Auto Tune Up and Repair Options. Learn More Page Tips: Tuneup. Engine Transmission Radiator Steering an A/C Fix Options

Millions, not just mechanics depend on these auto tune up and repair options for their problem-solving, fast acting performance and mechanical problem solving benefits

You will now be introduced the power of Mega Power's problem-solving chemistry, to their way to end operating problems - instead of by replacing those parts. Using additives is an idea not known by most people...However... this site is dedicated to it. Enjoy what we all enjoy about these auto tune up and repair options.

It is the secret us car buffs, classic car owners, engine rebuilders, race team owners, shade tree mechanic's, top mechanic's, top repair shops, equipment owners, even car manufacturers, and just plain men and women have used to end our carsproblems - not leave it to luck. Not have to replace vehicles years too soon. Have vehicles that always run new years longer than the average.

If that is the knowledge you want to gain.. go for this second fix option... 

Over the years there has been two arguments over the way to fix a vehicle's - running, performance, leak, mechanical, wear and tear, and worn out troubles.

Traditionally, you replace the bad parts.

The other way has been, using Mega Power additives.


Replacing your cars internal parts ends the problem. But is costly.

The Point, never is there a busted part. Just parts that seem that way. Think about those points.

Find what to try using the menus buttons on every page.

If sick, your Doctor uses medicines to heal, to avoid your costly surgery.

Even your insurance goes the meds route first because, it fixes 99% of our ills.

I can assure you its the same with your cars mechanical problem.

How many times have you fixed a electric motor, hinge, lock, or item with a drop of oil?

Using Mega Power additives is your cars less costly solution to ending their operating problems.

Like in real life, medicine works 99% of the time.

And knowing the meds for cars I'll show you to use works 99% of the time..

You have that here in a recipe listed in these pages.

To get sarted do the following.

The Left Menu Buttons takes you to them. Scan for your fix...

Call me if its to much for that solutution/

Why additives work:

They work because, its not a broken or failed part needing help.

Just friction and sludge drag, binding, upsetting that component.

Want to know more - Read on.

Deciding if your problem quailifies.

Research shows, and I know as a fact as a mechanic, rarely do internal parts fail. They become wear roughen, friction loaded, and choked down with tar-like goo. That causes over 400 problems cars have. Us mechanics yank them out, give the unit a cleaning, put new parts in and collect out doug - to repeat the same on the next car.

Additives end certain problems - the same as new parts do. But way cheaper and in much faster time frame.

I'll show you which to use.

Todays additives are the choice of many for their auto tune up and repair avoiding options. Because they take away the friction and goo that cause fuel system, engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c problems. Reduce your expenses and costly down time learning how they work.

Auto Tune Up and Repair Options is my book of Mega Power Brand additive recipes, for those Not Knowing which additives to use. You can follow the recipe I use and promote for your fix. We follow the Mega Power Additives Brand - for having the features to fix hundreds of car problems.

Since the dicovery by a race team that the addition of a particular additive containing friction modifiers blended into a light oil cleaner - ended the engine's friction and sludge upsetting operating problem - they have been my major factor helping engines to overcome its friction and sludge, and lossed horsepower.

Those using this combination of additives every so often find their kept putting off the inevitable repair need. Those two benefits attracts its following.

The Mega Power Brand keeps inventing other combinations found to end more bumper to bumper - problems.

My options and Mega Power Additives have become the additive fix of millons of mechanics and car and equipment owners.

Replacing the oil with better chemical cleaners only added to t

You'll find these the best because: - you will see, feel, and hear its problem end as you drive in a few miles. Notice, your car or diesel suddenly become stronger, zippier - quieter as never before. Add it to any At fillup, notice its going 20 to 40 more miles distance on each weeks tank of fuel. Continue it usage. Stay that way as long as you want, there after.

This page ramdomly covers the today's vesion. Offers a complete service theat ends the proble. But also ends the underlying cause.

Imagine the good this option can do to make life better!

How Can I Prove these auto tune up and repair options do so?

Research and test say so. However...

Every customer says so!

We depend on customer testimony and personal experience as the final proof.

I'll give you double your money back if not so! If you find something better!

No one has ever discoverd a better way for ending operating, sludge, wear, or mechanical problems since then... tho its tried often by many.

You now can control and removed the negatives that caused your car or diesel problems.

You will see, feel, and hear the vehicles problem end as the service is performed. Its easy to install. No skill required.

What happens inside is the removal of the negatives, and the reversal of the damage oil leaves behind.

You will have, under the gas pedal, a suddenly stronger, zippier running car and no more lazy diesel. It will go 20 to 40 more miles distance on each weeks tankof fuel.

That is the idea people come to auto tune up and repair options for!

The learn their secrets us car buffs, classic car owners, engine rebuilders, race team owners, shade tree mechanic's, top mechanic's, top repair shops, equipment owners, even car manufacturers, and just plain men and women, have learned to control their vehicles destiny - not leave it to luck. Not have to replace vehicles years too soon. If that is the knowledge you want to gain..

You will find this auto tune up and repair option gives you:

Knowledge, to first of all, end, and avoid expensive repair problems.

Second: To know how to remove what makes new cars and equipment cars and equipment always run in peak condition - years past what others can from their methods. Third: Why not avoid thousands for repair when a crackpot method does it for pennies. Do you care?

Those are the enjoyment, self satisfaction, green way, some of the reasons why these auto tune up and repair options

of the of the benfits gained using these auto tune up repair options. You will be shown additive products found to end your car's poor-running, performance, even their mechanical problems. Those like valve tap, oil burning, rough shift, overheating - and hundreds more.

In any car, pickup, diesel truck, tractor, RV, boat and motorcycle.

Any fuel related, engine, transmission, radiator, steering, and a/c operating problem.

While this site is the world's online site to teach mechanics what's-new in additives for performance problem-solving, with tech side info needed, its written so anyone - man or women can easily gain the same professional end to their car problem. I'll walk you thru to assured your success.

What people say -

Hi george.

I have just completed the engine and transmission treatment for my engine and automatic transmission on two of my vehicles ordered from you for my 1998 Lexus LS400 and a 1985Toyota camper. The running problems they had just disappeared and the improvement is quite amazing!

After the First Step in the product directions I ran the vehicles for about a week, but started noticing improvement almost immediately. The odd thing is that I just changed the oil about a month before the treatment so the oil looked still clean, but when I changed the oil in Step Two it came out heavy and black! So evidently the treatment was cleaning the engine more so than my synthetic oil could!

My old Lexus is driving like a new car producing much more zip and very smooth shifting again. I have to watch myself on the gas pedal also, as the car climbs to higher speeds much faster than it use too!

The Toyota camper was always under-powered with its four cylinder engine, but the treatment has also given it a big extra horsepower boost too.Both engines just purr, and the engine valve tap and rough shift troubles are no more!

I was somewhat skeptical at first,, but it made me a believer!

Thank you George, for giving me a way to restore new life to my older vehicles I really though needed serious repair! AlanFincke BostonMA

What mechanics say

"3 times we took the transmission apart because it would not shift right.

You suggested the Mega Power Transmission Service. Now it shifts perfect.

Since then they a part of every repair because of such Help. JM shop owner

Like Alan, your can enjoy the same benefit and performance operating advantages with Mega Power. Mega Power will end this cars problem, and enhance your other good running cars pickups trucks tractors boats motorcycles performance years beyond what other methods can.

Chose one of these links to what your car needs and how use them.

End rough idle, lousy running engine problems

Remove sludge, end valve tapping noise

Stop smoking, oil burning, blow-by

Smooth out rough shifting and other tranny troubles.

For power steering help and remedies

Radiator system leaks, overheating

Large truck tractor diesel engine and gear problem solvers

See Demo...

Hi! My name is george christ

and I'm here to introduce you to an amazing $99 car care and fix method out of a can that will help you and your family avoid expensive car engine transmission and other component repairs for $99. Thereby avoiding the thousands of dollar actual fix expense.

The Discovery over 80 years ago, is still fixing car engines, and other components reversing the problem cause, out of a can at $99. About $200 to $400 or so if a mechanic does the install. Its easy to do afrer reading how on these pages. For about $99. Large diesels about $400 - not $4000 or more a repair would cost.

Introducing Chestien Wynn, who 80 years invented “Wynn’s® Friction Proofing Oil," the formula of chemistry that ends car problems, by smoothing rough metal rubbing surfces, freeing it of sludge, and friction - ending the problem they cause.

But of more importantance, has been the avoiding thousands of dollar actual repair for so many people. Other benefits acrue.

Today, 4 companies sell variations of that original “Wynn’s® Friction Proofing Oil” Addittive 80 years later.

Wynn's International. Selling to national chains.

Justice Brothers Additives. Selling to the independant repair shop, equipment owners and Car Makers.

Mega Power Additives. Selling to the independant repair shops. Industry. And individuals.

Online: That's me and this site. I'm the Country's expert explaining the How To on additive fixing. I promote the Mega Power brand.

To help you, my, this, site, containing the internets largest compendium of "How To End Car problems the Carl Wynn way, educates mechanics, repair shops, fleet owners, and individual all across the world on Mega Power's Version.

Using my "Recipe" format I've used for 50 years , - other showed me, now so anyone can find any bumper to bumper problem solution. Doing so following Carl Wynn's discovery to smooth, wear roughen surface of pistons, bearings valves gears and such - to end their problem. Return the vehicle to a revitalized state. Keep them that way. All fuel engine transmission radiator steering scomponete brand new to old and worn. Guaranteed - to end the problem they have.

Using today's, Our Carl Wynn's version of fixing cars out of a can. The frugal way, 80 years later.

His formula is still are ending car problems caused by wear and tear and friction. They still keep vehicles going strong, years longer than by any other method of car care and problem solving - all set in motion his "Wynn's Friction Proofing Oil Additive Discovery.

Now, ready to introduce to day's version, to protect your second largest investments, out of a can. Keeping friction causes below the problem causing threseholds. The menu gets you to your recipe…george Do you want an Amazing car fix you can add to your cars fluids to end its problem, that quickly puts you back on the road, that also gives you a great tune up, anytime you have an operating or mechanical problem? Sounds far fatched, but true as many say so, as the following explains.

Their amazing fix features - which end hundreds of operating problems, and anti-wear factors - that add endurance, impressed me so much, I became a Distributor of them. I knew there was nothing else like them. I could see their potential to maybe cut car and equipment ownership in half.

Don't believe me? Then just listen to what people are saying about these auto tune up and repair options - below.

Now, I'm using this site to show the public what they are and what they can do - to make your life better.

If after reading this, you have a question, or want to place an order online, or need help not knowing what engine transmission radiators cooling, sterring or a/c vehicle problem you have, I can diagnose it for a do-it-yourself - fMega Power provides. You can contact me easily 24/7 at: 512 667 3388.

Why are Mega Power Additives Different?

A little known chemical wonder, except to certain car buffs, race car builders and owners, equipment owners, and some automotive repair shops. They end automotive operating problems in the fuel system, engine trnsmission radiator steering and a/c components - by reversing how their problems started! They are not thick and gooey, but water thin and go where oil and other brands of additives can't go - into the metal to release sludge and friction, then condition their rough worn surfaces to smooth ending the problem. That is what Mega Power Additives are all about.

That's why they should be in your care and repair method.

What Vehicle Owners Say Happened After Installing Our Engine Problem-Ending Treatment ...

Jerry, owner of a fleet of trucks, says....

“I want to tell you, the mechanic at Caterpillar was absolutely blown away when he seen the improvement your Mega Power’s Worn Engine Treatment had on ending the blow-by on my older diesel "cat" engine - my daily user.

He was amazed because.... and to tell you the truth, so was I, as the last time he seen my truck it had a heavy blowby problem. A nasty engine oil blowing film all over the engine. It had black bluish exhaust smoke belching out, and a 4 gallon oil burning problem between oil changes. He instantly concluded, I overhauled the engine to end those problems - not from using your engine treatment additive to fix its problem.

Over the months since then, your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments ended other problems that from time to time, use to cost me expensive downtime - your Mega Power Treatments seem to work out.

Over 12 months, after that first cat engine experience, I have now serviced every component on a dozen cars and trucks the way you showed me to do. Since them, normal troubles that ate my lunch money just stopped happening! I think my bottom line is improving from your products help.

Thanx for introducing to me to your additive method of older truck care, I've been searching along time for. I can't tell you the relief it gives me ending, and now avoiding engine and gear troubles. Thanks again for selling a product - that does what it says it does!" Jerry. Ohio.

What a Vehicle Owner Says About The Stop Leak Treatment....

"On my One Year Old Ford Diesel Pick Up - the treatment stop the oil seal leak; the dealer couldn't!" Your additive tip and treatment avoided a $1500 repair the dealer wanted - to end the seal leak.

What a Car Owner Says About The Engine Oil Burning Treatment:

98 Honda owner - "no longer burns 4 quarts of oil between oil changes. The mechanic said, my engine needed a $2000 'piston ring job' to fix it. Online, I found your Mega Power Additive for oil burning. I ordered it thinking it was another rip off! Mega Power ended its oil burning in less than 30 minutes - as the smoke from the exhaust - showing its was doing so. My Honda been burning no oil for the last 6 months, and running great since then - and for a $100 additive, not a $3000 repair"

Stopping engine valve tapping...

"Stop my valve lifter tap in minutes when a synthetic oil change couldn't. And my mechanic wanted over $4000 to end it by overhaul"

"Revitalizing Older, Even Worn Sluggish Engines -

"I bought an older Chevy Astro Cargo Van with 124,400 miles on it. I looked for a product to help it. Your oil change treatment ended its sluggish ways, and it quit burning 2 to 3 quarts of oil between oil changes. I thought it was worn out! I thought a new motor was needed!" Not any more, Thanks to your Mega Power Engine Treatment.

Why different. Why Better!

Unlike every other additives that just treat the oil - today's oil don't need treatments. What is needed is Mega Power to go where common additives and oil can't, to clean, free, and smooth rough problem causing conditions ending the problem they cause. On pistons, bearings, and valves retruning their trouble-free state. Now, with them you can fix without a wrench and without mechanical knowledg, by adding them to the gas oil or fluids to end your operating or mechanical problems like:

Cleaning dirty fuel injectors.

Remove combustion carbon knock.

Removes engine sludge.

Unstick rings.

Ends tapping valves.

Lowers emissions.

Exhaust smoke problems.

Ends oil burning and blowby.

Smooths out shifting.

And others for a true fix.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Not just mechanics, but just plain men and women like you who value their vehicles.

Try them at no risk so you can see they are your best auto tune up and repair options. I'm your expert here educating you about them, best I and other can. Your best auto rune up and repair options.

The engine or component problem goes away by driiving. A racy tune up results - - imagine knowing the power out of a few bottles to do that with!

Many race car owners and race engine builders gained more fame from their usage. For them, it avoids come-back problems. It adds endurance to give them an edge to winning oftener. They are my customers reasons for buying them. Yours too, I soon hope if you want that knowledge, too.

Those are the benefits of these auto tune up and repair option millions are using. They are now your auto tune up and repair options... Order those for cleaning up your engine. Test them out to end your problem to see for your self. Learn of their other benefits.


Hi. I'm george christ. From my early life, I wanted to learned shortcuts to remove car problems to keep my junky cars going. I found the products to end them. Where failure had not happened.

You now, online, can learn to use these solutions. See why us car buffs, mechanics, race car owners and makers, and equipment owners developed a love and passion for them.

For you, there are 6 kits of items. Although they can't fix what's broken, they isolate the problem to end it, making for a much lower repair bill....

Are you imagining the good it will do for this area of your life?

I feel they reduce your lifetime transportation and equipment expense by half.

I profit off these auto tune up and repair options and now you can too!

Read over the site to see for yourself. There is nothing else as good as this option if you want the knowledge to get all you worked hard to pay for, from your vehicle


For the last 50 years, as a mechanic and distributor its been my pleaure to help thousands of equipment, car owners and mechanics have a better lifefrom these 6 vehicle problem solvers.

....What you should know about lubrication and auto tune up and repair options to end your vehicle performance and mechanical problems :

To begin, remeber, oil keeps your cars lubticated. But can't prevent problems.

That's because oil is constantly breaking down in several ways.

What results as oil breaksdown is sludge, carbon, and friction, as these pictures show. Removing them in 8 out of ten vehicles is your auto tune up and repair options as this picture shows.

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Know a friend who might enjoy the benefit of such a business? Send them a note with my phone number and Better job opp at 512 665 3388.

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