More income for auto repair owners comes when the owner learns "P V."

PV provides much more more income for auto repair owners.

Show your business income smarts using PV!

The principle most struggling businesses don't use.

PV?  The secret you need for your success. The secret others are using to attract your customers.

Call me and I'll send you the article on "P V."  george 512 665 3388

Call. Say: "I want the Free report on PV, please," when you call. 

PV is the term applied to what successful repair shop owners offer, those repair shops that struggle don't provide!

How I discovered as a repair shop owner what gave me the PV... that consistently makes me 5 weeks income in 3.

  • As a tune repair shop owner I would struggle with less-than-expected-income month after month, and blamed everything as the problem.
  • And why not! I did good work. Offered fair prices. Even ran great specials to attract customers. 
  • However, those good business features were not enough to send my income upward.

Why? I wondered. Pursuing the answer led me to 3 professors at Ohio State University - the thre are the top teachers to students and marketing advisors to businesses after 20 years of research in what makes one business successful, while identical one fail.  They have partially what i needed and I found the rest of the secret. of  whats needed PV is needed for a shop owner to make all the income he want - in half the time. PV - the secret to what makes a business successful contains the secret I needed for my success.

That led me to the story below.

After failing several time  over several years owning a repair shop I went on a hunt to find the secret I needed. Not known what it was. Called, having PV.

From the professors, I discovered most businesses struggle and fail because they feel discounts and hard work are the ideas that bring success.

Discounts and hard work are needed, but must have a PV for success.... they taught!

To find it in your business most shop owners won't experiment. They rather suffer and have their family suffer than venture new ideas that could also fail.

I don't know if they fear failure, or not!

Thinking its a shameful event.

It's not, of course. Edison failed nearly 3000 times over the years - then got the one light bulb idea to work. And auto repair shop owners must do the same to succeed:

  • If they were firemen, they would quit answering alarms because some were false alarms.
  • So, auto repair shop owners won't touch anything like what requires a little studying. "That's for school kids," they think. However, the money makers never stop learning and experimenting.
  • That is true of Learning about "P V."
  • Learning to use P V  means  tens of thousands more income for auto repair-owner to take home.

"P V" is a research term, a psychological way  of human nature, working for each human in their sub-conscious - that helps them improve their chances for more for their buck spent.

So, I worked testing what it would be for me.

As a shop owner, I P V to be a simple extension of my own PV>

Its using what I select to help my cars and equipment operate in a new and better way - and additives from 2 additive makers provided that PV.

If you read this far...

You are wondering what the heck "P V" means. And, how it could double your income in 12 months?


For the business owner who wants more income - be an Edison.

If you're a fireman, you never know if its a false alarm until you answer the call.  And, you never know if the next rock you turn over will have a hunk of gold under it.

What and where we go with this!

What You need is a new idea to believe in, and new Products to support that belief.

We invite you to promote what customers want from a repair shop. It is this improvement you can supply with your car care and its servicing, not given now that has more customers emptying more money in your lap for its money saving, worry avoiding service - we teach you to do!

This must use product from Mega Power adds a new and different way to impress customers and motivate them to return to buy your Mega Power Services to show your superior value to customer who won't be enticed to shop elsewhere anymore with the ideal care Mega Power helps you provide.

Mega Power offers your customers avoidable wear and tear problems as their car ages -and give you the power to profit off your customers future business- not competitors - not the new car dealer - a big competitor.

It would produce more business and double your take home income!

Customer Getters, Me, and Mega Power Products has put together the program to help you understand how to use PV, to add this secret to your success.

Call me to send you the article on "P V."  george 512 665 3388

Call. Say: "I want the Free report on PV, please," when you call. 


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