Automotive oil additives.
Ending oil burning, valve tap, rough shift, leaks, and other problems - to get you back on the road faster, while lowering their care expense.

Automotive oil additives Contact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed, call me at 512 665 3388... george

Since the Model A days, automotive oil additives have gone from removing sludge from engines, to thickening the oil to fill worn spaces, to additive treatments for fixing hundreds of problems - that avoids their repair need.

A leader in the problem-solving additive field is Mega Power.

With a bumper to bumper list of problem solvers, I'll walk you through which treatment provide solutions with links for your concern:

  • Fuel Performance Problems: To clean fuel injector and carbon knock problems. Rough idle, Stalling. De-smog exhaust.
  • Engine Problems :  Break-in, oil burning, lifter and valve tapping, and for worn engines to revitalize them.
  • Transmission Problems : To prevent and end rough shift, jerks, slipping. Gear growl, and 4x4 shifting problems. Lower gear box and differential overheating.
  • Radiator Problems ; End overheating, head gasket and manifold leaks, heater leaks. Tow overheating.
  • Steering Pump Problems : End leakage, whine, hard turning.
  • A/C Cooling : Lower compressor heat,  lower vent cooling. Stop leaks, remove carbon deposits, restore compression, stop oil burning, end taping, restore loss of power, and end exhaust emission problems.
  • >>>Mega Power Oil Additives - assemble as a treatment will help your vehicles, avoid their costly, avoidable repairs, from now on!

REVIEW: automotive oil additives: types - good and bad.

There are 3 types of ingredients commonly used

  1. Solvent based additives used as a flush or rinse, to rid the motor of sludge. Not Good!
  2. Those to un-stick a stuck valve. Usually are a light oil with a mild cleaning characteristic. Good!
  3. Mega Power chemical based automotive oil additives. The superior product to get you back on the road running good as new! Better!

Mega Power Brand better automotive oil additives are superior because they have  both a cleaning, and friction reducing  ingredients. The benefit is to end your vehicle problems and keep them  on the road and out of repair shop.

Mega Power ingredient's are called friction modifiers for this reason.

Newer motors with Mega Power in them avoid surface scouring and excessive friction wear - during the "break-in" period. The benefit is engines and gears have reduced heat, noise, and maintain power and shifting smoothness. As this customer experienced.

Short history of automotive oil additives:

    Solvents as a flush appeared in the model A Ford days.

    Chemicals based additives started with Wynn's Friction, and Justice Brothers, and Mega Power Automotive Oil Additives. 

    STP popularized a thick gooey oil addditives after WW2.

    Detergents began being added to additives in the 1980's like in BG44K.

    My experience has been to chose chemical anti-wear cleaners and protectors because of their automotive problem solving capabilities for the car and equipment owner that detergent and solvent type products cannot provide.

    Although not automotive problem-solvers, some still sell, profitable-to-them, but harmful solvents as the main ingredient, or a honey-like oil thickener.

  • Problems and damage are regularly reported. Read the label. Be an ingredients reader to spot harmful solvent causing products. Stay away from them!

 Our pick!  Mega Power Additives! These offer several needed advantages to remove water in fuel, dissolve varnish, and remove carbon. Other brands may make water pick up in the fuel tank, and burnable like Mega Power.

For various fluid leaks, check out these newer, better, multipurpose oil and fluid stop leaks.

Mega Power includes.... Top automotive oil additives for

    Engines, transmissions, cooling systems, steering, and air conditioning systems with age, wear, leak, power loss, tap, and such problems. And for brand new and rebuilt engines and transmission friction, heat, and break-in modifying.

    As engines and transmissions become smaller, more powerful, and High tech, so have motor oils and fluids. We can run oils and fluids thousands of miles longer, but they produce new problems. Mega Power's newer type additives are sold to end those problems, too.

    There are even Mega Power additives to make your older, worn car, truck, heavy equipment, and RV's perform great again. Mike says, "they have his older car sing a happy new song again" - really. Note the problem solving help they offer.

    Our most popular automotive oil additives to end oil burning, valve tap, rough shift, leak

Hope this automotive additive review

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Automotive oil additives Contact info: On a smartphone, to ask a question, order items listed, call me at 512 665 3388... george

America's Expert on automotive and Industrial additives. Call me, for free help. That's what I'm here for at 512 665 3388

Other automotive oil additives notes.

    In newer vehicles Mega Power Oil Additives avoid or end friction wear and performance problems; and stop leaks, remove carbon deposits, restore compression, stop oil burning, end taping, restore loss of power, and end exhaust emission problems - other additives sold, cannot!

    What you will learn here will help you have better running vehicles, that run like new years down the road, when others, using other means of car care - don't gain the anti-wear factor Mega power offers, and have overhaul repair needs - your vehicles avoid!

    Mega Power Oil Additives and their treatment helps vehicles  run great and avoids costly repairs. Benefits your cars and budget desperately need! ..... george


    Make sure your automotive oil additives are not a solvent based product when you are checking its contents.  Mega Power uses no solvents.  Not having solvents as the cleaner means Mega Power will clean your engine clean - but not cause friction problems like other additive  engine flush brands do.

    Make sure your radiator stop leak has no strings, pellets, or fibers - that will also stop-up the small passageways in newer car and truck radiators and heater cores. Mega Power uses no strings, pellets, or fibers in their stop leaks. Not having such means Mega Power will "end the problem" - but not cause new problems like other additive brands do.

    Never add a solvent engine, transmission stop leak to them. Solvents destroy oils lubricity - and you don't need that kind of trouble.

    That's why we sell Mega Power automotive oil additives with friction reducing, anti-wear, and friction modification features. Mega Power contain MC+ ingredients  and the reason for ending common internal operating problems [about 400] and will have you again enjoying your cars run smoother, shift smoother, run cooler operation, years longer.

    Mega Power automotive oil additives will end your radiator, motor, transmission, gears, A/C, and power steering problems. These are guaranteed to please, or free to you.

Some products are harmful. We'll give you a quick review of them

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