Transmission Flush Products
and Fluid Exchangers.
Sales & Service. 1 512 665 3388

Ending Transmission issues rough shift, jerk, clunk at 50 mph With Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Now easier, cheaper, better. Learn more read article.Ending Transmission issues rough shift, jerk, clunk at 50 mph, fluid drips with Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Now easier, cheaper, better. Learn more read article.

Transmission flush products and equipment.
Contact: On a smart phone, to ask a question, or order items listed call me. .. george at 1 512 665 3388

So, your transmission is not shifting as it should? This review shows you a simple way to end its complex problem.

    Mechanic's and car owners report Mega Power had ended their rough shift, or slow shift, slippage, and converter clunk sound during lock-up - avoiding a costly repair in doing so!

    I was surprised to hear about this product's impressive results - and because of those advantages, I serviced all 4 of my cars with Mega Power - a few miles of driving had the shifts so smooth - you almost don't notice them!

    This is just the product your transmission needs!

What Transmission mechanics say about our Mega Power's Transmission Flush and Tune up Treatment:

Transmission flush products

The picture below shows

  • "3 times we took the transmission apart to get it to shift right.
  • "Then, we tried your Mega Power Transmission Treatment method. The product says it for sticky residues problems jamming shift valves, and friction resistance that hold gears from moving - or slams their movement into the next gear - this product should work for us.
  • In just 15 minutes the cars transmission again shifted smoothly an ended a problem new parts could not!
  • Because of your products freeing and friction reduction advantages... "Because of those advantages we now recommend your products and your methods to every customer for their engine and transmission protection.
  • "Our customers respect our Mega Power expertise, and often service their other good running cars with Mega Power. Its easy to notice its wear-reducing, smooth shifting benefits.
  • "Your Mega Power products are now part of the repair and service we give our customers. It avoids common fluid problems, and gives the customer a like new smoothness he thought was worn away! It is a good source of extra income for us." Thanks again for introducing Mega Power to us!" DF.

    What you need to order to restore proper shifting in your car. It is what will fix what you think is broken, but has residue and friction Mega Power will end, to avoid your car from prematurely reaching an actual repair need point.

    If you're having any kind of transmission problem, automatic or stick shift, order this kit for each vehicle, now! You know you been meaning to take better care of your car. Doing so before complete failure now may help you avoid an expensive repair.

    This, the other $3500 transmission like overhaul is just $100 by use of Mega Power Transmission Treatment. It Ends Transmission issues rough shift, jerk, clunk at 50 mph, fluid drips. Now easier, cheaper, better.

Ending Transmission issues rough shift, jerk, clunk at 50 mph With Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Now easier, cheaper, better.Add pre-cleaner-conditioner [yellow item] to the old fluid. Drive the car 5 to 10 minutes, then do a fluid change. Add the 2 black items with the new fluid. Problem goes away.

Mega Power Transmission Flush Products are easy to install.

    These transmission flush products work in a few miles of driving - which is always amazing to me - and my customers.

    Ending Transmission issues rough shift, jerk, clunk at 50 mph, fluid drips with Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Now easier, cheaper, better.

Ordering Info Directions.

     Mega Power Transmission Treatment. Pictured above.

    Includes easy to follow directions, free phone help if you need help during installation. Guarantee. FedEx to your door in 3 days.
    Just $60+ $15s&h= $75 total.

e="3033829" />

Order 2 Mega Power Treatments to protect both of your car transmissions. Just $100 plus $15s&h=$115 total. Save

Six Treatments for 6 cars. Fleet or auto repair usage.

    $240+$20s&h= $260 Total shipped to your door or business. 2-4 day delivery time. Save $100.

    To order by mail, phone, have a question, call or email me. .. george at 1 512 665 3388

      Email: Prompt replies always.
      Mail: Include your problem, product wanted, delivery, phone info. Question/ To order. Checks OK.

      Mail order request to:
      George Christ. Mega Power.
      210 Durango Street.
      San Marcos, Texas 78666
      Call for faster delivery. Questions answered 1 512 665 3388.

    Transmission flush products Fluid Exchange Machines for mechanics repair shops, quick lubes, transmission shops. Sales & Service. 512 665 3388

    Mega Power Flush Exchangers.

    Transmission Flush Products Home Page

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