Slo-wear fix-faster products helping repair shops do better work, earn more income.

Slo-wear Fix-faster contact info: to ask a question, apply for nearby territory, call 512 665 3388 say you are applying for the sales postion. Want to stock products for resale.

The company:

Slo-wear Fix-Faster offers automotive repair shop owners an educational marketing program. This easy-to-follow-and use program pays for itself and produces 100% markup profit each month for clients signed on! This is possible by the programs use of marketing, sales and chemical research findings and their application from such discovery.

Slo-wear Fix-faster

Outside Sales Position Opportunity

Is this potential $20,000 a month job what you’re looking for:  We want a commissioned paid, skilled closer, bi-lingual good, to help us establish 100 or more accounts in the valley area, then maintain those accounts on an ongoing basis. A commission is made on each sale, each repeat sale, for opening accounts.  Commission per sale can amount to $200 per client, per month. As you grow client accounts, your commission grows. With 100 clients, the projected monthly commission can grow to $20,000 a month.  Apply at:  call Mr George to ask a question, about  training, secure territory at 512 665 3388

Slo-wear Fix-faster

For the repair shop owner advantages:

•  Slo-wear Fix-faster produces more business and more profit

•  Attracts better paying customers

•  Offers a more productive way to sell more services

•  Teaches how to find and sell car problem solutions now missed

•  Keeps and attracts better-paying customers by  new products and services that promote years longer dependable car life.

These advantages are possible with products included that end a problem with wear every vehicle has in the engine transmission radiator and steering. Benefits include:

•  Ending horsepower-sapping running negatives

•  Ending horsepower lowering negatives, oil burning, tapping noise, rough shift, leaks and such.

•  Ends lubrication problems synthetic oil fails to provide

•  Profit for the business signing up for the program can increase monthly profit by $1000 to $4500  a month.  To apply for this program as an Outside Sales Representative, or an auto repair shop re-seller.  Call Mr George to ask a question, about  training, secure territory, program started kit,  at 512 665 3388 

For auto repair shop owners. 

Slo-wear Fix-Faster offers automotive repair shop owners an educational marketing program. This easy-to-follow-and use program pays for itself and produces 100% markup profit! This is possible by the programs use of marketing, sales and chemical research findings and their application from such discovery.

Slo-wear Fix-faster

When followed:

•  Produces more business,

•  Attracts better paying customers

•  Offers a more productive way to sell more services

•  Teaches how to find and sell car problem solutions now missed

•  Promoting years longer dependable car life.

These advantages are possible with products included that end a problem with wear every vehicle has in the engine transmission radiator and steering. Benefits include:

•  Ending horsepower-sapping running negatives

•  Ending horsepower lowering negatives

•  Ends lubrication problems synthetic oil fails to provide

•  Profit for the business signing up for the program can increase monthly profit by      $1000 to $4500  a month. Outside Sales Representative

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Need more income? Investigate This idea...

Enjoy a business where your clients welcome you. Depend on your products, and set you up for years of unlimited monthly income. That is what being a Distributor servicing local auto repair shops with our automotive servicing and problem-solving products offer.  Imagine earning thousands of dollars in income every month, while sleeping, playing golf, or doing other things. How possible? 

Being our local area Distributor with its easy entry and low investment offers freedom to grow your income as much as much as you want.

It takes opening 50 to 100 acounts levels to earn an above average. Use your friendly helpful nature, drive, and vision to put you in the drivers seat of a serious way to grow a better life for you and your family.

Request a report to learn how to get started. Perhaps, if not for you, you may know someone who could benefit from this opportunity. Send them a note with our phone number. Add its info on your blog, website, forum, Facebook or Instagram account by using the HTML link code below. Thank you for considering this opportunity. George. 512 665 3388

Need more income? Can you sell? 

Imagine a part-time monthly income, making you hundreds, even thousands in EXTRA monthly income while you sleep, play, do other things.  

Like this idea? We are looking for local reps to open and service towns and areas across North America with our products. Above average income can make your life better. 

That's the life we have, enjoy, and offer. Learn about its freedom. Its has unlimited income potential. Offers a satisfaction no regular job offers - you are the Boss. A no investment ever entry, too. Not like most endeavors. And you would be helping the financial quality of many locals - who will become your clients profiting off our products. 

Inquire Now by reading this report to learn how to get started.

Know a friend who might enjoy the benefit of such a business? Send them a note with my phone number and Better job opp at 512 665 3388.

Drop this message code below into your blog. or a Forum, like your Facebook, instagram account. To do so, Click on the HTML link code below. Copy and paste this code in your blog where you like. It shows this web page as a link back to it.  And thanks for passing it along. george...