Engine running hot2?
3 products that may cool it down. 

Engine running hot2 contact info. To order by phone, ask a question, order more inventory, call me ... george 1 512665 3388

 Engine running hot2 and overheating are the number one engine and transmission killers.

 Over 14 million engine and transmission repairs were reported to the industry record keepers during the year.  Most times there are simple inexpensive remidies. I'll list them for you to try.

 Of course, a $3000 to $6000 new engine or transmission is not in anyones outlook.

 Have a pro check the following common part failures to see if its the culprit. 


 Hot running conditions usually means new parts are needed. These are the common repairs with labor to end the problem. [In Texas]

  • A radiator that needs replaced.  About $250
  • A fan is not turning on.  About $225
  • A Waterpump is bad.  Bad radiator gap.  About $250
  • A thermostat fails to open. About $150
  • A bad head gasket.  About $2500 up.

 Some try the following additives first an usually, they are way overdo on servicing.

 Here are 3 premium products for engine running hot2 cooling troubles.  They offer a 50/50 chance of success. The services preclean the 3 systems.  New parts can work at maximun cooling if replaced year after year.  Cleaning to prevent overheaing is reco-ed every 2 years for radiators and transmissions. Every 6000 miles for engines.

  • A top quality engine flush and with cooling conditioners such as Mega Powers Worn Motor Treatment.  About $250
  • A top quality radiator flush with COOL conditioners such as Mega Powers Radiator Service Treatment.   About $235
  • A top quality transmission flush with cool conditioners such as Mega Powers Transmission Treatment.  About $200

   Mechancal failure in the system

  Bad Thermostat: The most common car/equipment running hot problem is the mechanical failure of the cooling system thermostat. A $25 device that cost up to $200 to replace. When it fails, it stays shut limiting the coolant flow to the radiator for cooling. Replace it.

  Fan Failure:  A sensor in the engine or radiator turns on voltage flow to the fan which blows air over the radiator when engine  coolant temperatures reaches 180 to 212 degrees. Fan failure, or sensor failure will cause overheating. An a/c mechanic can check them out and replace  them, if bad. Fan replacement 'cost run several hundred dollars. Its a Do-it-yourself replacment for the handy. 

  Head gasket, manifold, radiator, heater core coolant leak or plugged up problem : These occur when old coolant is not replaced every two years. It eats holes in weak spots causing coolant loss and overheating. Head gasket and minfold gaskets require engine dismantaling and approriate repairs. Cost can run to $4000.   

  Below:  The 3 Mega Power Engine Running Hot2 Primium Service Products detailed

  Radiator. Start the cooling restoring at its end, the cooling system where it backs up. And Mega Powers Radiator Running Hot Primium Service is what you need. The professional method with Do-it-yourself ease. It removes acids, scun and scale blocking heat flow. Adds stop leak for that need. And takes the free oxygen out of the coolant. One of the 3 services needed to lower engine running hot trouble. If a new radiator is needed, it will have a clean system to properly to cool in. Sold below. Anti-freeze not included.  Just $55. A $99 value. Click cart button to order.

Mega Powers Radiator Service Treatment offers multible ways to end engine running hot problems. Exceeds every 2 year System Servicing Requierment. Contain system Flush, /stop leak, Cool. Note: Anti-freeze not included.  For professional and Do-it-yourselfer. Sold online.

Mega Powers Engine Treatment Lowers the heatload and transfer out.Mega Powers Engine Treatment Lowers the heatload and transfer out.

1,2,3. Mega Powers Famous Engine Treatment is the secret to true engine cool running protection and its long life benefits. It cools by removing sludge from both top and oil side. Friction reduction adds to the engine running hot troubles. Order the two ways to end engine running hot problems. Service both Radiator $55 and Engine Treatment. $99.00 NOW both for $99 total. $20 shipping may apply. Order them for your vehicles.  Satifaction Guarantee. Sale Today! Both items $99 shipped to your door."  Order now...

Think about your transmission's heat load. Add this to your order and put the cool nd more life in it, too!

Why Service Your Transmission, too!

 The Mega Power Transmission Service Product has cleaners to remove scum in its system. If allowed to be dirty, repair is an easier possibility. if repaired, it will mean the new parts will have a clean system to operate in.

 Using the most advance chemistry to cool the radiator, engine and  transmission, heat transfer to the outside transfer out 40% faster. A value  it has lost due to scum, sludge and frictions arrival. 

It is true that engine heat loads are considered normal.

With age and long waits at red lights, going up long grades, and pulling a trailer push temperatures to the extremes. Waiting is not wise nor economical.

You have a 50/50 chance of success with these 3 products - and they should be the service protecting your good vehicles, too. Cleaning is always in your favor. and with friction elimination lower temperatures this way is all in your favor. 

      Motor Running Hot Help Your Vehicles Need And Are Crying For.

  Buy all three service products and Save over $100. And do your cars right with this truly great special. The 3 service kits from Mega Power ON SALE for a limited time.  Just $150 for the 3 total shipped to your door.  12 products total. Tips to have the quick lube help you at no more cost. 


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