Radiator servicing help
How to: Flush. Stop Leaks.    End Overheating.

More on Megas Power's problem solving ability

Mega Power works with water or any type anti-freeze. Contains excellent coolant recycling additives. Coolant removed can be recycled using the two remaining product items.

Hot running engine

Special instructions are given for head gasket and manifold coolant leaks in the directions.

Hot running engine temperatures are lowered by up to 40 degrees, customers tell us. This is because the Mega Power flush item removes internal scum other flushes cannot. Scum negatives...

Scum on interior surfaces - they come from coolant breakdown, over time, acts as a blanket to block your motors heat transfer to the outside. Not good of course, so Mega Power's Flush Protector removes scum and neutralizes acids - the scum maker; which also eats holes in motor gaskets, heating and radiator coils. So, complete clean occurs.

The other Mega Power ingredients: The one packs more molecules into an inch space. This advantage means more molecules can accept engine heat at engine heads, and carry away more "heat load" and transfer that heat to a clean metal cooling surface - transferring about 20% more heat faster to the outside air. This lowers engine temperatures.

Continuous stop leak protection is included - Most brands of stop leak are fibrous, and their stop leak stopping ability last only 24 hours.

Helps lower excessively hot-running cooling systems. Ends certain manifold gasket internal and external leaks.

Your first paragraph ...*Free gift is given only if you mention this page. By date listed.

Why your coolant should be changed every two to 4 years, if you do stop-and-go driving, mostly. Not every four, as the book says. 

  • Our research shows anti-freeze - even when old will still protect against freezing.

  • However, in about two years, 9 out of ten vehicle coolants tested show they turned acidic, eat gaskets, create leaks, caused unexpected overheating. Your best bet is to use a kit like this every two years - if you do mostly stop and go driving. Four years for mostly highway driving.

How MP Stop Leak SL#6 product stops head gaskets, manifold, heater, and radiator core leaks.

    The chemistry in this product forms a "scab-seal" at the leak point, when air is present. Somewhat like our blood does, and stops the leak.

How MP Radiator Cool RC#7 product decreases excessive engine/coolant temperature to normal. Three ways:

  1. The flush removes surface scale;
    Which acts as a blanket to hold heat in.

  2. By preventing coolant breakdown and sludge. 
    Which helps coolant keep cooling.

  3. And by chemistry which compacts coolant molecules. This permits more molecules to contact cooling tubes. In this way a greater amount of heat is continuously transferred to the outside - than absorbed. This lowers heat levels so heat levels work within the regulated average range.

Good for any size car, truck, equipment. Even police cars, ambulances. Tow trucks. When towing. Or, when in bumper-to-bumper traffic. City driving.

Large Truck Coverage. Amount to use
Use one kit for every five gallons coolant volume.
Larger systems, big trucks, equipment: use one kit for every 5 gallons coolant.

Want Engine Protection? See our info on our Mega Power Engine Oil Change Kit, for the protection your motor needs, below. Its called, Mega Power Engine Service #ES. A 3 part "kit" with similar usage and benefits, but made for the oiling and combustion areas of motors you want to protect and have last years longer. Also ask for details and pricing on this engine protector. Get a price-break of 10%.

To order, Call 1 512 665 3388 or use shopping cart button.
Shipped to your business or home with easy to follow directions, guarantee, my phone help, if needed.

    One Mega Power Radiator Treatment #RS3 Includes 3 items. $36+ $15s&h = $51 total.

*Free gift is given only if you mention this page. By date listed.

More transmissions are ruin by overheating because people do not know this fact. They may use standard cooling system products from part stores and quick lubes, thinking they are doing the right thing.

With those old fashion products - which have a high profit markup for the sellers, and few needed benefits, you lose every time. Most mechanics don't know this either. But transmission shops do, and they are waiting for you! If you are not Mega Power car care wise!

This tougher, new breed of cooling system protectors is what every car truck RV you have needs - don't you think so?

Capacity. Mega Power Treats to 7 gallons of Coolant Capacity.

Ordering info

To order, Call 1 512 665 3388 or use shopping cart button.
Shipped to your business or home with easy to follow directions, guarantee, my phone help, if needed.

    One Mega Power Radiator Treatment #RS3 Includes 3 items. $36+ $15s&h = $51 total.

*Free gift is given only if you mention this page. By date listed.

More on Mega Power's problem solving ability

Mega Power works with water or any type anti-freeze. Contains excellent coolant recycling additives. Coolant removed can be recycled using the two remaining product items.

Ordering info

To order, Call 1 512 665 3388 or use shopping cart button.
Shipped to your business or home with easy to follow directions, guarantee, my phone help, if needed.

    One Mega Power Radiator Treatment #RS3 Includes 3 items. $36+ $15s&h = $51 total.

Order 2 treatments for 2 radiators. 6 items. Save $15. 2 Treatments for $85 total.

Order 2 treatments for 2 radiators. 6 items. Save $15. 2 Treatments for $85 total.

Other Pricing: 
6 pak of 6 kits, $29 each. 18 items. 6=$174+ $20s&h=$174 total. Order by phone, get Free $12 Gift included.
Gift Offer ends 6/01/17*

12 pak of kits $24 each. 36 items. 12=$288 total. Save $100. Free shipping Free $24 Product gift included. Gift Offer ends 6/01/17*

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