Fuel additives that work! Contact Info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed by phone, call me...george at 512 665 3388
Here are 5 categories of fuel additives that work. Why Mega Power's Brand?
Along with engine additives, we narrowed down what additives to use to get our cars and diesel trucks running great again, when having a serious operating problems - from internal causes. We chose the Mega Power Brand Professional Grade Additives over every other. Mega Power brand and Justice Brothers Additives do the job. We are constantly checking popular brands against them as they both do as advertised. Justice Brothers sell only to repair shops. Mega Power sells to any one besides repair shops. Therefore, we promote the Mega Power Brand for their guaranteed power to restore your cars performance quickly and economically - yourself! And we supply the How To, also on linked pages. Each Mega Power Product works quickly to restore performance by addition to the fuel tank and motor oil, removing fuel system, and engine "dirty, and friction caused" problems. Detailed below.
Fuel additives that work: The 5 types
1- Fuel Treatments: Each of these condition the fuel by removing moisture condensation in the fuel tan, and with a special acid-neutralizing lube to lube as the clean fuel injectors through to the combustion area top piston rings, cylinder walls, and valve stems exposed to com, and smog exposed parts and cat mufflers. These products would keep the system clean with monthly additions. Some mechanics and me add these fuel and oil treatment to the fuel and oil when we detect a lazy motor performance. It's the quickest way to restore great performance. Two examples:
Mega Power Gas Treatment #93 12 oz. Gallon size. Drum amounts.
This is probably the most complete fuel treatment in the market place. To be complete, a fuel treatment must do more than add a lubricant to the fuel. This are features in our fuel treatment. Neutralize acids. Keep fuel from souring. Absorbs moisture. Reforms sludge back into its former burnable state. Enhances combustion. Cleans fuel injectors and carburetors and combustion area. One oz to a gallon fuel - 2 ozs per gallon cleans faster.
Works in any type fuel. Lubes rings and valves. Enhances starting by preventing a wetness in the fuel that makes carbon deposits. Ends stalling, hesitation rough idle problems as a result of its several features. Add to fuel monthly. 2 oz #93 to each gallon fuel once a month. Shipped to your door in about 3 days. $12 each 12 oz +$5 s&h=$17 total. Order by 6 pak. $50 plus $10 shipping. $60 total. Save $40. Call for drum amounts.
Mega Power Gas Treatment #93 12oz 24 pak $120 plus $15s&h=$135. Save $100
2- Mega Power Diesel Fuel Fuel All Purpose Treatment #5 12oz
Diesel Treatment #5 is a fuel conditioner - #93 above is a complete diesel fuel treatment. While every other brand is mostly a solvent or oilized cleaner that never worked. This diesel treatment does! It several features: Neutralize acids. Keep fuel from souring. Absorbs moisture. Makes it burnable - carbon blasting away feature for quick improvement. Puts sludge back into its former burnable state - not wash it away to collect elsewhere. Enhances combustion by preventing wetness in the burn process, and does carbon and resin removing off exposed vales and rings and injectors. Besides cleaning fuel injectors and combustion area #5 contains the most expensive Anti-gel for freezing weather quick starts. An algae killer. The cleaning effect stops black smoke under load. Replaces surfer with a chemical lube of the pump and injector moving parts. Lubes fuel pump, rings and valves as it tune up feature. To treat: 12 ozs treats to 25 gallons to prevent problems . Add every monthly. [Use 24 oz in 25 gallons to clean dirty injectors, as you drive]. Shipped to your door in about 3 days. Just $12+ $5 s&h= $17 total. 6 pak, $36+ $10 s&h= $46 total. 24 pak 12 oz. Just $120 plus $15 s&h=$135. Save $100. Call for gallon and drum needs for fleets. ...george 512 665 3388
One Gallon Mega Power Diesel Fuel All Purpose Treatment. Shipped to your door in about 3 days. $60 gallon + $10s&h= $70 total. 6 gallons $150+ $25s&h= $175 total. Save $200.
3- Fuel System Cleaners: These products contain concentrated cleaners foe instant removal of buildup of residue. Add to fuel tank for its water removal. to clean filters, fuel injectors problems. Usage removes local poor quality fuel, weather, or vehicle age caused performance problems. Raises cetang numbers for improved mpg avearge: Examples:
Mega Power Fuel System Cleaner #98 12oz
Add to fuel as needed. Conditions. Cleans. Removes water.
Neutralizes acids. For vehicles not driven regularly.And for vehicles in storage. Keeps fuel fresh for easy starting. Anti-rust.
$12+$5 s&h=$17 total each.
6 pak $60 total. Free shipping with 6.
4- Carburetor Cleaner: Solvent for fast cleaning of dirty carburetor; the choke valve. And tiny air bleeds in the carb, ending the cause of the carburetor fuel drain out that stalls motor after starting until the fuel pump fills carb up. Cleans idle circuits and intake manifold gums for less wetness of fuel during burn cycle. Add to gas or use in spray form. Highly flamable. Works as a quick start fluid. Examples:
Mega Power Carburetor Cleaner #1
Add to fuel as needed. Cleans carburetor, combustion area, spark plugs, as you drive. Smooths rough idle, ends stalling, hesitation. Lubes valves. Removes water. Neutralizes acids. For vehicles that sit for months. Keeps fuel fresh. Easy starting. Can be driped into the carburetor throat to instantly clean the bore and air bleeds - and pvc valve circuit, with motor running.
$12+$5s&h=$17 total. 6 pak $60 total. Free shipping.
5- Fuel Injector Cleaner: These are a stronger different cleaner and come in various strengths. Add to fuel. And good as a high pressure forced fed fluid for pressurized systems to directly clean dirty fuel injectors. Mechanics usually stock this item for this purpose. Flammable. Need no gas to work as the motor run it in. The injector cleaner I like from Mega Power is so fortified, just adding it to the diesel or gas fuel will clean dirty injectors in 15 minutes, as you drive. Or add it to your fuel rail bottle device to instantly clean dirty fuel injectors and the combustion area crud buildup. Examples:
Fuel Injector Cleaner Professional Strength #90 12 oz
Cleans dirty injectors and combustion area as you drive in one day. Smooths rough idle, ends stalling, restores lost power. The strongest, safest, fastest acting cleaner available. Use in fuel rail devices to clean dirty injectors instantly. Or add to fuel tank to do so. $22+ $5s&H=$27 total. 6 pak $72 Total. Free shipping.
Mega Power Fuel Combustion and Engine Treatment #FISC
A combination of cleaners and conditioners for the ideal fuel injector cleaning service. It completes ant tune up. Its popular smog lowering features makes it an excellent way to lower exhaust pipe emissions to below specs. To smooth rough idle, end stalling. Stops valve and lifter tapping. Tip: Use with any repair to correct problems new plug and sensor parts that don't end the problem. Easy to follow instructions. Phone help on install if needed. fast acting. Shipped to your door in about 3 days. Just $65 plus $10 shipping. Total $75 for the 3 pak. Dealer charge can be over $250.
Items included: Combustion Cleaner: These are fed directly into the motor air intake to remove heavy buildup of oil and combustion residues, to free sticky rings and valves when residues cause loss of power. Some combustion cleaners clean in more than one area. I like the Mega Power Combustion Cleaner Treatment because it combines fuel system, oil system, combustion and emission system cleaning - and ends oil burning, valve and lifter sticking and tapping, and loss of power due to a combination of those dirty areas. Example:
The Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatment is a great combustion cleaner that also cleans all 6 sub-systems of your motor. Each ingredient ends performance-causing problems in the specific sub-system, and this approach restores great like-new motor performance. Cleans dirty injectors and combustion area as you watch. Smooths rough idle, ends stalling. The strongest, safest, fastest acting multi-area cleaner available. Contains MC+.
Fuel additives that work - include wear reducing ingredients.
Mega Power's MC+ are two known friction modifiers found to properly end the wear-out process and maintain surface smoothness on pistons, bearings, valves, and gear surfaces. Mega Power's MC+ ingredients re-induces smoothness to wear roughen surfaces so motor and transmission parts pprovide clean and trouble-free operational enjoyment. Included in all Mega Power Products to be added to oils and lube fluids.
Fuel additives that work -
Great for older, worn motors and transmissions, operation. too.
The Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatment ends oil burning, tapping, leaks, rough idle,Engine Tune Up Treatment and power decline. Helps worn motors run as good as when near new again.
One Mega Power Engine Tune Up Treatment $ 65+ $15s&H= $80 total. Two Treatments $120+ $15s&h= $135 total. Save $35. Six Treatments $300+ $15s&h+ $315 total. Save $180.
Fuel additives that work! Ordering info
To order, or ask for a product suggestion, call me...
at 512 665 3388 ...george
While our gas and diesel fuels are the best ever, they do not always hold their own in the grueling day-to-day conditions they must go through.
That is when you need a fuel additives that works!
.......................>The typical fuel additive problem
Some fuel additives have a cleaner as a major ingredient.
Some have several ingredients that work. Several is better!
Some are of poor quality and do little good.
Fuel additives that work should work equally well in cars, and trucks.
I like products from Mega Power, as they have advantages to end fuel, filter, fuel pump, fuel injector, idling, intake, combustion, and exhaust problems - in cars, trucks, and equipment.
Mega Power ends more than just one problem to restore performance
They restore the like new performance you need - regardless of age or miles, or hours on them. That makes them the "best of the best!"
If you find they don't work as advertised, your money refunded. We go out on a limb with that guarantee. Few ask for one because these fuel additives work as promised.