DIY Car Care:
Newest Fuel Injector Cleaner  Better. Offers Professional Results Faster. Cheaper. 

New vehicle care product options provide the means to clean away more engine causing problems than mechanics use to. Lower expenses keeping your cars and diesels going stronger longer and out of the repair shop

Mega Powers Fuel Injector Cleaner Product now adds Combustion Area Cleaning to now keeping both areas of your motor going strong.Mega Powers Fuel Injector Cleaner Product now adds Combustion Area Cleaning to now keeping both areas of your motor going strong.


Introducing Mega Power's Fuel Injector Cleaning and Combustion Area Cleaner. A new solution to amazing power improvements you give your engine when needed. 

   The better the combustion, the longer the engine last. Now, this is the product to make it so.

   Would you hop in the shower after a hard, dirty day at work and only clean your face, and skip removing the harmful crud over the rest of your body? NO! How about your engine cleaning? Why just clean the injectors when they dirty up the combustion area? Until now, your engine had to be taken apart to be cleaned.

  Now, it doesn't have be when you clean your fuel injectors with Mega Powers FISC Kit.

  Why do so when cleaning your dirty fuel injectors with products that ignore your engines grimy fuel/air intake manifold, the dirty idle adjuster, carboned up emission system,sticky fuel, exhaust valves, sluggish pistons, misfiring spark plugs, and dirty computer tuning o2 sensors when this product does it all in minutes!

  Well dirty combustion areas may be your motor's hidden engine operating problem, you may be blaming your injectors for those dirty engine problems  [ running up to $4000 for cleaning by repair ]. $4000 is a lot of money!

  Those dirty engine areas and parts are what you ignore by just cleaning fuel injectors.  So we combined 3 other cleaners making it so.

  A big improvement is now possible as a do it yourself car and diesel service with no internet complaints :

  • Cleans fuel injectors plus...
  • Air intake manifold 
  • The idle adjuster
  • The emission smog system 
  • The fuel, exhaust valves, pistons, spark plugs 
  • And computer tuning o2 sensors 

Cleans all these parts as they clean your dirty fuel injectors. 

Ordering  Now...  

Order this Mega Power Engine Tune up, Combustion, and  Injector Cleaner Treatment to give your motor its needed care.
Includes 3 items shown. Includes easy to install detailed instructions. No tools needed. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped by FedEx in 3 days to your home or business. Just $80 plus $15 s&h + tax= $102 total. Click cart button for delivery instructions.

Mega Power lowers the cost of fuel injector cleaning - and with this product to remove engine sludge - and smooths wear roughen surfaces at the same time. For a great engine power improvement while cleaning your engines dirty injectors. Made even easier here.

Even Better:  Why not remove engine  your sludge and smooth and fill worn spaces on every part as you clean your fuel injectors?


We're including our motor cleaning treatment for free with your injector cleaner purchase. If you hurry. Thousands sold. Limited supply.

Free!  A Mega Power's Worn Motor Treatment, $99 INCLUDED FOR FREE.

This offer includes the above dual injector and combustion cleaner and our famous engine cleaner and protector treatment.

I cali t the worn motor treatment for its power to make worn engines run as if overhauled.

The negative is to add it twice a year at oil changes to keep it working. I and thousands of users don't mind it as it offers a low cost way to help engines keep going strong. Its in all my engines keeping my cars going year after year - when otherwise  I would need new ones. 

Ordering info

    Mega Power Multi Tune up Injectors Cleaner Treatment. 3 items covered above.   Just $80 plus $15 s&h = tax7 total $102 

    One Mega Power Engine Cleaner Protector Treatment $102 for FREE with above purchase.    Just $80 plus $15s&h = tax7 total $102 

    This offer includes 6 items total as shown a $200+ Value. Just $102 for both products during this sale.

    Order extra sets to protect and clean both your car engines all the way.  Save more! Stock up. It may never be offered again! 

    Includes detailed instructions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped by FedEx in 3 days to your home or business.  Total $102 for both products during this sale Click cart button to order.



In fact, it cost $2000 to $5000 to take apart a faltering engine to clean ALL THE HUNDREDS OF PARTS by hand - our Mega Power Injector Cleaning Treatment CAN AVOID, does SO for at $99.

Easy install. Instant results!

THOUSANDS OF MEN AND WOMEN MOTORIST Have found it easy to install as gas and oil.

Nothing to take apart. Just add as shown where, and drive. Driving uses engine forces to do the cleaning. An oil change afterwards rids the entire motor of wear increasing, costly-to-repair troubles.

Now, any one can and do a professional injector service and clean and protect their entire motor in their driveway. Here's How!


  • Remove ENGINE SLUDGE waiting its turn to ruin your engine.
  • Open and clean dirty oil passage ways that may be clogged.
  • Clean and free piston oiling rings to reduce oil burning, 
  • Clean sticky valve lifters to stop tapping.
  • And recondition seals and gasket to stop or prevent oil leaks. 
  • And fill worn spaces WITH mc+ for a second life time out of your engine.
  • Free when you order online now, with your fuel injector cleaning treatment order.
  • Use below button to order this special, if offer has not ended.

Performance improvement Guaranteed!

This improvement to your motor care:

  • will have your engine run as if it has a bigger, racier engine - customer tell us.
  • and pay for itself by helping your car or rig go 20 to 40 more miles on each weeks fill up of fuel
  • I'm in love with this Mega Power Total Engine Treatment and radiator, steering, and transmission product 'fixes" has help me avoid thousands in avoidable car repairs!
  • My older cars have a new racy feel on the road.
  • Most go further on each tank of gas or diesel.
  • Last years longer than neighbors cars using other methods.
  • My family benefits with tens of thousands of avoided car repair and replacement expense put off for lack of need - thanks to Mega Power's products.

than just clean fuel injectors. It ends your motors spark plug misfire, removes carbon, frees and lubes engine piston rings and valves, restores idle smoothness, ends stalling, that is how to restore smooth power and fuel economy.

Mega Power's Fuel Injector and Engine Treatment Special. Get both clean injectors and your engine. Save $99.Mega Power's Fuel Injector and Engine Treatment Special. Get both clean injectors and your engine. Save $99.

You want a fuel injector cleaner that does more, cost way less? 

One that ends your motors spark plug misfire, removes carbon, frees and lubes engine piston rings and valves, restores idle smoothness, ends stalling, ticking, tapping and smooths and heals all other lower engine parts?

This is how to gain it all while cleaning your dirty injectors

DIY fuel injector, combustion, spark plug and engine tune up cleaner service product.

Mechanics and shop owners get odd on you when it comes to profit making. Many like to promote the most profitable product - even though a bit more buys the customer a lot more value.

This is true when you compare single-action fuel injector additives many mechanics use [about $12], to multi-purpose cleaners [$99]- I call the inside half of a real injector service product.

The best of such multi-purpose cleaners [$99] - and one company, Mega Power is out front of the pack, has even improved its multi-purpose injector cleaner value by adding friction modifiers and engine conditioners to work on deep inside power and wear problem makers - at the same time!

A powerful value for the lucky car owner whose has that kind of an educated mechanic working to the car owner's benefit.

Now sold as a Do-it-yourself product to car owners.

Ordering info

    One Mega Power Tune up Injectors Cleaner Treatment
    Includes 3 items as shown $80 plus $15s&h= 7 tax $102 total. Includes detailed instructions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped by FedEx in 3 days to your home or business.

2 Treatments: For two cars. 12 items.$65 each plus $15s&h= $145 total. Save $45

6 MPTUFIC Treatment: For fleet or repair garage resell. 36 items. $50 each plus $15s&h= $315 total Save $175.

To order Or ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388
Email me your question at

Compare the two fuel injector services and see what your money buys.

    Single action cleaning, the cheap way is by adding a $29 to $49 additive to the gas tank. You then drive and dirty injectors are cleaned as you drive. Not bad - just not enough cleaning involved.

    Taking the same or a flammable injector cleaner, and adding it to a pressurize device, connected to the fuel rail - the tube feeding fuel to your injectors, gas flow is blocked and full strength cleaner instantly cleans your motors fuel injectors. Just ($99 to $169) for that service.

      You come back a week later and say the car runs better, but you feel more is needed. Can something else be done, you ask?

      The reply is that, your combustion area where the pistons, spark plugs, and valves are, are probably dirty and need cleaning. Just $169 to $245 is the charge for that service.

    A week later you return with your car and say the previous fuel injector cleaning did good, but the cars zip and new power is not quite there, yet! What do you suggest ... now?, you say to the mechanic.

      The reply is that with your mileage, its time to remove the top portion of your motor and have the engine head, with all its many fuel and exhaust valves boiled out, machined and rebuilt. Cost runs $1500 up! If the piston rings are dirty and not working, that will be another $1000, he says.

      Now look what you gain with our product.

    Fuel injector and wear and residue performance problems affect all vehicles.

      Dirty fuel injectors are one reason for rough idle, stalling, and poor performance. Then there is friction, sticky residues, and wear also deter your motors power and shorten its life.

      For that, you need the Mega Power engine and fuel injector service product. You know what your car needs, order Mega Power now! In a few days, you'll have it to install. Its easy to do. And a few miles of driving will help impress yourself you did the right service - and you did it yourself - avoiding hundreds of dollars expense the mechanics way. Order now!

    Ordering info

      One Mega Power Tune up Injectors Cleaner Treatment
      Includes 6 items as shown $75 plus $15s&h= $90 total. Includes detailed instructions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped by FedEx in 3 days to your home or business.

      2 MPTUFIC Treatments: For two cars. 12 items.$65 each plus $15s&h= $145 total. Save $35

      6 MPTUFIC Treatment: For fleet or repair garage resell. 36 items. $50 each plus $15s&h= $315 total Save $175.

      To order Or ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388
      Email me your question at

      To order Or ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388
      Email me your question at

      Why just clean your injectors with a single purpose cleaner when you can use one that gets in there and cleans many other problem-causing trouble spots, too?

    If that is your motor problem, read on.

      We'll show you what's new to clean your injectors, and reduce friction, and wear, and end power loss, and clean your motors emission system, too! All those are power and performance loss contributors you can clean as well - to really have a better running car.

      We discovered this Do-it-yourself, injector cleaner from Mega Power - does all that for you. Their product is the 1st improvement in injector cleaning in 20 years.

    Besides being among the fastest,

      strongest cleaner available, their cleaners contain anti-wear ingredients.

      These little chemical workers circulate to every one of your motor internal trouble spots - and gets rid of them by one of several ways.

      Those ingredients have been ending injector, tune up, and wear problems - and adding years more trouble-free life to newer and older motors - and transmissions. Yes, you read that right! This product adds plenty of new advantages to your fuel injector cleaning and car care project.

    What you should know.

      Most injector cleaners sold in part stores and quick lubes are really not effective as a cleaner. They are good profit makers - I can assure you.

      Mechanics will usually sell you a stronger product like BG - to add to your gas or diesel fuel tank to clean your dirty injectors - as you drive. It works very well.

      However, since the 80's, other companies have come out with more beneficial ingredients that meet other critical internal needs of today's Hi-Tech cars and trucks. Mega Power offers unique advantages you will want.

    What else affects your motor's performance Mega Power will removed?

    These, for example:

      Your motor runs very lean. That means there is less fuel in the air/fuel mixture - for a fuel economy and smog reducing benefit - required by legislation to improve air quality.

      When you "lean" the fuel mixture, it burns hotter.

      Around 1800 to 2200 degrees, instead of around 1600 to 1800 degrees. Over time this extra difference in heat takes a toll on other engine parts - including those the car makers added to meet newer emission laws.

      Some of these add-on devices better-tune the motor as you drive. Other devices reduce harmful carbon monoxide, burn unburnt fuel, and reduce football stadium size volumes of exhaust poisons your motor spewed out your exhaust - each day. Yep! When cleaned on a yearly basis, your equipment does all that as you're driving down the road.

      Well anyhow, running hotter, your motor runs has more friction, more sticky residues. So, just cleaning fuel injectors ignores those tune up problems.

      Mega Power uses 6 of the best ingredients found to clean all those components along with your injectors, including:

        Pistons rings for more compression
        Their 8 to 24 valves that let fuel in, exhaust out. That ends tapp noise, rough idle, stalling, lousy fuel economy
        Valve lifters
        Your engine idle control device
        Your EGR exhaust recycle device - retards nitrous oxides
        Blowby PCV recycling valve
        Spark plugs
        Several sensors
        Catalytic converters - which is your vehicles last resort to catch the tons of poisonous exhaust produced in today's modern engines.

        Oh yes, I almost forgot: Mega Power cleans your fuel injectors," which replaced less efficient products sold now.

      Directions: Product caps are marked. Add items #1 #2 #3 on the caps as directed, to the fuel tank, oil, and air intake as shown. Drive as usual for a week. In a week, during an oil change, add #4 to the dirty oil for 5 minutes, then do an oil and filter change. Add #5 and #6 to the new oil. Driving completes the treatment and restores like-new fuel injectors performance. That gets rid of the problems mentioned!

      The "Mega Power's Engine Tune up Fuel Injectors Cleaner is a Treatment" that meets those needs. Mega Power is easy to use. Results are almost instant. Driving does the actual cleaning. No special skill needed. Exceeds all car maker specs for fuel injector servicing. Order this product today!

      With a professional tune up plus the labor to clean all these parts, It's not uncommon to pay $700 to $1500 for that work. Mega Power's DIY multi-purpose fuel injector cleaner also cleans your motor's spark plugs, piston rings, sticky valves; and ends rough idle, stalling, and tapping, for more smooth power, and better fuel economy - for under $100.

    Ordering info

      One Mega Power Tune up Injectors Cleaner Treatment
      Includes 6 items as shown $75 plus $15s&h= $90 total. Includes detailed instructions. Phone help if needed. Guarantee. Shipped by FedEx in 3 days to your home or business.

      2 MPTUFIC Treatments: For two cars. 12 items.$65 each plus $15s&h= $145 total. Save $35

      6 MPTUFIC Treatment: For fleet or repair garage resell. 36 items. $50 each plus $15s&h= $315 total Save $175.

      To order Or ask a question, call me at 512 665 3388
      Email me your question at

      Mail order by check or M/O Include your name,
      delivery info, car problem, product wanted, or my sggestion.
      To: george christ
      210 Durango Street
      San Marcos,Tx 78666

      How to restore your motor best power and fuel economy and clean your fuel injectors, too!.

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