone, to ask a question, or to order products listed. Call me at 512 665 3388 ...If you have a sludge problem in heavy equipment go here.

Methods to remove engine sludge 

     As a mechanic, helping my customers with engine sludge problems, my passion is to get their car back running good-as new; in the best and cheapest way -

     As a Trainer training many repair shop owners and their mechanics, I learned  what works and what does not, in regards to engine sludge removal - in the best and cheapest way.

     That information may help you solve your engine problem, using what we found works best, is fast, is way cheaper.

     This DIY way; produces better results to clean and restore your motor performance. It’s so effective, it comes with a guarantee.

              Solving the problems common                sludge removing remedies have.

     Chemistry solves the problem common sludge removing engine flushes have.

     Chemical cleaners work better? Yes! And are 100% safe to the engine.

     Our tips use those ingredients to help your motor get going "clean and strong" again! Here are that sludge removal product. First though...

We start by comparing 3 common methods. 

Parts store and quick lube engine flush additive remedies.

  1. Parts stores and quick lubes may suggest additives called engine flushes, as a cleaning option. Such products can only stay in your engine for a minute or so, then must be removed. Complaint: worsen rather than helps, because:
  • They clean too good! 
  • They move sludge around in the process and this can block oil delivery to critical engine parts needing oil. 
  • This cleaning method cause more engine damage.
  • That's their pro's and con's.

What Mechanics suggest.

  2. Mechanics suggest a new engine. $4,500.

  • A complete tear down, clean up,  and rebuild is just as expensive - but not as good.
  •  The price is good! It's also very costly - over $3000.

What we suggest. Ordering Mega Power.

  3. If the engine is running OK, some motorists look to other methods as an expense reducer. They may feel other methods will work. Google offers ads and sites that offer help

You selected this site seeking such help. 

We want you to select our Mega Power method. It  offers the ideal engine recovery option. Our specials...

The Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment. An excellent engine sludge removing method that cleans and free rings and valves.

We want you to select our Mega Power Sludge Removal Method as it offers the ideal cleaning option. Our specials...

Cost. Cost is  about $250 if a mechanic sells you the service. Under $100 if you do it - its easy to do. Yet, it gives professional just-as-good results, cheaper.


There are 2 steps:

  1. Add 3 items shown to the fuel tank and motor oil. Drive for a week. Then do step 2.
  2. Add item #4 to the motor oil and idle or run motor for 5 minutes. Change oil and filter. To the new oil add items 5, and 6. That does the job and vehicle runs great!

We want you to select our Mega Power method as offers the ideal option. Our specials...

Cost. Cost is reasonable. About $250 if a mechanic installs the service. Under $100 if you do it - its easy to do. Yet, it gives professional just-as-good results, cheaper.

What is included?

     6 items as the Mega Power Engine Sludge  Remover Treatment. Easy to follow directions. Phone help free if needed. Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Just $99 -total - free shipping special.

Mega Power Sludge Removal method

  • Our Mega Power sludge removal avoids the engine damage problem common to part store and quick lube sludge removal flushes
  • That's because the chemistry involved does not remove all the sludge at once as other products do.
  • What it removes  is sludge on the oil pick up screen, in the oil pump,  and oil passageways, and in valves and lifters. 
  • What it removes, it holds in suspension for draining. It does so using anti-flocculants. It will not let sludge resettle. And, we like that feature, too.
  • That’ is a sludge removing advantage. 
  • Also included is what I call a super penetrating lubrication - Its MC+ - the super lube aid, crawls to every part oil is blocked from. MC+ starts the cleaning healing benefits. 
  • Those features start the restorative factor you need to return your engine's great dependable performance going again. No other product can offer. That's what you're after.
  • Those significant differences are why this is the safest, and best sludge removal method. Order Now! 

Easy to follow Directions

  • Directions call for installing, then driving with 3 items  marked as 1,2, and 3 added to the fuel and oil, for top of motor cleaning. 

  • Add 4, 5, and 6 a week later during an oil change for bottom cleaning. This and driving completes the sludge removal and restorative process needed. That's the method.

  • In a few days you'll have your engine running great again!
  • With so few complaints, we offer a completer money back if it does not do as advertised.
  • Please note: 2 refunds last 267 days.

Mega Power works to get your car engine - and transmission - for that matter, back running clean, great and dependable again - and avoids an expensive repair most mechanic's suggest you need.

Order Mega Power

One Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment.  Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help if needed. Just $99.00 plus $15 s&h= $115 total.

Order 2 Mega Power Treatments - Protect both car engines...

  • Order 2 Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatments    for 2 cars: 12 items. Keep  both your cars healthy - as your       restore this cars health - using the same products and tips.  Just $130 total for 2 motor treatments. 12 items. Plus $15s&h;= $145 total. Save $35.

Protect both engine and transmission with treatments for one or both cars. Save $30 per set right now!

  • Order one Mega Power Engine [$90]and Transmission [$75] Treatments. Includes 9 items. Easy-to-follow directions. Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help, if needed. 9 items. Just $120 plus $15s&h;= $135 total. Save $30.

How sludge is made and messes up your engine.

This picture shows your motor's combustion area where sludge starts from a condition called blow-by, shown by 2 down arrows.

When those upper engine parts get dirty, they start the sludge making process by allowing excessive blowby to mix down where the motor oil is. Cleaning must start in that upper engine part for any improvement to follow. Followed by a special kind of lower engine cleaning method.

Our sludge removing treatment starts in that top area!  It ends its cleaning in the oiling lower side of your motor. Few products can safely remove sludge - none clean both areas,  our selection is safe and cleans both areas.

We found this product - a Mega Power Engine Treatment  that cleans both areas of your motor safely, and with their special conditioners   included restores your motors like-near-new performance while removing sludge safely! That is most desirable!

Is that what you're after? Order this item below after reading about it compared to other remedies. Our review:

All engines have some blowby. Blowby makes sludge. Blowby slips pass dirty, lazy working  piston rings. It amounts to several hundred gallons of hot nasty fumes  that mix with your motor's oil - between each oil changes.

In time it forms a gravy-like, gooey coating on every part. Even where you don't know it goes - which our cleaner treatment will remove - called the PVC system. Explained below.

The picture. Why engines fill with sludge.

The picture illustrates how extremely hot combustion gases called blowby - the 2 downward pointing arrows on each side of the piston, slip pass your motor's pistons, mix with your motor oil, and that cooks the oil, forming sludge. Sludge reducing aid...

Compression escape recycled, called the "positive crankcase ventilation system - PCV"  draws those hot, acidic blowby fumes back into the air/fuel flow path, to be reburned - a sludge and smog reducing device. However...

Oil filtering and the PCV system cannot remove excessive sludge. Some sticks to your engine parts - and transmission parts as well.

In time, sludge begins binding of rings and valves, oil passageways, and sub-system parts. This is no good, of course! It causes running and performance problems.

That stage of your engine's life may make noise like tapping, lose power, and show signs having an internal operating problem.

The Bad News - and Good News for your engine and budget.

What mechanics say: Your local mechanic and car dealer may suggest a complete rebuild of your engine as their sludge removal solution.  

This requires a week or so in the shop. A tear-down and cleaning of your engine, lots of new parts, and a $3500 fee or so.

Other choices.

Our option  from Mega Power avoids the tear-down, runs $250 if the mechanic installs it, $100 if you install it. Detailed below.

Part store additives.

Parts stores and quick lubes may suggest additives called engine flushes, as an option. They stay in your engine for a minute then must be removed. Our method cleans and enhances lubrication as you drive, from oil change too il change. This significant difference is why this is the safest and best sludge remover.

Our Mega Power Brand Sludge Remover.This sludge removal method cleans and enhances lubrication as you drive. Keeps cleaning and protecting from oil change to oil change. This significant difference is why this is the safest and better sludge remover.

Compare sludge removing additives.

Sludge removal products provide little more help than just a quick rinse. A rinse is not able to remove those deep-inside affected engine parts, moving under strain from such tar-like goo.

We recommend Mega Power as your sludge remover.

While it won't rid your motor entirely of sludge - it will do so on affected parts so your engine returns to normal. It may avoid an expensive overhaul. Cleaning is ongoing for 6000 miles as you drive. Are those options that suit you?

Mega Power will do the cleaning and restore motor function quickly. A bit more expensive than part store flushes. A lot cheaper than an engine tear-down, cleaning, and rebuild.  

The Mega Power Sludge Removing Treatment. 

  • Mega Power contains anti-flocculants - which overcomes the one big problem part store flushes have, which is - what do you do with the sludge parts store additives remove once its removed? They usually settle elsewhere and often plug up oil delivery passage ways.
  • Mega Power holds what it loosens in suspension - something other product can't do for filtering or drain out.
  • While most engine flushes are solvents, Mega Power contains 6 other cleaners to open passageways.  Free rings and valves, reduce blowby, and results return the engine to near normal again.
  • Mega Power contains MC+ to enhance lubrication should oil be blocked.  Mega Power's MC+ provides friction reducing to moving surfaces, stopping a wear factor that started. Those are key advantages you want for your engine recovery. See Mikes story.

To Review

  • Mega Power won't allow removed sludge to resettle - making it a good choice for better, safer residue removal. Ideal for transmission servicing, too!
  • Mega Power also includes friction modifiers - super lubricants that lube even when oil is not present - providing lubrication should sludge be blocking oil delivery.  
  • Mega Power will crawl thru, and dissolve blockage allowing oil to flow again - helping your car bounce back to good as near new operation. You want those benefits, don't you? Order now! Have the product in a few days and a great running car again!

Easy to follow Directions

  • Directions call for installing 3 items marked as 1,2, and 3 in the fuel and oil for top motor cleaning, 4.5, and 6 a week later during an oil change to complete the cleaning and freeing process needed. That's the method.
  • In a few days you'll have your engine running great again!

Mega Power works to get your car engine - and transmission - for that matter, back running great and dependable again - and avoids an expensive repair most mechanic's suggest you need.

Order Mega Power

One Mega Power Engine Sludge Removal Treatment.  Includes 6 items shown. Easy-to-follow directions. Satisfaction Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help if needed. Just $75 plus $15s&h;= $90 total. 

This protects both engines and transmissions with treatments for one or both cars. Save $30 per set right now!

Order one Mega Power Engine [$90]and Transmission [$75] Treatments. Includes 9 items. Easy-to-follow directions. Guarantee. Shipped to your door by FedEx in 3 days. Phone help, if needed. 9 items. Just $120 plus $15s&h;= $135 total. Save $30.

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