Sample sales letter.

What your letter should include

Sample sales letter. How to...

    A good selling letter cannot sell to a person not needing the object sold.  Try to skip those people. A badly written one to a good prospect may cost you a sale!

    Being a letter it multiplies prospecting efforts at lo-cost.

    Therefore, a letter still has a mission.

    That mission must travel one of two roads.

    1. In a buyers market where there are more sellers than buyers, convincing evidence of a best deal must be promoted.
    2. In a sellers market where there are more buyers than sellers, convincing evidence of a best deal must be promoted.

    You are right, it makes no difference. To win more sales you need to state your case quickly which is this: What's better abouit your deal. A good letter must do that.

    Of course, we are talking higher dollar items, not ten cent stuff.

     A sales letter takes the place of a salesmen trying to understand what problem needs solved.

    To do that, its headline say so.

    Then the story goes on to educates why your offer is best. to do so. 

    Information provided would show problem solving that best of its kind.  With competitor comparisons, maybe some specs,to show a better value.

    Value shows why the price is more than justified.

    An inducement is made to buy several times. 

    After each, more reason for value is given, as well as lost, if ignored. Got the idea? Next, style is followed.

    Headlines and sub heads hit key points of interest.

    Paragraph styles guide the reader to the critical points.

    An inducement to act now is offered.

    How to proceed with the purchase is detailed. Contact information givenBeing a letter it multiplies prospecting efforts at lo-cost.

    Various methods are used to isolate those who may be a prospect for the letter.

    An ad may attract interest.

    A search, such as on Google, may bring in a prospect.

    Such response may require a letter to further educate and build value.

Now, we can right write a sales letter for you. The effort and rehash to get it right takes 2 weeks. 2 week investment time runs about $3000.

Is it worth it? Of course. Lets get started now.

A questionnaire is sent out after a deposit is posted. Then some phone times helps us get the feel you want to express.  Several drafts are made. tested, then refined. A sample mailing may go out and those people contacted for their opioin of the letter.

A later review will show where clarifying information is needed.


Test the letter in this way.

Take out the 1st sentence or paragraph. What does it read like.

If the letter is still clear - that statement is no good.

Put it back in if good, or rewrite it. Proceed to the next sentence or PQ. and each one. Make notes of what needs work and what's OK. That trains your perspective in all this.

Reading your letter in this way will critique each sentences value toward the letter as a whole.

Now, right your sales letter using these ideas. You will have a better sales letter.

Did this letter sell you? Need creative help writing your sales material - so they sell? Call me now! I create and design what you need. George Christ Marketing 512 665 3388

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