Fuel Injector Cleaner from Mega Power Additives. 

Easy to use. Fast Cleaning. Extra Amazing Results.

Car and diesel equipment Fuel Injector Cleaner with an amazing tune up ingredient gives them the boost you are after.Car and diesel equipment Fuel Injector Cleaner with amazing tune up ingredients is what gives the performance boost you are after.
Mega Powers  Fuel Injector Cleaner and companion Tune Up additives boost engine performance cleaning 6 engine sub-systems.Mega Powers Fuel Injector Cleaner and companion Tune Up Additives packaged to use together boost engine performance cleaning 6 engine sub-systems.

Best Way to Clean Fuel Injectors

Here is not only the easiest to use fuel injector cleaner, it also is an amazing way to boost the vehicles  performance.

The secret is in their 5 companion additives packaged with it that clean the motors 6 motor sub-systems - wherever air, fuel, combustion, exhaust, emission, and oil goes, besides fuel injectors.

Why 6 areas?

In the know techs have always cleaned all 6 motor sub  systems, especially with computerized engine controls. Why?I'm one of those mechanics who understand the need to do so from race car mechanics. They discovered cleaning, lubing and friction reducing additives as a way to have all systems in the motor work at prime speeds, reaching prime performace by cleaning and conditioning, which is how to boost performance to gain a winning edge. 

Imagine cleaning one part of your motor and having 5 other sections bogging down motor performance in a race car.

Imagine the good for your vehicles that periodically injector cleaning of this type can have to each of your vehicles long term - made easy by Mega Powers 6 System Injector Treatment. Order here...

Mega Powers Fuel Injector Cleaner and companion Tune Up Additives packaged to use together boost engine performance cleaning 6 engine sub-systems

Mega Powers Fuel Injector Cleaner and companion Tune Up Additives packaged to use together boost engine performance cleaning 6 engine sub-systemsMega Powers Fuel Injector Cleaner and companion Tune Up Additives packaged to use together boost engine performance cleaning 6 engine sub-systems

To enjoy top driving performance use an injector cleaner offering greater protection and top fuel economy. Choose a product that cleans all 6 motor sub-systems - including these internal motor areas. That's what Mega Power Packaged Kit of Additives shown does on the box it comes in. Add to the fuel tank and motor oil for the easiest, best bet for cleaning more than dirty fuel injectors. They end other costly wear problems - as these pictures of their deep cleaning, reveals.

Mega Power cleans problem causing combustion, rings, valves

How you can clean those items in 6 sub-systems - as good as any mechanic can. To pass Emission Test. By cleaning :

    Throttle Plate
    Idle Air Valve
    Combustion area
    Emission system and catylitic converter

    This treatment from Mega Power Fuel Injector Cleaner Kit, includes 4 new cleaners [2 yellow, red bottle, and a black in picture], for top of motor cleaning. 2 contain MC+ protectors [in black bottles in the picture above], for bottom of motor cleaning.

    All work together as part of the total 6 system engine cleaning treatment. Just add as shown and drive. Driving makes them work to end your problem and reach peak operation.

    Ordering: Just:$89+ $10 s&h= $99.00 total. Includes 6 items shown above [but not the feeder tool pictured. That tool; $125, mechanics usually buy to speed up this service install. I'll include a way for you to produce top performance, without it, all instructions, guarantee, my phone help with installation, if needed.

Call, to order, or if you have a question about using this fuel injector cleaning product, to end your cars tune, injector cleaning, and sub-system component cleaning.

....I'm George Christ. Order desk, mechanic, tech expert. My cell 512 665 3388. Call for quantity orders, help and for other products listed.

Click this link for details on performance improvements.

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