Engine help: Using additives
New products to solve more problems.
Strong, fast acting, guaranteed
What engine help can an additive provide?
This page list the most popular problem-solving products.
Lets start with
The strongest, best all around additive treatment on the market today.The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment work fast, solves many problems, may end yours. It is customer recommended.
Click for our Review of the
Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment
You can also call me for help and to answer questions avout your car or equipment problem. Call me, george, at 1 512 665 3388
Below are several products to help your cars, trucks, equipment end a performance problem, run better, longer.
Engine helping additives.
ENGINE PROTECTOR #GS...2 Product Package. Deep Cleans, Protects
...Reduces Oil, Gas waste, Cleans Injectors,
...Combustion, and Exhaust System
...Add to Fuel Tank & Motor Oil.
...Extends oil change life 2000 miles
...Removes fuel tank condensation. Friction Modifies
2 item Kit. 6 kits to a case. $90+ $15s&h= $105 total.
Retail 2 item kit $29+ $10S&h= $39 total.
Engine Tune up. Cleaner. Revitalizer
...QUICK CLEANING FORMULA. Fast acting. Not Smelly
...Add to Gas, to oil, to Vacuum or Fuel Rail Feeder
...Great, instant Engine Revitalizer. Returns smooth operation.
...Car owners best all around friction reducing protector
...Ends fuel waste, power loss, tap, excessive blowby.3-kit pak. $35ec. Case of 6, $150= $20s&h= $170.
Retail installed. $69 to $120
TRANSMISSION Conditioner MPTS#3 12oz
...Several uses. Approved, ATF Fluid Converter
...Boost fluid strength to exceed ATF specs
...Smooths Rough Shifts in 25 – 50 miles
...Lowers Fluid Temperature 5 – 15 degrees
...As a Friction Modifier, Stops Converter Chatter
...A Tow Truck Owners best transmission protector
...Just add and Drive. Automatic and Stick-shifts, too!
Case of 12. $96= $20s&h= $116 total. Retail to $22
Don't forget about seeing the road clearly at night
...LENSBRITE removes Lens Oxidation. Head light, tail light lens
...Looks clear again. See better at night while driving
...Easy. Rub lens with cleaner using, included buffer
...Then polish shinny. That’s it! Does 4 cars
...Foot-size display. Place near cash register
...Eye-catching. - Invites purchase
...LenzBrite. Case of ten. $65= $15s&h= $80 total. $5..50 ec Retail. $15 to $19
To order, ask a question cll 512 665 3388
...Mega Power Products. Mega Oil. Mega Filters
...Flo-matic Fluid Exchangers 512-665-3388
...512 353-1164 gchrist@corridor.net
Engine help that works - guaranteed!
More engine help. Great worn motor treatment
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