For Lucas Oil Additive Users Who Want Stronger And Faster Results.

Review: Lucas Oil Additives Alternatives Contact Info: On a smart phone, to ask a question, order items listed, call at 512 665 3388.

Looking For A Stronger, Perhaps Better Problem Solving Additive than Lucas to help end engines with an:

  • Oil Burning, 
  • Valve Tapping, 
  • Compression Blow-by,
  • And High Mileage Sluggish Problem?

What I Discovered That Works Better!

  While I have added STP - and Lucas to Older Engines to help them get over the above problems. Results were not always desirable.

   By Chance, As a mechanic, and owner of older cars and equipment with such problems, I was introduced to the Justice Brothers, and Mega Power Brand of Additives.

    Justice Brothers, and Mega Power Brand of Additives offered marvelously oil-thin operating features to end those problems - without adding more sticky-ness to already sticky, operating conditions  - that STP and Lucas provides you.

     What most Mechanics don't like about Lucas - thick, honey-like stickiness they do some good!

Let's consider those 2 Lucas Oil Additive Features Compared to Other Additives: 

  1. Its Cheap!
  2. It's good for engines on their last leg.
  3. Justice Brothers, and Mega Power Brand of Additives can help such engines end internal problems, and operate quite nicely, and go a few more years for you.

So, mechanic's know its important to clean your motor and it's several sub-systems that cause a loss of power, and Justice Brothers, and Mega Power Brand of Additives offer those features.

    Proper cleaning by Justice Brothers, and Mega Power Brand of Additives  act as a restorer of lost power with several friction modifiers Lucas Oil Additives do not have - and reason for their cheaper price.

    Mechanic's who use Justice Brothers, and Mega Power Brand of Additives grow to love their help to restore a new-like performance  -in worn engines.

    You seldom ever see a mechanic use Lucas as they can compare easily to see if the product produces a restoring value, the customer is also looking for.

    Instead of using Lucas Oil Additives, us older loving vehicle owners and who are mechanics install Justice Brothers, and Mega Power Brand of Additives.

    Justice Brothers additives are sold only by a mechanic in their shop.

    Lucas is sold in part stores and truck stops for its lo-cost appeal. Mega Power Brand of Additives is also sold to mechanic at wholesale inventory pricing and   online, with its product education, tip, directions given by me for any who wants that help.

    end engine high mileage, oil burning, low compression motor - to end those problems and also blow-by, stuck valve lifters that tap tap tap, sticky valves that cause rough idle and stalling, and sticky piston rings that cause your motor to burn oil.

If you're like me, you may feel there's a time when your motor needs an additive. But, you may feel that adding a heavy, thick, honey-like Lucas Oil additive product to your motor may not provide the extra help and protection your motor needs.

This chart and Review list what popular additives do and the help they give.

Lucas is sold in part stores and truck stops for its lo-cost appeal. Mega Power Brand of Additives is also sold to mechanic at wholesale inventory pricing and   online, with its product education, tip, directions given by me for any who wants that help.

Lucas oil additive ingredient reviewLucas oil additive ingredient chart review.

The Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment

    Is the product your car needs. Order now to clean your motor and end your motor's sticking and binding parts like pistons, bearings, valves, valve lifters, and clean the many engine parts wherever oil, air, fuel, combustion, and exhaust flow. This cleaning cleans your tune up sensors, dirty spark plugs and engine idle circuits. No trouble maker is missed!

    With Mega Power the product also clean your tune up sensors, dirty spark plugs and engine idle circuits - just by installing what is called the Mega Power Engine Treatment in your gas and oil. Several cleaners, friction modifiers, and conditioners are included and a 2 step install does so easily. Order below and have it delivered with instructions and phone help included - below.

    Mega Power cleaning conditioning and fortifying is what will end your problems like oil burning, low compression, blow-by, valve tapping, and power decline problems. And clean your tune up sensors, dirty spark plugs and engine idle circuits. That is the product your motor needs now - to restore it performance and put off costly overhaul indefinitely!

This chart shows you what Lucas Oil additives, and other additives can and cannot do. It may help you chose an additive to end your specific engine problem.

Your motor's hidden problem-causing problems need to be removed.

  1. As you can imagine, as your car miles add-on, your motor's oil cannot overcome the growth of residue accumulations on your pistons, bearings, valves and gears.
      You don't want a thick, honey-like Lucas Oil product mixing in with already sticky accumulations in your motor do you? Those conditions require deep cleaning power, surface conditioning, and friction modifying to end your motor's problems, and Lucas does not provide those deep cleaning power, surface conditioning, and friction modifying advantages.
  2. We recommend Mega Power to clean sticky residue accumulations on your pistons, bearings, valves, valve lifters, and gears - and also clean the many engine parts wherever oil, air, fuel, combustion, and exhaust flow.

    Mega Power does so as your drive after you add Mega Power to your gas and motor oil.

      Otherwise, for that cleaning, you will pay us mechanics $2000 + to do so when we take apart your motor.

    Add Mega Power to your gas and motor oil to clean, free, protect every part.Add Mega Power to your gas and motor oil to clean, free, protect every part.
  3. Now, you can chemically clean those engine parts as you drive with Mega Power. The product is complex in cleaning action, but simple to install by any car owner. What the chart shows is that your motor really needs a different product, the Mega Power to get its former clean-like state where each part moves freely to get its new power back. That requires the strongest cleaning additives made and Mega Power has them: Mega Power cleans and frees your sticking rings and valves and sensors. 
  4. Smooths wear-roughen surfaces, and adds a protective coating And Contains MC+ additives that friction modify That is what your motor needs to end its power and performance problems. 
  5. That is what is needed to restore your motor's dependability for years to come. See picture of most common problem causing areas. Driving the restoring. nothing to take apart. Easy for any non-mechanic man or women to install - just like the pros do. You also get my personal phone number if you require more 
  6.  To have Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment sent to you - Order now on line or by phone. Just $95+ $15 s&h= $110 total. Special right now includes FREE SHIPPING! Includes 6 products shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx.
  7. Buy two treatments for 2 cars. $150 total. Includes 12 items for two car treatments - Extra Special = Get our MP #120 great all purpose lube spray. A $12.95 value, Free! 13 items, $150 total. Save $62.

    Buy one treatment for your motor and one for your transmission. 9 items, just $150 total. Includes 9 items, 6 for the motor needed, and 3 for transmission problem solving protection needed. Extra Special = Get our MP #120 great all purpose lube spray. A $12.95 value, Free! 13 items, Just $150 total. Save $62.

    Order by check, MO, CC to address below.

    George Christ Factory Distributor. Tech Trainer. 210 Durango Street. San Marcos Texas 78666 Call to ask a question or purchase by calling me at 512 665 3388

    Phone, mail order, or Online ordering is Secure.

    Removing Combustion ring and valve carbon is what an additive should do.Removing Combustion ring and valve carbon is what an additive should do.

    All the above residue and friction is your motor problem.>/B>

    Friction and residue removal is what your motor needs! The question is this. What additive brand can do all that for your motor?

      As you can see in the chart, only one brand of additives - Mega Power, can do all the cleaning and friction reduction your motor needs.

      Removing Combustion ring and valve carbon is what Mega Power does.Removing Combustion ring and valve carbon is what Mega Power does.

      Order Mega Power Now while you have the chance. Mega Power is sold to end the above problems and satisfy you completely, or your money refunded! Please Note: 2 refunds requested last 267 days!

      Please note: 2 refunds ask for last 267 days.

      Mega Power is easy to install. Driving does the fix. Instant motor rejuvenation is what you get to enjoy again - sometimes for years! You know you need it. Order it now!

      Order Now! In a few days, enjoy driving a restored like-near-new performance again - with the help from this invention.

      Add Mega Power to the gas and oil and air intake and drive. Driving the restoring. nothing to take apart. Easy for any non-mechanic man or women to install - just like the pros do. You also get my personal phone number if you require more

      To have Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment sent to you - Order now on line or by phone.

      Just $95+ $15 s&h= $110 total. Special right now includes FREE SHIPPING! Includes 6 products shown. Simple pour-in and drive instructions. Guarantee. My personal help by phone. Shipped to your door in 3 days by FedEx.

      Buy two treatments for 2 cars. $150 total. Includes 12 items for two car treatments - Extra Special = Get our MP #120 great all purpose lube spray. A $12.95 value, Free! 13 items, $150 total. Save $62.

      Buy one treatment for your motor and one for your transmission. 9 items, just $150 total. Includes 9 items, 6 for the motor needed, and 3 for transmission problem solving protection needed. Extra Special = Get our MP #120 great all purpose lube spray. A $12.95 value, Free! 13 items, Just $150 total. Save $62.

      Order by check, MO, to address below.

      George Christ Factory Distributor. Tech Trainer. 210 Durango Street. San Marcos Texas 78666 Call to ask a question or purchase by calling me at 512 665 3388

      Phone, mail order, or Online ordering is Secure.

      How do you install Mega Power and Other Lucas Oil additive details.

      Mega Power is a pour-in-n-drive worn motor treatment.

      It uses new anti-wear ingredients and a few minutes of driving to instantly restore any older motor's lost compression.

      Mega Power's cleaning, coating effect stops oil burning, valve tap, and leaks for years of renewed, new-like dependability. It goes where oil cannot and "fixes the problem in one of 3 ways." Explained in detail on other pages: see links below.

      So effective we give it a 3 month unheard of Test Period guarantee. It pleases or its free! Warning. Mega Power advantages will want you to add Mega Power to the transmission, radiator, power steering, and air conditioner, to protect them and return their like new dependability! Lucas Oil additives, review,and other motor oil treatments.

      So, I want you to know I've used Lucas Oil additives in my car. What's the argument for and against Lucas. Some people suggest that adding thick honey-like Lucas Oil to the motor helps. Does it?

      The purpose for Lucas is to make your [A-]oil thick and gooey and it does seem to [B-]help reduce oil burning and engine noise, doing so. However...

      Lucas does not remove harmful wear and problem causing friction and sticky residues anywhere in your motor. Residues are the cause of older motor problems. Consider...

      Mechanics know its important to clean your motor's several sub-systems that cause a loss of power and need cleaning to end those dirty conditions, and restore lost power. They make half of their income off cleaning. You seldom ever see a mechanic use Lucas.

      Your motor's internal sub-systems have a major impact on exhaust smoke, oil burning, power decline, tapping noise, and faster wear out. From the chart - Mega Power specifically ends those problems for you by means of special cleaners.

      Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment is better. Does more,Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment is better. Does more.

      Products that do more for your motor and your budget.

      Introducing Mega Power

      Cleaning your motor's sub-systems with a product called Mega Power ends the cause of those negative conditions and slams the brakes on wear out - extending the time by years before overhaul is needed.

      I'l show you how easy it is to end those problems your motor has using Mega Power, below.

    Stopping the cause of the problem is better than thickening oil to mask them, wouldn't you say so?

      That's because today's motors are designed with close-tolerance clearances between your pistons bearings gears and such. And that means they require a water thin oil - Ow-5, Ow-10, 5w-10, as heavier oils impede lubrication, and this shortens the life of your motor.

      Since Lucas just thickens oil as its approach, others have seen a more comprehensive and complete approach is needed. One that will do much more good to ending your motor problem than just thickening your oil as Lucas Oil does.

    The additive product chart below shows the Mega Power brand to have such a complete coverage of motor improving advantages. That is good to know, as you shall see

      The charts top line names similar products to Lucas Oil additives. The left column covers ingredient advantages as best known about them and their advantage.

      This Lucas Oil Additives review

        Some people like Lucas Oil additives, some do not!

        As a rule, people do not like putting a quart of thick, gooey additive in their motor or transmission, like STP, Restore, and Lucas Oil additives. Some people like Lucas, some do not!

        The reason? - Your motor specs requires Ow 5, 5w 10, 10w 30 motor oil - which are all watery thin oils, and made for today's tight-fitting part tolerance engines and transmissions - and thick, gooey additives like Lucas thicken your oil and that takes away oils fast flowing characteristic.

        People that use additives to help their motor and transmission end a problem favor other brands - those that do not restrick oil flow, yet solve their motor and transmission problems Lucas cannot.

        If you want to buy Lucas Oil additives, go to the link at the end of the review.

        Instead of Lucas Oil additives, we favor and recommend the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment.

        Some people like Lucas Oil additives, some do not!

      Buy two treatments for 2 cars. $150 total. Includes 12 items for two car treatments - Extra Special = Get our MP #120 great all purpose lube spray. A $12.95 value, Free! 13 items, $150 total. Save $62.

      Buy one treatment for your motor and one for your transmission. 9 items, just $150 total. Includes 9 items, 6 for the motor needed, and 3 for transmission problem solving protection needed. Extra Special = Get our MP #120 great all purpose lube spray. A $12.95 value, Free! 13 items, Just $150 total. Save $62.

      Lucas Oil or Mega Power - you now have a choice.

      I think you will find

        Mega Power does more for what your car needs. Or I'll refund your money on the spot!

        Your car, truck, and equipment

        1. Will feel like it has more power going up hills, like a bigger motor would give with Mega Power installed in it. Your vehicles will operate, and run - much, much better, than when using Lucas.
        2. Look at the chart above again. You will see why I believe Mega Power corrects problems other additives cannot, and offers advantages other products do not have.
        3. The Mega Power video shows one of 6 Mega Power ingredients that ends wear problems Lucas does not.
        4. What else you should know about Lucas Oil, oil additives, and, motor oil treatments,

        5. Lucas is 30 year old additive technology - like STP and Restore. I think today's cars need today's chemical technology - because that is what works for today's car problems!

        Lucas Oil Additives Review

        As a mechanic, and also a supplier of additives to mechanics and C-stores for 20 years, I get a lot of feedback on what additives work - and those that do not. That includes what others say about the value of Lucas Oil Additives.

        Additives for sale. What they offer you

      If you are looking for a product to solve or prevent a wear or performance problem your car has.

      Watch this demo.

      It shows important Mega Power car-protecting, wear, and problem-solving advantages - that Lucas Oil Additives does not offer. Mega Power Oil Treatment Demo.

      By ending a verity of wear-caused problems, you think you just got the best tune up money can by! Something Lucas cannot produce for you as does Mega Power.

      What does Lucas Oil do?

        STP, like Lucas and other honey-like additives thickens your oil Thickening oil cannot clean where needed, nor stop metal migration, and friction drag - like Mega Power can.

        Lucas Oil additives are an oil thickening product and is not good for good engines. New motors are using "O"-w, 5w, 10W oil recommendations - as engine tolerances are much closer. Thickening the oil with larger molecules - like Lucas Oil Additives can seem to do, cannot be good in that situation. Also...

        Lucas Oil Additives can sometimes free sticky lifters by its ability to increase oil pressure - I believe. But it is limited to its ability to remove carbon in all the places where needed to clean and free sticky rings and valves in your motor - to restore full power - like Mega Power can!

        Remember, the demo shows how Mega Powers MC+ modifies friction, and its wear-reducing, friction-modifying advantages offers protection under extreme loads and extreme heat - which Lucas cannot.

      Is Lucas a repeat seller?

        The most common feature I notice about Lucas Oil displays is this. After a bit of time the products become soiled and slow movers.

        You can tell the first batch of products sold out.

        There was a re-order, and sales dropped off. After a couple months the slow-movers attract dust and soil. Why?

        The feedback is that Lucas is OK, but that's about it.

        Nothing about helping the car run better impresses car owners about Lucas - so why buy it again? Of course...

        Sometimes, you hear of a guy with an old engine, bragging about how Lucas did a miracle on his engine. I like that! But what is missing here is the point I noticed that Lucas Product sales drop down to a trickle after a few months.

      Lucas Oil; and oil additives in review.

      Another web sites; "Bob the oil guy," claims to show the disadvantages of Lucas Oil. I do not know Bob the oil guy. Bob maybe right about Lucas.

      Lets cover: STP. Restore, Lucas Oil Additives, and Mega Power Oil Treatment

        STP's original formula, I believe, started, and made this type of gooey, thick, molasses-like type of additive famous. Several new owners, over the years, seem to have weaken the original STP formula.

        I think this is true of WD 40. It was a sure-slick lube when first introduced. Now, I see they have a new "super" formula. Why? Maybe the current WD 40 was bought and sold a few times and each new owner of the brand weaken the formula to cut expenses, I believe. A bad marketing idea, for sure.

        I think Lucas may have started out as a weaker blend to pay for all its advertising. You see that a lot! They would have to sell the product for $50 a bottle - not $10, like Slick 50 did at first, to keep up the Hi-rolling TV and race car sponsorship expense.

        The other alternative to keep up ad expense with low sales volume, is to dilute the product, and up the price. I don't know for sure - maybe you do. Lucas is up $3 a bottle.

        STP now sells as low as $1.95 up. Slick 50; once $50 a bottle, now $9.95 up. Lucas was $4.95 - now $9 to $11. Volume for highly publicized additives pay the ad bill.

      The Product Line from Mega Power.

        Mega Power is mostly purchased by mechanics. They usually go through a case or more a month in my territory, on a restocking system.

        Were Mega Power ineffective, mechanics would soon be discouraged about the product and look for something they need that works.

      Why Mega Power works:

        You can feel Mega Power working and your engine is running stronger again after a treatment.

        Mega Power is different. Mega Power Cleaners are the strongest sold anywhere! and they are safe to use - not like harmful solvent based additives.

        Mega Power's problem-solving ingredients - including MC+ will solve your wear, and performance problem, and you can feel, see, hear, and drive the results - often just minutes after the install, or your money is cheerfully refunded.

      My Story

      I love the Mega Power Worn Motor Treatment; picture to the right. I have installed this treatment in many older and worn cars, truck, and all kinds of equipment - Those I would buy, to solve dozens of wearing-out problems.

      Then have great running cars and equipment. You can too, once you understand a few simple things about the complex advantages the product provides. I look for this type of problem when people sell their cars - and get them at a much lower price.

      A good profit is made when people willingly pay top dollar for the very same vehicle.

      My vehicles run trouble-free for years past what other experience and can't achieve with their method of care.

      Mega Power Treatment is really made for brand new motors

        And have been added to new cars on the assembly line to solve friction-caused problems.Mega Power was selected as best in a line up of additives sold world wide.

        However, most people become acquainted with it because its protecting advantages end engine, transmission, power steering, radiator cooling, fuel and combustion problem solving. More on...

        Lucas Oil, oil additives, review, motor oil treatments,

        Good for any motor or transmission showing any sign of a performance or shift problem caused by friction, sticky valves, carbon, dirty injectors, blow-by, oil burning. Even older, worn-out motors!

      You can read about the cures and fixes Mega Power has for different problems - and what people order from this site. Its right for your cars and equipment. The Mega Power Worn Motor Revitalizer

      You rarely never see STP or Lucas Oil in a garage used by a mechanic. They just don't offer advantages mechanics need, that's why!

        In c-stores, and in tune, repair and lube places where I stock and supply Mega Power additives, and in a few where I don't, but frequent for gas and a soda, I keep a little running tab on the inventory movement of STP and Lucas Oil products.

        I put a mark with my ballpoint on each End Lucas Oil label. When I come to restock my line of additives 3 or 4 weeks later, or go in for a soda, I check labels to see how many STP and Lucas products were sold and replaced with new. The new ones have no dot on them - so I know they are new.

        More on Lucas Oil additives

        Part stores and C stores sell about 2 to 4 bottles of Lucas and STP and 6 or more STP fuel treatments - a few Lucas Oil and gas treatments.

        The STP Gas Treatment seems to have better sales.

        What I learned about additives

        STP, Lucas, and MOA oil treatments do not have anti-wear in them - whereas, Mega Power has four anti-wears ingredients.

        Today's engines need 4 anti-wears.

        - and Mega Power includes 4 great anti-wear advantages other brands do not have to end wear and performance decline problems.

        I see a few mechanics using 44K, a good fuel injector cleaner.

        I compete big time against 44k and try to switch mechanics that use 44K to Mega Power. The BG engine and transmission salesmen salesperson tries to do the same to Mega Power users.

      The links shows the Mega Power Oil Treatment I favor. My opinion comes from feedback and my own experience. It's the reason I feel the Mega Power Brand offers better advantages than STP, Lucas Oil additives, MOA, and other brands of oil conditioning products. You car needs more power to end its dirty problem and keep it from getting worst. Mega Power does that for you better than any other brand! Even Lucas Oil Additives!

      If you want help with a performance, wear, or High mileage problem. This web site will help you find the right product to use, by checking out the link buttons on the left side of the page.

      Help is given on the why of that product needed, its install process and usage, to help you end your problem. Mega Power, the brand we favor, works equally well to protect your transmission, too. This link covers the
      Mega Power Transmission Treatment
      benefits and uses.

      End: Lucas Oil additives review. Mega Power makes my motor

      Mega Power site index

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