Engine Options : What's New! Could there be better cheaper ways to end engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems you're missing out on?

Engine Options : What's New!

Could there be better cheaper ways to end engine transmission radiator steering and a/c problems you're missing out on?

What Vehicle Owners Say Happened After Installing Our Newest Engine Problem-Ending Treatment ...

Engine Fix Options:

Jerry, owner of a fleet of trucks, says....

“I want to tell you, the mechanic at Caterpillar was absolutely blown away when he seen the improvement your Mega Power’s Worn Engine Treatment had on ending the blow-by on my older diesel "cat" engine - my daily user.

He was amazed because.... and to tell you the truth, so was I, as the last time he seen my truck it had a heavy blowby problem. A nasty engine oil blowing film all over the engine. It had black bluish exhaust smoke belching out, and a 4 gallon oil burning problem between oil changes. He instantly concluded, I overhauled the engine to end those problems - not from using your engine treatment additive to fix its problem.

Over the months since then, your fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering treatments have ended other problems that from time to time, use to cost me expensive downtime - your Mega Power Treatments have done me a lot of good.

Since them, normal day-to-day troubles that ate my lunch money just stopped happening! I think my bottom line is improving as well.

Thanx for introducing to me to your additive concept of older truck care. I've used a lot of others that just didn't quite own up to their claims. So...

I can't tell you the relief it gives me every day I wake up knowing, I've got something in my trucks now avoiding engine and gear troubles. Thanks again for selling that product - I took a big risk laying out a few thousand dollars to treat my trucks with it. Not knwoing - even though I read your ravs about them, if they would cause more trouble for me, or not. However, you can tell, I'm more than pleased that they do what you say it does!" Jerry. Ohio.

What a Vehicle Owner Says About The Engine Stop Leak Treatment....

   "On my One Year Old Ford Diesel Pick Up - the treatment stop the rear  engine oil seal leak; the dealer couldn't! Your Mega Power additive tip treatment avoided what was to be another $1500 seal repair the dealer wanted - to end the seal leak."  Brian. San Marcos, Tx

What a Car Owner Says About The Engine Options for Oil Burning

    98 Honda owner - "no longer burns 4 quarts of oil between oil changes. The mechanic said, my engine needed a $3000 'piston ring job' to fix it.

    Online, I found your Mega Power Additive for oil burning. I ordered it thinking it was another rip off! Mega Power ended my oil burning in less than 30 minutes - as the smoke from the exhaust - just stop coming out - the sign it was doing so.  My Honda been burning no oil for the last 6 months, and running great since then - and for a $100 additive, not a $3000 repair."

Stopping engine valve tapping...

    "Stop my valve lifter tap in minutes when a synthetic oil change couldn't. And my mechanic wanted over $4000 to end it by overhaul"

Revitalizing Older, Even Worn Sluggish Engines -

   "I bought an older Chevy Astro Cargo Van with 124,400 miles on it. It was pretty weak running - but otherwise sounded OK. I looked for a product to help it. Came across your web site of an  oil change treatment to end its sluggish ways. It did that in less than a day and quit burning 2 to 3 quarts of oil between oil changes. I thought it was worn out! I thought a new motor was needed! Not any more, Thanks to your Mega Power Engine Treatment."

Why different. Why Better!

   Unlike every other additive that just treats the oil - or cleans dirty injectors. What is needed is additives to crawl where oil can't, to clean, free, and smooth out rough, binding problems. Those features end problems they cause. On pistons, bearings, and valves and gears returning their trouble-free state.

Now, with them you can fix without a wrench and without mechanical knowledge by adding my recommended additives to the gas oil or fluids. They have the power to end your operating or mechanical problems like:

Cleaning dirty fuel injectors.

Remove combustion carbon knock.

Removes engine sludge.

Unstick rings.

Ends tapping valves.

Lowers emissions.

End exhaust smoke problems.

Ends oil burning and blowby.

Stop head gasket leaks

-without plugging up the cooling system

Smooths out shifting.

Each a true fix.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Not just  for mechanics, but just plain men and women like you who value their vehicles. And want a better fix.

Try them at no risk so you can see they are your best auto tune up and repair options like we did.  I'm your expert here educating you about them, best I and others know how from first hand usage. Your best DIY auto rune up and repair options.

   You will be amazed as I was because.... and to tell you the truth, it had a heavy blowby problem. A nasty engine oil blowing film all over the engine. It had black bluish exhaust smoke belching out, and a 4 gallon oil burning problem between oil changes. I concluded it saved me an overhaul. I should be selling this product.

Over the years since then, I've seen it end the worst of fuel, engine, gear, radiator, and power steering problems that from time to time, use to cost me expensive downtime -  Mega Power Treatments seem to work them all out.

Over 12 months, after that first cat engine experience, I have now serviced every component on a dozen cars and trucks the way you showed me to do. Since them, normal troubles that ate my lunch money just stopped happening! I think my bottom line is improving from your products help.

Thanx  to the different inventors who figured out how to end  engine and gear troubles chemically. Thanks again for selling a product - that does what it says it does!" george

What a Vehicle Owner Says About The Stop Leak Treatment....

"On my One Year Old Ford Diesel Pick Up - the treatment stop the oil seal leak; the dealer couldn't!" Your additive tip and treatment avoided a $1500 repair the dealer wanted - to end the seal leak.

What a Car Owner Says About The Engine Oil Burning Treatment:

98 Honda owner - "no longer burns 4 quarts of oil between oil changes. The mechanic said, my engine needed a $2000 'piston ring job' to fix it. Online, I found your Mega Power Additive for oil burning. I ordered it thinking it was another rip off! Mega Power ended its oil burning in less than 30 minutes - as the smoke from the exhaust - showing its was doing so. My Honda been burning no oil for the last 6 months, and running great since then - and for a $100 additive, not a $3000 repair"

Stopping engine valve tapping...

"Stop my valve lifter tap in minutes when a synthetic oil change couldn't. And my mechanic wanted over $4000 to end it by overhaul

"Revitalizing Older, Even Worn Sluggish Engines -

"I bought an older Chevy Astro Cargo Van with 124,400 miles on it. I looked for a product to help it. Your oil change treatment ended its sluggish ways, and it quit burning 2 to 3 quarts of oil between oil changes. I thought it was worn out! I thought a new motor was needed!" Not any more, Thanks to your Mega Power Engine Treatment.

Why Different. Why Better Engine Options!

Unlike every other additives that just treat the oil - today's oil don't need treatments. What is needed is Mega Power to go where common additives and oil can't, to clean, free, and smooth rough problem causing conditions ending the problem they cause. On pistons, bearings, and valves retruning their trouble-free state. Now, with them you can fix without a wrench and without mechanical knowledg, by adding them to the gas oil or fluids to end your operating or mechanical problems like:

Cleaning dirty fuel injectors

Remove combustion carbon knock.

Removes engine sludge.

Unstick rings.

Ends tapping valves

Lowers emissions.

Exhaust smoke problems.

Ends oil burning and blowby.

Smooths out shifting.

And others for a true fix.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Not just mechanics, but just plain men and women like you who value their vehicles

Try them at no risk so you can see they are your best auto tune up and repair options. I'm your expert here educating you about them, best I and other can. Your best auto rune up and repair options. Home page:

End engine options.

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